Tuesday, 2020-12-15

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chandankumarakahat|ruck: hello05:36
chandankumarakahat|ruck: can you pass me the pacemkaer bug?05:36
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sshnaidmweshay|ruck, blind rechecks worked great07:48
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zbr|roversshnaidm: ^ that last post needs a meme, or at least we should make a poster for it. "blindly recheck, hopping to work", life of a CI engineer :D08:00
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akahat|ruckchandankumar, o.09:14
akahat|ruckchandankumar, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/186774409:14
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867744 in tripleo "Pacemaker cluster fails to start in CI jobs" [Critical,Triaged]09:14
akahat|ruckchandankumar, victoria is failing.. on container image prepare.. is this issue known?09:15
akahat|ruckmarios, sshnaidm zbr|rover ^^09:15
chandankumarakahat|ruck: for fixing pacemaker issue, we need ussuri promotion09:16
chandankumarit is happening due to missing content provider jobs09:16
mariosakahat|ruck: might be https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/190765709:16
openstackLaunchpad bug 1907657 in tripleo "various jobs failing in the gate during container image prepare 404 not found" [Critical,Triaged]09:16
akahat|ruckchandankumar, marios ack09:18
zbr|rovermarios: am I alone that finds use of hackmd more annoying each day, aparently it does very bad auto-scrolling when using the split edit mode.09:37
marioszbr|rover: yeah sometimes it is hard to match the two sides ... but why are you using that i mean last week weshay|ruck basically forbade its use and that we should exclusively use the sheet09:41
mariosakahat|ruck: issue with victoria upgrade jobs is different to 11:16 < marios> akahat|ruck: might be https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/190765710:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1907657 in tripleo "various jobs failing in the gate during container image prepare 404 not found" [Critical,Triaged]10:23
mariosakahat|ruck: i am posting something in a sec which should help10:24
mariosakahat|ruck: we are seeing it because victoria promoted exposed an issue fyi cc zbr|rover ^^10:24
akahat|ruckmarios, what is issue exactly?10:34
mariosakahat|ruck: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/190824610:39
openstackLaunchpad bug 1908246 in tripleo "victoria upgrade jobs aren't using content provider passed dlrn hash tag" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)10:39
jfrancoaakahat|ruck: hey, sorry for bothering. Do you know what weshay|ruck meant by his comment in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-common/+/761418 : "lower constraints needs to be fixed before wf" ?10:49
jfrancoaakahat|ruck: should I rebase the patch?10:49
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akahat|ruckjfrancoa, hey.. he is ment this reviews: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22tripleo-lower%22+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)12:17
akahat|ruckfor ussuri i think it's okay.12:18
jfrancoaakahat|ruck: ack, I see...thanks a lot. It looks like the tripleo-common one already merged12:18
akahat|ruckjfrancoa, yes.. it's merged today.12:19
akahat|ruckfor ussuri12:19
jfrancoaakahat|ruck: thanks a lot12:24
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* bhagyashris brb12:36
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weshay|ruckakahat|ruck, sshnaidm a little champagne??? we merged it!!! we meged it.. we really merged it.... what a world .. what a world12:52
akahat|ruckweshay|ruck, sshnaidm cheers!! :D12:55
sshnaidmdue to holy Recheck12:55
weshay|ruckactually due to fungi12:55
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, why? I see all jobs passed there12:56
* akahat|ruck brb12:57
weshay|rucksshnaidm, I'll talk you about it later12:57
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* bhagyashris back13:05
rlandyweshay|ruck: you ok with my adding a trigger file to the rhos-17 pipeline?13:12
weshay|ruckrlandy, sure.. just communicate that 17 is very low priority for us13:12
weshay|ruckakahat|ruck, zbr|rover can we sync for a few either before or after the community call?13:15
mariosakahat|ruck: regarding the tox-py36-ci-config requirements issue you pinged about yesterday - it isn't related to the promoter patch it seems to be quite broken https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?job_name=tox-py36-ci-config&project=rdo-infra/ci-config13:19
mariosERROR: No matching distribution found for mock==2.0.013:20
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zbr|roverweshay|ruck: sure. post link and I will join. I am currently trying to get the zuul patch on return_values in.13:21
weshay|ruckk.. chandankumar pulled me in.. will be after community13:21
