Wednesday, 2021-01-20

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akahat|roverarxcruz, o/07:38
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jlarribaakahat|rover: Zuul and RDO CI jobs are failing at some place that does not seem related to my patch:
jlarribathere is something wrong with the CI gate?10:35
akahat|roverjlarriba, looking10:35
mariossshnaidm|afk: o/ around?10:43
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sshnaidm|ruckmarios, yep10:44
mariossshnaidm|ruck: didnt you see my note there? question is why did you update it when i said i am updating10:44
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sshnaidm|ruckmarios, nope,didn't see it10:44
mariossshnaidm|ruck: i removed the tox-lower-constraints per comments on that patch at
openstackLaunchpad bug 1907236 in tripleo "lower-constraints jobs across tripleo projects broken" [Critical,Fix released]10:45
sshnaidm|ruckmarios, ack10:45
jlarribaakahar|rover: thanks! the issue is in the tripleo-ci-centos-8-content-provider job10:46
akahat|roverjlarriba, something wrong going on here.. there are no container images
akahat|roverif we check any passed jobs it is there:
mariossshnaidm|ruck: next time try and check if someone is working/commenting there before updating their patch10:47
akahat|roversshnaidm|ruck, any idea ? ^10:47
mariossshnaidm|ruck: at least personally i don't update someone else's patch before checking first10:47
mariossshnaidm|ruck: i think it is basic courtesy10:47
jlarribaakahat|rover: that does not seem to be right, there is something I can do to fix it?10:47
sshnaidm|ruckmarios, sorry10:47
mariossshnaidm|ruck: ack np10:48
sshnaidm|ruckakahat|rover, on which task the job fail?10:49
jlarribaakahat|rover: I have seen in
jlarribaakahat|rover: that there is a python dependency error10:50
sshnaidm|ruckykarel, did you see it before maybe?  ^10:50
jlarribasshnaidm|ruck: it is happening now in
ykarelsshnaidm|ruck, seems related to recent deps update10:53
sshnaidm|ruckok, will submit a bug for now10:53
ykarelamoralej, ^10:53
amoralejykarel, why we didn't hit it in ci?10:55
sshnaidm|ruckakahat|rover, jlarriba ykarel
openstackLaunchpad bug 1912478 in tripleo "Python deps error in content provider master" [Critical,Triaged]10:56
ykarellikely because install-built repo is not executed in our jobs10:56
ykareldue to gating-repo which is when dlrn build packages10:56
amoralejbut we test that the new packages can be installed properly10:57
ykarelyes it's installed, but issue looks more related to update, it's trying to update to new smmap11:03
ykareldnf update -y is being executed in install-built-repo role11:03
akahat|roverarxcruz, there?11:06
arxcruzakahat|rover: maybe...11:06
akahat|roverarxcruz, need some help with tempest-skip-list11:06
arxcruzakahat|rover: oh, didn't saw your ping a few hours ago11:06
arxcruzakahat|rover: what you need ?11:06
ykarelamoralej, so ok to remove python3-smmap update from repo?11:07
amoralejykarel, ok11:08
amoralejbut we need to figure out why we are not catching that on ci11:10
arxcruzakahat|rover: brb11:11
akahat|roverarxcruz, in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1912353 in tripleo "generate dump_variables_vars script task fails and breaks logs collection" [Critical,Triaged]11:11
akahat|roverarxcruz, ok11:11
akahat|roverarxcruz, there is no such file tempest_skip_<release>.yajml11:12
akahat|roverwhich file we are using in os-tempest?11:13
akahat|roverit's defined here:
akahat|roverthat is the error for collecting logs.11:14
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arxcruzakahat|rover: this is a very old skip file from validate-tempest11:29
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arxcruzakahat|rover: what is the error? can you point me the logs ?11:29
akahat|roversearch '/home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/vars/tempest_skip_victoria.yml' in expected11:30
arxcruzakahat|rover: okay, so, this should be removed from featureset06211:33
arxcruzakahat|rover: but the job fails with a timeout, not related to this, this was a warning11:33
akahat|roverarxcruz, there is no alternate file we are using for skiplist?11:33
akahat|roverarxcruz, because of that warning we are not able to collect the logs.11:34
arxcruzakahat|rover: ah, ok, let me check11:34
akahat|roverarxcruz, that timeout issue is something different which needs to investigate.11:35
arxcruzakahat|rover: is there a bug opened?11:41
arxcruzthis will not be something trivial because of other dependences11:41
akahat|roverarxcruz, yes it11:41
openstackLaunchpad bug 1912353 in tripleo "generate dump_variables_vars script task fails and breaks logs collection" [Critical,Triaged]11:41
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arxcruzakahat|rover: can you run the periodic with a depends on ?11:44
arxcruzi don't think i have a quickly testproject11:44
arxcruzlet me check, it's been a while11:45
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, bug about timeout opened today:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1912480 in tripleo "Scenario010 octavia job times out when executing tempest" [High,Triaged]11:45
akahat|roverarxcruz, adding this files will also help?
