Monday, 2020-10-05

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holserHi folks07:19
holserdo we have CIX card for
holserin nutshell we are trying to install python2 stuff on centos807:20
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holsermarios thanks07:22
holsermarios same stuff07:23
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mariosholser: They reverted with so possibly ok now? try a recheck?07:23
holsermarios ohh07:23
holserlet me recheck07:23
mariosholser: not sure but quite likely related to what you're seeing read the thread anyway fyi07:24
mariosholser: also FYI for cix it is best to direct questions directly to |ruck |rover otherwise the ping may be missed07:24
holsermarios good catch... I will do that way next time07:25
mariossoniya29|ruck: fyi if you see tox py36 jobs failing see ^^^ (10:22 < marios> holser:
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soniya29|ruckmarios: ack09:04
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chemsshnaidm|afk: hey, I was wondering if you had a playbook or something to build those images
sshnaidm|afkchem, I upload them to all clouds, it's a little bit modified upstream image09:28
sshnaidm|afkchem, I think you can try to download it from cloud09:29
chemsshnaidm|afk: hum .. which cloud :), I'm on psi...09:31
chemsshnaidm|afk: don't you have a playbook or something to modify them, there's enough diff with plain -- in my case centos8 -- image that it's becoming painful to adjust09:32
chemsshnaidm|afk: nodepool fails on a series of "image not like expected" issues09:33
sshnaidm|afkchem, vanilla centos8 may not work, we use upstream, but usually I just install there cloud-init, that's it09:33
sshnaidm|afkchem, I have them on psi09:34
sshnaidm|afkchem, lemme see, maybe I can share with you09:34
chemsshnaidm|afk: it should be like "public", I would like to share the procedure with my team09:35
sshnaidm|afkchem, yeah09:35
sshnaidm|afkchem, need to contact ops to do it09:35
sshnaidm|afkchem, look if you have upstream-cloudinit-centos-8 in your images list09:36
chemsshnaidm|afk: nope, I searched for it :)09:36
chemsshnaidm|afk: so far here the adjustments I needed to make relative to CentOS-8-x86_64-GenericCloud-released-latest09:36
chemsshnaidm|afk: and I don't remember last failure, but I just told myself that I should just use/build the same image09:37
chemsshnaidm|afk: ie, even with those adjustment nodepool fails on some assumption09:37
sshnaidm|afkchem, I don't have such playbooks or list of changes, maybe there is something in upstream infra repos09:40
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chemsshnaidm|afk: a quick google search didn't give me back anything ... do you have any pointer where I should look next by any chance ?09:46
chemsshnaidm|afk: In the meantime I'll continue my trial and error process :)09:47
sshnaidm|afkchem, no idea tbh, worth to ask in #opendev maybe09:47
chemsshnaidm|afk: ack, thanks09:47
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sshnaidmchem, but all this changes need to be done with virt-customize, not with cloud-init09:49
sshnaidmchem, nodepool expects user zull to be in the image09:49
chemsshnaidm: yeah, it kinda expects more than the user, like directory to exist, owned by zuul and ... I don't remember the last error ... anyway it was just a quick way to get up and running.09:51
chemsshnaidm: I'm about to recreate the whole stuff, so I'll get my last error, and then I'll check on opendev if they have a list of how should the image looks like for "nodepool consumption"09:52
sshnaidmchem, ack, seems like I can't even share it with you :/09:52
sshnaidmchem, do you have any other place I can upload them?09:53
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sshnaidmany server or whatever09:54
chemsshnaidm: nothing public really09:56
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chemsshnaidm++ thanks for the images :)10:42
sshnaidmchem, np, now I can point people to files :)10:43
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soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, centos-7 multinode featureset-38 job is failing consistently due to failure of octavia_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.v2.test_load_balancer.LoadBalancerScenarioTest.test_load_balancer_ipv4_CRUD test11:47
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chandankumarrlandy|rover: hello11:57
rlandy|roverchandankumar: hi11:57
chandankumarrlandy|rover: please update the commit message
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover, ^^11:59
chandankumarit will unblock octavia11:59
chandankumartempest plugin11:59
rlandy|roverchandankumar: restored12:06
rlandy|rovercommit message update12:06
rlandy|roverneeds rebase though12:06
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chandankumarrlandy|rover: want me to take care of that?12:06
rlandy|roverchandankumar: just getting some train stuff sorted for promotion12:08
rlandy|roverwill rebase after that12:08
chandankumarrlandy|rover: let me take of that then12:08
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, k.. open a bug please12:11
