Tuesday, 2022-06-14

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy00:57
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*** ysandeep|sick is now known as ysandeep04:37
ysandeepgood morning everyone o/04:37
soniya29|ruckysandeep, good morning :)04:48
dasm|offgood evening ;)04:55
ysandeepdasm|off, o/ hello have a great evening 05:04
ysandeepmarios, chkumar|rover could one of you please review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/845649 , check/gate blocker.05:33
mariosysandeep: o/ morning looking 05:34
ysandeepmarios, good morning 05:34
mariosysandeep: :) ( i had that same issue last week https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/841582/14..15/config/release/tripleo-ci/CentOS-8/wallaby.yml#b10 and i meant to bring it to the community call but forgot/we had a busy one05:36
mariosysandeep: and after i hit it i also remembered folks (maybe it was folco?) talking about the same like couple years ago :D05:36
ysandeepack, yes additional quotes causes issues here.05:38
chkumar|roverysandeep: marios soniya29|ruck Good morning05:39
chkumar|roverysandeep: How are you feeling now?05:39
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, good morning05:39
ysandeepchkumar|rover: I feel good today, thanks for asking. Yesterday I went out for a quick errand in the afternoon and it was really hot outside, sudden change in temperature from outside to inside caused headache.05:40
marioso/ chkumar|rover 05:40
chkumar|roverysandeep: oh, summer heat is crazy outside everywhere05:42
chkumar|roverglad to know you are feeling good now.05:42
chkumar|rovermarios: ysandeep https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/845573 any promotion blocker review05:43
ysandeepWe are expecting rain by the end of week, so hopefully things will be better soon.05:43
ysandeepchkumar|rover, looking05:43
marioschkumar|rover: ok but just a bit fragile added comment but +2 up to you for merge as is05:45
ysandeepchkumar|rover, Have we already tested this with fs002?05:48
chkumar|roverysandeep: yes, we tested it with fs02 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4358605:51
ysandeepchkumar|rover, ack.. +wing 05:52
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, let's sync05:59
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: https://meet.google.com/wzn-mepi-xwf?authuser=0&hl=en06:00
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/197848206:02
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, https://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-component-security/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-security-master/c4776c8/logs/undercloud/var/log/extra/06:04
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, https://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-component-security/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-security-master/0317cdf/logs/undercloud/var/log/06:04
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/84557306:05
chkumar|rovermarios: ysandeep updated the review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/84557306:41
chkumar|roverif we donot handle it now, then it will break in future06:41
mariosack revoted chkumar|rover thanks for update 06:53
ysandeepack, will vote once ci reports06:58
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soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4008307:08
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: fyi updated tripleo component blocker bug 07:28
chkumar|roverEvaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Apache::Vhost[keystone_wsgi] 07:28
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, okay, i will take a look07:28
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chkumar|rovermarios: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/+/845317 please approve this to unblock tripleo component07:45
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marioslooking chkumar|rover 07:46
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/+/845317 will fix tripleo component07:48
chkumar|rovermarios: ++ thanks!07:49
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, marios thanks07:49
marioso/ soniya29|ruck np07:49
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: going to open 2 bugs for tempest component wallaby08:54
chkumar|roverit is a fallout of tempest bump08:54
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, okay08:55
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: you can ignore tps for tripleo and tempest component08:55
soniya29|ruckwe have fs01 failing on tripleo component c808:55