arxcruzakahat|rover: the fs021 i need to be more carefull because it run the opposite list of tests11:47
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: i'll assign for me, but i'll only be able to check once we fix the logs11:47
arxcruzthere's no logs there to identify the timeout11:47
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, there are logs sometimes11:47
sshnaidm|ruckwill add some logs links to the bug11:48
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: the failure is because a lot of tests are failing11:50
arxcruz{1} neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_basic.NetworkBasicTest.test_basic_instance [414.243099s] ... FAILED11:50
arxcruzi mean, the timeout is related to jobs failing because it's waiting11:51
arxcruzsee, this one took 414 seconds11:51
arxcruztempest.lib.exceptions.SSHTimeout: Connection to the via SSH timed out.11:51
arxcruz    User: cirros, Password: None11:51
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: there are 16 failures to be more exactly11:52
arxcruzneed to pass this to network team11:52
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, it's not constant failures as I saw, different in other jobs11:52
soniya29arxcruz, kopecmartin, akahat, please edit/add the today's tempest meeting agenda -
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arxcruzakahat|rover: thanks!12:07
mariosneed votes there please
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zbrsshnaidm|ruck: let me know when you have few minutes to look at sova module, i want to understand its internal logic.12:33
akahat|roverjlarriba, centos-8-content-provider will work now. fixed here: please give it retry.12:33
jlarribaakahat|rover: thanks! retrying now12:34
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: i'm checking, it's failing a lot on some neutron tests, and these tests are failing to connect to ssh, since it's concurrency 2 (iirc) it's adding a lot of waiting time between tests, and so increase the overall run12:35
arxcruzand then triggering the timeout12:36
weshay|ruckakahat|rover, on the phone please12:36
akahat|roverweshay|ruck, joiing12:36
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, ok, so what's better to do?12:36
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: need neutron guys check what's going on12:37
arxcruzif this is crucial and required, maybe add those tests on skiplist12:37
sshnaidm|ruckslaweq, hi, can someone take a look in their time ^^ wrt
openstackLaunchpad bug 1912480 in tripleo "Scenario010 octavia job times out when executing tempest" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)12:37
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, it's not so critical, but happens12:38
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jlarribaakahat|rover: works fine now, thanks!12:58
soniya29arxcruz, weshay|ruck, akahat|rover, tempest meeting?13:00
slaweqsshnaidm|ruck: hi, checking13:01
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, will you join the mtg?13:03
slaweqsshnaidm|ruck: for me it looks like the same issue as in
slaweqbut I will ask Octavia guys to take a look into this13:03
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: yep - I am on the meeting13:03
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, cool13:03
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: do you want me to report on train as well? look sok13:03
sshnaidm|ruckyes, please13:04
sshnaidm|ruckslaweq, thanks13:08
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sshnaidm|ruckslaweq, do we test somewhere ?13:20
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slaweqsshnaidm|ruck: yes:
slaweqI tested fix for that issue here13:26
slaweqand it worked fine13:26
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sshnaidm|ruckslaweq, great, thanks13:28
bhagyashrispojadhav, frenzy_friday, promoter sync13:34
sshnaidm|ruckjpena, rlandy weshay|ruck any objections to merge ?13:39
weshay|rucksshnaidm|ruck, akahat|rover rlandy queens is promoting13:43
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mjturekmarios: ppc job was green but broke two days ago, tripleoclient seems to be missing even though we install it
mjturekany patches come to mind that may have broke us?14:11
mariosmjturek: not off the top of my head .. looking14:13
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mariosmjturek: can't see something in recent commits (checked tripleo-common/client and tripleo-ci)14:20
mjturekyeah I even checked tripleoclient, nothing recent enough that could've broken it14:20
mariosmjturek: looking at it appears to be installing afaics14:22
mjturekyep, output is the same as last green wrt tripleoclient installs14:23
marios        "Successfully installed python-tripleoclient-14.1.0.dev84 tripleo-ansible-2.1.0.dev123 tripleo-common-13.1.0.dev64"14:23
mjturekvenv is the same as in the last successful run as well14:24
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ykarelmjturek, seems related to greenlet update
ykareldon't know why hitting ppc jobs only14:53
ykarelin case u have ppc node you can try installing and see if that's due to it only14:53
mjturekykarel: will take a look but it seems like greenlet 1.0.0 installs fine in the job14:55
ykarelmjturek, yes install is fine but usage has issues14:55
mjturekykarel: but yep you're right, last successful job installs greenlet-0.4714:57
mjtureknice find thank you14:57
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sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, set it 2.9 explicitly here
