Friday, 2021-08-20

*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav04:09
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ysandeepGood morning folks o/ 05:42
ysandeepHappy friday 05:42
bhagyashrisGood morning05:44
bhagyashrisHAppy Friday05:44
pojadhavGood morning :)05:47
kopecmartinchandankumar: when you have a moment, can you have a look at this ? .. seems like automation is fighting me and reverting my changes in the spec file :D 05:50
chandankumarkopecmartin: checking06:22
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chandankumarysandeep|lunch: have  alook when free, thanks :-)08:53
ysandeep|lunchchandankumar, checking08:53
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ysandeeplgtm, +wed08:56
chandankumarysandeep: thanks!08:58
akahatysandeep, looks like i need to remove it.08:58
ysandeepakahat: looking08:59
ysandeepakahat, --network-ports was introduced in wallaby..
ysandeepwe have a condition to pass --network-ports only when etwork_provision is true :- {% if network_provision|bool %}--network-ports{% endif %}09:06
akahatysandeep, okay09:07
ysandeepnetwork_provision is enabled only in wallaby and + in most of scenarios,
ysandeepakahat: imho.. under that task you can add a block.. 1) when network_provision is true - we call tripleo_overcloud_node_provision with `tripleo_overcloud_node_provision_network_ports` as true 2) when network_provision is false - call tripleo_overcloud_node_provision with `tripleo_overcloud_node_provision_network_ports`09:10
ysandeep2) when network_provision is false - call tripleo_overcloud_node_provision without* `tripleo_overcloud_node_provision_network_ports`09:11
akahatysandeep, tripleo_overcloud_node_provision_network_ports: "{{ network_provision | bool }}" will also work.09:11
ysandeepakahat: yeah even better idea :)09:12
ysandeepakahat++ really nice work on those patches 09:12
akahatchandankumar, bhagyashris ysandeep please review before eod. thanks !!,
bhagyashrisakahat, ack10:13
jbadiapadoes anyone have an issue with the tripleo_undercloud_install role deploying the undercloud with tripleo-quickstart?10:32
ysandeepjbadiapa, hey o/ something like ?11:07
soniyahey folks, I am stepping out for 1 hr11:08
ysandeepjbadiapa, might have solved that issue.. Could you please clone the quickstart repo again and see if its resolved now?11:15
ysandeepjbadiapa: yesterday I used slightly different technique.. I installed tripleo-operator-ansible rpm on the libvirt host..11:18
ysandeepYou may need to add following repos on libvirt host: and  to install the tripleo-operator-ansible rpm11:20
ykareli doubt if 804955 is enough to fix that, that will work only when tripleo-operator-ansible is installed in venv or the node11:22
ykareland this should be handled in quickstart itself11:22
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ykarelfor jenkins jobs it worked as tripleo-operator-ansible is isntalled with 11:27
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ysandeepykarel: hi.. I agree I had to install the tripleo-operator-ansible rpm.. ideally tq should handle that..11:35
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jbadiapaysandeep, thx I will test it as the error is the same as you pasted11:37
ysandeepykarel: I will write a bug for libvirt case 11:42
jbadiapaysandeep, it seems that I already have that patch applied.11:45
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rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: good morning ... how are things today?11:46
ykarelysandeep, ack11:46
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: morning, not so good for victoria, lots of jobs failures11:47
dviroel|ruckmost of them, first failure11:48
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: looking11:48
rlandy|roverwallaby and ussuri also getting a bit old11:49
ysandeepjbadiapa: Could you please tripleo-operator-ansible rpm on your libvirt, we are writing a bug for libvirt usecase and will try to fix this in tq11:49
ysandeepplease install*11:49
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: wallaby: waiting that was rebased today and is running check + fs035(?)11:50
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: nice11:51
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: ussuri: need to check fs035, fs002 (need to check with akahat), fs020 should be skipped with skiplist from yesterday11:51
rlandy|roverin gates11:51
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: oh, true, didn't check last minutes11:52
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: what's with fs002?11:52
rlandy|roverfs020 will run11:52
rlandy|roverthat tempest test will be skipped11:52
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: looking through the victoria fails11:53
rlandy|roverto see if we have something consistent11:53
ysandeepykarel, jbadiapa chandankumar:
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: akahat is fixing an issue with overcloud-delete here
rlandy|roverso far barbican tempest11:54
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: if you depends-on run with, does it pass?11:54
chandankumarysandeep: thanks, will take a look11:55
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: amol has testproject on that, it seems that still not passing, he's working on that11:55
rlandy|roverand it's only fs002 on ussuri?11:56
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: no, other branches also affected11:56
dviroel|ruckakahat: hi o/, made some progress with ?11:56
rlandy|roverdo we have a bug on it?11:56