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bhagyashrisarxcruz, rfolco, zbr|rover , sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, pojadhav, akahat|ruck , weshay|ruck , chandankumar, frenzy_friday13:27
bhagyashrisCommunity call after 3 min13:27
bhagyashrisplz add topic under agenda https://hackmd.io/IhMCTNMBSF6xtqiEd9Z0Kw#2020-12-15-Community-call if you have any13:28
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mariosakahat|ruck: can you please file a bug for that 15:19 < marios> akahat|ruck: regarding the tox-py36-ci-config requirements issue you pinged about yesterday - it isn't related to the promoter patch it seems to be quite broken13:37
mariosakahat|ruck: when you get a chance13:37
mariosakahat|ruck: if you are crazy busy i can do it let me know13:37
akahat|ruckmarios, hey..13:40
akahat|rucki was away..13:40
akahat|ruckmarios, i'll open BZ forit.13:40
mariosthanks akahat|ruck no rush13:45
rlandysshnaidm: are you all set with https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/221051/? osa on 16.2?13:46
rlandysshnaidm: if so, let me know about 16.1 and what exactly you need there13:46
sshnaidmrlandy, yep, merged this, worked great13:47
rlandysshnaidm: k - what are we looking at for 16.1?13:48
rlandystill need that?13:48
sshnaidmrlandy, trying 16.1 now here: https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/#/c/221234/13:48
rlandysshnaidm: not quite :) ... I'll edit that this afternoon13:48
rlandy16.1 has to go with a compose13:49
rlandyyou need a new release file13:49
sshnaidmrlandy, ack13:49
akahat|ruckmarios, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/190827413:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1908274 in tripleo "tox-py36-ci-config job is broken " [Critical,Triaged]13:52
ykarelmarios, weshay|ruck wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1908005, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/765297 should help13:53
openstackLaunchpad bug 1908005 in tripleo "multinode-oooq-container-update c7/c8 timing out too often" [Critical,Triaged]13:53
ykarelpatch needs an update though13:53
ykarela bug was reported in past too https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/188384313:53
openstackLaunchpad bug 1883843 in tripleo "tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container is having intermittently timeouts" [Medium,Triaged]13:53
akahat|ruckGood read: http://crunchtools.com/before-you-get-mad-about-the-centos-stream-change-think-about/13:54
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mariosthanks akahat|ruck13:59
mariosthanks ykarel13:59
rlandychandankumar: hey - can I borrow your tempest brain14:02
rlandystill working on the delegate_to issue on stream14:02
mariosgood job bhagyashris :)14:04
bhagyashrismarios, thank you :)14:05
weshay|ruckrfolco, you have a sec?14:07
chandankumarrlandy: yes14:07
weshay|ruckrfolco, https://meet.google.com/bqx-xwht-wky?authuser=114:07
rfolcoweshay|ruck, me ?14:07
rfolcoor mistake ?14:07
* pojadhav brb14:08
rlandychandankumar: https://meet.google.com/mjb-yayb-jbu14:08
jfrancoamarios: hey, do you have a moment to talk about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-upgrade/+/760900 ?14:08
mariosjfrancoa: o/ hey whatsup14:09
weshay|ruckakahat|ruck, zbr|rover https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-common/+/762892 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-common/+/76266014:09
jfrancoamarios: so, I wonder what's the benefit of adding the content-provider jobs in tripleo-upgrade... I mean, if no upgrade/update is performed in the job none of the code will be exercised..14:09
jfrancoamarios: I see the benefit of including the undercloud-upgrade, the standalone-upgrade, n to n update and n to n upgrade...but the content-provider... I am not that sure14:10
mariosjfrancoa: well we can't pull from docker.io any more is the main reason14:10
mariosjfrancoa: so we need the content provider which builds the containers14:10
mariosjfrancoa: we don't include the standalone-upgrade because it doesn't use the tripleo-upgrade code14:11
jfrancoamarios: okey..so without that content-provider job there is no possibility to run any of the other jobs14:11
jfrancoamarios: clear now... I got confused for a moment14:11
mariosjfrancoa: i only included the jobs that use tripleo-upgrade i.e. undercloud/overcloud upgrade and the minor update14:11
mariosjfrancoa: np14:12
mariosjfrancoa: you might be interested in that https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-docs/latest/ci/content_provider_jobs.html#why-do-we-need-content-providers14:12
jfrancoamarios: yes yes, I just forgot for a moment about the purpose of the content-provider jobs14:12
jfrancoamarios: thanks for clarifying14:12
mariosjfrancoa: np14:12