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, iirc periodic jobs don't inherit from base-minimal job on rdo? that's why it might be still 2.8 running..15:50
mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy: sshnaidm|ruck: fyi kevin WF+1 earlier would be great if you can watch it in your US time and help it merge15:50
mariosassuming it runs by then it has been waiting 5+ hours to run check so far15:51
rlandymarios: ack15:59
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: even with 2.9 - actually need 2.9.16 to get by that issue16:00
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, I see it's running now16:00
rlandyweshay|ruck: are you joining the tripleo-repos call>16:01
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weshay|ruckrlandy, will be there shortly16:09
weshay|rucktrying to get off another call16:09
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ysandeeprlandy, weshay|ruck if you want to promote 16.2 today's run is all green
rlandyysandeep: thanks - it's an idea 0 we'll have to check the risk factors16:54
ysandeepinfrared last 2 triggers also passed16:55
weshay|ruckysandeep, we're not sure if we want to promote 16.2 at all until the dlrn issue is resolved16:56
weshay|ruckysandeep, I need to check w/ mike burns16:56
weshay|ruckI saw it all passed16:56
rlandyweshay|ruck: if there is no downstream-only pending patch16:57
rlandywe may be ok16:57
rlandywe need to check that all the component hashes match16:57
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. I just want to brief mburns17:00
ysandeeprlandy, weshay|ruck ack, i saw jpena patches merged - , i thought dlrn part was taken care of.. I agree we wait to till confirmation17:00
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weshay|ruckrlandy, ysandeep feel free to promote17:12
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soniya29weshay|ruck, meeting?17:16
weshay|ruckbe there in a few17:16
ysandeepmarios, apologies but i didn't fully understand your point about issues which we might hit with tripleo-repos during promotion.17:17
ysandeepafaik in containers-prepare-parameters.yaml file we have tag(which is - md5sum of current-tripleo), i didn't get how promotion in between can cause issues with container pull/deployment because we pull container with particular tags.. I will give a thought about it and will discuss next time17:17
ysandeepalso, i don't think containers-prepare-parameters.yaml is part of tripleo-repos.. so i really got confused with container pull example :D17:17
ysandeeprlandy, I am here for couple more mins, if you want second pair of eyes on 16.2 promotion17:19
mariosysandeep: am getting out of here in a sec17:20
mariosysandeep: lets pick it up tomorrow17:20
ysandeepmarios, ack thank you, have a great evening!17:20
mariosysandeep: but basically current-tripleo points to A at the start of the job but then it is promoted and instead points to B during the job run17:21
mariosysandeep: you too17:21
mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy: votes please v2 & v3 & commented @
openstackLaunchpad bug 1907236 in tripleo "lower-constraints jobs across tripleo projects broken" [Critical,Fix released]17:23
mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy: no rush when you have time please thank you17:23
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arxcruzakahat|rover: although it timed out the logs are there
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weshay|rucksoniya29, sorry about that17:41
soniya29weshay|ruck, thats okay :)17:41
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weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi
rlandyweshay|ruck: thank you17:59
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rlandyweshay|ruck: 1-on-1?18:02
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rlandyweshay|ruck: when you have a moment, pls review
rlandyshould get the 17 jobs building images19:12
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rlandyweshay|ruck: (still 11/18) can I rekick?19:13
rlandyno rush19:15
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weshay|ruckrlandy, who's asking for that?19:35
rlandyweshay|ruck: the queens promotion for 13 import19:36
rlandy<migarcia> rlandy how are queens RDO promotions going? we're supposed to start the import next Monday19:37
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^19:37
weshay|ruckrlandy, tell her it promoted :)19:37
weshay|ruckthat's what we promoted19:38
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok, I think19:39
rlandyweshay|ruck: sorry I see the update now - web cache19:45
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok if I merge
rlandyjust missed today's pipeline but will run tomorrow20:27
rlandytrying to see if I can test any part of the dlrn changes20:27
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weshay|ruckrlandy, sec.. have to kinit20:44
rlandylol - no worries20:44
weshay|ruckrlandy, merged both20:45
rlandyweshay|ruck: thanks20:46
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rlandyweshay|ruck: the ipa change merged on 19 ... hoping for better days ...
rlandyone day that job will also get the right to vote21:10
weshay|ruckrlandy, most recent error is a new one21:14
weshay|ruck2021-01-20 10:12:15 |  Problem: package python3-gitdb-2.0.3-10.el8.noarch requires python3.6dist(smmap2) >= 2.0.0, but none of the providers can be installed21:14
rlandythink unrelated21:14
rlandyhope unrelated21:14
rlandygets another week of bake time21:14
rlandywe can decide to pull the trigger at any moment21:15
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