Wednesday, 2022-04-20

*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel00:20
rcastillo|roverdviroel: sc010 victoria running here,100:22
dviroelgreat, thanks00:23
dviroelmissing kvm and fs035 only00:23
* dviroel fingers crossed00:23
dviroelrcastillo|rover: downstream still failing on NTP -
dviroelrcastillo|rover: tox-molecule failing on gates again,
dviroelmirros issues, we may need to improve that test00:29
rcastillo|roverdviroel: I'll look into making that better00:31
dviroelrcastillo|rover: pls, send the rhos-dev email to raise downstream cix - affecting almost all ovs jobs00:31
dviroelif you have time00:31
dviroelrcastillo|rover: i need to go out, time to take the kid to bed - ttyl00:31
dviroelrcastillo|rover: have a good night00:32
rcastillo|roveralright dviroel, ttyl o/00:32
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*** pojadhav|out is now known as pojadhav|ruck02:08
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chandankumarysandeep|out: hello, Do you know who maintains the downstream ntp server? It broke the ovb jobs during overcloud deploy05:07
chandankumarfor rhos16 and rhos1705:08
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ysandeepchandankumar: I am not sure who manages them, worth a ticket to helpdesk or check in internal ops channel. 05:28
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: ^^05:28
ysandeepchandankumar: Have we check manually if its really issue with ntp servers.. 05:28
ysandeepchandankumar, 05:29
ysandeepwe have mentioned 3 ntp servers here.. all of them affected?05:29
chandankumarysandeep: as per the buildset
chandankumarjobs failed at same issue05:30
chandankumarwe are re-running those failed jobs to confirm05:30
ysandeepI think worth to hold a node for debug, may be they are unreachable from our jobs.05:30
chandankumarthen will file a ticket05:30
ysandeepchandankumar, in above buildset ^^ baremetal job can sync with ntp05:32
ysandeepmay be network issue between psi and rh netwoek05:32
chandankumarysandeep:  yes might be05:33
chandankumarysandeep: thanks for pointing the bm logs05:33
chandankumari didnot checked that job05:33
ysandeepchandankumar, undercloud in ovb job can also sync with ntp: 05:35
ysandeepdon't seems like issue with ntp server.. 05:35
ysandeeppojadhav|ruck, If you have a node on hold, I can help to debug it05:36
mariosmorning folks 05:36
pojadhav|ruckysandeep, I havent made node on hold.. posting testpatch for failed jobs05:36
chandankumarysandeep: yes seems to be a network issue, standalone jobs also passed05:37
ysandeeppojadhav|ruck, ack.. please also add "remove_ovb_after_job: false" in vars05:38
ysandeepi will disable the old stack cleanup script05:38
* ysandeep disabled old stack cleanup script in internal 05:39
pojadhav|ruckysandeep, sure05:41
ysandeepmarios, >> ysandeep|out: o/ fyi when you get a chance we should discuss in planning  - ack, will add a discussion point in planning mtg05:43
mariosysandeep: thank you05:49
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* pojadhav|dr_appt will be back in half hr06:30
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ysandeepchandankumar, pojadhav|ruck something wrong with overcloud networking:
chandankumarysandeep: is not resolving07:48
chandankumarysandeep: may be we can ask someone from DF or networking to take  alook07:49
mariosysandeep: thanks for review - fyi 07:49
marioschandankumar: ERROR: The certificate of ‘’ was signed using an insecure algorithm.07:50
mariosThe certificate's owner does not match hostname ‘’07:50
marioschandankumar: (via wget
marioschandankumar: fwiw - does it help?07:50
marioswtf is this 07:51
marios(open in browser) ? 07:51
marioschandankumar: ysandeep: ^^ 07:51
chandankumarendrun tecnologies07:52
mariosis that the time server UI? but anyway seems to be cert issue 07:52
marioschandankumar: cant we switch to a different time server while that is resolved?07:52
chandankumarmarios: in downstream ovb deployment from overcloud ntp server ip is not resolving
marioschandankumar: i see.. so something wrong in that environment specifically you mean 07:53
chandankumarmarios: yes, as sandeep said something wrong with overcloud networking07:53
marioschandankumar: yeah ping works here 07:53
marioschandankumar: i mean ping clock.redhat.com07:54
ysandeepmarios, chandankumar unable to ping dns server from overcloud node as well.. incase you want to look as well: ssh 07:54
mariosysandeep: thanks07:55
mariosysandeep: is it all jobs one job or where?08:01
ysandeepmarios, all ovb jobs in downstream08:01
mariosysandeep: both 16 and 17 you mean? 08:03
ysandeepmarios, yes both 16.2 and 17 jobs are failing08:03
mariosysandeep: so don't think it was something in tripleo-heat-templates for example then 08:03
mariosysandeep: i see only the request but no replies in tcpdump08:04
ysandeepyeah, may be some network issue in psi08:04
mariosysandeep: did we already ping rhos-ops about that 08:08
