Wednesday, 2022-08-03

Tengurlandy|out: oh damn... so it was "just" the package that wasn't latest?05:43
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jm1good morning folks 😎06:04
pojadhavbhagyashris|ruck, hello06:04
pojadhavbhagyashris|ruck, pinged from rlandy|out : the planning meeting needs to come up one hour06:05
pojadhavif you missed it06:06
bhagyashris|ruckhey saw that 06:06
bhagyashris|rucki am going to change time 06:06
bhagyashris|ruckpojadhav, done check06:06
pojadhavbhagyashris|ruck, okay thank you!06:08
dpawlik1glad to hear. Good work chandankumar++ !06:11
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*** jpena|off is now known as jpena07:14
chandankumarstress testing ibm cloud 100 ovb jobs07:35
chandankumarnot sure how many kick in one go07:35
chandankumardpawlik: hello, thanks to you too07:37
chandankumardpawlik: Here I can see only 10 jobs running others are queued07:38
chandankumarcan we run all of them if possible?07:38
chandankumardpawlik: I just wanted to check what is the result of 100 jobs on IBM cloud07:38
chandankumarwhether it handles all the load if we move all the jobs in future (if ever done there)07:38
dpawlikchandankumar: sure07:44
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*** anbanerj is now known as frenzyfriday|rover07:59
Tengufolks, do you know if we have a deploy with auditd configuration tuning?08:12
Tenguor if I may do a testproject in order to include that service, maybe? My goal is to test/validate
*** ysandeep|mtg is now known as ysandeep08:37
ysandeepTengu, I don't think we enable auditd specifically in any fs/scenatio, I think we only use what we get from the defaults.08:40
ysandeepTengu, ahh.. by default its OS::TripleO::Services::AuditD: OS::Heat::None08:42
Tenguyep. that's why I asked :)08:43
Tenguguess I'm good for some testproject then.08:43
ysandeepyeah, I can help you set a testproject where we pass additional environments/auditd.yaml to enable auditd08:43
Tenguwould be nice! a simple standalone one should be OK08:43
ysandeepTengu, ack08:44
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bhagyashrischandankumar, arxcruz ysandeep plz add into your review list 08:58
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list08:58
bhagyashrisit's promotion blocker 08:58
ysandeepTengu, hopefully this should do the job for us 09:01
ysandeepadded OS::TripleO::Services::AuditD: ../deployment/auditd/auditd-baremetal-ansible.yaml in standalone role.09:01
ysandeepbhagyashris, arx left some comments, but i can revisit after you update that09:03
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Tenguysandeep|lunch: ah, "just" like that then. oook :)09:04
chandankumarbhagyashris: can you fix the trailing space?09:30
bhagyashrischandankumar, ysandeep|lunch arxcruz done09:53
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*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:37
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: bhagyashris: hello10:39
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: bhagyashris: let's sync to go over program call10:39
rlandyand cix open bugs10:39
bhagyashrisrlandy, hi10:39
frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, hi10:40
rlandybhagyashris: frenzyfriday|rover: hello
rlandymarios: ysandeep: chandankumar: working with rr - pls go on with revuew call w/o me11:11
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ysandeeprlandy, chandankumar and me are occupied with visa work, will skip today's review call.11:12
rlandyarxcruz: can you look at - and advise if there should be a tempest fix or if we should skip this now11:17
mariosack ok folks i am dropping. if anyone wants to discuss reviews ping me and i will join again 11:17
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:17
mariosack rlandy 11:17
arxcruzrlandy we are skipping for now, i raise this yesterday on tempest meeting, i'll pass this to tempest because they told us if it is failing they should check and if appropriate move back to unstable 11:18
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ysandeeprlandy, we want to discuss some infra requirements to move forward with podifed work. please let us if you have time today.. otherwise we can speak after the mtg with QE.11:47
ysandeeprlandy, dviroel mentioned we need some dedicated resources/flavor on vexx.11:48
rlandyysandeep: busy for rr now11:49
rlandywe can discuss at the podified meeting11:50
rlandyI added it to the agenda11:50
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, ^11:50
