Friday, 2021-03-12

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weshay|ruckplease check we need to get this merged :)03:38
weshay|ruckall ^^03:38
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amoralejweshay|ruck, fyi
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mariostripleo-ci o/ happy friday please add to your reviews list thanks
marioszbr: can you please check when you have some time thanks ^^^11:29
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ysandeepweshay|ruck, I would like to chat for few mins regarding downstream 16.2 and container-tools:3.0 when you are in.12:36
mariosplease needs another vote @ please add to your reviews list thanks12:54
weshay|ruckamoralej, nice thanks13:01
weshay|ruckbhagyashri|rover, are we under attack?13:02
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bhagyashri|roverweshay|ruck, yeah because of mirror issue
openstackLaunchpad bug 1918890 in tripleo "[master] [victoria] [ussuri] Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'quickstart-centos-appstreams'" [Critical,Triaged]13:10
weshay|ruckbhagyashri|rover, need anything from me?13:14
bhagyashri|roverplz review13:15
mariosneeds reviews please
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mariosweshay|ruck: was it removed?13:40
mariosweshay|ruck: or we weren't running it there?13:40
weshay|ruckmarios, sorry.. context is here
mariosweshay|ruck: ack thx13:41
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weshay|ruckHELP, need this merged asap
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, fyi ^13:58
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, can you check if is in
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, /me notes.. the 7 git hash chars in each package name.. referencing the opendev hash.. is the way to check14:02
weshay|ruckmarios, do you have rdo config core?
weshay|ruckw/ rlandy out.. I'm at a loss :)14:03
mariosweshay|ruck: ack want me to merge it?14:04
weshay|ruckmarios, yes please14:04
weshay|ruckbhagyashri|rover, soniya29|ruck fyi.. so master/victoria/ussuir are all now c8-stream14:09
weshay|ruckworking on train14:09
weshay|ruckpromoter re-enabled on master/victoria/ussuri14:09
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, going to kick c8-stream train14:09
frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, ok14:10
weshay|ruckupstream infra is NOT behaving14:10
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weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, ok.. we14:13
weshay|ruckwe're in business, even if I can't type14:13
weshay|ruckyou guys familiar w/ that song.... LAST BRANCH.... LAST BRANCH... laaaaaaassstt branch14:13
weshay|ruckpojadhav, you around?14:15
pojadhavweshay|ruck, YUP14:15
pojadhavweshay|ruck, ack14:23
ysandeepweshay|ruck, thanks for merging 17 baremetal job defination, when you have time can you please merge job trigger
weshay|ruckysandeep, merged.. any chance we can trigger that bad boy?14:25
ysandeepweshay|ruck, ack o/ will trigger by testproject14:25
ysandeepweshay|ruck, fyi.. image build was busted for downstream.. we fixed that today with
weshay|ruckysandeep, k.. once we have a 17 on bm.. we probably are going to have tmate and debug it.. networking is fubar'd14:27
weshay|ruckysandeep, next week14:27
weshay|ruckysandeep, or maybe ur patch fixes that14:28
weshay|ruckthat could be it14:28
ysandeepsure.. will debug bm14:29
weshay|ruckhrm.. but the overcloud nodes would not be in that loop... nvrmind14:29
ysandeepweshay|ruck, fyi.. i am facing some issue right now trying to ssh undercloud vm in baremetal.. private/public key don't matches.. will check further on Monday..14:30
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, sure14:32
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, thanks14:32
weshay|ruckping if you get lost14:32
ysandeepweshay|ruck, when you have time please review & ... Its regarding the pacemaker issue you noticed on Shrestha rhos-release patch.. pacemaker version was different in container and Host.. Need container build in standalone job itself14:35
ysandeepweshay|ruck, i have send an email to rlandy to know why we opted to run periodic version of jobs in rhos-release check patches14:36
ysandeepweshay++ thanks!14:39
ysandeepweshay|ruck, fyi.. i have updated Shrestha patch with depends-On patches that move to container-tools:3.0 for testing, lets see how it goes.. also.. Jon Schlueter already gave a +1 on my patches.. I hope to hear from Jason soon..14:42
ysandeepIs rlandy getting back on Monday?14:43
weshay|ruckysandeep, yes14:55
ysandeeptestpatch: trigger 17 on envA:
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soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, nope, the review is not in
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, /me looks...
