Wednesday, 2022-07-27

rlandyakahat|ruck: arxcruz|rover: rhos-17 on rhel-9 - rekicked jenkins jobs - all zuul jobs passed00:07
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ykareljm1[m], yes it can be run multiple times as per requirement05:08
ykarelin that job it run 5 times for different playbooks05:17
ykarelbut yes may be that part can be checked and improved so collection reinstalls can be skipped05:30
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk06:08
jpodivinPatch addressing the is ready, but we are still waiting for reviews.07:10
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.07:10
jpodivinadd to review list
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list07:11
bhagyashrisakahat|ruck, ack thanks07:26
akahat|ruckarxcruz|rover, chandankumar ysandeep|afk rlandy|out ^^07:27
bhagyashrismerge above ^ asap so that we can have 17.1 promotion07:29
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* ysandeep|afk looking07:36
ysandeep|afkakahat|ruck, bhagyashris left comments for you:
akahat|ruckysandeep|afk, thanks.. working on it.07:40
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arxcruz|roverakahat|ruck do you have the meeting today in your calendar? mine is missing 08:28
akahat|ruckarxcruz|rover, which meeting? CIX or OSP Platform meeting?08:36
arxcruz|roverosp platform 08:36
akahat|ruckI could see both in my calendar.08:37
akahat|ruckarxcruz|rover, just sent you invite.08:38
arxcruz|roverakahat|ruck ty08:39
arxcruz|roverakahat|ruck did we had promotion on downstream?08:39
akahat|ruckarxcruz|rover, yes. last day we had 16.2 promotion08:40
akahat|ruckcurrently chasing with 17 - rhel 908:40
arxcruz|roverakahat|ruck can you update the osp doc?08:43
arxcruz|roverwith downstream status?08:43
akahat|ruckarxcruz|rover, sure08:43
arxcruz|roverthanks man 08:44
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mariosjm1: please review when you next have time (from review comments shell-> ansible copy )09:44
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*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:34
rlandybhagyashris: akahat|ruck: thanks - looking at
rlandyarxcruz|rover: akahat|ruck: hey - let's sync quickly10:37
akahat|ruckrlandy, ok10:37
rlandybhagyashris: akahat|ruck: w+'ed dlrn promoter10:39
soniya29chandankumar, kopecmartin, arxcruz|rover, rlandy, please add/edit any reviews for today's tempest review meeting -
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.10:40
bhagyashrisrlandy, thanks! that will promote 17.110:41
rlandybhagyashris++ for putting up last of reparenting review11:09
ysandeep#oooq review time if you want to join11:17
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rlandydviroel: hey  - we were just discussing your fips patch11:49
rlandyysandeep has a good idea11:49
rlandypls see him/his comments11:49
ysandeepwriting my comment right now o/ dviroel give me ~2-3 mins11:49
dviroeldviroel, ysandeep: ack - thanks, going through some emails here - will check in a bit11:50
dviroelrlandy: ^11:50
ysandeepmarios: fyi... we call the command from telegraf container.
rlandybhagyashris++ akahat|ruck++ frenzy_friday++ - you are all awesome - first 17.1 current-tripleo promo11:57
ysandeepdviroel: commented
frenzy_friday\0/ bhagyashris++ akahat|ruck++11:58
rlandybhagyashris: frenzy_friday: we'll probably need to add or keep the component promo jobs in a test project11:58
rlandyor add those to the lines11:58
mariosthanks ysandeep 11:58
ysandeepfrenzy_friday++ bhagyashris++ akahat++ great work!11:58
rlandyso you get freash content11:58
bhagyashrisfrenzy_friday, ++ akahat|ruck ++11:58
dviroelysandeep: tks sandeep, i had a similar idea, but mine was to create a new periodic line, to run all fips jobs once a day11:59
dviroelysandeep: yours is a good one too, they will run more than once a day, and will be more visible too12:00
ysandeepIf resources are a concern - once a day is a better idea, but okay to run in same line as long as we are not running ovb twice.12:01
dviroelysandeep: no, only standalones and multinodes for now12:03
ysandeep+1 go for it to add in periodic line12:03
dviroelysandeep: ack, i will think about it and propose something in this line12:04
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marioschandankumar: o/ please vote when you have a sec ;) (forgot get-hash happens before we execute our plays and pickup promote_source from release files )12:59
chandankumarmarios:  done!13:00
marioschandankumar: thanks i will self.merge to continue testing13:01
soniya29chandankumar, rlandy, ysandeep, tempest review meeting13:01
mariosah thank you chandankumar :)13:01
* ysandeep not joining tempest mtg today to focus on podifed work. Please let me know incase I am needed.13:02
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|biab13:17
mariosysandeep: please check again when you have time thank you13:27
ysandeepmarios, thanks +wed13:28
mariosthanks ysandeep 13:29
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rlandyakahat|ruck: pls see Sergii  response to your CIx email on rhos-dev13:44
