Wednesday, 2021-10-27

*** pojadhav|out is now known as pojadhav|ruck02:57
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ysandeepykarel: On c9 config-drive is not attached to nodepool node: 07:29
ysandeepdo you know what we need to do to attach config-drive on c9?07:30
ysandeepmay be something similiar to: 07:31
chandankumarysandeep: seems to be stuck in zuul queue, Do we want to abandon and restore?07:56
chandankumarIt will affect the chain07:56
ysandeepchandankumar, i think not only gate but some check jobs are also stuck07:57
ysandeepfor ex:
ysandeepLet me check with infra.. 07:58
ysandeepchandankumar, pinged on #opendev.. lets see08:01
chandankumarysandeep: thanks :-)08:01
chandankumarakahat: bhagyashris ysandeep: pojadhav|ruck please have a look at this chain I hope it does not break promoter08:04
chandankumarand downstream08:04
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, ack08:05
* pojadhav|ruck lunch08:07
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ysandeep|lunchchandankumar, ack 08:08
ykarelysandeep|lunch, i think it should be already enabled08:10
ykarelbut yes for that changes are needed in nodepool config08:10
chandankumarysandeep|lunch: I am going to start working on cs9 containers multinode job08:30
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arxcruzchandankumar: hey man, do we have centos 9 jobs running for promotion and/or integration ?08:47
chandankumararxcruz: yes, few jobs,
chandankumarwe will be adding more by this week08:48
marioschandankumar: ysandeep|lunch: fyi WIP Adds entry for centos9 rdo_baremetal_image  08:54
mariosamoralej: ykarel: how can we help/do with getting a 9 image into ... i mean apart from waiting for the image to be released ;) 08:54
mariosamoralej: ykarel: need it for centos9 fs1 ovb job - patch there but we don't have the image yet 08:55
marioschandankumar: amoralej: ykarel: maybe i can try downloading from and uploading there? ^^ 08:56
amoralejmarios, in which tenant08:56
mariosamoralej: rhos-dev-ci08:56
amoralejyes, you can just push that08:56
mariosamoralej: ack thanks doing08:57
mariosamoralej: sorry for noise :)08:57
amoralejno problem08:57
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ysandeepchandankumar, I didn't heard anything back from infra, may be no one available in this timezone.. I am going to abandon/restore to clear gate09:22
ysandeepykarel|lunch, i think it should be already enabled >>  I don't find /mt/config in output: even though is see "config-drive: true" at ^^ , may be its missing at somewhere else09:34
soniya29chandankumar, arxcruz, kopecmartin, ysandeep, please add/edit the today's agenda for tempest meeting -
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ykarelysandeep, there it will be seen only if it's mounted10:21
ykarelif for some reason it's not mounted it will not be seen10:21
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rlandy|ruckakahat: hi - around today?10:38
ysandeepykarel: ack, thanks!10:38
rlandy|ruckmatbu: jpodivin: should we sync later re: all the validations patches?10:42
jbadiapaysandeep, were you able to take a look at ? 10:43
rlandy|ruckysandeep: pojadhav|ruck: when dviroel|rover|afk gets in, let's ync about downstream10:43
rlandy|ruckand who's following up on what there10:43
matburlandy|ruck: o/ i have a small etherpad to sumurize:
chandankumarysandeep: marios fyi if you get hit by this cs9 bug
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, did you heard anything from mhu / kforde after I left?10:44
rlandy|ruckmatbu: ok - so I have some open time on Friday morning if you guys need to sync about design10:44
rlandy|ruckotherwise you can just pass chandankumar and me your patches for review10:44
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, ack10:44
matburlandy|ruck: mainly we need to land the tqe patch 815292 and then the rdo-jobs will come after10:44
rlandy|ruckysandeep: nothing helpful10:44
rlandy|ruckmatbu: k- chandankumar and I will look at that patch shortly10:45
matburlandy|ruck: ack thx, for the rdo-job, i'm not sure about the approach to override overcloud_roles like this here:
matburlandy|ruck: so your expertise (and chandankumar ) will be needed on that one10:46
ysandeepjbadiapa: Sorry not yet.. I got occupied with C9 work.. I will take a look tomorrow's morning. Is that a blocker for you.. i recall you mentioned with whole_disk=false you were able to passed that step.10:46
matburlandy|ruck: but we can sync on friday +110:46
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rlandy|ruckmatbu: k - booking a time - we can use it or not10:47
jbadiapayes it's not a problem for me. I updated the launchpad...10:52
* pojadhav|ruck brb 10:54
ysandeepjbadiapa: okay , thanks!10:54