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: hum, i don't think so..11:57
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: need to meet with pooja now ...11:57
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: ok11:57
rlandy|roverso far, victoria is failing a bunch of tempst tests but not the same ones on each job11:58
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: if delete is failing in multiple places, pls bug it11:58
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: ack11:58
rlandy|roverwe'll mark it promotion blocker if it is not fixed soon11:58
rlandy|rovervictoria may be a hitch11:59
rlandy|roverwe'll have to see next run11:59
bhagyashrischandankumar, zuul.executor is also not helping to fix the playbook path issue, i have pushed one more patch to get the playbook plz have a look  11:59
dviroel|ruckbhagyashris: hi o/  hard times to get the playbook from other repo?12:02
bhagyashrisdviroel|ruck, yeah trying different options12:02
bhagyashrisdviroel|ruck, do have any idea how to get that i tried zuul.executor but that didn't help12:03
bhagyashrisnow pushed one more option here
bhagyashrisneed +2 and +W so that i can test on testproject patch 12:04
chandankumarbhagyashris: commented12:04
bhagyashrischandankumar, looking 12:06
bhagyashrischandankumar, let's try that but anyway will need run in future in the base job because we have define the actual job def in config repo itself so will need to know how to get the playbook from other repo12:12
bhagyashrisfor testing we can implement your solution 12:12
chandankumarbhagyashris: can you update the commit msg since we are no longer using playbook there12:23
bhagyashrischandankumar, done12:25
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, want to reconsider this one today?
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, victoria is looking ok atm.. only scenario010 failing12:32
weshay|ruckoh wait.. that's wallaby12:32
dviroel|ruckyep, lol12:33
dviroel|ruckwallaby will fail on scenario010, but the fix is in the gate12:33
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ack - afternoon12:34
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, when the other lines complete.. I'll rekick victoria12:35
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, I should show you how to rekick a integration line.. you can also kill them12:35
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dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: great, need to know how to do it12:39
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: i openned a bug for this, didn't mark as promotion blocker12:40
weshay|ruckAh.. folks.. we have a ci.centos check job12:40
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, ya.. if we are the ones who know how to fix.. and we're not blocking for too long.. CIX is really just noise imho12:40
weshay|ruckbut if we block others... we should still cix our own issues for visibility.. 12:41
weshay|rucknot needed in this case12:41
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: if we don't add the tag, no card will be created right?12:41
dviroel|ruckakahat: fyi
weshay|ruckakahat, might as well at that bug to the commit msg... 007 failed in your check12:43
* weshay|ruck looking at the failure.. certainly unrelated12:43
weshay|ruckya.. pinging the tempest router..12:44
chandankumarysandeep: is fixed now, you can run the job to confirm it12:44
rlandy|roverlooks like 16.2 components are green again12:44
rlandy|roveradding back12:44
weshay|ruckakahat, /me did it12:45
ysandeepchandankumar, thanks for fixing that.. I will trigger tempest line 12:45
rlandy|roverysandeep: going o add qe jobs back into criteria12:46
rlandy|roverysandeep: also removing bm for 16.212:46
rlandy|roverfailing operators12:46
rlandy|roverreplacing with OVB12:46
ysandeeprlandy|rover, ack o/ 12:46
rlandy|roverasking pojadhav to make above review12:46
dviroel|ruckis this error familiar to you folks ?13:04
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, dviroel|ruck if fs002 becomes the remaining issue.. it can be waived.. it's checking the overcloud images in multiple ways etc.. and a few other things.  Nothing that would impact upstream or components13:05
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: weshay|ruck: ok13:06
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: have you ever worked on changing criteria on promoter?13:06
rlandy|roverif not, can show you13:06
rlandy|roversince pull is not on yet13:07
rlandy|roverwhere do we need to skip that?13:07
rlandy|rovervictoria, ussuri, wallaby?13:07
chandankumarrlandy|rover: hello13:08
chandankumarrlandy|rover: I have a query related to config playbook13:08
rlandy|roverchandankumar: hey - can meet13:08
rlandy|roverif you want13:08
chandankumarrlandy|rover: yes sure13:08
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: no, not yet :)13:09
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: will ping you in a bit to go over that13:10
pojadhavrlandy|rover, ysandeep, chandankumar : here I have skipped tempest test for failure of tempest-api rhos-17 job and here is testproject running
rlandy|rover 13:31
rlandy|roverpojadhav: thanks - merging that13:32
pojadhavrlandy|rover, ysandeep, chandankumar : added all infrared jobs (16.2) back in criteria -
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: time now to work on criteria?13:45
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: yes13:45
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, fyi.. wallaby hitting the same issue..