chandankumarnot yet, we thought the issue is with the deployment08:09
ysandeepnot yet, I am trying to confirm that this is really a network issue 08:09
marioschandankumar: don't think so i mean ... it would have to merge both into wallaby and train yesterday and get into d/stream pipeline for 16/1708:10
marioschandankumar: could hppen but don't think it is likely?08:10
mariosysandeep: yeah i understand the hesitation... its a bit weird that it resolves from undercloud but not controller... :/ 08:11
mariosbut that it woul dhit both 16 and 17 is equally weird08:11
marios(at same time i mean)08:11
mariosunless it is something in our tooling/quickstart/extras i.e. merged to master and affect both 08:12
ysandeepmay be issue is only when we create a new network.. undercloud uses existing private network.. in ovb job we create a new network.08:12
* ysandeep create a vm with new network to confirm that theory08:13
* ysandeep need to go for lunch first.08:14
ysandeepmarios, chandankumar i am killing tmate(stepping away from laptop for few mins for lunch), if you need env access - I can share the details.08:15
chandankumarysandeep: ok08:15
mariosysandeep: thanks08:15
chandankumarmarios: ysandeep except this nothing landed08:15
chandankumarwhich looks suspecious08:15
marioschandankumar: yes i was just looking at that tone08:15
ysandeepi have shared env details in a pm, incase you want to check anything08:16
marioschandankumar: there is quite a bit of it that isn't wired up yet though 08:16
marioschandankumar: was trying to work out if it could be related agree is suspicious but not sure yet ;)08:16
marioschandankumar: # Override masquerading, OVB need's to masquerade the External ( net as well. 08:17
chandankumarmarios: can we do a revert and try out?08:17
ysandeepchandankumar, may be we can create a revert(with -W) and run a testproject08:17
marios(comment in there 08:17
marioschandankumar: yeah i think it is worth it ;)08:17
chandankumaron it08:17
marioschandankumar: you doing or should i?08:17
marioschandankumar: ack thanks08:17
ysandeeppojadhav|ruck, could you please check reported by rabi on #tripleo08:22
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chandankumarysandeep|lunch: marios pojadhav|ruck
mariosthanks chandankumar 08:26
mariosgoing afk for a few mins quick errand 08:26
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pojadhav|ruckysandeep|lunch, ack will check08:37
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amoralejchandankumar, marios i just tested
amoralejissue in 007 is unrelated, may i get reviews on it and get it merged if possible?09:36
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.09:36
mariosamoralej: looking09:43
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marioschandankumar: amoralej: one note/hesitation - if you're in a rush i can workflow - please check, and if you want to update i can revote 10:00
amoralejmarios, yep, i'm in rush, it'd be great if i could get it merged assap10:00
mariosack done amoralej 10:01
mariosamoralej: they wont ever be consumer jobs the conditional is unnecessary 10:01
amoralejwhat would prevent us of creating consumer jobs?10:06
marioschandankumar: please add to your queue when you next have time for that kind of thing ;)10:08
marioschandankumar: damn undercloud install failed @ 10:11
marioschandankumar: maybe the 16 one will get further lets see 10:12
chandankumarmarios: failed at overcloud node provision10:12
chandankumarovercloud deploy is going on10:12
chandankumarmarios: Do we want to remove newton part in a seperate review?10:20
ysandeepchandankumar, marios hey o/ downstream ovb job passed the earlier failing step with the revert: 10:25
chandankumarysandeep: rhel-8 one na10:26
ysandeepchandankumar, yes rhel-8/16.210:26
ysandeepchandankumar, 17 failed with other issues10:26
chandankumarnode provision10:26
chandankumarwill wait for pooja testproject to finish10:27
chandankumarwill triger RHEL-9 fs01 one more time10:27
marioschandankumar: yes i will update for that thanks 10:30
mariosysandeep: great so at least we have a resolution... lets merge the revert did you ping tengu yet? 10:30
ysandeepmarios, job just passed that step, I will speak with Tengu now - if he wants to take a look at affected environment.10:31
mariosysandeep: well i think we should revert anyway and then fix10:32
mariosysandeep: ... unless can be fixed by this afternoon anyway 10:33
mariosimo its always better to fix if you aren't under pressure but up to Tengu  i guess10:33
ysandeeporiginal patch had a depends-on, I wonder we are seeing this because tripleo-ansible patch haven't reached downstream10:33
mariosysandeep: there are a couple of unmerged patches still 10:35
chandankumarnon-ci patches are proposed for master10:36
ysandeepchandankumar, pojadhav|ruck are are not seeing same issue in wallaby/victoria/ussuri/train right?10:37