chandankumarsoniya29: please update this patch when , free thansk!10:56
matburlandy|ruck: ok, we can also see with chandankumar or ysandeep , i dont want to waste your time on your work, i know you have a lot of to do10:58
matbus/see/chat/ (see if more a french translation :D)10:58
rlandy|ruckeither way10:58
rlandy|ruckbeen working with jpodivin on these10:58
chandankumarysandeep: marios|afk bhagyashris pojadhav|ruck any review needs attension11:00
rlandy|ruckfrenzy_friday: ^^ arxcruz: ^^?11:00
rlandy|ruckreviews we need to look at???11:00
bhagyashrischandankumar, not from side side 11:02
frenzy_fridayrlandy|ruck, no all wf ed for me11:02
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: in my list, will go over that11:02
rlandy|ruckfrenzy_friday; cool - let's get your review in on CIX card server today11:02
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, thank you!11:03
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: just for now, but not critical, I'm working on the dashboard for centos 9 11:03
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: thanks - also the update/upgrades patch11:06
rlandy|ruckis marios|afk ok with that one now?11:06
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: i did the updates he asked, waiting for the results 11:10
soniya29chandankumar, sure11:11
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dviroel|rover rlandy|ruck pojadhav|ruck hi o/ - lets wait pooja finish her lunch11:18
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: pojadhav|ruck: yep - will ruck/rover sync in about 20 mins11:19
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, dviroel|rover : I am available :)11:19
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, ack11:19
*** marios|afk is now known as marios11:21
mariosrlandy|ruck: arxcruz: k i will check again didn't realise it was updated 11:22
jpodivinmatbu: we have talked about the yesterday11:28
jpodivinmatbu: it's clashing with and it doesn't allow for overrides on the job level11:29
matbujpodivin: i dont think it's a problem for standalone jobs -> standalone play , ovb -> ovb play & so on11:31
jpodivinmatbu: we are not talking standalone jobs now. 11:31
matbujpodivin: i tested the standalone playbook change in a testproject run11:31
matbujpodivin: same for multinode, the inventory is selected per play11:31
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: please keep this test11:31
chandankumarthen we can merge that11:31
mariosarxcruz: rlandy|ruck: 11:38
rlandy|ruckysandeep|afk: - will this mess with 16.2?11:38
rlandy|ruckif not, we can merge11:38
jpodivinmatbu: we can't merge both. And in this case we need to select inventory that might be in the config donwload dir, which wouldn't work with your patch.11:40
jpodivinmatbu: we should stick with per job selection, we are already doing that with component variable afterall 11:41
dviroel|rovermarios: sshnaidm hi o/, LP created
dviroel|rovermarios: sshnaidm  an alternative is to revert
mariosdviroel|rover: thanks ... related to i guess11:43
dviroel|rovermarios: yes sir11:43
matbujpodivin: yep the inventory not in overcloud-deploy/overcloud is weird. Did you have this 100% of the time in your job ?11:43
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: pojadhav|ruck: ysandeep|afk: fyi - we're going to merge
rlandy|ruckmay break stuff :)11:44
matbujpodivin: because I never seen that before11:44
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: ack11:44
jpodivinmatbu: I did, the latest test project execution of your patch is actually failing on that as well .11:44
jpodivinif it gets the right inventory it will at least execute validation, it might fail on authentication (that's hitting compute comp now in my branch) but it will find the host and run it. 11:45
arxcruzmarios: i don't know the answer... i believe it will not matter, because it will have a previous hash, plus the actual hash right ?11:45
arxcruzin that case, it will also remain the same 11:45
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, worth to check it on ovb job with a real patch, it will be executed there11:46
matbujpodivin: no the inventory is in the correct place:
jpodivinmatbu: doesn't have nova_api11:46
jpodivinwithout the validation won't execute. 11:47
matbujpodivin: yep true no nova_api but the inventory path is correct11:47
jpodivinmatbu: "no host matched" 11:48
matbujpodivin: the nova_api might be a setting with the job itself11:48
matbujpodivin: about the tqe review the path should be correct in all cases for master & wallaby , according the tripleoclient code11:48
jpodivinyes if nothing changes11:49
jpodivinwhich is why I would go for something more adjustable11:49
jpodivinlike ... per job override11:49