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rlandychandankumar: https://ci.centos.org/job/tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full-featureset052/4721/consoleFull14:18
weshay|ruckakahat|ruck, zbr|rover rfolco https://logserver.rdoproject.org/36/31336/2/check/periodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-ubi-8-push-train/c93f62a/logs/container-builds/46b0995e-a3ef-4e28-b8ed-5b745755556e/base/os/neutron-base/Dockerfile14:19
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weshay|ruckysandeep, in 1-114:30
zbr|roverwhat was the bug number of the buildah build error 12514:51
zbr|roverI added https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-common/+/76716814:51
weshay|ruckzbr|rover, I'm going to open a tracker now14:55
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weshay|ruckakahat|ruck, if you can monitor master and victoria.. that would be ++15:04
rlandychandankumar: https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist/src/branch/master/roles/install_skiplist/tasks/main.yaml - any reason the --user option is required here?15:05
akahat|ruckweshay|ruck, ack15:12
chandankumarrlandy: it is used to install the package in user local bin15:15
rlandychandankumar: ack - ok - same issue15:15
rlandylocal python vs system15:16
chandankumaryes yes15:16
weshay|ruckzbr|rover, if you have time.. looking at gzip log issue would be awesome15:23
weshay|ruckzbr|rover, although... it may be fixed upstream15:24
weshay|ruckysandeep, can you check upstream, rdo, downstream zuul logs15:24
weshay|ruckysandeep, let me know which are still an issue.. rdo looks ok to me15:24
ysandeepweshay|ruck, ack, will check in few mins15:25
weshay|ruckysandeep, ya.. zbr|rover sorry.. usptream and rdo look ok now15:25
weshay|ruckto me..15:25
weshay|ruckANYONE holla if you see issues w/ log files not rendering15:26
ysandeepweshay|ruck, https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/logs/openstack-periodic-integration-rhos-16.2/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-internal-rhos-16.2/b364fce/logs/undercloud/var/log/containers/neutron/ still downloading locally15:27
weshay|ruckysandeep, k.. zuul is configured a little different in all three env15:27
weshay|ruckysandeep, please work w/ zbr|rover on it15:28
ysandeepweshay|ruck, aye.. zbr|rover its late for me here, i will seek your help tomorrow o/15:28
zbr|roverysandeep: perfect.15:29
rlandyweshay|ruck: I'm holla'ing ...15:29
rlandyno logs rendered on stream jobs15:29
weshay|ruckakahat|ruck, all the ovb jobs are busted until https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/+/766797 FOR VICTORIA15:29
weshay|ruckrlandy, ysandeep k.. work w/ zbr|rover as we overlap in time and space15:30
rlandyzbr|rover: so that would be rdo15:30
weshay|ruckrlandy, really? rdo looked ok to me15:34
rlandyweshay|ruck: maybe it's a stream issue then15:35
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^15:35
rlandyno undercloud logs15:35
rlandyerror in collect logs15:36
weshay|ruckrlandy, I wonder if that is stream only15:36
weshay|ruckrlandy, please check15:36
rlandyif the rest of rdo is fine, it's stream only15:37
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chandankumarrlandy: can you check the python packages used there and compare with the passing one?15:56
weshay|ruckmarios, ok... google sheet is finally hooked into cron15:58
weshay|ruckwill run once an hour15:59
mariosweshay|ruck: nice16:00
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rlandychandankumar: ack16:12
mariosweshay|ruck: so how come https://hackmd.io/R0kCgz_7SHSix_cNgoC9pg is OK to update this week?16:13
mariosit was forbidden last week?16:13
mariosweshay|ruck: are we using the hackmd too now?16:13
weshay|ruckmarios, ya man.. not everything we do is bugged16:13
weshay|ruckit was not forbidden.. just isn't the best idea to track bug / trello status in it16:14
mariosweshay|ruck: you were going to wipe it so that we didn't use it :)16:16
weshay|ruckmarios, I wiped your entries that had status re: bugs16:17
* weshay|ruck renames tool to auto_marios16:17
mariosweshay|ruck: i am pretty sure you explicitly told us to not use the hackmd... i don't think i was hallucinating16:18
mariosat least i think not16:18
weshay|ruckmarios, check the sync meetings in google16:18
weshay|ruckand my email16:18
mariosweshay|ruck: so you are saying you didn't tell us not to use hackmd?16:18
weshay|ruckI was sure to include both the hackmd and ss in the meeting entries and the emails16:18
weshay|ruckmarios, I am saying.. my communication was to not use it for promotion blocker bugs16:19
weshay|ruckcheck my emails16:19
weshay|ruckcheck the hackmd.. I added to it16:20
mariosweshay|ruck: you said you were goin to wipe it so i didn't use it, and i said i would restore it from my backup and we had a bit of an exchange about that16:20
mariosweshay|ruck: you were pretty explicit16:20
mariosweshay|ruck: like DON@T use it!16:20