ysandeepwe* are10:37
chandankumarI am checking right now10:38
ysandeepchandankumar, pojadhav|ruck
ysandeepsame issue in periodic jobs10:40
ysandeepthanks god, its not only downstream :) that would have complicated things10:40
ysandeepdownstream bug confused me, I thought we are only seeing this in downstream.10:41
chandankumarmaster last run failed at mirror issue10:43
chandankumarysandeep: yes all release affected
chandankumaropening a lp bug10:45
chandankumarysandeep: marios let's merge it10:45
chandankumaror we want more testing10:45
chandankumaron rdo side?10:45
ysandeepoops... we ignored rdo votes: 10:46
ysandeepit failed in check itself.. 10:46
ysandeepSometimes I wish rdo third party can block patches.10:47
pojadhav|ruckysandeep, chandankumar : do we need bug for upstream jobs or BZ is sufficient for ntp server issue..?10:50
marioschandankumar: ack voted10:50
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: need a upstream bug10:50
chandankumarabove two logs is sufficient10:50
chandankumarplease file one10:51
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, sure10:51
ysandeepI am also discussing on #rhos-df in internal channel10:51
chandankumarysandeep: ok10:51
marioschandankumar: ysandeep: (FYI updated per chandankumar comments on newton please revisit when you next have time thank you)10:51
marioschandankumar: i have not touched (for newton) as discussed earlier with ysandeep in the review, we will post followup to remove that completely 10:52
chandankumarmarios: ok10:52
ysandeepmarios, chandankumar Tengu injured his arm yesterday and will be out for a few days recovering10:53
chandankumarTengu: hope you get better soon :-)10:54
mariosoh o/ get well soon Tengu 10:54
mariosTengu: you can code by voice typing? what could possibly go wrong10:54
chandankumarsoniya29: kopecmartin arxcruz tempest meeting is colliding with company meeting? Want to cancel it?10:56
arxcruzchandankumar up to you guys 10:58
ysandeepchandankumar, marios are we building packages in third party rdo jobs correctly11:01
ysandeep - patchset 611:01
ysandeep 11:01
ysandeeptripleo-ansible.noarch                        4.1.1-0.20220408083838.61b4080.el9    @delorean-current  11:01
ysandeeppatch had a depends-on 11:01
ysandeepbut i don't see tripleo-ansible rpm building in job11:02
chandankumar construct zuul deps list but don't cache it so it can be reprepared during upgrades11:04
chandankumardoes not contains have tripleo-ansibel change11:04
chandankumarysandeep: can you file a bug11:10
ysandeepchandankumar: yes11:12
ysandeepchecking if it only happens in rdo third party or in check as well11:12
chandankumarand compare it with
chandankumarin RDO inventory there is no mention of change_url11:14
chandankumarbuild-test-packages is working fine i think11:14
chandankumarthat info is missing from RDO zuul that's why there is no info11:14
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chandankumarysandeep: akahat bhagyashris review call if want to join11:16
ysandeepchandankumar, joining 11:16
mariosreview time if you want to joiuni 11:16
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chandankumarjpodivin: conversation
chandankumarfailed job:
soniya29chandankumar, sure11:28
jpodivinchandankumar: I see 11:28
jpodivinchandankumar: thanks. Yeah there does seem to be an easy way to fix this. Funnily enough it's something we are already doing in QE when testing our 17 regressions. 11:30
dviroeloh, victoria promoted, yey11:31
chandankumardviroel: \o11:33
soniya29chandankumar, arxcruz,kopecmartin, i am cancelling today's meeting since it is collinding with company meeting11:33
chandankumardviroel: rcastillo|rover pojadhav|ruck for freeipa scenarios11:34
chandankumarnot yet added promotion blocker11:34
arxcruzsoniya29 okay 11:34
chandankumarsoniya29: thanks!11:34
chandankumarrcastillo|rover: dviroel: all ovb got impacted due to ntp11:34
chandankumarfix is
chandankumarclear it from upstream to downstream11:35
dviroelchandankumar: ack, following on cix11:35
dviroelchandankumar: sad, missing just osp17-rhel9 to have everything green :(11:36
dviroelalmost there11:36
ysandeepchandankumar, pojadhav|ruck we already have one cix for ovb issue.. i think we can remove promotion blocker from here: otherwise we will create a dup cix11:38
chandankumarysandeep: good call, done11:39
chandankumarlinking the bug back to prod chain11:39
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: dviroel: card updated for ovb11:41
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: all set for program call11:42
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, yes 11:43
pojadhav|ruckysandeep, sure11:43
chandankumarysandeep: for this one Do we want to change DFG to DF?11:44
chandankumarand change RCA also11:44
pojadhav|ruckysandeep, chandankumar already removed11:44
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jgilaberHi, is there anyone here that can give W+1 to this patch:
jgilaberIt got a +2 already12:22
ysandeepjgilaber: marios here have core on tht, but I think its better if you ping on #tripleo - there are other cores there as well.12:26
mariosjgilaber: ysandeep: i workflowed it12:26
mariosnp :) I just clicked a button ;)12:27
mariosjgilaber: yeah for future reference #tripleo is the right place not here 12:29
jgilabergot it, thanks again!12:30
ysandeepchandankumar, on further looking about the depends-on issue... I think dlrn didn't build tripleo-ansible rpm in job because tripleo-ansible patch was already merged.. looks okay.12:34
ysandeepchandankumar, - 11th april run , tripleo-ansible patch already merged on 08th April 12:35
chandankumarysandeep: thanks for checking in. :-)12:35
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dviroelrcastillo|rover: hi o/13:16
dviroelrcastillo|rover: revert to fix NTP issue13:16
rcastillo|roveryeah I saw13:16
rcastillo|roverany other issues currently?13:16
rcastillo|rovervictoria promoted13:16
rcastillo|roverthat's nice13:17
dviroelwe just need to make tripleo bits reach downstream13:17
dviroelto try again13:17
chandankumarrcastillo|rover: dviroel I have asked pojadhav|ruck to rekick the rhos17 rhel9 line13:18
chandankumarand drop others13:18
chandankumarplease do not post testproject for the same13:18
rcastillo|roverchandankumar: ack13:18
dviroelchandankumar: oh true, it is a quickstart-extras revert, so we don't need to promote anything to have the fix there13:20
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, rcastillo|rover, dviroel : we will monitor this for osp17 rhel9
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm14:03
pojadhav|ruckrest jobs are green in latest buildset14:03
dasmysandeep: o/ question wrt ruck rover script. Do you want to have 1-to-1 representation for prints: before and after changes?14:04
dasm> "component, status and last promotion" in one line - it was looking better, imho...14:05
chandankumarrcastillo|rover: dviroel leave notes on hackmd14:08
chandankumarsee ya!14:08
dviroelchandankumar: see ya p/14:09
dviroelrcastillo|rover: when free, pls check how old are components, and try to rerun the lagging ones14:16
pojadhav|ruckdviroel, rcastillo|rover : please leave notes for us, will picked up tomorrow morning.. only osp17 rhel9 is left to promote. lets watch this :
pojadhav|ruckhope it will promote 14:16
dviroelpojadhav|ruck: ack, will add notes/comments below April 20th, ok?14:17
pojadhav|ruckI will also check all upstream/downstream component lines status tomorrow.14:17
dasmysandeep: btw, i just checked rr schedule. you're scheduled 3 weeks, one after another, starting May 9. Are you aware of that? cc bhagyashris 14:17
dviroelpojadhav|ruck: tks14:17
pojadhav|ruckdviroel, ack14:17
pojadhav|ruckrcastillo|rover, dviroel, leaving for the day.... see you tomorrow o/14:17
dviroeldasm: i think that ysandeep is adept to 3w RR14:17
dviroelpojadhav|ruck: have a good nigjt14:18
pojadhav|ruckdviroel, :)14:18
dasmdviroel: if he asked for that that's fine. Just checking :)14:18
dviroeldasm: yep, not sure either14:21
ysandeepdasm: sry was in a mtg, yes i asked for continuous rr weeks.. I like older format more14:22
dasmysandeep: ack, ack.14:22
dasmysandeep: my overarching plan is to update the code to the level of: i want to have this working old way, let's use this tmeplate.14:24
dasmysandeep: but i feel your pain with changing output. i'm gonna address that in a minute14:24
dasmand i'll keep in mind backward compat wrt presentation14:24
ysandeepdasm: >> Do you want to have 1-to-1 representation for prints - we can change but having "component, status and last promotion" in one line was more compact. my -1 was more for not having an extra line when running --component all.14:26
ysandeepdasm++ thanks for great improvement in rr script14:26
ysandeepdasm, may be we can also introduce concurrency/parrelism to make rr script run faster..14:27
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ysandeep|outdasm, will review your new patch in my morning o/ see you tomorrow 14:31
dasmysandeep|out: \o14:32
* ysandeep|out out for the day14:32
* dviroel lunch15:31
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rcastillo|roverdviroel: are we aware of this tempest failure in network component?
rcastillo|roverdidn't see cix or launchpad on it16:45
dviroelrcastillo|rover: not aware about, pls open a LP bug 16:51
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dviroelrcastillo|rover: success, osp17 rhel9 should promote soon18:07
rcastillo|roverdviroel: \o/18:15
dviroel[DIR]current-tripleo/2022-04-20 14:2318:31
dviroelrcastillo|rover: when you have new bug, please add to 18:33
rcastillo|roverdviroel: sure18:43
rcastillo|roverneed to step out for a few hours, I'll be back to check on some component job results20:28
* dasm => offline20:52
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