chandankumarrlandy: results of running 100 ovb jobs on ibm cloud
chandankumarat one time, max 10 jobs can kick11:50
* pojadhav stepping out for family emergency.11:55
rlandychandankumar: whole lot of retry limits?12:23
rlandychandankumar: did you get an answer wrt our quotas?12:23
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chandankumarrlandy: yes, in nova.conf due to max_concurrent_builds = 10 12:25
chandankumarit is spinning 10 instances in one go12:25
chandankumarby default12:25
rlandyysandeep|afk: dviroel: can chat with you now re: vexx resources12:25
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ysandeepack, lets discuss12:26
chandankumarrlandy: dpawlik is working on fixing that12:26
rlandychandankumar: how soon do you think until we can move one line to ibm cloud12:26
rlandyysandeep: dviroel:
chandankumarrlandy: may be next week12:26
chandankumarnot sure, 12:27
chandankumarrlandy: I am working on testing how many ovb jobs can run in a single go12:27
ysandeepdviroel, you around?12:27
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chandankumarrlandy: I will send a status report on ibm cloud by eod this week12:29
dviroelrlandy: joinning12:30
* bhagyashris|ruck brb12:45
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: common on 16.2 looks better12:49
mariosrlandy: can we do anything about planning & retro vs all hands tomorrow? 12:50
mariosrlandy: perhaps we can consider pushing planning a week ... we already are working on stuff can just continue for a few days... maybe we do just retro at 1300 utc ... anyway i just heard about those all hands hence the ping 12:52
rlandymarios: bhagyashris|ruck: pojadhav: best we can do is have the retro meeting at 1pm12:52
rlandymove planning to mondau12:52
mariosrlandy: yes sounds like plan to me 12:52
rlandypojadhav is out now iiuc12:52
* pojadhav I am back12:52
rlandyand there are two retro meeting invites  on calendar and no planning meeting12:53
rlandypojadhav: bhagyashris|ruck: let's sort this out in the sync in a few12:53
pojadhavrlandy, I can see retro and planning for tomorrow.12:54
pojadhavrlandy, ysandeep, bhagyashris|ruck, chandankumar : UA/TC/PM sync13:01
soniya29marios, ysandeep, can you have a look over this patch:-
soniya29i am testing fs62 with tempest-allow list but sc10 kvm master is failing with node_failure13:02
mariossoniya29: i think cos its a psi job probably/13:03
mariossoniya29: i mean         nodeset: single-centos-8-node-psi13:04
rlandyrcastillo: dasm|off: moving tomorrow's retro to 1pm utc - sorry - all hands got booked13:05
mariossoniya29: not overly familiar with that setup but i think you have to run a trigger in that testproject (sthing like create-scenario010-trigger-for-downstream ) 13:05
mariosrlandy: soniya29: is trying to run periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-kvm-standalone-master .... does she need to run  the trigger job instead ^^^ ? 13:06
mariosrlandy: she is trying in rdo testproject 13:06
mariossoniya29: so anyway the answer is that rdo zuul doesn't know about that nodeset i guess and there is a special way to trigger it someone else can help with that 13:17
soniya29marios, okay, thanks for these highlights :)13:17
soniya29marios, who could be the best person to help over this?13:18
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:18
marioswelcome soniya29 i well rlandy will know and i think chandankumar worked on those psi jobs maybe he can tell you and probably ysandeep too 13:22
chandankumarsoniya29: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-kvm-standalone-master this job13:23
rlandymarios: soniya29: bhagyashris|ruck: frenzyfriday|rover: since planning has moved to monday13:23
rlandypls decide on a meeting (friday morning?)13:23
chandankumarsoniya29: we no longer run cs8 based job on master13:23
rlandyto switch rr13:23
chandankumarrlandy: you might be looking for periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario010-kvm-standalone-master13:24
chandankumarrlandy: sorry13:24
chandankumarsoniya29: you might be looking for periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario010-kvm-standalone-master13:24
soniya29chandankumar, yeah13:24
chandankumarrlandy: the message was for soniya29 13:24
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: frenzyfriday|rover: are you OK to do friday morning sync call? 13:26
mariosotherwise bhagyashris|ruck frenzyfriday|rover we can do it after the allhands tomorrow13:26
marioswe don't need rlandy if she is busy then 13:26