mariosand thats that16:20
weshay|ruckmarios, ^^16:21
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weshay|ruckrfolco, are your changes going to work w/ content providers? the logging there is a little different17:43
weshay|rucke.g. https://5fb6cfbc0c5c1a5be079-29e820dbac3fa779e4aa716d6c5c5850.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/759725/5/gate/tripleo-ci-centos-8-content-provider/929674e/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/container_image_build.log17:43
weshay|ruckplease let me know17:43
rfolcoweshay|ruck, as long as you have local images built, it should work17:45
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, just fyi: new patchset in flight, subject to fail if running jobs with that patch18:07
weshay|ruckrfolco, reminder that we should chat for 5min today..18:13
rfolcoweshay|ruck, lets do it now ?18:14
weshay|ruckrfolco, sure18:14
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weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi ^18:14
* weshay|ruck says rlandy is welcome to join18:14
weshay|ruckrfolco, ^18:15
weshay|ruckrlandy, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-common/+/767168/1/tripleo_common/image/builder/buildah.py18:54
weshay|ruckrlandy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/190827618:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1908276 in tripleo "tracker: buildah returns 125 error in train/ussuri container builds" [Critical,Triaged]18:56
rlandyweshay|ruck: ysandeep:  https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/221319 Add rhos-17 trigger job19:27
rlandypls review19:28
rlandyso we can merge for attila19:28
weshay|ruckrlandy, lgtm19:29
rlandyweshay|ruck: thanks - merging19:29
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weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi.. getting the containers building was super easy.. just install python3-tripleoclient on a centos box.. w/ tripleo-repos enabled repos.. and run the command21:47
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rlandyweshay|ruck: nice22:01
rlandymuch easier than before22:01
weshay|ruckrlandy, https://hackmd.io/J_98tFN2TjqrtQlTKrFAtQ22:01
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. but it's hanging building cron lolz22:01
weshay|ruckrlandy, help me w/ the container tools tomorrow. .k? buildah-1.15.1-2.module_el8.3.0+475+c50ce30b.x86_6422:03
weshay|ruckis what I have on train22:03
rlandyweshay|ruck: let's check this22:04
rlandyfor container tools,22:05
rlandyyou should be container-tools:2.0 unless you're stream22:05
weshay|ruckrlandy, how do I check that?22:06
rlandyweshay|ruck: here's the comparison:22:06
* weshay|ruck clueless w/ modules22:06
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rlandyugh - we got no logs downstream22:07
weshay|ruckHint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled22:07
weshay|ruck[root@localhost yum.repos.d]# dnf module list | grep container22:07
weshay|ruckcontainer-tools      rhel8 [d][e] common [d]                               Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes22:07
weshay|ruckcontainer-tools      1.0          common [d]                               Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes22:07
weshay|ruckcontainer-tools      2.0          common [d]                               Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes22:07
weshay|ruck[root@localhost yum.repos.d]#22:07
weshay|ruckrlandy,  container-tools    rhel8 [d][e] common [d]     Common tools and dependencies for container runt22:08
weshay|ruck                                               imes22:08
rlandybuildah-tests-1.11.6-8.module+el8.3.0+8233+627fbb78.x86_64 -> 2.022:08
rlandybuildah-tests-1.15.1-2.module+el8.3.0+8221+97165c3f.x86_64 -> rhel822:08
rlandyyou're using rhel822:08
weshay|ruckrlandy, for train22:09
weshay|ruckand 16.2 is using rhel8?22:09
rlandyrhel8 wil be default unless locked22:09
weshay|ruckah it finally completed22:10
rlandysudo dnf module list22:11
rlandydnf module repoquery --enabled container-tools22:12
rlandyyeah - you have rhel822:12
rlandyweshay|ruck: but it completed - so you're ok?22:13
weshay|ruckwell.. that took like 25 min for two containers22:13
weshay|ruckgoing to try the whole set now22:13
rlandyweshay|ruck: it depends on the container22:14
rlandybase takes a while22:14
weshay|ruckit was cron22:15
weshay|ruckwill let this run.. w/ all.. see what happens22:23
weshay|ruckrlandy, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-role-collect-logs/+/76722522:30
rlandyseems fine22:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: what comment gets the ci.centso job to run again?22:33
weshay|ruckrlandy, grep for check in ci-config/jenkins22:58
weshay|ruckrlandy, kid duty22:58
rlandyweshay|ruck: k - back later warehouse duty22:59
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