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, add details there12:11
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, done12:11
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, provide a link12:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1898536 in tripleo "centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-stein job failing" [Undecided,New]12:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1898539 in tripleo "centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset038 stein job is failing" [High,New]12:12
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, ok.. you have a gerrit review w/ a skip?12:13
* weshay|ruck notes only one tempest test runs here12:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 | Ran: 1 tests in 405.0000 sec.12:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 |  - Passed: 012:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 |  - Skipped: 012:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 |  - Expected Fail: 012:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 |  - Unexpected Success: 012:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 |  - Failed: 112:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 | Sum of execute time for each test: 405.6940 sec.12:13
weshay|ruck2020-10-04 10:18:43 |12:13
weshay|ruckif the last remaining test is skipped.. tempest will fail12:14
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, perhaps you can work on that12:14
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, sure. I just reported the bug for now..I will look into it12:14
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, yeah..its too old but12:15
weshay|rucktoo old?12:15
rlandy|rovertrain still not promoting ...12:15
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, scen001/00412:15
weshay|ruckwere failing when I looked12:16
* rlandy|rover checks again12:16
chandankumarrlandy|rover: rebased12:16
rlandy|roverchandankumar: thanks12:16
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, centos-8 train also has some auth issue w/ cirros12:20
ysandeepweshay|ruck, hey o/ 16.2 also facing auth issue with cirros -
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, can you please read the instructions in launchpad for opening a lp bug12:23
chandankumar and updated cirros12:23
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, they pop up every time you open a bug
weshay|ruckyou should have access to see the instructions there12:24
weshay|ruckchandankumar, ya.. did that change auth?12:25
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soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, okay12:28
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chandankumarweshay|ruck: no idea12:29
chandankumarweshay|ruck:  but osa jobs are also hitting same issue12:29
weshay|ruckthat's good to know :)  probably the image12:29
arxcruztosky: chandankumar kopecmartin we need to make tempestconf choose the endpoint12:29
arxcruztosky: chandankumar kopecmartin add an option to parse another endpoint rather than publicURL12:30
arxcruzthere's some failures in osa jobs because publicURL doesn't have haproxy only internal12:30
toskyarxcruz: isn't that something that can be overridden from the command line with the existing parameters?12:30
chandankumarrlandy|rover: Do we have bug for c8 train?12:31
rlandy|roverchandankumar: the failing OVB jobs?12:31
arxcruztosky: i'm checking right now12:31
rlandy|roveror the jobs failing in the component line?12:31
rlandy|roverthe fix for OVB is in12:31
rlandy|roverstuck in component line12:31
chandankumarrlandy|rover: tempest cirros issue12:31
toskyarxcruz: so doesn't that service expose anything on public?12:32
arxcruztosky: it does, but not with haproxy12:32
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chandankumarrlandy|rover: let me check ysandeep logs12:35
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rlandy|rover|mtgchandankumar: yes ... getting12:36
arxcruztosky: so the error is here:
arxcruztosky: and we are hardcoding publicURL:
toskyI see. Is it a new setup/job?12:40
toskyarxcruz: I see it's being discussed on #openstack-ansible, and the issue may come from a controversial change they did12:42
arxcruztosky: actually, it's an old one, that have a bug on public pointing to internal, so it was passing lol12:42
toskyarxcruz: so let's see12:42
arxcruztosky: oh, didn't saw you there :)12:43
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, ya.. that's better13:02
rfolcoarxcruz, rfolco, zbr, sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, pojadhav, akahat, weshay, chandankumar13:02
rfolcoping scrum13:02
rfolcosshnaidm, chandankumar pojadhav akahat13:04
rfolcoping ping ping13:04
rfolcowe are departure13:04
rfolcolast call13:04
rlandy|rover|mtgysandeep: fyi ... merging
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rlandy|roveralso updating release files13:16
ysandeeprlandy|rover, ack13:17
mariosweshay|ruck: please vote when you have time thanks (ussuri release) cc ykarel13:31
rlandy|roversoniya29|ruck: hey13:32
rlandy|roversoniya29|ruck: just want to touch base ...13:32
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover: hello13:32
