Friday, 2022-06-17

*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|ruck04:25
soniya29pojadhav|ruck, arxcruz let me know when we can sync?05:04
pojadhav|rucksoniya29, arxcruz will come online lil late around 12-1 pm IST.05:08
pojadhav|ruckwill let you know once he is available.05:09
soniya29pojadhav|ruck, sure :)05:09
* pojadhav|ruck brb05:09
chkumar|roversoniya29: pojadhav|ruck ok05:09
soniya29chkumar|rover, good morning05:09
chkumar|roversoniya29: good morning05:10
soniya29chkumar|rover, you can change your nick :)05:10
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*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej06:31
* pojadhav|ruck lunch06:55
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arxcruzsoniya chandankumar pojadhav|ruck i need 30 min 07:07
*** arxcruz is now known as arxcruz|rover07:08
pojadhav|ruckarxcruz|rover, ack07:18
arxcruz|roverpojadhav|ruck soniya chandankumar i'm ready 07:36
arxcruz|roverjust need to grab a coffee 07:36
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, soniya arxcruz|rover :
amoraleji'm finding some oooq jobs failing at gnocchi initialization, seems related to redis failing to boot up properly07:42
amoralejare you having similar problems?07:42
amoralejyeah, that :)07:43
chandankumaramoralej: I donot know the fix, takashi and mrunge are looking into it07:43
soniyaarxcruz|rover, pojadhav|ruck,
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* pojadhav|ruck brb09:41
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:30
rlandyarxcruz|rover: pojadhav|ruck: let's sync10:31
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, ack10:32
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: arxcruz|rover rlandy testing downgrading pacemaker fos sc0110:40
bhagyashrisDoes anyone facing issue to login to downstream gerrit. At my end, after doing kinit it's still showing me 401 Unauthorized for downstream gerrit login10:41
rlandypojadhav|ruck: testproject periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario004-standalone-common-wallaby depends-on:
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, already posted
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep11:09
rlandychandankumar: thanks - pls let rr and me know results before your EoD11:14
arxcruz|roverbrb 11:33
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk11:47
rlandypojadhav|ruck; you can kick the downstream common line now11:52
rlandy[ ]diskimage-builder-3.21.2-0.20220617110823.979ad64.el9osttrunk.noarch.rpm2022-06-17 07:16 750K 11:52
rlandy[ ]diskimage-builder-3.21.2-0.20220617110823.979ad64.el9osttrunk.src.rpm2022-06-17 07:16 537K 11:52
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, ack11:52
rlandy^^ in consistent11:52
rlandypojadhav|ruck: did rhel-8 17 component builds fail again?11:53
rlandycontainer builds11:53
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, didnt kicked the line yet. was away. doing it now.11:55
rlandypojadhav|ruck: thanks12:02
rlandychandankumar: - can we remove DNm from that and merge?12:14
rlandyarxcruz|rover: pojadhav|ruck: ^^12:14
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, ack12:15
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, arxcruz|rover : rekicked openstack-component-common and openstack-periodic-integration-rhos-1712:16
rlandypojadhav|ruck++ thanks12:16
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:19
chandan_kumarrlandy yes please remove the dnm feel free to update the patch12:27
chandan_kumarI am outside currently 12:27
rlandychandan_kumar: ok - updating the commit message12:27
rlandyrest is ok?12:27
chandan_kumarYes all good please add daniem from pidone to the review12:28
rlandywill do12:28
rlandythanks for taking care of that12:28
* pojadhav|ruck taking a break12:29
ykarelarxcruz|rover, pojadhav|ruck is issue with phase1 jobs already known?12:38
ykarelcaused by
arxcruz|roverykarel checking 12:41
arxcruz|roverykarel hmmm, i'm seeing the containers on tripleowallabycentos9 but i'm not being able to download it 12:55
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arxcruz|roverykarel got it, it's not being tagged 13:02
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arxcruz|roverakahat around ?13:08
chandankumarmarios: rlandy merge please13:09
marioschandankumar: looking13:13
marioschandankumar: k rlandy added w+13:13
rlandyarxcruz|rover: wrt fs035 for wallaby c8 - if the failure is tempest and non-consistent, you can skip that in criteria and promote13:15
rlandyadd patch to ci-config13:15
rlandyI'll revert it after promo13:15
arxcruz|roverrlandy ack 13:15
ysandeep|afkrlandy, call time13:16
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*** pojadhav|ruck is now known as pojadhav|dinner13:18
akahatarxcruz|rover, o/13:35