weshay|ruckwant me to add the branch?13:51
ysandeep#folks happy friday call time o/ 14:01
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: will do tks14:16
rlandy|roverysandeep: oops sorry  14:16
rlandy|roverwas busy promoter'ing14:17
rlandy|roverpojadhav: submitted thanks14:18
akahatdviroel|ruck, weshay|ruck thanks 14:18
* bhagyashris out14:28
ysandeeprlandy|rover, I will be out in few mins, need anything?14:28
pojadhavrlandy|rover, thanks :)14:29
ysandeepI stopped periodic bm run for enva till we fix that.. I am doing some local testing with new networkdatav214:29
rlandy|roverysandeep: thank - have a good weekend14:30
ysandeepthanks, have a great weekend!14:31
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dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: rlandy|rover
dviroel|ruckchasing ussuri here
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, if you want.. add amol's change as a depends-on.. 14:55
weshay|ruckwe'll get it merged soon enough14:55
dviroel|ruckif amol's change is just for fs002, we removed from criteria14:56
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, you can do that to.. but you get some additional free testing if you add it :)15:03
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: hey
rlandy|roverleft a comment15:09
rlandy|roverif you want to add wallaby jobs,15:09
rlandy|roveryou need a wallaby release section15:09
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: oh thanks :)15:09
jbadiapaykarel, ysandeep|away: could you take a look at it's to fix
jbadiapanot sure whether this is the way you'd like to fix it15:22
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, FYI.. no need to branch for xena :)
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: there is a g-d15:30
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, so if you spell out g-d in irc.. how does one burry that?15:36
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: this is a highly complicated problem15:37
rlandy|roveralong the lines of keeping a siddur on your phone - can you take the phone into the bathroom15:37
* dviroel|ruck lunch15:51
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zbreasy review:
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: woohoo16:15
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: rekick victoria?16:53
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, I was going to.. but it just promoted16:53
weshay|ruckso leaving it16:53
weshay|ruckwallaby is the next oldest16:53
weshay|ruckwill trigger it after ussuri completes16:54
dviroel|ruckoh, true16:54
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck; once hits current/consistent16:54
rlandy|roverwallaby can go16:54
rlandy|roverit's probably in component line16:54
rlandy|roverbut since we take current16:54
rlandy|rovershould be ok on tripleo16:55
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: ^^ think you have two spaces there17:54
dviroel|ruckyes I have17:55
* akahat out17:59
dviroel|ruckmissing periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-ussuri :(17:59
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: rlandy|rover  need to merge this one: for wallaby18:38
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, done18:39
rlandy|roverlooks good - thanks18:39
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: was also updated, thanks18:39
rlandy|rovermerging - thanks18:40
dviroel|ruckif you ignore those testprojects from amal, you will see 2 different tempest failures 18:42
dviroel|rucks/amal/amol 18:42
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: yep18:44
rlandy|roverI think we can promote18:44
rlandy|roverlet's skip that in criteria18:44
rlandy|roverwe'll put it back afterwards18:44
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: notice the time diff18:45
rlandy|roverlookslike we are starting to run longer though18:46
rlandy|roverwe need to keep an eye on that18:46
rlandy|roverlet's promote though18:46
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: worst case, we skip that test18:48
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: want to join the promoter tmux?18:48
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: sure18:48
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: ^^?18:50
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: yes18:50
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: ok - so just wallaby left18:52
rlandy|rover :)18:55
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, moving to