rlandyhe has a suggestion to try13:44
rlandyarxcruz|rover: ^^13:44
ysandeepchandankumar, rlandy dviroel podified mtg time13:45
akahat|ruckrlandy, ok.. looking13:46
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mariosysandeep: 10388 emails wow 14:18
mariossorry ysandeep you are serious was trying to get a smile ;)14:21
ysandeepmarios, sry my main screen was on screen sharing, Couldn't reply earlier :D 14:30
ysandeepmarios, Yes i have subscribed for many email list 14:31
ysandeep10388 have might many memo lists included - which I ignore mostly14:31
mariosysandeep: :)14:32
rlandyysandeep++ nice work14:37
rlandydviroel: we didn't discuss hive :(14:37
rlandywant to add that to next week?14:38
dasm|offysandeep: marios thanks for reviews on ruck-rover script14:40
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.14:40
dasm|offysandeep: i updated patches to incorporate your feedback. I missed that one, thanks for catching that.14:40
ysandeepdasm|off, thanks to you for incremental improvements ++14:41
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dviroelrlandy: yes, we actually didn't have time to discuss our current work on both Prow and Hive, we can share that in the next week14:43
rlandydviroel: ack14:49
mariosdasm: np will revisit and see the others too next round14:50
dasmmarios thx14:51
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* akahat|ruck back in hour15:01
arxcruz|roverrlandy akahat|ruck need to leave for an hour or two, brb 15:05
rlandyarxcruz|rover: akahat|ruck: when you are back, we can talk about setting the param for 17 on 815:07
rlandyakahat|ruck is also out for a bit15:07
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*** marios is now known as marios|out16:04
* akahat|ruck back16:16
rlandyakahat|ruck: in test now on internal zuul16:23
akahat|ruckrlandy, ok16:23
akahat|ruck"No package cephadm available.\16:23
akahat|ruckis it known?16:23
rlandyakahat|ruck: if it is running cepg 5.216:24
rlandyit should not be running ceph 5.216:24
rlandyakahat|ruck: pls ask on rhos-delivery16:25
akahat|ruck2022-07-27 10:41:17.406091 | primary | Installed: /etc/yum.repos.d/rhos-release-ceph-5.1.repo16:25
akahat|ruck2022-07-27 10:41:17.406158 | primary | Warning: Adding RHEL version with Ceph only install16:25
akahat|ruck2022-07-27 10:41:17.414136 | primary | Installed: /etc/yum.repos.d/rhos-release-ceph-5.1.repo16:25
akahat|ruck2022-07-27 10:41:17.416711 | primary | Installed: /etc/yum.repos.d/rhos-release-rhel-9.0.repo16:25
akahat|ruck2022-07-27 10:41:17.418556 | primary | # rhos-release ceph-5.116:25
akahat|ruck2022-07-27 14:41:17.979177 | primary | ok: Runtime: 0:00:00.93405216:25
akahat|ruckrlandy, ceph-5.116:25
rlandyakahat|ruck: so you would need to enable ...16:29
rlandysee the change there16:29
rlandy  dnf config-manager --enable rhelosp-ceph-5.2-tools-pending16:29
rlandybut should not be needed for ceph 5.116:29
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rlandydviroel: hi - you around?16:50
rlandyysandeep|out: hello - reminder to pls look at (reparenting for bhagyashris)16:56
rlandythank you16:56
arxcruz|roverrlandy back16:57
rlandyarxcruz|rover: I attempted a patch - and just used the value that was there before the change16:58
rlandypls see internal zuul16:58
rlandyarxcruz|rover: ^^ running now - feel free to edit if need be16:59
arxcruz|roverrlandy it will work but it should be q35-rhel8.5.0 no ?17:00
arxcruz|rover i mean, q35 is the generic one 17:00
rlandyarxcruz|rover: idk - but it was there before17:00
arxcruz|roverrlandy passes, testing now with wallaby 17:00
rlandywe can change it to rhel-8.4 specific17:00
dviroelrlandy: hi o/17:04
rlandyarxcruz|rover: akahat|ruck: fwiw: periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-standalone-on-multinode-ipa-tripleo-rhos-17 just passed with depends-on17:36
rlandyarxcruz|rover: akahat|ruck: if multinode passes, pls vote on those  patches17:40
rlandyI know it's not what compute team suggested17:40
rlandybut I din;t see a pc that matched the os17:40
rlandyfirst pass in days17:45
rlandyarxcruz|rover: akahat|ruck: if multinode also passing17:45
rlandymultinode is also passing17:47
rlandyI should say17:47
rlandypls vote on patches17:47
akahat|ruckdays feels like decades :|17:47
rlandywill add to review list17:47
akahat|ruckarxcruz|rover, ^^17:56
akahat|ruckrlandy, your hack just worked!!17:57
rlandyakahat|ruck: yep - lucky thing18:01
rlandyakahat|ruck: added review to revie wlist18:01
akahat|ruckrlandy, I'm also updating bz.. with patches.18:03
rlandyarxcruz|rover: need anything om the rdo/upstream side?18:12
arxcruz|rovernope, i'm also logging off for today, it's 8pm here 18:12
rlandyarxcruz|rover: sure have a good night18:13
* akahat|ruck offline18:13
jm1rlandy: could you please +w this patch? it finally passed ci ^^
jm1rlandy: awesome, thank you :)18:56
* dasm => offline21:02
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:06
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk22:36

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