Thursday, 2022-05-26

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy01:23
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: ysandeep|out: master is trying to promote01:26
rlandybut promoter is broken01:26
rlandytrying to read containers from old rdo reg01:26
rlandyakahat: ^^ if you get there first - pls01:27
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep01:27
ysandeeprlandy, ack will check with bhagyashri or amol01:28
rlandyysandeep: hey01:28
rlandyysandeep: train is out by fs035 and fs001 01:28
ysandeeprlandy, thanks for keeping an eye on master :D01:28
rlandystarting a rerun01:28
rlandyysandeep: it's tried to promote three times01:29
rlandysays missing containers01:29
rlandyatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "There are missing containers"}01:29
rlandyysandeep: - rerurn for two missing train jobs - then can promo that01:30
ysandeepnot verbose enough - There are missing containers"}01:30
ysandeeprlandy, I will keep an eye01:30
rlandyysandeep: lastly ...
rlandyis out by fs020 and scenario01:31
rlandyso we can promo if that bug is addressed01:31
rlandyysandeep: ok - I'm out - see you later01:31
ysandeepokay that neutron bug01:31
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ysandeepi will check with yatin 01:31
ysandeepgd nyt o/01:31
rlandy|outysandeep: is you are still short of nodes on vexx ...01:32
rlandy|outdrop the number of times component promote runs01:32
rlandy|outit kicks every two hours01:32
rlandy|outnow I'm out01:32
* ysandeep . only pull is failing, i tried other containers which works01:38
ysandeepokay.. only these 2 containers are missing01:40
ysandeep$ cat /var/tmp/promoter_logs/missing_parsed_containers-centos-9-master.txt01:40
ysandeepchecking with happened with those01:40
ysandeepso we are not building novajoin at all as per
ysandeep - novajoin is dropped01:43
ysandeeprlandy|out, basically another issue of using delorean-current 02:11
ysandeep 02:11
ysandeepwe try to gets  tripleo containers template file from a specific commit which is in tripleo-ci-testing 02:12
ysandeep - openstack-tripleo-common-16.4.1-0.20220516192214.cc9d858.el9.src.rpm 02:12
ysandeep - but because we are using delorean-current we stopped building that container even earlier02:13
ysandeepso when will promote - this will be autofixed02:13
ysandeepor we change our promoter code to always use latest code instead of particular commit (tripleo-common)02:14
ysandeeprlandy|out, dropped an email to you/amol/bhagyashri on why this is happening and to ignore novajoin containers and promote.02:49
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bhagyashrisysandeep|rover, hey05:34
bhagyashrisi saw your mail05:34
bhagyashrisregarding master promotion05:34
bhagyashrisso we can exclude those containers from here
ysandeep|roverbhagyashris, hi good morning 05:37
ysandeep|roverbhagyashris, where we set value for this var: containers_list ?- 05:37
ysandeep|roverbhagyashris, hmmm.. 05:39
ysandeep|roverI am not exactly familiar with promoter code but looks like exclude will work05:40
ysandeep|roverbhagyashris, Is there no other way apart from adding in exclude list.. because in next promotion this will be solved by itself.05:41
ysandeep|roverbhagyashris, we don't use novajoin containers anymore.. infact they are removed.. to solve this quickly I am thinking about just pushing nova-join old hash container with new hash.. that way promoter will be happy05:46
ysandeep|roverand when tripleo-common promotes this will be autosolved.05:46
ysandeep|roverbhagyashris, do you have few mins for a quick call05:50
bhagyashrisysandeep|rover, sure06:05
mariosysandeep|rover: o/ can you update that when you get a sec (link to current hackmd)
ysandeep|roverwill do06:12
ysandeep|roverfrenzyfriday, rlandy|out wohoo master promoted :D 07:01
akahatysandeep|rover, those two containers also got promoted with that hash. If that containers are not built then from where we got those two containers?07:12
ysandeep|roverakahat, hey o/ check my reply on that email thread07:12
akahatysandeep|rover, okay.. got it. Thanks!!07:13
jm1ysandeep|rover: hey ho :) is downstream already broken with new openstacksdk? i see some mails on rhos-dev about infrared. wondering whether you see these type of errors in 16.2 as well07:22
ysandeep|roverjm1, all okay here: 07:23
ysandeep|roverfs020 and tempest failure is known07:23
ysandeep|roverneutron related issues07:23
jm1ysandeep|rover: ack, okay thanks!07:24
ysandeep|rovermay be infrared is broken but in our jobs we use quickstart 07:24
ykarel_ysandeep|rover, jm1 yes infrared was broken but now it's fixed after pinning openstacksdk version07:33
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ysandeep|roverykarel: okay, thanks!07:33
jm1ykarel: ah, great, thanks for clarifying!07:34
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jm1jm1[m]: test08:59
kopecmartinarxcruz: chandankumar any idea what to do with this?