jpodivinanyway, I have running validation and tripleo component multinode. The compute is now stuck on the authentication error.11:50
matbujpodivin: we can override the full path as well .. but then it's not a big deal, if it's change we will changed it. But the path of the inventory has been decided during the last ptg, so i dont think it's a big pb for now11:51
jpodivinmatbu: then why are you introducing when does the trick? 11:52
matbujpodivin: i think we have good progress here. Im more interest by the overcloud_roles overrides, if it's ok or not to do that. If so thats nice .. if not we will see if adding a validation featureset is sane11:52
matbujpodivin: i want to standardize the call of the playbook for the 3 playbooks that we need: multinode/ovb/standalone11:53
jpodivinwhy do we need ovb again? The multinode job with 010 works fine11:53
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jpodivinit's actually a fair bit faster too. 11:54
jpodivinwe definitely don't need ovb for validations and for the ooo tests. 11:54
matbujpodivin: another way which be can better for  will be to make a var like {{ validation_inventory }} and do the job.inventory override per playbook11:54
matbujpodivin: no we need ovb for components11:55
jpodivinmatbu: why? It's working without it. 11:55
matbujpodivin: to me this is the oooq playbook which choose which inventory should be use because it's related to the deployment. It's a playbook var11:58
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: dviroel|rover: sorry - let's meet after we drop from program call11:58
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: dviroel|rover: we have some stuff to work on internally11:58
rlandy|ruckthat needs action 11:59
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: ok11:59
jpodivinmatbu: we are supplying our own inventory on the command line since the functional tests were implemented. It doesn't necessarily have to be the same one every time.11:59
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, ok11:59
jpodivinthe only difference is that now we can set that from rdo job, rather than figuring it out with conditional on the quickstart side. If there is an need to overrided it, it's still possible to do on within the quickstart 12:00
soniya29chandankumar, kopecmartin, ysandeep, rlandy|ruck, arxcruz, tempest meeting?12:01
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rlandy|rucksoniya29: on program call12:01
soniya29rlandy|ruck, ack12:01
dviroel|roverpojadhav|ruck: rlandy|ruck I can talk  today12:01
pojadhav|ruckdviroel|rover, ack :)12:02
frenzy_fridayhey ysandeep, the testproject for is passing. Can I start adding the c9 scenario jobs?12:06
ysandeepfrenzy_friday, sure.. you may want to add depends-on: 12:07
frenzy_fridaycool, thanks12:09
frenzy_fridayHey ysandeep , chandankumar  : I should add the periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario00X-standalone-master jobs should in standalone-jobs.yaml right? And not in integration-jobs-c9-master.yaml?12:19
chandankumarfrenzy_friday: the job should be defined here integration-jobs-cs9-master.yaml12:21
chandankumarfor each release related integration job, we are keeping it in a seperate file12:22
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, chandankumar ysandeep plz let me know when you have free time will meet for sec to decide the coming reto and planning meeting date12:22
ysandeepI am free to chat now12:23
matbujpodivin: but looking at your rdo-job review, i have no religion :D, i prefer at the playbook level, but since you put a lot of var in the job def, if it's ok for everyone, then got for it. I'm putting one another comment in the tqe patch12:23
bhagyashrisas coming week is the Diwali festive week so most of the folks from India will be out 12:24
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: ysandeep: chandankumar: yep - let's keep the retro on Wed and move planning to monday12:24
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, monday means 8th Nov right?12:25
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, we can also do one thing club the retro and planning meeting on Monday wdyt?12:25
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: ysandeep: chandankumar: yes ... otherwise we will have just marios, dviroel|rover, arxcruz and frenzy_friday on planning12:25
bhagyashrisysandeep, chandankumar ^12:26
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: we will have people on wed12:26
chandankumarbhagyashris: ysandeep is not around next week12:26
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: chandankumar: ysandeep: ugh - we have prod chain virt meet up 12:26
