Monday, 2022-02-07

*** rlandy_ is now known as rlandy|out01:33
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amoralejhi, do you have any job running on composes instead of official repos?09:32
amoralejif so, you must have seen any issue related to greenlet, i gues..09:33
mariosamoralej: we have a dependency pipeline for composes but not sure how far along that is dviroel|out was working there amoralej 09:37
mariosamoralej: but in any case that pipeline won't block anything09:37
amoralejyeah, i remembered i had that conversation with dviroel|out 09:38
amoralejand we had an issue with greenlet, so i was wondering if you catched it09:38
mariosack thanks amoralej maybe dviroel|out can check later 09:41
mariosor rcastillo might know about that too ^^ 09:41
amoralejbtw, wrt it seems it's trying to deploy with cs8 overcloud image09:45
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dviroel|roveramoralej: hi, we started a compose dependency pipeline but it isn't running periodically yet - we can run a standalone job with rdo testproject if needed11:00
* dviroel|rover has wrong nick11:01
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|ruck11:01
amoralejdviroel|ruck, no problem, thanks for the update11:05
amoralejdviroel|ruck, no problem, thanks for the update11:05
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy|ruck11:14
rlandy|ruckamoralej; thanks for the heads up about the c phase 1 job11:16
rlandy|ruckwill look into that11:16
rlandy|ruckmarios: 11:20
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: dviroel|ruck: can you join - c9 cix stuff11:33
dviroel|ruckjoining 11:33
dviroel|ruckysandeep: o/ - I will miss scrumm today - wrt "Add Integration line for wallaby cs9": we now are missing ovb(fs039 and fs064) and multinode-ipa, blocked by a bug which has fixes there are about to merge.12:19
ysandeepdviroel|ruck, thanks!12:20
rlandy|ruckmarios: I think there was some chatter last week about moving back from temp repos we switched to?12:21
frenzy_fridayhey folks, pls add to your review list Thanks!12:22
mariosrlandy|ruck: yeah just need to verify the repos are now available/packages available and revert ?12:22
*** dviroel|ruck is now known as dviroel|ruck|afk12:23
* dviroel|ruck|afk taking kid to doct - afk12:23
mariosrlandy|ruck: i can dig at that in a bit 12:23
rlandy|ruckmarios: thank you12:26
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*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:56
rlandy|ruckysandeep: hey - can you chat with me about ci.centos jobs?12:58
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, sure12:58
rlandy|ruckysandeep: thanks
* akahat|rover back in few hours.13:00
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:20
rlandy|ruck jenkins-v2/jobs/promote-master-centos9-current-tripleo.yml13:31
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rlandy|ruckysandeep: so you want to drop to start scrum - I'll hang on the CIX call13:57
rlandy|ruckdo you13:58
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, bhagyashris is back, she said she will run scrum13:58
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: will be a few minutes late for scrum  - on CIX call13:58
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, ack13:58
dasmon srbac call. will join scrum in a bit14:00
bhagyashrisakahat|rover, dviroel|ruck|afk dasm rcastillo ysandeep 14:01
bhagyashrisscrum time14:01
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: dviroel|ruck|afk is out atm14:01
ysandeepbhagyashris, will join in few mins - cix14:01
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ysandeeparxcruz, kopecmartin could you please take a look at , Need to clear FTBFS issue in 17 line14:17
ysandeepthis one too 14:18
rlandy|ruckysandeep: marios: - already +2'ed this ... can you review pls14:24
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, ack14:24
ysandeepvoted, lgtm14:28
* dviroel|ruck coffee14:40
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* dviroel|ruck|lunch lunch, biab15:13
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat|dinner15:43
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*** dviroel|ruck|lunch is now known as dviroel|ruck16:09
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: ha
rlandy|ruckwe got a w+16:12
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: the question is how this lands in our components16:14
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: ^^16:14
rlandy|ruckdoes that go through a component?16:15
arxcruzi think it does, like the other plugins 16:16
rlandy|ruckpython3-keystone-tests-tempest.noarch        0.4.0-0.20200430161943.7f76adc.el8        @delorean-component-security?16:16
rlandy|ruckwhat does it get included in?16:16
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: ^^?16:16
arxcruzyes i think it is this one 16:17
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: so we are going to have to do the following:16:18