weshay|ruckseems like it is to me15:09
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, see what I mean?15:12
weshay|ruckI'm in a 1-1 atm, so I may be distracted15:12
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, not getting15:27
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, it seems like is in the
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, but not
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck,  in a min15:36
weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, ok. ready15:37
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weshay|rucksoniya29|ruck, ?15:43
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mariosneeds another vote please add to your reviews rounds thank you16:07
soniya29|ruckweshay|ruck, sorry, was having lunch16:13
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pojadhavweshay|ruck, Finally test case got passed ;)16:27
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weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, train is looking pretty good.. may be able to rock and roll later today16:55
weshay|ruckarxcruz, should I abandon
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, also looks like ussuri usptream release will get back to the gate16:59
pojadhavweshay|ruck, pls have a look when free
weshay|ruckwell done17:12
weshay|ruckhave a good weekend17:12
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jbadiapajust a quick queestion,17:26
jbadiapais there a new way of using tripleo-quickstart?17:27
jbadiapafor deploying environments...17:27
jbadiapathe .quickstart/playbooks/quickstart.yml only has one line with "- hosts: localhost"17:28
jbadiapait seems that is overwriten by the one in the tripleo-quickstart-extras17:28
jbadiapait seems that this patch added the files to the repository17:29
weshay|ruckjbadiapa, clarifying the question... "deploying environments".. meaning just the vm's but not the deployment?17:31
jbadiapayes, the whole process, I'm just reprovisioning the environment. right now.17:32
jbadiapaweshay|ruck: ./ -R  master --tags all   -T none --extra-vars undercloud_disk=70  -p quickstart.yml
jbadiapathat's the command I used...17:33
weshay|ruckwhen you pass just the quickstart.yml playbook.. that's only going to provision... let me grab a doc that will be helpful17:33
jbadiapaMaybe I shoud start using another playbook, that's why ask.17:34
jbadiapaweshay|ruck: yes that's the idea.17:34
jbadiapabut I'm getting this
jbadiapaacn checking the playbook it only has "- hosts: localhost"17:35
jbadiapaI did a little digging and it seems that the playbook is overwritten by
weshay|ruckjbadiapa, when it runs.. it places placebooks, roles from multiple repos into their repsective directory.. via python install17:38
weshay|ruckand that's what's overwriting it17:38
weshay|ruckcouple things here
weshay|ruckthat will help..17:38
weshay|ruckdon't run as root..17:39
weshay|ruckbut w/ a sudo enabled user17:39
weshay|ruckjbadiapa, are you looking to customize the quickstart.yml playbook? which is fine17:39
weshay|ruckbut you'll have to make that change locally in the source..  or use... /me finds the flag17:40
weshay|ruck-n, --no-clone      skip cloning the tripleo-quickstart repo, use quickstart17:40
weshay|ruck                      code from $PWD17:40
weshay|ruckam I answering you question?17:40
weshay|rucknot sure yet17:40
jbadiapaweshay|ruck, kind of... but -n only applies to the tripleo-quickstart.17:42
weshay|ruckjbadiapa, the cli has the same name as the playbook.. but drives any of the playbooks17:42
jbadiapathe tripleo-quickstart installs everything on which has the
jbadiapawhith the playbook/quickstart.yml with one line17:43
weshay|ruckjbadiapa, for a full deploy and test.. you would pass
weshay|ruckjbadiapa, if ur getting a feel for it .. my suggestion would be to walk through
weshay|ruckand things I *hope* would make more sense..17:45
weshay|ruckif not we need to update the doc17:45
ykareljbadiapa, weshay|ruck, breaked ^ quickstart deployment17:47
ykarelmerged few hours back17:47
weshay|ruckoh jeez17:47
weshay|ruckhrm.. that's interesting that it got through ci17:48
ykarelci.centos jobs broken too with this
ykarelyes because the newly added playbooks(just with -hosts) are not used in zuul jobs17:50
weshay|ruckzbr, ^17:51
jbadiapaI was going to suggest remove the playbooks with one line, but that worked too17:52
zbryeah, that one i do not know yet how to approach.17:52
zbrMainly it makes no sense to include a playbook that does not exist. The tq+tqe is some kind of nonsense.17:53
zbras those to get combined in reality.17:54
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weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, ok.. looks like train is probably going to make it :)17:54
zbrfor very good reason ansible (and the linter) complain about including a file that does not exist.17:55
weshay|ruckzbr, well.. you work with limitations one has17:55
weshay|ruckzbr, if you run lint after running python install17:55
weshay|ruckit would be there17:55
zbrthis is not how static analisys it works, you cannot rerun install on each file edit.17:56
weshay|ruckzbr, so in tq.. can you narrow the check to just quickstart.yml playbook17:56
zbryeah, excluding all the problematic playbooks seems easier to achive.17:57
weshay|ruckthat's the scope of tripleo-quickstart... just provision... only playbook used should be quickstart.yml17:57
zbrI only see two real solutions for this problem, both of them involve finding a way to not overlap directory trees on install.17:59
weshay|ruckeven ansible at the time of this design.. had ansible and ansible-extras17:59
zbreither combine tqe into tq, or assure that none of the tq directories do mix with tq ones.17:59
zbryeah, but they did not install stuff overlapping.18:00
weshay|ruckzbr, let's chat for a sec18:00
weshay|ruckwe can figure this out18:00
zbrwhat is done is done.18:00
zbrit would be nice, if we can.18:00
weshay|rucksorry for bug jbadiapa18:00
jbadiapanp at all18:01
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zbrweshay|ruck: btw, the hidden brain podcast you mentioned some time ago, is quite good.18:33
weshay|ruckya man18:36
zbrGot the two books as audio, had some unused credits on audible18:37
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, promoting
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weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, OH NO, remove your -1
frenzy_fridayoh, missed that! done18:45
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, fewwww18:48
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