Thursday, 2021-06-03

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ysandeepweshay|ruck, rlandy we promoted tripleo in 16.2? that had legit issue and now everything is hosed :)00:56
ysandeepimho..We should have waited for ansible dist-git changes before we promoted tripleo..00:59
* ysandeep checking where we are on merging that podman patch00:59
ysandeephurrah we finally merged..
ysandeepchecking if sshnaidm already created reverts for distgits, otherwise i will create those reverts now01:01
rlandyysandeep: we didn't01:08
rlandypromoted tripleo component01:08
rlandyrdo zuul went down01:08
rlandywe need to revert the distgit changes01:08
ysandeeprlandy, i have just created the reverts01:10
ysandeep and
ysandeeprlandy, weird.. 16.2 current-tripleo for tripleo looks new to me:
rlandyysandeep: yep - weshay|ruck promoted the component through as they were cutting beta01:12
rlandytripleo-ci-testing is nehind01:12
rlandyyou can see my comment abive01:12
rlandy<weshay|ruck> I promoted tripleo 16.2 component all the way through01:12
rlandybut somehow one was missed01:13
rlandymaybe it got recreated01:13
rlandywe also need to promote network component01:13
rlandywhich died during rerun due to ^^01:14
ysandeepohh.. zuul went down in internal again :) fun..01:15
rlandyysandeep: it went down everywhere .01:15
rlandyapevec> rlandy, looks like neutron router for the whole infra-rdo project went into bad state, vexxhost is looking into it now01:15
rlandy<apevec> "somehow we're in a state where neutron route l3 ha is active on 2 nodes and standby on one"01:15
rlandy<apevec> sounds familiar01:15
rlandy<apevec> rlandy, neutron router fixed, VMs are reachable01:15
rlandyysandeep: also I have one more fox for container updates for multinode01:17
rlandystandalone is working fine01:17
rlandywill test that new patch tomorrow01:17
ysandeeprlandy, just wondering if tripleo-ci-testing still contains old tripleo.. why its failing in integration line01:17
rlandyysandeep: yep that's a mess01:18
ysandeepmy bad.. i have seen component line result..
rlandyidk how that one hash got missed01:18
rlandythe next run should pick up promoted components01:18
rlandywhich is newer01:18
rlandyysandeep: if you can just get those reverts merged, I can pick this up when I come back on line01:19
rlandydidn't help that zuul died at the same time :(01:19
rlandyysandeep: see you in a few hours01:20
* rlandy out01:20
ysandeeprlandy, yeah.. lets get those revert merged, promote tripleo and network component, and hopefully promotion tomorrow in your morning01:20
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weshay|ruckysandeep, don't worry about 16.2 it promoted...02:19
weshay|ruckthey have the content now.. we're done for a bit02:19
ysandeepweshay|ruck, but 16.2 tripleo had legit issue..02:20
ysandeepweshay|ruck, now everything failing with
weshay|ruckysandeep, yes.. I warned jjoyce about the issues02:20
weshay|ruckthey needed to cut the beta..02:20
weshay|ruckthis is just kind of how it goes... we're not the last line of defense.. but when we get to this point of the release...02:21
ysandeepweshay|ruck, ack fine then.. but beta will be hosed then with same issue :)02:21
weshay|ruckI saw the baremetal tests passing02:21
weshay|ruckso.. it's ok02:21
weshay|ruckboth in integration and on the tripleo component hash we promoted..02:21
ysandeepweshay|ruck, want to chat for quick sec02:22
weshay|ruckwe'll see what happens in phase1/2 .. but jjoyce was warned02:22
ysandeepgrabbing my earphone02:22
ysandeepsshnaidm, arxcruz|rover fyi.. regarding that msr issue.. The node on which overcloud deployment failed because its not reachable.. i was able to access that after reboot.. i notice this traceback in cloud-int log..
