Thursday, 2021-09-30

*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej06:03
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel06:07
ykarelbhagyashris|rover, is failure in phase 1 master known one?06:07
ykarelrelated to ephemeral heat06:08
bhagyashris|roverykarel, not sure, Didn't check before 06:09
ykarelack can check now06:10
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep06:36
*** jpodivin is now known as jpodivin|ruck06:36
chandankumarysandeep: ack, thanks :-)06:42
ysandeepchandankumar++ marios++ thanks for reviews on those patches!06:43
chandankumarbhagyashris|rover: any reviews needs attension06:44
chandankumarfor promotion06:44
bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, nope06:54
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena07:00
bhagyashris|roverslaweq, hi07:01
slaweqbhagyashris|rover: hi07:02
bhagyashris|roveri have reported separate bug for victoria
slaweqbhagyashris|rover: thx07:02
slaweqbhagyashris|rover: I will try to investigate that07:02
bhagyashris|roverbut we are still facing same issue this one on master 07:02
slaweqis it happening all the time or is it intermittent?07:02
slaweqbhagyashris|rover: regarding the issue on master, I just replied in
slaweqcan You check it?07:03
slaweqit seems for me that fix for that issue wasn't included in the neutron package instelled in the neutron-api container there07:03
bhagyashris|rovervictoria one failed two time with same error and passed on testproject so we can say victoria one is intermittent 07:04
bhagyashris|roverbut master one is consistent 07:04
slaweqbhagyashris|rover: ok, for victoria issue I think that the same issue we have in u/s ci from time to time07:05
bhagyashris|roverslaweq, ok i will check that, but currently we add that test in the tempest skiplist 07:05
slaweqI will try to analyze logs to maybe find out something07:05
bhagyashris|roverslaweq, ok thanks :)07:05
slaweqbhagyashris|rover: please check if that patch is included there, I was checking it with testproject and was running fine07:05
bhagyashris|roverslaweq, ack07:17
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.6659679412842s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35892,1,2360db5e41b3434b879e2f3f52bdb55307:44
bhagyashris|roverslaweq, that change came yesterday in the integration line 07:44
bhagyashris|roveri will revert my skip list patch 07:44
bhagyashris|roveropenstack-neutron change regarding master failure 07:45
slaweqbhagyashris|rover++ thx07:51
bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, arxcruz|ruck we can merge this patch thanks 07:55
arxcruz|ruckbhagyashris|rover: waiting chandankumar 08:06
bhagyashris|roverarxcruz|ruck, okay08:07
chandankumarmarios: \o, Thanks for filing cs9 bug, please add promotion blocker tag to them for cix, when free :-)08:40
marioschandankumar: sanity check that one is a mistake right 08:42
marioschandankumar: wasnt sure about filing that one ... i think it is related to the bigger network manager vs scripts in centos9 issue08:42
marioschandankumar: for now we have a workaround so not blocked but not sure if the workaround is the end of it (hence i filed the bug)08:43
marioschandankumar: so we want cix for all c9 issues? 08:43
chandankumarmarios: yes08:44
marioschandankumar: k adding08:45
chandankumarmarios: as per apevec for el9 status call, we need to cix bugs which is blocking the work or workaround so that we get attension08:45
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.50063729286194s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35570,1,5f49273e378f47488022a1a46133381708:49
* bhagyashris|rover lunch08:56
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch09:13
marios2021-09-30 09:15:53.640 | Invalid configuration value: failovermethod=priority in /etc/yum.repos.d/centos9.repo; Configuration: OptionBinding with id "failovermethod" does not exist09:55
mariosah red herring 09:55
ysandeep bhagyashris|rover looks like content-provider have some issues in upstream10:00
ysandeepIncase not already known.10:00
ysandeeperror pushing image "" to "docker://": error locating image with name "" ([]): image not knownerror pushing image "" to 10:01
ysandeep"docker://": error locating image with name "" ([]): image not known10:01
ysandeeparxcruz|ruck, ^^ 10:01
*** ykarel|lunch is now known as ykarel10:05
arxcruz|ruckysandeep: ?10:13
arxcruz|ruckshould be no ?10:13
arxcruz|rucklet me check 10:13
mariosarxcruz|ruck: ysandeep: there was an issue with quay earlier today dns issues 10:14
marios 10:14
arxcruz|ruckmarios: ysandeep I'm able to pull the image now 10:15
arxcruz|ruckysandeep: marios seems to be the case 10:15
mariosarxcruz|ruck: yes it has been resolved a little while ago 10:15
ysandeepyeah.. looks like resolved now.. thanks marios10:15
bhagyashris|roverysandeep, still an issue?10:23
ysandeepbhagyashris|rover: yes as per arxcruz|ruck manual image pull test.10:24
ysandeepbhagyashris|rover, I am working now10:24
ysandeepI mean*10:24
ysandeepbhagyashris|rover, Let's wait for one green run in check/gate than we can confirm all green 10:24
bhagyashris|roverysandeep, ack thanks :)10:25
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck10:39
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: bhagyashris|rover: hey - how are things today?10:40
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: bhagyashris|rover solved everything :) 10:41