rlandy|roversoniya29|ruck: you're working on the stein failures?13:32
rlandy|roverwhich ones13:32
rlandy|roverI am on the train c8 ones13:32
rlandy|roverand reran ussuri13:32
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah..i am on stein tempest failures13:32
rlandy|roversoniya29|ruck: is that all that is failing in stein?13:33
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah..stein have ssh connection failures and octavia tempest tests failures13:34
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rlandy|roversoniya29|ruck: k - also retriggered rocky fs02013:37
soniya29|ruckrlandy|rover, okay13:38
chandankumarykarel: merge this one13:39
chandankumarykarel: Do we need a dummy patch to do a force build?13:40
ykarelchandankumar, Done13:45
ykarelyes dummy commit needed as we going backword13:45
chandankumarykarel: sending one13:45
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arxcruzweshay|ruck: may i have your quay script ?14:02
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chandankumarweshay|ruck: arxcruz marios rlandy|rover soniya29|ruck zbr sshnaidm rfolco|brb James powell keynote14:04
chandankumarhe came live like this14:04
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, did you see what you need to do w/
openstackLaunchpad bug 1898536 in tripleo "centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-stein job failing" [Undecided,New]14:08
mariosweshay|ruck: please vote when you have time thanks (ussuri release) cc ykarel14:09
mariosweshay|ruck: oh nm... i'm the one that has to +1 it now :) i forgot ;)14:09
arxcruzmarios: since you're upgrades specialist14:18
arxcruzi'm getting this error:14:18
arxcruz2020-10-05 12:15:46.425499 | primary | An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: internal endpoint for network service in regionOne region not found14:18
chandankumarykarel: zbr, ysandeep and bhagyashris will be working on victoria branching.14:19
mariosarxcruz: in call, but no idea haven't seen that before it is failingon a tempest test? 2020-10-05 12:14:48.977968 | primary | FAILED - RETRYING: Ensure private network exists (5 retries left).14:19
marios2020-10-05 12:14:46.963460 | primary | TASK [os_tempest : Ensure private network exists] ******************************#14:19
arxcruzmarios: it's failing on os_tempest to configure it14:20
mariosarxcruz: that's a minor update job fyi14:20
arxcruznot in the test execution14:20
ykarelchandankumar, ack will connect with them for updates14:20
arxcruzweshay|ruck: when you have time, please send me your script14:20
weshay|ruckarxcruz, more or less notes.. but getting14:21
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, ?14:24
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chandankumarrlandy|rover: octavia tempest plugin httpx issue sorted out14:26
chandankumarfeel free to re-kick the pipeline after an hour14:26
rlandy|roverthe component line just kciked14:27
rlandy|roverso tomorrow's run will catch it14:27
chandankumarthe last patch in gate will be merged soon14:28
chandankumarif still failed, please do a test project for component pipeline for octavia14:28
rlandy|roverchandankumar: ack - ok14:29
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, need eyes / help on anything?14:30
sshnaidmchandankumar, queens containers built \o/ but aren't pushed to registry yet14:42
chandankumarsshnaidm: woot :-)14:42
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: think we are ok - watching network component jobs for train c814:43
chandankumarsshnaidm: is there a way to use zuul-jobs/ensure docker role with in the content provider job14:43
sshnaidmchandankumar, yeah, I think so14:43
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: starting on the PTG dependency presentation14:43
chandankumarin c7 queens content provider job, I want to use the above role and remove docker tasks14:43
rlandy|roverwill need your review on that pls14:43
sshnaidmchandankumar, you can use it in some of pre yamls14:44
chandankumarsshnaidm: yes, let me update the patch14:44
chandankumarsshnaidm: +w it14:45
sshnaidmchandankumar, done14:46
chandankumarcool, one more patch and we are done with c8 molecule jobs14:47
sshnaidmchandankumar, train still fails though, I see we don't use upstream centos mirrors in builds..14:47
ysandeepweshay|ruck, rlandy|rover hey fyi.. we now seems to have a good podman version in downstream, we can remove the previous workaround to pull from beta bits.. i have a patch but will test with more jobs.. will let you know tomorrow.14:50
rlandy|roverysandeep: sure14:51
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, where are the schedules defined for the pipelines again? for rdosf14:52
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, got it nvrmind14:52
weshay|ruckchandankumar, you still w/ me?15:07
weshay|ruckchandankumar, we can drop rocky for sure...15:08
weshay|ruckdepending on how marios feels about upgrades etc...15:08
weshay|ruckstein is EOL on 11/11/202015:08
weshay|ruckneither is used internally15:08
weshay|ruckso we only have to consider upstream15:08
mariosweshay|ruck: for upgrades queens --> train are the important 'old' branches afaik15:09