rlandy|ruckwhen ^^ is in sec line16:18
rlandy|ruckpromote that and network together16:18
arxcruzrlandy|ruck same as dasm did 16:18
dviroel|ruckoh ok, i see, thanks arxcruz rlandy|ruck 16:19
rlandy|ruckmaybe not16:20
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: ^^16:21
arxcruzoh, indeed16:21
rlandy|ruckso we get that head of branch16:21
arxcruzso just need to just promote 16:21
dviroel|ruckyep, we don't have this issue in stable branches16:21
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off16:22
* rlandy|ruck trying to figure out the promote situation16:23
rlandy|ruckif we get it on merge16:23
rlandy|ruckor if we need to promote both components to get the change to network16:23
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: hey, looking at network component atm16:24
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: promoted already16:25
* rlandy|ruck checking16:25
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: we may have promoted with one of depends-on patch16:25
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: ok - so master line is running now16:26
rlandy|rucklet's see what we get16:26
dviroel|ruckon friday16:26
rlandy|ruckby way of keystone plugin16:26
rlandy|ruckthis is really easier 16:26
rlandy|ruckif it fails16:26
rlandy|ruckwe know we need to promote sec16:27
rlandy|ruckand run again16:27
rlandy|rucklucky us16:27
rlandy|ruckfor out own errors16:27
* dviroel|ruck adds a note for retro - avoid promoting things without fixes merged16:28
rlandy|rucknot merged yet anyways16:29
ysandeepfolks o/ I am out for the day, Will start my day a bit late tomorrow from usual - need to go to a govt. office to collect some doc.16:47
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dviroel|ruckysandeep: \o16:49
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: akahat|dinner: need anything from me atm?16:58
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: no, not atm16:58
rlandy|ruckk - lunch  ... then will get back to ci.centos16:59
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rlandy|ruck - keystone change should merge shorty17:00
*** akahat|dinner is now known as akaha|rover17:08
* dviroel|ruck checking whats wrong with cs9-wallaby17:08
akaha|roverdviroel|ruck, rlandy|ruck
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: thanks ... we need a change to make quickstart consume that release file17:15
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, yes. where i need to make changes for jenkins jobs/17:16
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: was talking with joel about that ....17:16
rlandy|ruckso for example17:16
rlandy|ruckwe need to pick up a new var17:17
rlandy|ruckdefault false 17:17
rlandy|ruckor empty17:17
rlandy|ruck<rlandy|ruck> jcapitao[m]: yeah - that's my current thought17:17
rlandy|ruck<rlandy|ruck> to change the val in
rlandy|ruck* knikolla ( has joined17:17
rlandy|ruck<jcapitao[m]> rlandy|ruck: I think that's the best option, to add a DISTRO VAR as input to be able to switch between distro version easily17:17
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: I can put in an example change17:18
rlandy|ruckthat you can pick up tomorrow17:18
rlandy|ruckthe release file looks good for now - thanks17:18
rlandy|ruckwill pass you a review 17:18
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, okay17:18
rlandy|ruckjust finishing lunch :)17:19
dviroel|ruckakaha|rover: found a small issue in your release file17:21
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: akaha|rover: so here's actually what I think we should do wrt release files ...17:30
rlandy|ruckproblem is the flat structure here17:30
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, yes. that's what i think when i compare both tripleo-ci and centosci. 17:31
rlandy|ruckwhich is referenced here:17:32
rlandy|ruckand taken with:
rlandy|ruckproduces the path to the release file17:33
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: ^^ same on line 86 etc.17:34
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: if we added the same dir structure as tripleo-ci17:35
rlandy|ruckand added the extra dir in those lines17:35
rlandy|ruckwe would get by here17:35
rlandy|ruckthe issue is17:35
rlandy|ruckwho else would this mess up?17:35
rlandy|ruckso here's another option ...17:35
rlandy|ruckwe add another var17:36
rlandy|ruckdefault empty17:36
rlandy|rucklike $DISTRO_PATH17:36
rlandy|ruckwith CentOS-8 CentOS-9 etc17:37
rlandy|ruckand default it to empty17:37
rlandy|ruckbut move these files into those dir17:37
rlandy|ruckand in the jenkins jobs17:37
rlandy|ruckwe define that var17:38
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: akaha|rover: ^^ thoughts?17:38
* rlandy|ruck looking for clean solution17:38
rlandy|ruckwith minimal impact on existing17:38
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, yeah.. that could be better way.17:39
rlandy|rucknoting that centosci is not the only env these files run in17:39