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: bhagyashris: ysandeep: ok - let's meet in 5 mins12:27
rlandy|ruckjust getting off program call12:27
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, ok12:27
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: pojadhav|ruck: dropping from program call  - just fyi 12:27
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, chandankumar
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, yup12:29
dviroel|roverok, np12:29
* dviroel|rover ☕12:36
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rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: pojadhav|ruck: pls join
bhagyashrisfolks plz Note: next planning meeting will be on 8th Nov (Monday) 12:00 PM UTC to 2:0 PM UTC12:52
mariosack bhagyashris will you send/update the calendar invite please? 12:52
bhagyashrismarios, yes sent12:53
mariosbhagyashris: thanks13:00
soniya29rlandy|ruck, meeting?13:01
rlandy|rucksoniya29: few minutes13:01
soniya29rlandy|ruck: okay13:01
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rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: dviroel|rover: ^^13:13
rlandy|rucksoniya29: sorry - joining13:13
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dviroel|roverpojadhav|ruck: ^13:15
dviroel|rovermarked as promotion-blocker, since affects tripleo component line13:15
dviroel|roverwe can revert a change that fix that13:15
dviroel|roveror, go with the fix here
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: is the train introspection change merged?13:47
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: does work?13:52
rlandy|ruckif so, what's stopping us going with it?13:52
dviroel|roverlets start with the first issue13:53
dviroel|roverthis works13:54
dviroel|rovertested here
dviroel|roverI think we can merge this ^ and will follow up in yum-config wire up (master and other stables) if there is a way of avoiding this workarounds ^13:55
dviroel|roverwe revert this
dviroel|roverthen I'll need to find a better solution in 'repo-setup' role13:58
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, dviroel|rover, chandankumar, ysandeep : I kept patches ready at downstream
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dviroel|roverpojadhav|ruck: ack, tks14:00
ysandeeppojadhav|ruck: thanks! i will take a look at them tomorrow 14:00
ysandeeppojadhav|ruck, don't touch other repos.. only update our repos.. tripleo-environment, tripleo-ci-internal-jobs and  tripleo-ci-internal-config14:02
pojadhav|ruckysandeep, ack will abandon rest of the patches.14:04
ysandeeppojadhav|ruck: thanks!14:04
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: thanks, will take a look14:15
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chandankumarrlandy|ruck: merging rbac jobs
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: yay - thank you14:24
rlandy|rucksoniya29: ^^14:24
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: fyi (introspection timeout)14:32
chandankumararxcruz: hello, we also need to enable cs9 containers copy from rdo trunk registry to quay14:32
arxcruzchandankumar: ok14:32
rlandy|ruckthank you14:33
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: chandankumar: - merging this ...14:49
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, ack14:50
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: aye14:53
* dviroel|rover lunch, brb14:55
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, anything you want me to look at..? 14:59
rlandy|ruckpls check status there and if it's still valid15:00
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: and start patches for https15:00
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, https patches ready15:00
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rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: ah - thanks - looking15:01
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: tomorrow - if infra is fixed, pls look at the downstream component jobs15:01
rlandy|ruckand see where we are with those15:01
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, sure15:02
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: you can also look at the other skiplist CIXs15:02
rlandy|ruckand revert the list and see if the problem remains15:02
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, yeah will look into it.15:02
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: Do we have the order to review validation stuff?15:09
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: just w+ed one patch15:10
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: understanding is that jpodivin and matbu are working out their changes - we have a meeting on friday to help merge their stuff15:11
rlandy|ruckreading back15:11