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: check tripleo component bug08:56
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, ack08:56
arxcruzmarios i'm cleaning up tempest-skiplist, i guess https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist/+/763359/ is ok to abandon right ?09:10
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*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|afk09:32
* soniya29|ruck|afk will be back in 15-20 min09:32
mariosarxcruz: ack thanks 09:41
chkumar|roverykarel: hello10:15
chkumar|roverykarel: please have a look at these two bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1978556 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1978553 might be related10:16
chkumar|roverI am going over the logs to find out the actual issue10:16
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*** soniya29|ruck|afk is now known as soniya29|ruck10:23
rlandychkumar|rover: soniya29|ruck: want to sync?10:25
soniya29|ruckrlandy, okay10:27
chkumar|roverrlandy: yup10:31
rlandysec - just sending out doc10:31
rlandychkumar|rover: soniya29|ruck: https://meet.google.com/xto-kdpe-tfu?pli=1&authuser=010:37
chkumar|roverrlandy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/197848210:41
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, rlandy, fs01 network master and fs01 baremetal master passed on c910:42
soniya29|ruckrlandy, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4008310:44
ykarelchkumar|rover, ok will check10:48
ykarelchkumar|rover, seems caused by https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/openstack/tempest-distgit/+/4340410:51
ykarelwas that tested before merging?10:51
chkumar|roverykarel: yes correct10:58
chkumar|roverI think I saw that long time ago10:58
chkumar|roverso fallout is caused by these bugs10:58
ykarelokk then why it was merged if it failed?11:00
chkumar|roverIt fixes the tests of phase 2 failed tests11:01
chkumar|roverin order to keep the patches in sync I merged that11:01
ykarelok but still if it was failed in validation shouldn't have been merged11:03
chkumar|roverIt was my fault11:04
ykarelmay be good to test without that one patch which looks suspecious11:04
chkumar|roverI ignored the failed tempest11:04
chkumar|roverrlandy: soniya29|ruck https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/openstack/tempest-distgit/+/43369 will fix it11:05
rlandychkumar|rover++ great11:06
rlandychkumar|rover: pls cix the related bug if not already11:07
rlandychkumar|rover: looking at https://logserver.rdoproject.org/54/36254/116/check/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-tripleo-wallaby/48dccde/logs/undercloud/var/log/tempest/stestr_results.html.gz and https://logserver.rdoproject.org/54/36254/115/check/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-tripleo-wallaby/283c464/logs/undercloud/var/log/tempest/stestr_results.html.gz11:18
rlandyI may skip promote tripleo wallaby if the current run fails11:18
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dviroelrlandy: morning o/11:47
dviroelrlandy: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/43598 may fix our problem with container-login11:48
dviroelrlandy: podman is not getting installed before we run the podman login11:48
rlandydviroel: nice11:48
rlandyhopefully I can try that again this afternoon11:49
rlandy'yesterday got consumed by component promos11:49
rlandydviroel: w+'ed11:49
dviroelrlandy: np, I think we can merge this small fix and I can just rerun testproject to see if goes forward11:49
dviroelrlandy: thanks11:49
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soniya29|ruckrlandy|mtg, chkumar|rover, testing c8 wallaby network:- https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4093212:20
chkumar|roverrlandy|mtg: ysandeep|afk good to merge this https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/openstack/tripleo-ci-internal-jobs/+/413308 and close the cix12:23
rlandy|mtgchkumar|rover: merged12:24
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, any update over c8 tripleo component?12:28
chkumar|roversoniya29|ruck: not looked at yet12:28
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, okay12:29
chkumar|rovercurrently juggling with tempest mess12:29
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, apart from tripleo and network we are all good on other components12:29
chkumar|roverrlandy|mtg: rekick the tempest line after an hour, it will promote12:30
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rlandy|mtgchkumar|rover: awesome12:33