jlarriba1hi guys, I am having an issue on the gate with python-tripleoclient, openstack-tox-py310 is failing on some code that has been there forever and that has nothing to do with my patch. You can see the error in
jlarriba1is this known?09:17
frenzyfriday|rucklooks like the job has been failing in openstack/freezer for a long time. Checking09:21
jlarriba1frenzyfriday|ruck thanks09:23
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ysandeep|roverthat's a non-voting job and never passed
jlarriba1didnt realize it was non-voting09:25
frenzyfriday|ruckfailing allover pythontripleoclient with 'autospect' might be a typo; since forever09:25
frenzyfriday|ruckyeah, it should not block the patch09:25
jlarriba1then the failure is in openstack-tox-docs:
jlarriba1but that is indeed in my code09:26
jlarriba1thank you for your support!09:26
ysandeep|roverfrenzyfriday|ruck, hey o/ want to sync now?09:33
frenzyfriday|ruckysandeep|rover, yep sure09:33
ysandeep|rover#folks o/ fyi.. please don't run multiple job in testprojects, To get better performance in each node vexx have reduced the cpu overcommit and we had to reduce the max_servers as well.. So if you run multiple jobs via testprojects that will affect our scheduled runs.10:07
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:27
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: ysandeep|rover: hello 10:29
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, 0/10:30
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: ysandeep|rover: let's chat about getting train promo'ed10:30
rlandyand what's left on downstream10:30
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rlandyPSA pls be careful when emailing ysandeep|rover ... he now has a twin at RH - there are two Sandeep Yadav's here11:04
ysandeep|roverfun fact.. on the day i joined RH i met my twin at the reception.. He was signing attendance register before me .. I was like - hey dude why are you signing for me :D11:08
jm1ysandeep|rover: Whuat?😱 😂11:08
ysandeep|roverjm1: :D yeah 11:11
jm1ysandeep|rover: is he in rhosp or somewhere else? might be an easy way to switch your workspace for a month 😉11:11
ysandeep|roverjm1: not at all... I have taken enough call on his behalf for more than 2 years.. everyone used to redirect other sandeep Y customer calls to me all the time :)11:13
ysandeep|roverjm1: luckily he is not in OSP :)11:14
ysandeep|roverjm1, On an average 3/4 call per week.. 5 ping from different person because of confusion11:15
jm1ysandeep|rover: 😂 how did it stop? or are they still calling you?11:16
ysandeep|roverjm1, I stopped using genesis when I moved to engineering , benefits of being in this team :D11:17
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ysandeep|roverbut I still get random pings sometime 11:17
jm1ysandeep|rover: whatever genesis is.. 😅 but still a very good anecdote 😂11:19
dviroellol - fun fact indeed11:19
jm1ysandeep|rover: my first name had been so rare in the first 25-30 years that when it was used in public i would answer immediately and get confused when people were not speaking to me. that has changed in recent years though..11:20
jm1btw anyone using elemental/matrix with irc bridge to oftc?11:22
ysandeep|roverjakob... I have heard that name before in movies :D11:24
ysandeep|roverfast and furious - Jakob Toretto  (john cena)11:25
jm1ysandeep|rover: well.. that came out last year iirc 😂11:26
jm1ysandeep|rover: fast furious 9.. bro, i saw ff1 in the cinema.. getting old 😱11:27
ysandeep|roverjm1 :) 11:30
ysandeep|roverrlandy, criteria patch:
*** ysandeep|rover is now known as ysandeep|rover|break11:44
jm1rlandy: #openstack-ansible-sig11:46
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ysandeep|roverrlandy: when you get a chance could you please +w 12:36
jm1rlandy: "ansible-collections-openstack" / "" is what i searched for12:37
rlandyysandeep|rover: done12:37
ysandeep|roverrlandy, thanks!12:37
dviroeltenho 150 pra mandar13:00
dviroel^ gah, just ignore it13:01
bhagyashrisarxcruz, chandankumar rlandy rcastillo jm1 dalvarez dviroel 13:01
rlandydviroel: :)13:01
bhagyashrisscrum time13:01
bhagyashrisdalvarez, plz ignore13:01
bhagyashrisdasm|off, ^13:01
jm1marios: will have a look at before our meeting again of course. what i tried to say is i am missing experience with this thingy and really want to make sure we dont break tripleo again13:19
ysandeep|roverreviewbot, please add in review list:
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list13:24
dasmmarios:  i just realized i used "heated" twice. wrt srbac akd bmc ;)13:45
dasmit must be morning, because i'm lacking otner words13:45
dasm*other (even)13:45
frenzyfriday|ruckysandeep|rover, after rerunning the master components: overcloud and undercloud deployments are failing with AttributeError: 'Service' object has no attribute 'enabled' in master clients component. 13:54
frenzyfriday|ruckand -featureset001-tripleo-master still fails with ntp synch error13:55
*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|ruck14:22
ysandeep|rovermarios, fyi.. train was blocked on this bug earlier: 14:24
ysandeep|roverthat's fixed now14:24
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rlandytripleowallaby promoting now14:55
rlandyysandeep: frenzyfriday|ruck: ^^14:56
rlandyhopefully train will be next14:56
mariosthanks ysandeep 14:57
ysandeeprlandy, df call15:01
*** marios is now known as marios|out15:44
ysandeeprlandy, wallaby/c8 promoted15:45
rlandymarios|out: bhagyashris|ruck: I have an outage tomorrow15:46
rlandywill be in and out15:46
*** frenzyfriday|ruck is now known as frenzy_friday15:54
marios|outack rlandy np 15:54
rlandyjm1: ysandeep: rcastillo: dasm: dviroel: akahat: pojadhav: frenzy_friday: chandankumar: soniya: just fyi ... as above ... I have an unexpected outage tomorrow morning my time15:56
rlandyI'll be in and out15:56
rcastillorlandy: ack15:56
rlandywill be back 7:30pm UTC15:56
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: pls leave note of what you want me to watch in the afternoon hours15:57
rlandywill reschedule 1-1's15:57
rlandywill be at podified meeting15:57
dviroelrlandy: ok, np15:57
rlandywill be at monday's scrum call15:59
dasmrlandy:  no worries. take care!16:01
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out16:06
pojadhavrlandy, ack16:52
rcastillodasm: dviroel review time?19:02
rlandydasm; ugh  - rhel-9 common component blocked on neutron bug20:03
rlandyI think  I may force promo it20:04
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|biab21:23
dasmdviroel|out: good catch wrt review. I haven't considered that.21:32

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