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bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck, hey i want to know do we have promotable hash for ussuri because i want to test one change on new promoter server06:06
ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris, ussuri is in good shape.. only fs02/fs035 are failing with ovb issue.. but that's not ussuri specific.. but i would let weshay|ruck to comment if we can wave that off.. we did yesterday for victoria.. but i don't want to take that call myself :)06:10
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bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck, ack06:26
bhagyashristhanks you :)06:26
bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck, akahat i am looking into the c7 train promotion06:26
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bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck, hey just want to confirm the c7 train images are stored here right?08:10
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ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris, yes afaik08:11
bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck, ok, wondering the promotable hash is not there
ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris, you can check with weshay|ruck if he decided to wave off some jobs..08:16
bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck, ok dropping mail thanks08:17
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|lunch: let me know when you're back09:23
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ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, back o/09:42
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: so, how did you get that info from the vm that was failing ?09:47
ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, reboot the failing vm, then you will be able to access the vm.. login to vm via undercloud node..09:48
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ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, wanna tmate? i can show you how..09:49
ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, we can play on env which yatin gave to us.09:50
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: sure09:52
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, seems like cloud-init doesn't find user "centos" on image, does it exist there?10:09
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, probably broken by
sshnaidmmaybe worth to try cloud-init before cloud-init-20.3-6.el810:13
sshnaidmor after 20.3-9, where they reverted -
ysandeep|rucksshnaidm,  Issue reproduced in test patch even which using older cloud-int:- details here:
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1929745 in tripleo "Unchecked MSR access error - overcloud deploy "timed out waiting for ping module test" [Critical,Triaged]10:16
ysandeep|ruckwe were using cloud-int 20.3-10.el8 from long  and  20.3-10.el8_4.2 recently came, but adding new one in exclude didn't help10:19
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, so we use the latest:
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, an we try 20.3-5.el8 ?10:20
ysandeep|rucksshnaidm: thanks, I will explore that o/10:21
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, can you check also - does user centos exist on the image?10:21
ysandeep|rucksshnaidm: cat /etc/passwd | grep -i centos -> returns nothing10:22
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, I think that's the problem..10:23
ysandeep|rucki ran this on overcloud node10:23
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, I'd try to add user centos into image and try this image in job10:23
sshnaidmseems like cloud-init is looking for that user and fails, not sure why..10:24
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, can you paste the full cloud-init log? it's in /var/log/cloud-init.log and /var/log/cloud-init-output.log10:25
ysandeep|rucksure 1 mins10:26
ysandeep|rucksshnaidm, and
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, hmm.. I see network is up10:34
sshnaidmin failed cases I think it wasn't up..10:34
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ysandeep|rucksshnaidm, arxcruz|rover cloud-int engineering friend is with us helping in debug10:35
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, great10:36
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, look at failed image, it doesn't have network up:
sshnaidmno interfaces table in the log10:36
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ysandeep|rucksshnaidm: after setting password for console, we can cloud-int manually and noticed that intermittently we are losing IP from interface.11:34
ysandeep|ruckwe ran*11:34
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, yep, it's what we see in logs also, it can't set interfaces up11:35
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, maybe something with networking in centos stream11:35
ysandeep|rucksshnaidm, diff b/w older logs and current rpm versions
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, yeah, there are a lot of changes :)11:39
sshnaidmis there anything in logs about losing IP, maybe network manager logs?11:40
sshnaidmprobably need to find logs before this started and right after, to minimize the diff11:40
ysandeep|rucksshnaidm, I will ping back in sometime11:42
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rlandyysandeep|ruck: how are things downstream?11:56
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ysandeep|ruckrlandy, hosed , we merged tripleo-ansible distgit change, i ran upstream train component so that we get them to promoted-component soon..