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: hey - what was this in connection to? <sshnaidm> rlandy|ruck, worth to check it on ovb job with a real patch, it will be executed there15:12
* rlandy|ruck lose track :)15:12
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, was about but it's +w, so nvrmnd :D15:13
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: it just failed gate15:14
rlandy|ruckso you're in luck15:14
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: RDO third party OVB did run15:15
rlandy|rucktripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-victoria-branch : SUCCESS in 3h 04m 02s (non-voting)15:15
rlandy|rucktripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 : SUCCESS in 2h 07m 08s15:15
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, but w/o a real patch, this code wasn't executed15:15
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, lemme submit a test..15:15
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: yeah - good point15:15
* rlandy|ruck will remove workflow15:15
rlandy|ruckand you can try15:15
*** pojadhav|ruck is now known as pojadhav|out15:23
chandankumarmarios: rlandy|ruck overcloud deployment works fine container-multinode
chandankumarfew tempest failures15:24
rlandy|ruckvery cool15:24
marioschandankumar: nice one :)15:30
marioschandankumar: still fighting fs1 :/ 15:30
marioschandankumar: thanks for help merging
chandankumarmarios: need one help, where we can put this value for overcloud deploy?15:31
marioschandankumar: any of the env files used in that job 15:31
marioschandankumar: tripleo-heat-templates15:31
marioschandankumar: must be using one of the files under ci/environments there15:32
chandankumarmarios: but it will enable for all c8 and c9 both15:32
chandankumarthat we donot want to do that15:32
marioschandankumar: well we may need to have different env files and wire the jobs differently15:32
chandankumarLet me go via
marioschandankumar: maybe we can chat about that tomorrow mornign ? 15:32
marioschandankumar: ack 15:32
chandankumarmarios: yes sure, 15:32
rlandy|ruckmarios: he - question wrt upgrades15:33
rlandy|ruckmarios: - if you have a few minutes15:34
mariosrlandy|ruck: sure gimme sec 15:36
chandankumarsee ya!15:37
rlandy|ruckmarios: ^^15:41
rlandy|ruckperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-wallaby (non-voting)15:41
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rlandy|rucklunch brb16:50
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rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: you all set?17:46
rlandy|ruckneed to meet about anything?17:46
rlandy|ruckruck-rover tool?17:46
* rlandy|ruck checking pojadhav|out's reviews on internal17:46
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: everything seems ok by now17:48
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: chaging rr tool already17:48
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: you rock - thank you17:48
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: see that you are already chasing victoria17:49
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: at least you;re not bored here :)17:49
rlandy|ruckyep chased master17:49
dviroel|rovernot at all17:49
rlandy|ruckand victoria17:49
dviroel|roveryeah, master promoted17:49
rlandy|ruckso we should be all set17:49
rlandy|ruckwatching downstream now17:50
rlandy|ruckand need to get back to CIX stuff17:50
rlandy|ruckoh and train c7 promoted as well17:51
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: hey ...
rlandy|rucklooks like your test patch worked17:56
rlandy|ruckhmm ...17:58
* rlandy|ruck does not see "Install required packages used in modify-image role" run though17:58
rlandy|ruckmodify-image not called there17:59
rlandy|ruckrun on victoria18:04
rlandy|ruckdidn't run on test change18:08
rlandy|rucktrying again18:08
ade_lee_dviroel|rover, ping18:20
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: makes sense to raise an error for '--promotion_label=current-tripleo-rdo' + --component="any"18:20
ade_lee_dviroel|rover, hey - so my fips job got some results back 18:20
dviroel|roverade_lee_: hi18:20
ade_lee_and would like to try to figure out whats going on -- have a meeting in 10 mins - but maybe we can look afterwards18:21
ade_lee_a couple things I noticed though ..18:21
dviroel|roverade_lee_: i can take a look in a few minutes and we sync after18:21
ade_lee_cool - 1. scenario 2 still has no logs :(18:22
ade_lee_2. scenario 4 has iscsid chap algorithms not set -- I think I need to set something special to enable an override on a standalone job.18:23
ade_lee_the override seems to work in the multinode case but not this one18:23