mariosbhagyashris: i dropped from downstream reparenting call after a couple mins let me know if you are joining 12:36
mariosperhaps the call is cancelled ? /me refresh calendar12:36
mariosrlandy|mtg: ysandeep: o/ you guys join the containerized ctlplane core sync? i skipped this week 12:47
marioswill join the general one in 1512:47
ysandeepmarios, dviroel joined this week12:48
mariosk thx ysandeep 12:48
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rlandy|mtgmarios: on manager meeting thingy  - so no12:56
mariosrlandy|mtg: ack thx12:57
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rlandy|mtgall community call https://hackmd.io/MMg4WDbYSqOQUhU2Kj8zNg?both13:30
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mariosrlandy|mtg: joining in a few (still on the podified call wrapping up i think)13:30
rlandyakahat: frenzy_friday: arxcruz: soniya29|ruck: chkumar|rover: dviroel: rcastillo: dasm|off: community call13:31
rlandyysandeep: ^^ when off podified13:32
mariosrlandy: no one here13:32
rlandyTengu: community call?13:32
Tenguhmm... room is empty... 13:34
rlandyTengu: https://meet.google.com/igc-nxwj-gws?authuser=013:34
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rlandychkumar|rover: soniya29|ruck: so only tripleo is out for wallaby c914:13
rlandygoing to promote that today14:13
rlandyeven if we need to skip fs00114:13
rlandychkumar|rover: soniya29|ruck: pls leave notes of what I must watch in afternoon14:13
soniya29|ruckrlandy, sure14:14
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chkumar|roverrlandy: just get selinux patch merged14:34
chkumar|roverrest is handled, I will update program call doc tomorrow14:34
dasmchkumar|rover: nice!14:35
chkumar|roverrlandy: please work with apevec and jjoyce on https://trello.com/c/V3XK8eEK/2133-cixbz2012096ospphase2osp17openstack-novafailed-to-detach-device-from-the-live-domain-config-when-attaching-already-attached-volu#comment-62a89be13065ec5d1339a7f814:37
chkumar|roverI rest my case here14:37
jpodivinsoniya29|ruck: I've noticed that one VF component job is failing on overcloud image build. disk-image-create command fails hardened-uefi14:38
jpodivinsoniya29|ruck: It's affecting periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-clients-master as well 14:38
jpodivinpossibly others ... is it being tracked? 14:39
chkumar|roverrlandy: soniya29|ruck see ya tomorrow14:39
rlandychkumar|rover: ack - thanks14:40
soniya29|ruckchkumar|rover, thanks14:54
soniya29|ruckrlandy, fs01 and standalone again failed on testproject..but are failing on different issues..rekicking them again15:10
rlandysoniya29|ruck: w c8?15:11
rlandyrcastillo: you get help with line?15:15
rcastillorlandy: not yet, was going to ask here today15:16
rlandyrcastillo: k - review time?15:17
rcastillosounds good15:17
soniya29|ruckrlandy, updated the doc with c8 component line status15:19
rlandysoniya29|ruck++ thanks15:20
soniya29|ruckrlandy, w.r.t to tripleo component we are blocked on fs01 which i have reckicked here:- https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/4259515:20
soniya29|ruckrlandy, leaving for the day15:20
rlandyhave a good night15:21
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soniya29|outrlandy, thanks15:21
dviroelrlandy: https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/logs/30/403430/8/check/tripleo-ci-rhel-8-content-provider-rhos-16.2/bde62dc/job-output.txt - passing on container-login, failing now on container-build15:29
rlandyk - will check in a bit15:38
* dviroel lunch15:58
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*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:04
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rlandydasm: hello17:27
dasmrlandy: o/17:33
rlandysec on call17:34
rlandywanted to know if you want to take UA role17:34
rlandywill touch base in a few17:34
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|mtg18:15
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rlandydviroel: dasm19:01
rlandyreview time19:01
dasmrcastillo: 1kMbps? Nice!19:15
rcastillodasm that's my lan speed lol19:30
rcastillomy internet connectino is half that19:31
dasmrcastillo: oh, so you're on cable? booo19:33
dasmi thought it's your down from ISP :P19:34
dasmi'm having 300/25 so 1kM would be nice19:34
dasm(or maybe more? idr)19:34
dasmhowever, i'm finding that even 20/20 is sufficient19:34
rcastillodasm: I get fiber to the home, but yeah, I don't really need that much for work19:40
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* dasm is leaving for today. see you tomorrow!21:02
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