rlandyysandeep|ruck: it looks like that passed12:00
ysandeep|ruck^^ passed.. we should have/ will get new package in downstream soon..12:00
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rlandydid we run the promote to promoted components job?12:01
ysandeep|debug_ssnrlandy, i haven't .. not sure automatic build ran or not ..i didn't get chance to check status after throwing that test patch..12:02
rlandyysandeep|debug_ssn: ok - I'll pick that up now12:02
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rlandy^^ job is currently queued12:05
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weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, hey.. so repos on the overcloud images need a full rm -Rf /etc/yum.repos.d/12:13
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: you mean because the exclude thing ?12:13
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: ok12:15
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: can we sync?12:15
arxcruz|roverysandeep|debug_ssn: ^12:15
weshay|ruck2021-06-03 03:54:59.755 |  cloud-init                               noarch  20.3-10.el8_4.2              appstream                1.0 M12:15
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: well, we are also hitting the same thing with 20.3-10.el812:15
akahatneed +1 and +w :
ysandeep|debug_ssnarxcruz|rover, I am in a debug session for same issue with yatin, arxcruz|rover can fill weshay|ruck with details what we find.12:17
akahatweshay|ruck, arxcruz|rover zbr marios ^^12:17
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pojadhavmarios, 0/12:29
pojadhavmarios, I just started with the adding upgrades jobs.. please have a look once you free :
pojadhavmarios, also one concern is there- standalone upgrades and undercloud upgrades jobs are present atm at : and now we are adding them into periodic. so should we remove them from where they are present now? or we need to keep them as it..?12:35
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mariospojadhav: ok added for next reviews will check12:39
mariospojadhav: no you should not move the job definitions into the periodic.yaml template leave them in the upgrades-jobs-templates.yaml please12:40
mariospojadhav: you should only put the jobs into the zuul layout in periodic.yaml12:41
pojadhavmarios, ack.. will do the changes.. thanks for clarification.12:42
mariospojadhav: np12:42
weshay|ruckysandeep|debug_ssn, check out out cloud-init-20.3-10.el8_4.3.noarch.rpm2021-06-02 15:151.0M12:51
bhagyashrisakahat, arxcruz|rover marios pojadhav zbr soniya29 rlandy weshay|ruck sshnaidm13:00
bhagyashrisscrum time13:00
bhagyashrisfrenzy_friday, ^13:01
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soniyabhagyashris, here there is power supply failure, hence i may lose internet connection during the meeting13:11
bhagyashrissoniya, ack13:11
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mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy:
arxcruz|roverysandeep|debug_ssn: ykarel i'll update
arxcruz|roverwith a new cloud-init version 4.3 in an image that me and weshay|ruck uploaded right now13:19
ysandeep|debug_ssnack o/13:20
ysandeep|debug_ssni am throwing a test patch also.. to try pinning NetworkManager instead..13:21
arxcruz|roverykarel: can you put a hold on this ?13:21
ykarelarxcruz|rover, which job and which patch?14:03
arxcruz|roverpatchset 314:03
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ykarelarxcruz|rover, done14:06
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, ysandeep|ruck
arxcruz|roversec, grab coffee14:18
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weshay|ruckbhagyashris, can you promote.. wallaby w/14:44
weshay|ruck<ysandeep|ruck> weshay|ruck 3e4ca88391cf85cd127b130745319d4514:44
weshay|ruck[08:43:10] <ysandeep|ruck> │ periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-wallaby               │14:44
weshay|ruck[08:43:10] <ysandeep|ruck> │ periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-wallaby               │14:44
weshay|ruck[08:43:10] <ysandeep|ruck> │ periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-wallaby14:44
weshay|ruckskip those three jobs14:44
weshay|ruckresults are here:
rlandymay also need an entry in sf-config15:01
rlandyhas that - ok15:01
rlandymarios: ^^ ok - so the above review should be all that is needed15:02
rlandyysandeep|ruck: weshay|ruck: if all the rest of the train jobs pass for tripleo component - ok if we remove OVB from criteria?15:07
rlandywaiting on the third attmept for that job15:07
mariosrlandy: sorry dealing something else right now will check in bit15:07
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, yes we will need to wave that off .. ovb in bad condition15:07
rlandyneeded to clean up 16.215:07
rlandyysandeep|ruck: k - will take care of that when the rest of the jobs pass15:08
rlandywill put in a dnm patch and run the promote job15:08
weshay|rucksshnaidm, fyi
weshay|ruckrlandy, fs002 pass?15:12
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, when previous-current-tripleo-rdo is from?15:14
rlandyweshay|ruck: np fs00215:14
rlandyit's the component line15:14
sshnaidmoh, it's 2021-05-18, seems fine15:14
rlandywe need to get the change to promoted-components15:14
rlandyto import downstream15:15
weshay|rucksshnaidm, fyi
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rlandyysandeep|ruck: weshay|ruck: lol - nvm- it I guess it doesn't take much to promote train tripleo these days:
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: adding15:35
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, use a new patch15:36
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, 608 is about to merge15:37
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: yes, just waiting to gate finish, to not have conflict later15:37
weshay|ruckwoot.. merged15:37
weshay|ruckTHANK YOU for not using hte tripleo pipeline :)) so awesome15:37