ade_lee_and gotta investigate standalone ipa - something about a mysql resource bundle not completing18:24
* rlandy|ruck looks18:27
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: it should whatever current-tripleo without components 18:28
rlandy|ruckso tripleo-ci-testing18:28
rlandy|ruckis probably a better example18:28
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|out: updated
rlandy|ruckadded cockpit config18:42
rlandy|ruckand missing release file changes18:58
rlandy|ruckpls review18:58
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: who uses the rr tool to populate influxdb?19:14
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: so i can add the new parameters to generate rdo info19:14
dviroel|roverfound this last_promotions.py19:15
rlandy|ruckthe cockpit19:17
dviroel|roverhum, might be this conf file19:21
rlandy|rucknearly out of meeting19:24
rlandy|ruckwill ping you19:25
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: k - out of meeting19:38
rlandy|ruckcan I help with something?19:38
rlandy|ruckyou all set?19:38
* rlandy|ruck looks at review19:38
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: the influx outputs looks correct19:39
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: do you have a cockpit env set up?19:39
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: no :(19:39
dviroel|roverhow hard is that?19:39
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: k - let me take you through that19:40
ade_lee_dviroel|rover, hey - out of my meeting20:17
dviroel|roverade_lee_: hello there, didn't have time to look at20:17
dviroel|roverade_lee_: can look now20:17
ade_lee_dviroel|rover, cool20:17
rlandy|ruckhmm ... master didn't promote20:18
ade_lee_dviroel|rover, rlandy|ruck so -- in I set enable_fips, so that the overcloud deployment would include a fips env file20:23
ade_lee_ie. via
ade_lee_so that seems to work just fine for the mutinode deployment 20:24
ade_lee_but I don't see the same thing on the standalone jobs20:25
ade_lee_do I need to do something different there?20:25
rlandy|ruckyep - standalone has it's own var I think20:27
rlandy|ruckso for standalone ...20:28
rlandy|ruckade_lee_: you can see an example here:
rlandy|ruckstandalone is fs05220:32
rlandy|ruckso you can add to it20:32
rlandy|ruckwith a {%if fips ....20:32
rlandy|rucksee example where low-memory-usage is seen:
ade_lee_rlandy|ruck, ok cool thanks -- so it sounds like I need to edit featureset 52 to include the file20:38
rlandy|ruckade_lee_: yeah - just add to the list of standalone_custom_env_files:20:39
rlandy|ruckwith the if condition20:39
ade_lee_or I just need to override standalone_custom_env_files 20:39
rlandy|ruckyou can20:39
ade_lee_if enable_fips20:39
rlandy|ruckbut you'd need a featureset_override20:39
* rlandy|ruck checks if there is one20:40
ade_lee_rlandy|ruck, if I do "if enable_fips " .. that parameter is what is passed in in vars: ?20:41
rlandy|ruckthat exists20:41
rlandy|ruckso we could add an override for you20:41
rlandy|rucksame as you used in   when: enable_fips|bool20:42
ade_lee_ok  cool - I'll try that20:42
rlandy|ruckor if you pass it in an job20:42
rlandy|ruckie: if you pass the20:43
* rlandy|ruck explains20:43
ade_lee_rlandy|ruck, right now - my job is defined here
rlandy|ruckthat's fine20:44
rlandy|rucksame way20:44
ade_lee_so I define the var in featureset_override (enable_fips)20:44
rlandy|ruckf you don;t have a default defined in standalone20:44
rlandy|ruckif you have trouble, ping, we can edit it together20:45
ade_lee_rlandy|ruck, ack thanks20:48
rlandy|ruckade_lee_: geen probleem:)20:52
ade_lee_rlandy|ruck, so something like this -- ?20:56
rlandy|ruckor something like:
rlandy|ruckade_lee_: your one should work20:59
rlandy|ruckade_lee_: you may need >-20:59
rlandy|rucklike ^^20:59
ade_lee_ack -- I was looking at what you had above ..21:01
ade_lee_rlandy|ruck, and I already have this --
ade_lee_but it didn't work in the standalone case21:02
rlandy|ruckit didn't the file or it didn't render?21:05
ade_lee_didn't add the file 21:05
ade_lee_anyways tried with  lets see what happens21:06
rlandy|ruckwhere is enable_fips defined?21:07
ade_lee_in the job ..21:07
rlandy|ruckok - so two things to try out21:08
rlandy|rucktake away the if condition21:09
rlandy|ruckand just add the second item to the list21:09
rlandy|rucksee if it adds21:09
rlandy|ruckthat will tell us if we have the right place21:09
ade_lee_rlandy|ruck, so -- I mentioned that for mutinode, it was added21:10
rlandy|ruckright - but I want to see if the var is overridden anywhere else21:10
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|afk22:08
*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|ruck|afk22:23

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