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: when are you EoD?17:40
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, within 30 mins17:40
dviroel|ruckneed to take a deep look17:41
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: k - so let's give dviroel|ruck some time to consider17:41
rlandy|ruckthen I will leave you notes for tomorrow17:41
rlandy|ruckor edit patch - as time permits17:42
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: k - let us know what you think17:42
rlandy|ruckand then will edit17:42
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:43
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: akaha|rover: agree with use the same dir structure as we have in tripleo-ci and create a new var if needed, like suggested, will make easier to add new files in future17:48
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: akaha|rover: ok - let's go with that17:50
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, dviroel|ruck ack17:51
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: can you move the files on your patcj17:52
rlandy|ruckthen I'll pick up and do the var work17:53
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, okay17:53
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: we need wallaby 8 and 917:59
akaha|roverah.. okay17:59
rlandy|ruckand the file moved to 9 references 8 repos18:00
rlandy|ruckakaha|rover: so current wallaby file moves to 818:00
rlandy|ruckwe need a new 9 file18:01
akaha|roverrlandy|ruck, okay for now i'll add c8 file. 18:01
rlandy|ruckthat's fine18:01
rlandy|ruckc9 can be added afterwards18:01
rlandy|ruckthanks akaha|rover 18:23
rlandy|ruckediting the quickstart file now18:23
dviroel|ruckcreating a new bug for
dviroel|ruckseems c9 only18:31
rlandy|ruckwe had this before18:32
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: nowhere in the skiplist?18:32
* rlandy|ruck thinks we had something similar18:34
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: didn't check yet18:41
dviroel|rucklet me see18:42
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: no18:43
dviroel|ruck1. tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_rebuild_server_with_volume_attached18:43
dviroel|ruck2. tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_rescue_negative.ServerRescueNegativeTestJSON.test_rescued_vm_detach_volume18:43
dviroel|ruckFound this one ^18:47
dviroel|ruckseems to be the same18:50
* dasm => break19:47
dviroel|ruckok, now that keystone patch will merge19:48
dviroel|ruck - Merged19:55
rlandy|rucksorry - was on meeting20:15
rlandy|ruckreading back20:15
dviroel|ruckI forgot that we need to promote network on c9 too -  :P - running testproject20:17
rlandy|ruckhmmm -not sure we will get latest20:17
dviroel|ruckget latest?20:23
rlandy|rucklatest tempest keystone20:23
dviroel|ruckpython-keystone-tests-tempest-0.8.1-0.20220207195315.4eff632.el9.src.rpm2022-02-07 19:5476K 20:29
dviroel|ruckwe need security20:30
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: huumm - last build date 2022-02-0320:35
rlandy|ruckdlrn stuck20:37
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: we need to ping on #rhos-ops20:38
* dviroel|ruck following20:39
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: akaha|rover:
rlandy|ruckprobably missed something but that's a shot at distro path20:56
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: ok - so where are we wrt promotions?20:57
rlandy|ruckyou're trying to promote c9 network?20:57
rlandy|ruckc8 promoted network20:57
rlandy|ruckbut no new builds?20:58
rlandy|ruckthat's about where we are?20:58
dviroel|rucknetwork c8 promoted due to a testproject with depends-on21:00
rlandy|ruckbut with older keystone version?21:01
dviroel|ruckyeah, probably 21:01
dviroel|ruckwe need security promotion to have keystone fix21:01
dviroel|ruckbut we don't have the rpm atm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯21:03
dviroel|rucklooking at c9-master component line, lot of things to promote there21:03
dviroel|rucki think that amol almost promoted master with the depends-on patch, one job failed in another test21:05
dviroel|ruckbut I think that we should focus on promoting components first21:07
rlandy|ruckack - agree21:08
dviroel|ruckin the other hand, master is very old already21:08
rlandy|ruckwe need to do this logically21:11
dviroel|rucki think that people might be doing promotion unintentionally, while testing patches with depends-on21:14
ade_leedviroel|ruck, rlandy|ruck hey guys21:16
rlandy|ruckyeah - we need to not report to dlrn21:16
ade_leedviroel|ruck, rlandy|ruck I'm trying to get a tripleo-ci run for centos-8 going for wallaby , so I can see hopefully if anything is broken21:16
ade_leedviroel|ruck, rlandy|ruck not sure how to do that given that tripleo-ci is branchless21:17
ade_leerlandy|ruck, dviroel|ruck the fips job - at least for centos-8 - is this one ..
