Friday, 2022-06-24

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy01:33
rlandyjm1[m]: akahat:pls check hackmd - and work with fmount to get the following merged:01:39
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ysandeepGood morning team o/01:59
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*** akahat is now known as akahat|ruck04:39
chandankumarysandeep: good morning \o04:56
akahat|ruckchandankumar, ysandeep o/05:19
akahat|ruckchandankumar, ysandeep could you please vote on this: 05:19
akahat|ruck<frenzyfriday|PTO> yeah :D just came back to check the promoter patch05:19
akahat|ruckthis ^^05:19
akahat|ruckso i can start promoter again.05:19
* ysandeep looking05:26
ysandeepakahat|ruck: +wed05:28
akahat|ruckysandeep, thanks!05:29
ysandeepakahat|ruck, jm1[m] fyi.. new bug , Rabi have already proposed a fix.05:33
ysandeepfeel free to add promotion-blocker flag incase this is blocking check/gate05:33
akahat|ruckysandeep, ack05:34
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akahat|ruckchandankumar, ysandeep  ping about registry: quay registry is compatible to work with docker-py?06:34
chandankumarakahat|ruck: donot know, never tried that06:34
akahat|ruckI'm trying to login to registry using docker-py but it's throwing error.06:35
ysandeepakahat|ruck, I don't have idea about that.06:35
chandankumarakahat|ruck: what is the error?06:35
akahat|ruckIt is the case for the registry login.. docker is not able to connect quay.. 06:35
akahat|ruckpromoter blocker06:35
akahat|ruckchandankumar, docker.errors.APIError: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/auth: Internal Server Error ("Get "": unauthorized: Could not find robot with specified username")06:36
akahat|ruckit always taking /v2/ 06:36
ysandeepmarios, fyi.. replied to your query here:
akahat|ruckregistry are getting logged in using docker login but not using docker-py06:37
ysandeepbhagyashris, could you please check 06:37
chandankumarakahat|ruck: "https://index.{{ registry_host }}/v1/"06:39
bhagyashrisysandeep, yup checking 06:39
chandankumarakahat|ruck: check the container-push.yml playbook?06:39
chandankumarakahat|ruck: can you change it from v2 to v106:41
akahat|ruckchandankumar, tried.. but not working.. 06:44
marioso/ ysandeep thanks will check 06:48
mariosysandeep: ack thanks ok then 06:48
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*** jm1|ruck is now known as jm1|rover06:56
jm1good morning, ci :)06:58
jm1akahat|ruck: what is going on with ci? what should i have a look at? 👀06:58
akahat|ruckjm1, o/ morning.. will have call in few mins.. chasing with promoter.. 06:59
akahat|ruckjm1, meanwhile can you take look at downstream?07:00
jm1akahat|ruck: never worked on downstream before 🙈 let me google that..07:01
jm1btw nice rr doc07:02
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akahat|ruckjm1,  joning?07:48
jm1akahat|ruck: yep07:49
amoralejchandankumar, how is the issue with redis?07:50
amoralejstill failing?07:50
chandankumaramoralej: we workaroud by downgrading pacemake and resourceagent
amoralejit's still failing in rdo jobs07:53
amoralejlemme check why07:53
chandankumarjm1: akahat|ruck's place has power cut right now, so he might went offline08:05
chandankumarhe just informed me08:05
jm1chandankumar: thanks for the heads up! are power cuts usual in india?08:06
chandankumarjm1: nope08:06
chandankumarjm1: sometimes bad weather and hot summer might cause it08:07
jm1chandankumar: was just wondering because it is not the first time that happens while we are in a call ^^08:07
chandankumarit depends on place to place, each places have different infrastructure and backup situations08:08
jm1chandankumar: you have backups? (we dont, causing a blackout for several days last year 🙈)08:11
chandankumarjm1: I have backups which will run for a 1 day or 208:11
jm1chandankumar: wow ok08:12
chandankumarsometimes infra issues or coal shortage brought power cut across india and also seen in neighbouring countries08:12