frenzyfriday|roveryep, friday morning sounds good13:27
chandankumarsoniya29: for example
chandankumartriggers an sc10 kvm internal job13:28
chandankumarsoniya29: for example currently running
soniya29chandankumar, okay13:28
chandankumarif you want to run this one downstream, you can send testproject13:29
chandankumarwith the above periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-kvm-internal-standalone-network-train13:29
chandankumarit is just an example13:29
chandankumarsoniya29: I hope it answers your query13:29
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chandankumarsoniya29: to understand better
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soniya29chandankumar, sure, i am very much clear, i will let you if i have any issues13:31
chandankumarsoniya29: cool :-)13:31
bhagyashris|ruckmarios, friday morning is ok for me as well...13:33
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mariosok bhagyashris|ruck frenzyfriday|rover|lunch we can sync friday morning - whenever you come in we can just do a quick call thanks13:36
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chandankumardasm: hello14:35
chandankumardasm: need a favor14:35
ysandeepdviroel++ nicely done 14:35
rlandydviroel++ great presentations progress14:36
chandankumardasm: clone this change locally and once ci job finishes update the count of and run
chandankumardasm: and re-send the testproject14:37
chandankumardasm: thank you :-)14:37
dviroel\o/ tks14:37
mariosprow prow 14:38
mariosnice progress dviroel ysandeep 14:38
chandankumarsee ya!14:39
dviroelmarios: hahaha14:39
marioscan be your theme tune ;)14:44
dasmchandankumar: ack14:44
dasmchandankumar: how many times do you need that? all day?14:45
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ysandeepmarios, :) hehehe 14:48
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bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, frenzyfriday|rover leaving for the day.... doing regression for multinode ipa job on rhos17 on rhel8 will check the result tomorrow -- link is update in hackmd....will do the regression testing for sc010 for rhos16.215:12
frenzyfriday|roverbhagyashris|ruck, ack, thanks15:12
* jm1 bbl15:13
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: thanks - anything else to watch?15:13
soniya29chandankumar, is this correct?15:20
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rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: need help with anything?15:46
frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, yep, do you want to sync now? Or we can sync during 1-115:46
rlandyguess 1-115:47
rlandyit's in a few minutes15:47
frenzyfriday|roversure, or if you have some time now we can have 1-1 now as well15:47
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frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, does look okay?16:40
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rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover|afk++ yep17:03
rlandythank you17:03
rlandywallaby c8 promoting17:32
dasmchandankumar: seems like count==4 is too much.18:08
dasmi'm gonna retry this one again18:08
dasmhmm. we still don't have an output from consoles :(18:12
dasmso, now it's just waiting18:12
dasmi see retry_limit again. I changed retry to 318:25
jm1reviewbot: add to review list
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list18:42
dasmok. it failed one of jobs with 3rd attempt. there are 2 other jobs still running on 2nd attempt18:56
*** frenzyfriday|rover|afk is now known as frenzyfriday|rover18:58
frenzyfriday|roverwe have some success on master now18:59
frenzyfriday|roverthe puppet thingy is solved, we have different failures in master triplao now19:01
frenzyfriday|roverrlandy, I am leaving for the day19:09
frenzyfriday|roverhackmd is updated19:09
rlandyfrenzyfriday|rover: nice19:09
rlandyrekicked some wallaby c9 jobs19:09
rlandyc8 is promoting19:10
rlandyalso the tripleo train job19:10
rlandyand the common component for 1719:10
* dasm => doc's appointment. bbl19:20
rlandyneed to drop off something - brb19:24
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|brb19:24
* dasm is back20:06
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*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk20:34
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out21:32
* dasm => offline23:26
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*** undefined is now known as Guest704723:34

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