ade_leethere is a separate centos-9 one, but thats broken right now pending fixes for python and mysql21:18
ade_leewhen I look at that job, I see a bunch of runs for master - I guess and I see stuff built for wallaby ..21:19
rlandy|ruckyou will by default get master runs21:20
rlandy|ruckthere are branchful jobs21:20
rlandy|rucktripleo-buildimage-overcloud-hardened-uefi-full-centos-8-wallaby : SUCCESS in 45m 31s21:20
rlandy|rucktripleo-ci-centos-8-content-provider-wallaby : SUCCESS in 3h 42m 56s21:21
rlandy|ruckwhat specific jobs do you want to see run with wallaby branch?21:21
ade_leerlandy|ruck, well all the scenarios ..21:21
rlandy|ruckso testproject with the rdo jobs for scenarios and depends-on might help21:22
ade_leerlandy|ruck, dviroel|ruck so lets take an example -- for instance .. tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario012-standalone21:25
rlandy|ruckon a master change21:27
rlandy|ruckyou will see the master version of that job run21:27
rlandy|ruckif you have a wallaby backport21:27
rlandy|ruckyou will see the wallaby version21:27
ade_leerlandy|ruck, cool - I have those21:27
ade_leeso I maybe just need to add the wallaby backports - and magic will happen21:28
ade_lee(I like magic)21:28
rlandy|ruckyou should see those jobs then run on wallaby branches21:31
dasmrlandy|ruck: it seems that uefi stopped working :/ I left a comment to Steve.21:38
rlandy|ruckok - I see21:39
rlandy|ruckhe should be around shortly21:39
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: one idea: change code to not run report_dlrn if zuul-variables have info about depends-on patches22:00
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: we can add a force_report_dlrn in case we want to report even with depends-on patches22:01
rlandy|ruckI think that is hard to force22:03
rlandy|ruckwe could default testproject to not report22:04
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: we report to dlrn in a role22:05
rlandy|ruckor a playbook22:05
rlandy|ruckany time we run a periodic job , we report22:05
rlandy|ruckso we would have to change the playbook22:05
rlandy|ruckwe'd have to find the right condition to switch on22:06
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: ack, I didn't stop to look at how it works, just have the idea, but I can take a look afterwards22:07
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: it's a good idea if we can find the right condition22:07
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: ok - let's leave some notes for akaha|rover for his morning 22:09
rlandy|ruck1. follow up on stuck dlrn22:10
rlandy|ruck2. check keystone-tempest plugin version22:10
rlandy|ruck3. promote network master c922:10
rlandy|ruckmaybe security depending on version22:10
rlandy|ruckdid I miss anything?22:10
dviroel|ruckhum, is it possible to promote network component? we need to promote security, but then we need to promote master, which depends on network component?22:12
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: we are going to have to fudge it22:14
rlandy|ruckpromote both components22:14
rlandy|ruckeven if we ignore criteria22:14
rlandy|ruckto get main line to pass22:14
dviroel|ruckyeah, so network can promote with the depends-on too22:15
rlandy|ruckso promoting with testproject is actually a good idea this time :)22:15
rlandy|ruckwe have to 22:15
dviroel|ruckwhen we don't have option22:15
dviroel|ruckforce flag :)22:15
rlandy|ruckotherwise it's a chicken-and-egg situation22:15
rlandy|ruckhow far out id security from promoting22:16
dviroel|rucknetwork component is missing on C9 master for now.22:16
rlandy|ruckdviroel|ruck: let's access c9 ...22:16
dviroel|ruckwe need to trigger the line again22:16
dviroel|ruckrlandy|ruck: python-keystone-tests-tempest-0.8.1-0.20220207195315.4eff632.el9.src.rpm22:19
* dviroel|ruck going eod - o/22:41
*** dviroel|ruck is now known as dviroel|out22:41
* dasm is leaving too...22:43
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off22:43
rlandy|ruckdasm|off: see you - have a good night23:03

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