chandankumarNow i think it is fixed08:12
amoralejchandankumar, i see new builds in repos so the downgrade is installing the bad version?08:50
amoralejhaven't you seen that in your jobs?08:50
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ysandeepmarios, just to confirm have we left deprecated-jobs.yaml on purpose? 09:02
ysandeepI wonder when zuul will remove declaring queue at pipeline level.. will it complain because we didn't update deprecated-jobs.yaml09:03
mariosysandeep: looking 09:07
mariosysandeep: thanks replied... its a good point but i think its fine to leave it those templates more likely need removing altogether 09:11
mariosysandeep: there should not be any zuul explosions or other complaints ;) according to the mails about it it would mean jobs aren't run in the layouts that use the queue in the 'old' way 09:11
ysandeepmarios: ack09:16
jm1akahat|ruck: still no power? 😳10:16
akahat|ruckjm1, hey.. 10:17
akahat|rucki'm back a while ago.10:17
akahat|ruckchasing some wired issues on promoter.10:17
jm1akahat|ruck: ah, thought we had something to discuss?! anyway, rr doc is updated10:18
jm1akahat|ruck: went through all bugs and checked whether they are still open or not. havent added new bugs yet10:19
akahat|ruckjm1, okay.. 10:19
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rlandyakahat|ruck: jm1: hello10:22
akahat|ruckrlandy, hello10:22
rlandyakahat|ruck; jm1|rover:let's sync10:22
akahat|ruckrlandy, okay10:22
chandankumaramoralej: checking10:30
ysandeepakahat|ruck, jm1 many jobs in post failure:
ysandeepjm1|rover, ^^10:38
ysandeepyou have so many nicks :)10:38
akahat|ruckysandeep, yes. saw that.. but it do not shows th elogs10:38
akahat|ruckthe logs *10:38
jm1|roverysandeep: just choose whatever nick you want ^^10:39
chandankumaramoralej: you are correct, now it is installing pacemaker.x86_64                               2.1.4-1.el9                         @quickstart-centos-highavailability and resource agent version have not got changed 10:41
ysandeepakahat|ruck, ack.. looks like noonedeadpunk was taking about that issue on #opendev  few mins back.10:41
amoralejchandankumar, so jobs are not failing?10:43
chandankumaramoralej: for wallaby it is failing10:43
amoralejmmm and why not in master?10:43
chandankumaramoralej: since resource-agent version does not got changed
amoralejno, i don't understand10:44
amoralejwhat i'm hitting in rdo10:44
amoralejis that10:44
chandankumarand it is downgraded in master so master is working fine10:44
amoralejjobs keep failing with downgrade10:44
amoralejthat's what i see in my env10:44
chandankumarand for wallaby downgrade patch is not merged that's why it is failing10:45
amoralejthat's from yesterday, with the downgrade10:46
amoralejyes i get that10:47
amoralejsee the downgrade there installed the bad versions10:48
amoralejpacemaker                x86_64  2.1.3-2.el910:48
amoralejas there is a more recent one10:48
amoraleji'm not sure why you are not hitting that10:49
chandankumarlet me check the logs from periodic line also to confirm10:50
chandankumaramoralej: reason we are not seeing it in periodic line - sc01 is busted already due to ceph failure
chandankumarit has not reached to standalone deployment10:54
amoralejand in check pipeline with provider jobs?10:54
amoralejyou rebuild the redis container, right?10:54
amoralejor use redis from last promoted?10:55
chandankumaramoralej: we rebuild the redis container10:57
amoralejlet me check there10:57
chandankumarone of the passing job from today
chandankumarpacemaker.x86_64                               2.1.2-4.el9                         @quickstart-centos-highavailability10:58
chandankumarpacemaker-cli.x86_64                           2.1.2-4.el9                         @quickstart-centos-highavailability10:58
chandankumarpacemaker-cluster-libs.x86_64                  2.1.2-4.el9                         @quickstart-centos-highavailability10:58