mariosweshay|ruck: but maybe best to also reach out to dfg upgrades about it too ... afaik rocky should go yes15:10
weshay|ruckmarios, aye.. going to email opendev as well15:10
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: soniya29|ruck: chandankumar: k- the network train component tests all passed - so we should see the train OVB tests clear on the next eun15:12
rlandy|roverchandankumar: wrt octavia change ... will that fix show up in the integration line as well as the component line?15:17
rlandy|roveror it goes through component line first?15:17
* rlandy|rover reruns just component job15:17
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, which fix?15:17
openstackLaunchpad bug 1897947 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-standalone-octavia-master fails tempest with 'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'httpx''" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Ronelle Landy (rlandy)15:18
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ^^15:18
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, those kinds of changes are deps changes.. not build w/ dlrn15:19
weshay|ruckso it hits everything all at once15:20
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: cool15:20
weshay|ruckkind of15:20
rlandy|roverrerun in progress15:20
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ... explain this one to me ...15:22
rlandy|rovertripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-ussuriFAILURE in 2h 44m 14s (non-voting)15:22
rlandy|roverfails gate ...15:23
rlandy|rovertripleo-ci-centos-8-undercloud-upgrade-ussuriTIMED_OUT in 3h 08m 01s15:23
rlandy|rovermostly passes in gate15:23
rlandy|rovershould that be voting in check or removed from gate?15:23
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, taking a look15:29
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, passes 94.8% over the last 7 days15:31
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ack15:31
rlandy|roverso voting on check?15:31
weshay|rucka lot of recent timeout15:31
weshay|ruckya.. should vote imho15:32
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, afaict.. it is voting15:32
rlandy|rovertripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-ussuriFAILURE in 2h 44m 14s (non-voting)15:32
rlandy|roverhow is that possible then?15:32
* rlandy|rover check THT15:32
weshay|ruckya.. could be overridden in tht/zuul.d/layout15:33
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: not15:34
mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy|rover: fwiw undercloud upgrade ussuri should already be voting, unless someone changed that? or if there is a new issue lets file a bug for it?15:34
mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy|rover: only standalon-upgrade ussuri is/should be non voting currently15:34
rlandy|rovermarios: weshay|ruck; it's right - ignore me  - confusing the two upgrades test15:36
rlandy|roverstandalone is non-voting and undercloud is15:36
mariosnp rlandy|rover15:37
chandankumarrlandy|rover: first it will appear in component pipeline then in integration pipeline15:37
chandankumarweshay|ruck: sorry was out a little bit, saw your email, thanks :-)15:38
rlandy|roverchandankumar: ack - reran component pipeline test15:38
weshay|ruckreserved wallaby nammespace in docker.io15:59
chandankumarweshay|ruck: awesome sir16:01
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, /me notes the only thing of note.. in ruck/rover land is centos8 train16:01
chandankumarsshnaidm: this time, container push will work for queens16:01
chandankumarsshnaidm: for train c7 repos, I am thinking to list down all repos and append here
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sshnaidmchandankumar, maybe, also need to use mirrors16:03
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: and stein if it stays16:04
chandankumarsshnaidm: how to use mirrors there?16:04
chandankumarsshnaidm: do we want to export nodepool mirrors url there?16:05
* chandankumar looks for mirrors16:05
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sshnaidmI think it should be there, both quickstart and tripleo-repos support mirrors..16:07
chandankumarlet me propose one fix16:11
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, is this ok by you?
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: not sure why that was out in - but we'd need to test it against current osp builds16:19
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rlandy|roverchandankumar: - still have octavia failure - would we need to promote the hash?16:22
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, +2 on
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, this tcpdump may require some fixes..16:23
sshnaidmnot sure it catch all16:23
weshay|rucksshnaidm, k.. good idea though.. :)16:23
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: hack though16:24
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rlandy|rovermay need to re-think that16:24
* weshay|ruck just going through reviews16:24
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, were you discussing this earlier on irc?