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: yeah, i did resume build for master today already18:57
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ack18:58
rlandy|rovermaster and victoris run there18:58
rlandy|roverothers doesn't look like it yet18:58
rlandy|rovertrain is stuck20:52
rlandy|roverwill testproject20:52
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: weshay|ruck: ^^ pinged infra about stuck train20:57
rlandy|rovertestprojected the reaming jobs20:57
rlandy|roverperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset002-train fine there20:57
dviroel|ruck51 hr21:00
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: something wrong there21:16
rlandy|roverkicked 5 hours ago or so21:16
rlandy|rovermaybe zuul is already in weekend mode21:16
dviroel|ruckwhat about wallaby?21:17
dviroel|rucki was checking here
dviroel|rucksays 'consistent' yet21:18
dviroel|ruckopenstack-component-tripleo running21:20
* weshay|ruck looks21:22
rlandy|roverso consistent would get used in rdo21:22
* dviroel|ruck forgot that is wallaby21:22
rlandy|roverfor it to be used it 17, it has to pass the component line21:23
* weshay|ruck kills line21:23
rlandy|roverbut it should be picked up21:23
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: why kill the line?21:23
weshay|ruckit was stuck21:24
weshay|ruckare the patches for wallaby merged?21:24
weshay|ruckI think so right?21:24
weshay|ruckIf you want I can retrigger train21:24
rlandy|roverI testprojected the missing jobs21:25
rlandy|roverfor wallaby yes21:25
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ^^ we were waiting on that21:25
weshay|ruckoh right.. tripleo comp21:26
rlandy|roverbut it should get picked up in current 21:26
rlandy|rover17 has to wait21:26
rlandy|roverbut wallaby should be ok21:26
weshay|ruckif three is any proof we need to drop releases21:26
weshay|ruckman.. looking at the component lines now.. geez21:26
rlandy|rovermake you crazy to track all this21:27
weshay|ruckussuri is gone in nov21:27
rlandy|roverhappiness is21:27
weshay|ruckwe can shutdown comp and int before that.. and let it be upstream21:28
weshay|ruckthat will help a little bit21:28
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, can we try this?
rlandy|roverlol - forgot21:38
weshay|ruckI can kick a line and test it21:38
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: k - I +2'ed21:40
rlandy|roverlet' try it and revert if something goes wrong21:40
weshay|ruckya.. in a few.. just need to let it merge21:40
* rlandy|rover panics a lot21:41
rlandy|rover merged21:47
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ok. master triggered21:48
weshay|ruckremember that issue21:50
rlandy|roverkick again?21:51
rlandy|rovero log21:51
rlandy|roverno idea21:51
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: you need to use the actual head commit21:51
rlandy|rovernot refs/21:51
* rlandy|rover gets21:51
rlandy|rover--project openstack/tripleo-ci --ref <head commit of tripleo-ci>21:52
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ^^ make sense?21:52
rlandy|roverhead of master21:52
rlandy|roveryatin told me that trick21:52
weshay|ruckk.. trying21:54
rlandy|roverthere you go :)21:58
weshay|ruckdon't see it yet21:58
weshay|ruckdidn't work21:59
rlandy|roverdisn't run22:02
weshay|ruckI'll watch it.. the updated task did not run22:03
dviroel|ruckgoing out for the day, have a good weekend22:03
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, will keep an aye out22:03
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, will keep an aye out.. didn't run22:03
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, 0/22:03
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: have a good weekend22:03
rlandy|roverthanks for all you did this week22:03
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, I'll try again later22:03
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: checking which playbook ran22:04
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rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ^^ playbook is different22:05
rlandy|rovermaybe parent22:05
rlandy|roversomething is off here22:06
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: OH22:06
rlandy|roveryou'll love this one22:06
rlandy|rovernot consistent22:07
rlandy|roverold playbook22:07
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ^^ happy friday22:07
rlandy|roverlet's revert22:07
rlandy|rovertry again with different playbook22:07

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