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, going good, we had promotion for all the branches yesterday 10:42
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: lol well, bhagyashris|rover is the woman :) 10:42
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, just the cockpit is showing the wrong info regarding the promotions 10:42
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: ack - I pinged pooja about it10:43
rlandy|ruckwhen she incorporated her last change, weshay's change came in and broke the cockpit10:43
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, i think pooja is on PTO today and tomorrow 10:43
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: I need your python expertise10:44
rlandy|ruckfor ^^ fix10:44
* bhagyashris|rover tea brb10:44
rlandy|ruckI left some notes on the tripleo-ci chat10:44
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: yeah, i notice that 10:44
arxcruz|rucki'll work on that 10:44
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: join me on the cockpit10:44
rlandy|ruckysandeep: hey - are we still blocked on 16.2?10:58
rlandy|ruckand 17?10:58
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: 16.2 is a legit bug.. neutron team working on it.10:59
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, Regarding 17 - that tempest patch merged.. but tempest is pinned in rdoinfo.. 10:59
rlandy|ruckysandeep: yep  .. I know but we're holding the whole release on it11:00
ysandeepfor 17: we are testing with downstream cherrypick of tempest patch: 11:01
ysandeepif it works.. we can unpin tempest in rdoinfo..11:01
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: imho.. for 16.2 lets hold.. because that's a legit bug.. otherwise compose will the same issue.. 11:02
rlandy|ruckysandeep: I agree we should not promote broken code11:02
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: arxcruz|ruck
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: will join review meeting in a sec11:03
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: thanks11:04
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: :*11:04
ysandeepslaweq: I understand ralonsoh is working on that 16.2 bug.. but if you guys need any help from us like a reproducer environment to speed up the investigation, Please let us know.. We haven't promoted 16.2 in more than 20 days so that's becoming urgent for us.11:04
slaweqysandeep: sure, I will ask ralonsoh about it11:05
ysandeepslaweq: thanks!11:05
rlandy|ruckslaweq: thanks - we are holding all of 16.2 on this 11:07
rlandy|ruckand the promotion is almost a month old11:07
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: joining review time?11:08
chandankumarrlandy|ruck:  yes11:08
chandankumarbhagyashris|rover: hello, DO we need to merge this ?11:13
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: ^^11:13
bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, i see in the recent run fs020 passed11:14
bhagyashris|roverlooks like that test is failing intermittently 11:14
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: tempest component is broken with this11:14
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, ^11:14
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: and victoria11:14
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, victoria one11:15
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, master one got fixed and it's passing now 11:15
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: and victoria?11:15
rlandy|ruckfailed fs02011:15
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, victoria one failed two times and in the recent run it passed so looks like it's failing intermittently 11:16
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: train and master11:17
rlandy|ruckboth failing11:17
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, ok let me check11:17
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: train one is just a once off11:17
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: so keep the skiplist - juts change the test to the component line test11:17
rlandy|ruckwe will remove the entry when it clears the component line11:18
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, ack 11:19
chandankumarbhagyashris|rover: 11:19
chandankumarlog link11:19
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel11:21
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: arxcruz|ruck: rechecking
rlandy|ruckto see if is ok to merge11:25
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, chandankumar done
*** jpena is now known as jpena|lunch11:25
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: Please review when you have time(we can merge the job definitions), I have separated this from adding in rhos-release check patch, Hit some issues with that.. Send details in an email11:46
chandankumarmarios: ysandeep arxcruz|ruck can we meet for interview call planning in another 30 mins?11:58
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: no11:58
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: just kidding :) 11:58
marioschandankumar: k 11:58
ysandeepchandankumar: sure, works for me11:58
chandankumarmarios: ysandeep arxcruz|ruck will pass the link in another 30 mins11:59
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: hey ...
