Monday, 2021-08-09

*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav04:02
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marios|ruck\o/ 05:32
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soniya29|rovermarios|ruck, hello05:54
marios|rucksoniya29|rover: o/06:00
marios|ruckare you getting a different/new login screen when trying to get into jira today people? i used to get sso screen but now log in to red hat account on jboss ? 06:13
arxcruzmarios|ruck: soniya29|rover hello07:26
arxcruzmarios|ruck: soniya29|rover get merged, any issues during the weekend ?07:27
marios|ruckarxcruz: gates look calm havne't heard of any fallout07:28
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arxcruzmarios|ruck: btw, i update the with you concerns 07:45
marios|ruckack will revisit arxcruz 07:46
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zbrsshnaidm|afk: let me know when back, i was to speed-up merging as is essential for us in replacing docker with molecule in testing.08:44
marios|rucksoniya29|rover: going afk for a bit back within the hour thanks09:54
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zbrmarios|ruck: are you returning to path to install tripleo.repos on tq, should i step in an try to do it, or just wait for you?10:10
chandankumarzbr: hello, I need help on this
chandankumarzbr: I want to execute these role tasks
chandankumaronly when build tag is passed but because of this the whole role is getting taged as a standalone10:20
chandankumarI want to avoid that10:20
chandankumaris there a way to do that?10:20
chandankumarmarios|ruck: it seems the tripleo ci jira board is public now
marios|ruckchandankumar: thanks looking - well i have to login when i click that? ^ 10:39
marios|ruckchandankumar: Log in to your Red Hat account10:39
chandankumarmarios|ruck: use email-id and kerberous password10:39
chandankumarit works10:39
marios|ruckchandankumar: k so not public :D10:40
marios|ruckzbr: was looking at that on friday as you know i want to revisit maybe we cna discuss during scrum to synchronise on that 10:41
zbrchandankumar: i am not sure if using ansible tags is the right way to only call a subset of tasks from a role, at least not like that. i think that the most common pattern is to pass variables and check them with when10:55
zbrbut to be honest my experience using tags is quite limited. i had few attempts in the past but decided to avoid them10:57
soniya29|rovermarios|ruck, ack10:59
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rlandy|ruckchandankumar: hey - can we meet sometime to sort out baremetal11:08
rlandy|ruckstill not finding roles11:09
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: yes sure11:09
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: after scrum?11:09
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ack11:09
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: marios|ruck: hey - can you access the scrum board?11:17
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: yes11:17
rlandy|ruckI get logged in to issues.redhat.com11:17
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: yeah new login today apparently 11:19
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: chandankumar: told me that kerberos works there i didn't try yet11:19
rlandy|ruckmarios|ruck: chandankumar: kerb didn't work for me11:20
rlandy|ruckmy log in did11:20
rlandy|ruckbut I don't think then I have internal access11:20
chandankumarI used RH email id and kerberous password it worked11:21
rlandy|ruckI had to log back in11:22
rlandy|ruckkerb didn't work for me11:22
rlandy|ruckbut I am onto the board now11:22
rlandy|ruckI logged on yesterday - maybe in the middle of maintenance11:22
rlandy|ruckI can see our stuff now11:22
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rlandy|ruckakahat: hi12:48
rlandy|ruckakahat: I added a card for victoria and wallaby jobs12:48
rlandy|ruckand moved the voting card back12:49
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck, bhagyashris_ and pooja are out today12:51
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: yep12:54
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: can you log into the scrum board?12:55
rlandy|ruckI had some issues with the new update12:55
rlandy|ruckhad to relogin and clear old access12:56
rlandy|ruckbecause I had a public account on issues.rh12:56
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, same, there was a link to "unlink" old account, worked for me12:57
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck, join the call .. I'm there12:58
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, need to login now with kerberos name, not with mail12:58
weshay|rucklogged in w/ public account12:58
dviroelchandankumar: hey, solved your comments in
dviroelchandankumar: btw, the molecule job testing that is here, just in case you didn't saw
marios|ruckscrum time folks \o/13:01
weshay|ruckmarios|ruck, open chat13:02
weshay|ruckit's you13:02
weshay|ruckothers are speaking13:02
chandankumarzbr: sshnaidm what about this to avoid running build tag on content prorider job13:08
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: thanks and sorry in the call it was just you and me and i coulnd't hear or see anyone else 13:11
weshay|ruckmarios|ruck, ha.. no worries.. was funny13:13
sshnaidmchandankumar, I'm not sure it will work so, you need to add it to QUICKSTART_INSTALL_CMD because it's created in zuul ansible. roles/common - are used in nested ansible, they don't know about remove_tags13:17