chandankumarpacemaker-libs.x86_64                          2.1.2-4.el9                         @quickstart-centos-highavailability10:58
chandankumarpacemaker-remote.x86_64                        2.1.2-4.el9                         @quickstart-centos-highavailability10:58
chandankumarpacemaker-schemas.noarch                       2.1.2-4.el9                         @quickstart-centos-highavailability10:58
chandankumarresource-agents.x86_64                         4.10.0-17.el9                       @quickstart-centos-highavailability10:58
amoralejwhere are the container build logs?10:59
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chandankumarbuildset history and
amoraleji got it11:02
amoralejchandankumar, there is specific nvr there11:03
amoralejdnf -y downgrade pacemaker-2.1.2-4.el9 pacemaker-remote-1.2-4.el9 resource-agents-4.10.0-17.el911:04
amoralejthat's what is missing in my patch ...11:04
chandankumaramoralej:  i think downgrading resource-agents is enough11:04
amoralejbut the problem is not specifying the version11:05
chandankumaramoralej: will i update the workaround with nvr to avoid further issue?11:05
amoraleji didn't have that when i ran the jobs11:05
amoralejshould be fine now11:05
amoralejrechecking ...11:05
amoralejchandankumar, you need that in wallaby11:06
amoralejmake sure you include exact nvr11:06
amoralejunless the latest release in centos is fixed ...11:06
amoralejactually, see the commit message11:07
amoralejSo the problem resurfaced when11:07
amoralejthese rpms upgraded yet again.11:07
chandankumaramoralej: for wallaby backport11:08
chandankumarlet me fix it11:08
amoralejactually that looks fine11:09
* jm1 lunch11:14
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ysandeepanyone want to join review time?11:19
mariosysandeep: i was alone and dropped 11:19
mariosysandeep: after couple mins11:19
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mariosysandeep: you have something to discuss? otherwise i think you and me have already reviewed so we can skip looks like?11:19
ysandeepmarios, rlandy and dviroel joined if you want to join back11:20
mariosysandeep: k rejoining11:20
rlandyakahat|ruck: jm1: - pls follow #opendev on that11:26
akahat|ruckrlandy, ack11:27
ysandeepreviewbot, please add in review list:
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list11:39
ysandeepdviroel, hey o/11:40
ysandeepdviroel, do you have few mins to sync?11:40
dviroelysandeep: yep11:40
ysandeepdviroel, oops
dviroelysandeep: trying to join, it is slow to me11:42
ysandeepokay.. no worries11:43
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chandankumar#oooq, anyone seen this issue: 11:58
chandankumarThe task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'nslookup_target' is undefined\11:58
chandankumarthe job is failing with retry_limit11:58
dviroelchandankumar: yes12:02
chandankumardviroel: how to fix it?12:02
dviroelchandankumar: actually, I think that this job is running with fips enabled12:03
dviroelchandankumar: this is something that ade_lee added in fips role12:04
chandankumardviroel: is there a way to disable it?12:04
dviroel TASK [include_role : enable-fips]12:04
chandankumarit is a molecule job and only collectd one is failing 12:04
dviroelchandankumar: fips mode only runs if you parent of multinode-fips12:05
dviroelyou should parent from multinode only12:05
dviroelchandankumar: pre-run: zuul.d/playbooks/enable-fips.yml12:06
dviroelin job definition, don't know why12:06
dviroelnot related to parent job12:06
chandankumaradding  enable_fips: false in the job var to disable it12:07
dviroelif the idea is to run with fips enabled, you can set 'nslookup_target' vat to opendev.org12:07
dviroelnslookup_target: ''12:08
chandankumardviroel: currently it is not needed12:09
dviroelchandankumar: ok, remove the pre-run then12:09
chandankumardviroel: thank you for the tip, i hope this time it will work12:09
dviroelchandankumar: np o/12:10
chandankumardviroel: the job is inherited from base 12:11