rlandy|ruck - should be master12:02
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*** jpena|lunch is now known as jpena12:16
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: hey - merged12:22
rlandy|ruckhow far out are you on the abandoned status cockpit fix?12:23
rlandy|ruckotherwise will pull this change to see if it works12:23
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: are you on the cockpit?12:23
kopecmartinchandankumar: thank you for the notes in regards of os_tempest, i'm just going through them 12:27
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: marios: arxcruz|ruck:
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ^^12:31
erbotRequired files not ready after 300.9513714313507s for periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-baremetal-master-validation 35899,3,cac7b7fa28264f79a1d7782daa4d727d12:38
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: joining meeting again12:41
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: ?12:43
*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|rover12:43
* dviroel looks with angry face to technician ISP fixing cables12:57
ysandeepmarios, you are on mute if you are speaking13:09
rlandy|ruckysandeep: merged13:16
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rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: hey - do you want to meet for your 1-on-1?13:59
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: let's take one more cut at the cockpit14:05
rlandy|ruckmaking some manual changes in the mean time14:05
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: just a sec, i'll check what's going wrong14:16
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: I updated the ABORTED stuff manually14:17
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: nothing is wring as such14:17
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: ok, i'll update it in the json file 14:17
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: k- then we can try build again :) fun times14:18
rlandy|ruckmaybe tomorrow14:18
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: if you are not slammed, you can join the interview to at its start14:18
bhagyashris_rlandy|ruck, nothing much to say will meet next week14:19
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris|rover14:19
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, sorry there was some connection issue14:19
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: sure - will chat then14:19
rlandy|ruckno worries :)14:19
rlandy|ruckall good14:19
dviroelade_lee: hi o/14:22
dviroelade_lee: fyi
dviroelthe issue that you hit yesterday14:23
ade_leedviroel, ah great!14:30
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.2821626663208s for deps-cbs-validate 35904,1,6fe61575e5aa4e3f8c3af9f4a0d41f1314:39
ade_leedviroel, guss 14:43
ade_leedviroel, guess we just need to add the fix as a dependency then14:43
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.29233264923096s for periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-train 32107,21,a8e4ffa8868046229146d2875a5fcf9d14:45
ade_leedviroel, trying to figure out how to proceed further on
ade_leedviroel, we're seeing the same error - so I'm not entirely sure we're getting the right library (libssh)14:46
ade_leedviroel, I guess we can add something to print out the ssh_type14:47
dviroelade_lee: yeah, we can add a debug message to see which ssh_type is being used14:47
ade_leedviroel, I do plan to set up a couple of fips enabled machines to reproduce the issue with both libraries and see what happens.  should be able to use a stripped down version of the playbooks to reproduce what we're seeing14:48
erbotRequired files not ready after 406.4150080680847s for periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master 35777,2,6f666234bd7543ae8e9e8c74e038607f14:50
dviroelade_lee: yeah, that should be a good approach atm14:52
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off14:58
*** chandankumar is now known as raukadah15:21
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.2610352039337s for DLRN-rpmbuild-centos8 35902,2,21b88f32fa2d44b9ad7546b6fedb7a5015:31
* dviroel lunch15:35
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*** marios is now known as marios|out16:09
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|dinner16:10
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: just debugging vexx ovb failures16:11
rlandy|rucklet's touch base on cockpit later/tomorrow16:11
rlandy|rucklet me know when you are EoD16:11
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: i'm putting the patch for the cockpit today or tomorrow morning 16:11
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: sure16:11
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: and I'll add the test failing in the tempest component pipeline 16:11
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: no worries16:12
rlandy|ruckthat will kick shortly16:12
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: bhagyashris|rover: OVB is down16:13
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: the cockpit fix 16:20
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck:  ci-scripts/infra-setup/roles/rrcockpit/files/grafana/rdo.admins.alert-notification.json 16:22
rlandy|ruckwas only expecting a change to ci-scripts/infra-setup/roles/rrcockpit/files/grafana/cockpit.dashboard.json16:22
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: well, i did the export, and it comes with these changes16:23
arxcruz|ruckthen I added 16:23
arxcruz|ruckbut i only touch in the cockpit 16:23
rlandy|ruckhmmm ..16:23
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: k - let's look at it tomorrow16:24
rlandy|ruckI have made the manual changes in the mean time16:24
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.0610842704773s for tox-linters 35908,1,845f310aaffc43418fefe53aa94cb88b16:29
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: the sibling error seems to be on the infra side right? I'm checking the code 17:05
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: zuul restarted now17:05
rlandy|rucklet's see what happens17:05
rlandy|ruckOVB is also on infra side17:05
rlandy|ruckgot a ping out to infra and vexxhost17:06