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: want to join back the same call?13:41
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: discuss bm issue13:41
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ack - in 5 mins?13:41
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: ah not needed, I got the fix
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: let's still chat for a minute13:43
rlandy|ruckjoining call13:43
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: actually look slike weshay|ruck is still on that call13:43
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: yes13:44
weshay|ruckneed me?13:44
chandankumarsshnaidm: looking at the review again13:51
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck, FYI.. dep pipeline monitoring stopped around 7/22  /me looking into it14:07
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: yeah - nothing in there we have been monitoring so far14:09
zbrmarios|ruck: what i do not understand on your tqe patch to install tripleo.repos is why these tasks are in so many places. My expectation was to be just after the place where ansible is installed on the machines that need ansible, but i found node of that.14:22
marios|ruckzbr: the installation isn't in 'so many places' each of those files is used in a particular set of jobs so just one place14:23
marios|ruckzbr: specifically just before the undercloud-setup  because we need get-hash for repo-setup to run 14:24
zbrmy intuition is that i would only have to install it inside install-deps.sh14:25
zbrweird enough, i found bootstrap_ansible_via_rpm() defined but not called from anywhere14:30
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: baremetal under test with your patch:
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: thanks!14:37
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marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: weshay|ruck: need something will go in a bit 15:46
rlandy|ruckshould be fine - have a good night15:47
weshay|ruckmarios|ruck, 0/15:47
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: rlandy|ruck: maybe watch and consider a rekick if master doesn't promote something else in the meantime 15:48
marios|ruckhmmm periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-masterfailure already failed15:48
marios|ruck 15:48
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: may need to re-run that one fs3915:49
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: thanks15:49
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akahatrlandy|ruck, hi.. okay.. i'll take a look. 16:39
akahatrlandy|ruck, why this w -1? 16:44
akahatIs there any test jobs running against it?16:44
rlandy|ruckakahat: we are going to make wallaby and victoria jobs first16:48
weshay|ruckwe may have a real issue here:
weshay|ruckmeh.. infra sucking afaict..16:50
weshay|ruck2021-08-09 08:06:33.837277 | primary | Failed to download metadata for repo 'delorean-master-build-deps': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried16:50
weshay|ruckand 2021-08-09 16:14:05 | 2021-08-09 16:14:05.809148 | fa163e93-79a2-ab08-bb3d-000000000e5a |      FATAL | Container image prepare | undercloud | error={"changed": false, "error": "Not found image:", "msg": "Error running container image prepare: Not found image:
weshay|ruckc2d1aeee9056ab6996f546228fea25", "params": {}, "success": false}16:50
weshay|ruck2021-08-09 15:56:05.361524 | fa163ea8-c452-6e45-c53f-000000000e62 |      FATAL | Container image prepare | undercloud | error={"changed": false, "error": "Not found image:", "msg": "Error running container image prepare: Not found image:
weshay|ruckea25", "params": {}, "success": false}16:51
rlandy|ruckyeah infra17:05
rlandy|ruckrekicking fs039 for master17:07
rlandy|ruckrest looks good17:08
rlandy|ruckchasing master and wallaby17:10
zbrrlandy|ruck: fyi, i found the right place to install it, i no longer need help, at least for now.17:18
rlandy|rucklol - was just responding to you17:19
rlandy|ruckzbr: awesome17:19
rlandy|rucksorry for delay .... meetings17:19
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zbrrlandy|ruck: apparently galaxy serves old collection even half an hour after new version was published,... or we have a http proxy in front. I had to manually ask for a newer version, now I will see if it does pick the newer one or fails.17:26
sshnaidmrlandy|drappt, weshay|ruck do we have any centos9 in CI?18:04
weshay|rucksshnaidm, we have a testproject job18:04
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, do you have a link?18:05
weshay|ruckthat kicks multiple.. ya.. /me looking18:05
weshay|ruckI think there is more.. sec..
* weshay|ruck looking at notes18:06
weshay|rucksshnaidm, this was a HURRY UP and wait18:08
weshay|rucksshnaidm, that's all the info I have18:09
weshay|ruckin that doc18:09
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, thanks, reading18:09
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rlandysshnaidm: what are you looking for?19:43
rlandywe built containers19:44
rlandyand were following infra puppet jobs mainly19:44
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sshnaidmprobably I'll take nodepool image to try locally19:45
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: yeah - those exist19:45
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