*** pojadhav|dinner is now known as pojadhav|ruck13:40
arxcruz|roverakahat we changed from to but it's not tagging, is the promoter still copying to trunk.registry or directly to quay.rdoproject ?13:43
arxcruz|roverif so, should be we who tag it, or is it done by rdo guys ?13:43
arxcruz|roveri can modify the copy quay to also tag on quay.rdoproject though 13:43
chandankumarsorry my understanding is wrong there is no relationship with jenkins and prow13:55
rlandyarxcruz|rover: sorry - was on meeting14:02
rlandyhow are the results ofr fs035?14:03
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rlandyall tempest? any consistent test failing?14:04
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out14:04
ysandeep|outHave a great weekend everyone, see you next week o/14:05
rlandyysandeep|out: see you next week14:07
marioso/ ysandeep|out 14:11
dpawlikarxcruz|rover: I'm mostly working on setting functionality on quay.rdoproject.org14:15
dpawlikarxcruz|rover: what is the issue?14:15
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, build containers got green on osp17 rhel8
rlandypojadhav|ruck: great14:24
pojadhav|ruckrlandy, planning to leaving for the day..14:25
pojadhav|ruckplease leave notes for monday14:25
pojadhav|rucki will start monitoring my morning14:25
pojadhav|ruckmonday morning*14:25
*** pojadhav|ruck is now known as pojadhav|out14:26
rlandylooks ok14:28
rlandyarxcruz|rover: merging c8 w patch14:28
rlandypojadhav|out: ok - hopefully ceph will clear by then14:28
pojadhav|outrlandy, yeah 14:29
chandankumarsee ya people14:31
rlandychandankumar; bye14:33
arxcruz|roverfrenzy_friday around ?14:40
arxcruz|roverfrenzy_friday were you working on change, do you know where we should be tagging the containers to current-tripleo ?14:41
frenzy_fridayarxcruz|rover, hey14:41
arxcruz|roverfrenzy_friday after your patch the phase 1 is failing because there's no container tagged with current-tripleo 14:41
arxcruz|roverwondering if this is made by our side, or not14:42
arxcruz|roverwe tag on with my coopy-quay script 14:42
arxcruz|roverbut i never touched quay.rdo14:42
arxcruz|roveri can alter the copy-quay to tag it but not sure if that's what we want 14:42
frenzy_fridaydo you know how the tagging was done in trunk.registry.rdoproj?14:43
frenzy_fridaywas it the promoter?14:43
arxcruz|roverfrenzy_friday no idea, akahat do you know ?14:43
arxcruz|roveri can check 14:43
akahatarxcruz|rover, let me check the logs.14:44
frenzy_fridaycouldnt find anything on hound14:53
akahatarxcruz|rover, as per the promotion logs promoter is not tagging to quay.rdoproject. 14:58
akahatcheck this task: TASK [containers-promote : Tag images to source registry with named label14:58
arxcruz|roverakahat it should14:58
arxcruz|roverdo you know where we should be doing it ?14:58
frenzy_fridayoh, looks like I should update here v15:03
frenzy_fridayarxcruz|rover, akahat is this the right place?15:03
arxcruz|roveri'm not understanding this :/ 15:03
akahatfrenzy_friday, yes you need to update there 15:04
arxcruz|roverso, right now, quay.rdo is copying the containers from trunk.registry.rdo right ?15:04
akahatand here too:
arxcruz|roverif i'm seeing correctly, we are still promoting to trunk.r.r 15:05
dpawlikarxcruz|rover: no, there was some job that was pushing container images to the quay15:05
frenzy_fridayarxcruz|rover, no, the container build jobs are pushing directly to quay.rdoproj15:05
frenzy_friday - username passwords for the different registries are different in quay :( Checking what we can do15:09
frenzy_fridayhey akahat how is set up in the actual server?15:11
akahatfrenzy_friday, no you don't need to update anything in infra-setup role15:12
akahatdir *15:12
frenzy_fridayakahat, - here we need to change the username/passwd from trunk.registry's passwd to quay.rdoproj's right?15:13
akahatfrenzy_friday, wait.. pushing patch in few mins.15:13
frenzy_fridayakahat, thanks. I updated, and commented15:13
* marios off in few... son graduating from pre-school :D15:18
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frenzy_fridayarxcruz|rover, akahat : lemme know what you think of
arxcruz|roverfrenzy_friday isn't possible to keep both? i don't know if we still rely on trunk.r.r 17:04
frenzy_fridayarxcruz|rover, But the periodic jobs are already pulling from quay17:04
rlandyarxcruz|rover; reverted fs035 skip17:57
rlandyrcastillo; hey - how are you doing?18:45
rcastillorlandy: busy with collection reviews18:50
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.18:50
rcastillothe line worked fine, but we need
rlandyrcastillo++ nice19:08
rlandydviroel|pto: working on container login again19:16
rcastillostepping out, see you next week22:50

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