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, also.. remember ?15:43
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, the skip list may be able to be pruned.. not today.. but I'd like to work w/ you on this..15:44
arxcruz|roverit's been a long time...15:44
weshay|ruckand figuring out why wallably and victoria are not showing up :)15:44
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: probably the job name15:45
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, jobs run here:
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, fyi
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, sshnaidm arxcruz|rover fyi.. , testprojecting based on it16:02
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, thanks16:03
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-multinode-1ctlr-featureset010-tripleo-train reporting now16:07
rlandygetting promotion patch ready16:08
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weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, you have a testproject for NM?16:13
rlandy periodic-tripleo-centos-8-train-component-tripleo-promote-to-promoted-components running16:17
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, arxcruz|rover I've organized our three test projects in the google tasks16:17
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, rlandy you need anything before i leave for the day?16:21
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, I'm gong to promote wallaby16:21
rlandyysandeep|ruck: I don't think so16:22
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, /me looks at ur patch16:22
rlandywaiting for promotion16:22
rlandytrain triplei16:22
rlandythen will pick it up downstream16:22
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, sure16:22
rlandyysandeep|ruck: chat with you your time tomorrow16:23
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weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, k.. nothing needed in tripleo-ci to exclude network-manager?16:23
weshay|ruckya.. we're good16:23
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, k.. I'll watch it through.. good night :)16:23
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, i don't think if we are building images16:23
weshay|rucksee you in 8 hours lolz16:23
weshay|ruck10 hours16:24
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, sshnaidm one more thing .. i have enabled the cloud cleanup script back(we disabled to debug).. it seems to be hitting some timeout trying to reach vexx host.. openstack token issue also facing same issue.. probably some netorwk issue and will clear in sometime.. horizon seems to be working16:25
ysandeep|ruckon toolbox16:26
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arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: failure :(16:54
weshay|ruckcloud-init was removed16:58
weshay|ruckcloud-init.noarch                             20.3-10.el8_4.3                           @appstream16:59
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, so..  on to the Network-Manager theory?16:59
arxcruz|rovercloud-init.noarch                             20.3-10.el8_4.3                           @appstream16:59
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: cloud init is latest one, the new one17:00
weshay|ruckand didn't fix it17:00
weshay|ruckrlandy, we may need to hold back / pin some core networking / os packages and use a dep pipeline17:01
weshay|ruckif NetworkManager is the culprit here... it's just going to get worse in el917:02
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: well, it's worse now17:03
arxcruz|rovernow two controllers fail17:03
arxcruz|roverso far we saw only one failing17:03
rlandyweshay|ruck: k - give me a list and I'll set something up17:04
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, I've seen two I think previously17:04
weshay|ruckrlandy, not ready yet.. just sowing seeds... we probably will need to close out tripleo-repos prior17:05
rlandyk - trying to clean up train -16.217:05
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, is it worth trying again w/ a much older version?17:05
weshay|ruckof cloud-init17:06
weshay|ruckor just go after NM now?17:06
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arxcruz|roveryou mean old cloud-init and nm version?17:08
arxcruz|roverat this point, i don't know, i'm out of ideas already17:08
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, let's see what happens w/
weshay|ruckand to some degree
rlandytrain promoted17:11
weshay|ruckrlandy, rdo?17:13
rlandyweshay|ruck: ack - waiting for that to hit downstream17:13
rlandythen we go with that17:13
rlandyhasn't hit there yet17:14
rlandyweshay|ruck: once we get that through, we can use double component job17:14
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, ack17:14
rlandyand promote network and tripleo17:14
rlandyweshay|ruck: do you know how often consistent updates?17:17
weshay|ruckdate stamp17:17
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arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: lol
arxcruz|roverbleh, didn't built a new image, it's with cloud-init 4.217:34
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, ?17:36
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, but you had to_build true17:36
weshay|ruckand the updated cloud-init was installed17:36
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, you got a sec?17:42
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frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, O/17:44
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, we can add a key to sova: regexes: I assume to mark wether or not there is a matching query.yml right?17:45
weshay|ruckharmless extra key for human eyes only17:45
weshay|ruckor is there a better way.. to note in sova-patterns.yml it's converted..17:46