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: it's never our fault17:06
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: naturally :) 17:06
rlandy|ruckwe're perfect17:06
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck++ for help on cockpit17:06
*** ysandeep|dinner is now known as ysandeep|out17:09
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: i did nothing :) 17:14
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: og course not - we're perfect17:38
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: hey - can you open your window on the cockpit?18:11
rlandy|ruckthe tmux is too narrow18:11
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: done 18:12
rlandy|ruckthank you18:12
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: looking into why the cockpit is not picking up current-tripleo-rdo promotions18:13
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: checking 18:20
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: pooja added a review earlier ...18:22
rlandy|ruckit looks like there may have been a manual edit to pick up lone promotion18:22
* rlandy|ruck gets18:23
rlandy|rucktox fix merged18:26
rlandy|ruckthose jobs should clear now18:26
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: rechecked - same tox failure18:27
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck:  - pooja's change to pick up jobs18:28
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: needs to create a view for current-tripleo-rdo ?18:35
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: it has one18:35
rlandy|ruckon the right of upstream promotions18:35
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: where these information are comming from ?18:36
arxcruz|rucki'm not seeing in the cockpit code current-tripleo-rdo info 18:36
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: /me will show you18:36
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: ^^18:37
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: done 19:03
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: great 19:03
rlandy|ruckgoing to merge that19:03
rlandy|ruckwe can try the pull tomorrow morning19:03
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: hmmm ... some lines have result != ABORTED twice19:07
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: notice now, i'll check 19:09
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: k- no emergency19:09
rlandy|ruckwhen you have time19:09
dviroelrlandy|ruck: o/21:10
dviroelis there any c7 job failing atm? with get_hash?21:10
dviroelmy patch is failing on molecule job, using c7 instance21:11
rlandy|ruckdviroel: hi ...21:11
* rlandy|ruck looks21:11
dviroelssl cert issue21:12
rlandy|ruckInvalid response received from the delorean server. Queried URL: Response code: -1. Response text: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:618)>. Failed to create TripleOHashInfo object.", "msg": "Error something went wrong fetching hash info", "success": false}21:12
rlandy|ruckdviroel: OVB jobs are all down due to ssl issues21:13
rlandy|ruckthat may be something different21:13
rlandy|ruckis that a consistent ox failure?21:13
rlandy|ruckdviroel: tox jobs were failing all over the place due to zuul-jobs change21:15
rlandy|ruckwhich just got fixed21:15
rlandy|ruckcan I recheck your job?21:15
dviroelonly saw that happening in molecule jobs21:15
dviroellet me se if i can reproduce without tox/molecule21:16
rlandy|ruckprevious failure was different issue21:18
* rlandy|ruck check other dlrn operations21:18
rlandy|ruckdviroel: (unrelated) could you vote on - just so I get a second vote before merge?21:19
rlandy|ruckdviroel: maybe you're hitting what OVB is
rlandy|ruckCaused by SSLError(SSLError(1, u'[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:618)'),))21:22
dviroelrlandy|ruck: reviewed, 'tripleo_ansible/roles/tripleo_lvmfilter' is correct. +121:23
dviroelrlandy|ruck: hum, yeah, maybe, also py2.721:23
dviroelthe same thing is not happening with py321:23
rlandy|ruckthe OVB error is in the BMC node21:24
rlandy|ruckso neither21:24
* rlandy|ruck look sgain21:24
rlandy|ruckdviroel: and the exact same command with python3 passes?21:25
dviroelrlandy|ruck: different lib21:25
rlandy|rucklet's check other c721:27
* dviroel checks py3 again21:27
dviroelit is passing for py3, same url21:30
rlandy|ruckc7 content providers are ok21:30
rlandy|ruckdviroel: can only guess that the python2 code path is not running through auth correctly21:32
rlandy|ruckdon't have other good traces of it21:32
rlandy|ruckotherwise we would have gate failures21:32
rlandy|ruckthat path must be hit on all c7 jobs21:34
rlandy|ruckgranted we don;t run many of them21:34
rlandy|ruckdviroel: so marios changed that code again for the fs039 failures21:38
rlandy|ruckso this may be a legit error21:38
dviroelrlandy|ruck: the same code was working yesterday21:39
rlandy|ruckdviroel: so then either we have an issue with rdo auth21:40
rlandy|ruckwhich is possible21:40
rlandy|ruckthey made a change to the DNS on one network21:40
rlandy|ruckso it's possible that is hitting you as well21:40
rlandy|ruckjust on the c7 path21:40
rlandy|ruckwe have no other similar jon running and passing since then21:41
rlandy|ruckso you have a legit issue21:41
rlandy|ruckjust depends where the change is21:42
rlandy|ruck<dpawlik> Today we added a second DNS entry to the public network subnets21:46
rlandy|ruckdviroel: ^^ does this give you the same error?21:48
dviroeloh, no, it works with this link21:49
dviroelah, but this is not a https link21:51
dviroel"" for instance also works 21:53
rlandy|ruckdviroel: so I guess then it might be the vexx chnage21:54
rlandy|ruckdviroel: I am waiting on a response from vexx about that21:54
rlandy|ruck<dpawlik|afk> rlandy|ruck: I guess it is related to letsencrypt cert :P21:54
rlandy|ruckdviroel: ping me again tomorrow21:54
rlandy|ruckwill update you on vexx status21:54
rlandy|ruckand you can try again21:54
dviroelrlandy|ruck: ok, thanks21:55
rlandy|ruckif other https works21:55
dviroelrlandy|ruck: going out for the day21:56
rlandy|ruckdviroel: have a good night21:56
dviroelrlandy|ruck: you too21:56
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out21:56

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