Monday, 2021-06-21

*** ysandeep|away is now known as ysandeep06:26
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bhagyashris_me 2 hr way asel06:44
bhagyashris_sorry send by mistakenly ignore06:45
zbrdo not rely on me today, got 2nd jab yesterday and i was unable to sleep, chills and headaches:(07:19
anbanerj|roverzbr, oh! Take rest07:19
zbrweird is that thermometer does only report 37-37.4, but the feel is more like 39.07:20
zbrUK managed to do an extra 1M jabs over the weekend, I got a call on saturday and rebooked it. When scared they can move much faster.07:22
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ysandeepzbr: take care, hope you feel better soon07:47
ysandeepanbanerj|rover, i think marios is out, please feel free to ping if you need help.07:48
anbanerj|roverysandeep, sure thanks :)07:49
jpenaanbanerj|rover, ykarel: I'm planning to change the tripleo tenant nodepool configuration to attach VMs directly to the public network. Is that ok?08:26
jpenaI'll add you to the review and wait for confirmation08:26
jpenaysandeep: ^^08:27
ykarelack, yes let's switch and observe08:27
ykarelhow that goes08:27
anbanerj|roverjpena,  ack08:28
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ysandeepjpena: ack for patch (VMs to directly connect to the public network)09:37
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jpenaysandeep, ykarel: I can see the first VMs been attached directly to the public network. Let's see how it goes10:39
ykareljpena, ack10:40
ysandeepjpena, ack, fingers crossed o/ 10:40
* anbanerj|rover lunch10:48
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dviroelchandankumar: o/11:46
dviroelchandankumar: i saw your comments in the patch11:46
weshay|ruckanbanerj|rover, need anything? Marios is out today.. I'll be your ruck / rover :)12:09
anbanerj|roverweshay|ruck, O/ I am checking up on tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-standalone. Gate looks good today. Should we do something about master promotion today? The last promotion was 7 days ago I think12:12
weshay|ruckanbanerj|rover, what jobs are failing?12:12
weshay|ruckin master12:13
anbanerj|rover:D the ruck rover script!12:16
anbanerj|roverweshay|ruck, checking in some time12:19
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ysandeepdviroel, chandankumar is on sick leave12:46
anbanerj|roverweshay|ruck, for the sc010 octavia timeout the difference I could find is ens3 is missing from the failing jobs' network.txt12:49
weshay|ruckk.. /me needs to get through a few more things12:53
dviroelysandeep: oh, thanks ffor sharing12:59
weshay|ruckbhagyashris_,  we scrumming?13:00
weshay|ruckbhagyashris_, k... sorry13:01
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rlandythe undercloud container prep worked14:14
ysandeeprlandy, weshay|ruck fyi.. added alternate design here:
akahatweshay|ruck, good to go:
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rlandyysandeep: thanks - booked recurring meeting on thurs to discuss14:31
ysandeeprlandy++ thanks!14:32
rlandyysandeep: weshay|ruck: looks like downstream zuul just got reset14:33
rlandycame back ok14:33
rlandyjobs restarted14:33
* anbanerj|rover runs to supermarket14:53
rlandyweshay|ruck: added15:20
rlandywill update as testing proceeds 15:20
weshay|ruckanbanerj|rover, master promoted15:28
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* ysandeep|out over and out, see you tomorrow o/15:38
rlandyweshay|ruck: +2'ed ... we need to decide if we are waiting for the wallaby option15:44
rlandyor merging ^^15:44
rlandyI would prefer not to keep multinode out of the picture for too long15:44
rlandyweshay|ruck: alternative ...15:45
rlandyif we don;t want to merge 15:45
rlandywould be to allow a fs_overide15:45
rlandythat we use downstream ony15:45
weshay|ruckhave the patch for the override?15:46
weshay|ruckthis is it?
rlandyweshay|ruck: no - that's a direct change to the fs15:47
rlandyimpacts upstream and downstream15:47
rlandyweshay|ruck: either way, let's merge
rlandyand keep components promoting15:47
rlandyslagle's fix15:48
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ still seems to be under discussion15:49
rlandyand on master15:49
rlandyso ...15:49
rlandyif we want a fix,15:50
rlandywe either merge current patch or implement a featureset_override15:50
weshay|ruckrlandy, I'd rather not override the featureset... 15:51
weshay|ruckif you want to release case the param15:51
weshay|ruckthat would be the way15:51
rlandythat is what the first patch does15:51
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ that impacts wallaby upstream as well15:51
weshay|ruckif osp_release defined do x: else y15:52
weshay|ruckand it works upstream w/ or w/o the wallaby setting15:52
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weshay|ruckso you have two viable options w/o a featureset override15:53
rlandyhmmm ... well in reality wallaby is also doing the wrong thing15:54
rlandyalthough it's not failing15:54
rlandycovering up bug again15:55
rlandystory of my life15:55
rlandyso in that case fs_override and is osp have the same problem15:55
rlandyI think we go to DF meeting15:55
rlandyif they plan to merge slagle's change, ok15:56
rlandyif not, we merge the fs010 patch15:56
rlandyuntil they are sorted15:56
rlandyI can try his change15:56
rlandyI am not sure it's complete15:56
rlandyweshay|ruck: submitted
rlandy+100 to getting components moving there15:57
rlandyweshay|ruck: 16.2 component are looking good - watch ui (QE test rerun) and baremetal16:01
rlandy so nice to have that bakc :)16:02
weshay|ruckrlandy, I'm going to waive the multinode-ipa ussuri integration job.. but put up tempest skips for it..
weshay|ruckis looking pretty good 16:12
weshay|ruckto consider emailing opendev-discuss to return to voting16:12
weshay|ruckeven that one is looking pretty good
rlandycool beans16:21
rlandyweshay|ruck: check this out ...
rlandybetter in general16:24
rlandyipa test must have better stats now16:24
rlandymaybe we cab bring it back to voting in general16:25
rlandyakahat: hey - you said the promoter sync meeting was moved to tomorrow?16:37
rlandyakahat: can arxcruz and I get on that meeting to close out copy container16:37
akahatrlandy, yeah.. sure.. I'll sent invitation.16:41
akahatadded you and arxcruz 16:42
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rlandyakahat: thank you17:34
rlandyweshay|ruck: Bm rhos-17 is in tempest17:39
rlandy2021-06-21 17:38:36 | Overcloud Deployed without error17:39
rlandywith ceph fixes17:40
rlandylunch ... brb17:40
rlandyweshay|ruck: juts fyi ... I dequeued 17 line to let BM finish18:08
rlandywill requeue it afterwards18:08
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