weshay|ruckI guess I can cross reference queries.. because that has it17:46
frenzy_fridaydidnt get that. queries.yml and sova regexes will always be in sync after we shift to the new format right?17:46
frenzy_fridayso all regexes in sova will have an entry in queries.yml17:46
weshay|ruckya.. if you add something to queries.yml it will fail if there isn't a match.. in sova-patterns.yml iirc17:47
frenzy_fridayno, it will fail if you dont add a string against which it will be checked by tox. When you add a query tox will automatically convert it for sova and for ER. So all regexes in queries, sova and er will be in sync17:49
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, wallaby promoted , reverted criteria file changes17:59
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, thank you!!!!18:00
* bhagyashris out18:00
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, have you had any luck w/ wild cards.. for things like build_name?18:01
weshay|ruck   build_name:"tempest-slow"18:01
weshay|rucklike that?18:01
frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, In the regex?18:02
* weshay|ruck messing w/18:03
weshay|ruckmessage:"Could not resolve host:" AND (tags:"console") AND NOT build_name:"openstack-*"18:03
frenzy_fridaySpecial chars in regex should work18:04
frenzy_fridayfor build_name tag I need to check18:04
weshay|ruckeye.. looking at
frenzy_friday^ this has a different structure.. with more fields18:06
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, sent a screenshot w/ something that is working18:07
weshay|ruckbut I'm not familiar enough w/ the query format.. on how to do that properly18:08
frenzy_fridayooh, ok. build_name wont work now, I'll add it as a param tomorrow.18:08
frenzy_fridayNOT is missing in out structure as well18:09
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, some of these errors we should filter the name... because we don't want hits from jobs we don't care about18:10
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, k18:10
weshay|ruckinfra errors... for the most part.. we should filter in.. build_name:"tripleo*" or AND NOT build_name:"openstack-*"18:11
frenzy_fridayok, I'll add build_name param and check how to define NOT in our queries format.18:12
rlandyweshay|ruck: promoting tripleo to component-ci-testing and trying one standalone job to see if we have the right hash18:18
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, and.. we need.. "build_status"18:20
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rlandyweshay|ruck: nit on placement18:34
weshay|ruckrlandy, sorin says it needs to be at the top..18:34
weshay|ruckto ensure it's collected18:34
rlandyokie dokie18:35
weshay|ruckso it should not be alphabetical, but ranked by importance18:35
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weshay|ruckrlandy, hey.. want to look at 16.2 for a minute w/ me and chat about it moving forward?19:04
rlandyweshay|ruck: ack19:20
rlandyjust looking at log that ran19:20
rlandyfailed deploy19:20
weshay|ruckrlandy, heh.. old overcloud-images fixes the issue w/ ovb19:21
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, ^19:22
weshay|ruckfrom 5/1819:22
weshay|ruckat least we can get a proper rpm diff now19:22
rlandyweshay|ruck: k - let's meet19:24
rlandy Not found image:"]19:25
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rlandy - not too bad20:25
rlandyoh - the registry is defined in a diff place21:00
rlandyyeah - files gets built from tripleo-ansible or something21:02
rlandywe made a change on container builds21:04
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. that file changed iirc w/ containers_tools 2.0 -> 3.021:05
rlandyneed to see that that is matched in settings somewhere21:05
rlandyit is - but maybe we switch the order21:07
rlandyinteresting ho standalone passes21:17
rlandyI defined that in standalone config21:17
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:31.953066 | primary | TASK [os_tempest : Execute tempest tests] **************************************21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:31.953072 | primary | Thursday 03 June 2021  16:46:31 -0400 (0:00:00.048)       0:50:30.484 *********21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327022 | primary | fatal: [undercloud]: FAILED! => {21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327416 | primary |     "changed": false,21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327458 | primary |     "cmd": "set -e\nif [ -d /openstack/venvs/tempest-untagged/bin ];\nthen\n. /openstack/venvs/tempest-untagged/bin/activate\nfi\ntempest run   --concurrency 2   --blacklist-file /home/zuul/tempest/etc/tempest_blacklist.txt   --whitelist-file /home/zuul/tempest/etc/tempest_whitelist.txt > /var/log/tempest/tempest_run.log\n",21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327481 | primary |     "delta": "0:00:04.887361",21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327490 | primary |     "end": "2021-06-03 20:46:37.288135",21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327507 | primary |     "rc": 1,21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327515 | primary |     "start": "2021-06-03 20:46:32.400774"21:22
rlandy2021-06-03 16:46:37.327523 | primary | }21:22
rlandyha no tempest tests running on scenario00721:22
weshay|ruckoh no21:31
weshay|ruckprobably because we accidently skipped21:31
rlandydigging through that21:32
weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi.. I pointed arx at
weshay|ruckafter we get through the ovb fire drill hopefully he can restore some tests21:32
weshay|ruckrlandy, do you know what to change to get the registry right?21:37
* weshay|ruck steps away21:39
rlandyweshay|ruck: yep22:20
rlandyunder test22:20
* rlandy going o warehouse22:20
rlandyback later22:20
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