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, ya.. nevermind16:37
weshay|ruck2020-10-05 14:30:22.968862 | primary | ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'httpx'16:37
weshay|ruckchandan fixing that16:38
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chandankumarrlandy|rover: around?16:48
chandankumarrlandy|rover: so the octavia tempest plugin package is available in consistent16:49
rlandy|roverchandankumar: k - so I'd need to promote the hash16:49
chandankumarrlandy|rover: we first need to promote to component-ci-testing16:49
rlandy|roverit will pick up toomorrow then16:49
rlandy|roverI don;t want to mess with current piprlibes16:50
chandankumarrlandy|rover: ok16:50
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, need me to trigger a line for chandankumar ?16:52
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: octavia master16:53
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rlandy|roverlunch - brb17:22
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, undercloud-container does not use, right? we're good on undercloud-container jobs?18:28
weshay|ruckrfolco, only in tripleo-ci18:29
rfolcothis did not run in tripleo-ci,
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rfolco From image
weshay|ruckrfolco, as they say at IBM.. THINK18:31
weshay|ruckrfolco, you'll see ^ in any job18:32
weshay|ruckwhy.. what's the routine18:32
rfolcopull to local then install ok18:33
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weshay|ruckaye :)18:33
rfolconeed to bootstrap undercloud jobs, this is not a template work only18:33
weshay|ruckthat could be.. would have to look perhaps they did standalone, multinode and glazed over undercloud18:35
weshay|ruckbut undercloud and standalone should have the same bootstrap iiuc18:35
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rfolcotripleo-ci-centos-8-content-provider name for standalone job wasn't the best choice18:56
weshay|ruckrfolco, in what respect?19:00
rfolcoweshay|ruck, its the parent of standalone jobs19:00
rfolconow the other provider parents need to be something else19:00
rfolcomaybe tripleo-ci-centos-8-undercloud-content-provider19:01
weshay|ruckall the children can use the same content provider19:01
weshay|ruckminus branch / and upgrades19:01
weshay|ruckrfolco, it's not specific to the type of deployment19:01
rfolcoweshay|ruck, dammn so I need to change the consumer part only19:02
weshay|ruckthat's all you should need to do ya.. make sure the container params point to the content provider19:03
weshay|ruckrfolco, standalone and undercloud are 99.9% the same thing19:03
rfolcook thx for claifying19:03
rfolcoI'm not done with my stupid questions though19:04
weshay|ruckok.. :)19:05
weshay|ruckyou have my ear19:05
rfolcook let me do my homework before I exceed my limit for today19:05
weshay|ruckrfolco, k.. just don't spin :)19:06
weshay|ruckrather have folks ask anything here19:06
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: are you still planning on rekicking train c8?19:12
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ya.. now's the time?19:12
rlandy|roverotherwise it will just run tomorrow19:12
weshay|ruckdoing so now19:12
rlandy|roverlet me check promoted components19:12
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: sec19:12
weshay|ruckoctavia looks good :)19:13
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: sorry - not yet ... promoted components has doesn't have the updated hash yet19:13
rlandy|rover[DIR]promoted-components/2020-09-23 09:47 -19:13
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, oops19:14
rlandy|rovershoudl eb 10/0519:14
rlandy|rovermy mistake19:14
rlandy|roverno big deal19:14
weshay|ruckstopped it rather19:14
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, promoted-components/2020-10-05 16:0919:15
rlandy|rovertrain - NOT master19:16
rlandy|roverwe'l all good19:17
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ok.. so kick?19:21
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: yes, pls19:22
rfolcoweshay|ruck, I am not sure quite sure what needs to be done on the consumer job, so I am bootstrapping it here
rfolcohope this is a good start to see what changes will be required19:28
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weshay|ruckrfolco, job needs to be a child of content provider, the yum repo for gating repo and registry should point to the content provider19:31
weshay|ruckrfolco, you should be able to see that in the review that marios pointed out eariler on the call19:32
rfolcoweshay|ruck, am I blind ?
rfolcoweshay|ruck, its not a parent/child, its dependencies relation19:34
weshay|rucklooking here in a sec19:36
weshay|ruckrfolco, parent / child is expressed as dependency19:40
rfolcoyeah parent continues the same19:41
rfolco    name: tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario001-standalone19:41
rfolco    voting: true19:41
rfolco    parent: tripleo-ci-base-standalone-centos-819:41
weshay|rucklet's look together19:41
weshay|ruckrfolco, add the gerrit topic link to that meeting20:39
rfolcoweshay|ruck, k added to the hackmd, will add there as well20:40
weshay|ruckah.. nevermind20:41
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