chandankumarenable_fips | default(true) is causing that12:11
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dviroelchandankumar: yeah, just remove the pre-run playbook12:31
dviroelchandankumar: doesn't make sense to keep and have it disabled12:31
akahat|ruckreviewbot, please add in review list:
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list12:42
chandankumardviroel: ok12:43
akahat|ruckjm1, chandankumar dviroel ysandeep|afk ^^ please take a look when you free.12:43
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jm1akahat|ruck, rlandy: updated rr doc with rerun testprojects and info for c9 wallaby and rhel9 osp1712:52
rlandyjm1'; great - thank you12:52
* jm1 mtg12:57
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rlandyakahat|ruck; thanks for fixing promoter13:13
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amoralejrlandy, i'm updating the versions of puppet and facter in master
amoraleji expect it will just work fine13:16
rlandychandankumar: dviroel: operator meeting13:16
amoralejjust in case, you prefer me to do it on monday?13:16
rlandyamoralej: probably13:17
rlandywe're very behind promoting mater13:17
amoralejok, i'll do in on monday13:17
rlandyso monday should be better13:17
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akahat|ruckC8 train promoted13:39
rlandyjm1: hey - where are your pictures???14:03
jm1rlandy: mtg, joining later14:03
ysandeepHave a superb weekend everyone! See you on Monday o/15:00
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chandankumarsee ya!15:17
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rlandyjm1: network jobs are still failing wallaby c8 and c915:27
rlandywe should have ykarel's fix merged15:28
rlandyjm1: hey  can we also get a testproject downstream for periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envD-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-rhos-16.215:42
jm1rlandy: so we wait until periodic job runs again or should we tricger it again?15:42
jm1rlandy: ack15:42
rlandy        - periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envD-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-rhos-16.2:15:42
rlandy            vars:15:42
rlandy              force_periodic: true15:42
rlandy              featureset_override:15:42
rlandy                dlrn_hash_tag: e944f162e1f8a310431480d222279a9915:42
rlandytrigger it now pls15:43
rlandypromoted last on 06/2015:43
jm1rlandy: ack, then i will be eod15:43
jm1rlandy: first one
jm1rlandy: c9 wallaby network component
akahat|ruckrlandy, jm1
rlandyjm1: thank you15:48
jm1rlandy: added it to rr notes in section "Investigations and Reruns"15:49
jm1rlandy, akahat|ruck: have an appointment with mother-in-law now, eod 🙈15:51
jm1have a nice weekend, oooci team :)15:52
rlandyjm1[m]: thanks - have a good weekend15:53
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akahat|ruckrlandy, about POST_FAILURE
akahat|ruckrlandy, uploading logs to the fileserver taking too much time.. 18:03
akahat|ruckit is causing timeout in some jobs. 18:03
akahat|ruckAs per discussion with fungi on #opendev he suggested few points:18:04
akahat|ruck- Uploading too much logs to the fileserver causing timeout.18:04
akahat|ruck- Each dir/nested dir is treated as swift object.. if possible remove nested logs18:04
akahat|ruck- Lot's of duplicate dirs like:
akahat|ruckWe need to take a look around what files we really need. So we can remove unnecessary files.18:06
rlandyakahat|ruck: ahok18:24
rlandyah ok18:24
* akahat|ruck off18:58
rlandyysandeep|out: - think we broke bm with your review19:07
rlandygetting there 20:25
rlandy4 jobs away from promoting master20:26
dasmneverending story :)20:26
dasmi already hear Lamal in my head ^^20:26
dviroelhave a great weekend team - enjoy o/20:48
dasmdviroel: o/20:48
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out20:50
* dasm leaves for the week.21:49
dasmhappy weekend y'all21:49

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