Tuesday, 2022-08-09

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy00:28
rlandypojadhav|rover: notes in hackmd00:46
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chandankumarpojadhav|rover: hello05:14
chandankumarpojadhav|rover: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1984035 seen on cs8 wallaby while uploading the image05:15
ysandeepgood morning everyone o/ 05:15
chandankumarysandeep: o/ good morning sir :-)05:15
ysandeepo/ hello chandankumar 05:17
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marios|rucko/ pojadhav|rover 05:40
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, morning05:41
pojadhav|roverchandankumar, hello good morning05:42
pojadhav|roverchandankumar, ack05:42
pojadhav|roverchandankumar, thanks for reporting bug05:43
marios|ruckpojadhav|rover: new issue? can you add to hackmd please05:50
marios|rucko/ chandankumar 05:50
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, adding05:54
chandankumarmarios|ruck: \o06:09
chandankumarmarios|ruck: due to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1984035 cs8 wallaby promotion is blocked06:09
chandankumarpromoter also failed while promoting the hash06:10
chandankumarNo images dir for hash aggregate: eac3a6348d69f2c4297aef5f64693810, commit: d74d3fc952aea6eda73192eb235217c3ba1052f3, distro: d4b241f4fae06fa622f4e889f5986e1cd1c5d05a, extended: None, component: validation, timestamp: 165970121606:10
chandankumarTraceback (most recent call last):06:10
marios|ruckchandankumar: thanks i read the bug. at the moment vexx is in bad shape otherwise i would insist on revert from ibm cloud 06:11
marios|ruckchandankumar: sounds like you're working on that and tested train which seemed to work ok06:11
chandankumarit is coming on both vexxhost and ibm and specific to this cs8 wallaby06:12
marios|rucki see thanks chandankumar will dig into it more after my rounds06:16
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jm1#oooq: o/ good morning folks :)06:34
marios|ruck\o jm1 06:41
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chandankumardpawlik3: hello07:09
chandankumardpawlik3: seen this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1984035 07:09
chandankumardpawlik3:  rsync: on remote machine: --sparse-block=1024: unknown option07:09
chandankumarthere is no --sparse-block option in rsync07:09
chandankumarplease have a look when free, thanks :-)07:10
dpawlik3chandankumar: hey, yeah07:15
dpawlik3I mentioned that yesterday marios|ruck07:16
dpawlik3so this also affect you, right?07:16
chandankumardpawlik3: yes07:16
marios|ruckdpawlik: o/07:17
marios|ruckso i havent seen that in upstream lines dpawlik 07:17
marios|ruckwe are still seeing the Couldn't resolve host name https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1983817/comments/5 07:17
dpawlikchandankumar: so I did not found any workaround for the rsync issue. I saw in the manual that when you use --inplace rsync_param it will remove the sparse-block parameter from the command, but then there is other one with delete, and other one...07:20
marios|ruckpojadhav|rover: have you come across anythin like 10:09 < chandankumar> dpawlik3:  rsync: on remote machine: --sparse-block=1024: unknown option07:20
dpawlikeasiest way is just move to copy....07:20
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, nope07:20
dpawlikthe error is when c8 want to push to c707:21
marios|ruckdpawlik: chandankumar: so maybe its the version of rsync installed? chandankumar said train/8 jobs worked OK 07:21
dpawlikmarios|ruck: need to leave for few min, brb07:22
marios|rucknp dpawlik thanks for help07:22
chandankumarmarios|ruck: dpawlik train logs from last week07:33
chandankumarI am again confirming with testproject on both cloud for train07:33
chandankumarif it comes, I will add the workaround07:33
chandankumar*train logs was from last week07:34
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dpawlikwhat dns server it is configured ?08:02
dpawliki see in both subnets for public network that are set08:03
dpawlik| dns_nameservers      |,                     |08:03
dpawlikmaybe cloud flare have an issue?08:03
marios|ruckdpawlik: which jobs are you referring to. for the upstream issue resolv.conf has internal 10.x.x.x nameserver https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1983817/comments/4 08:04
dpawlikand I was thinking that the DNS record is https://mirror.regionone.vexxhost.rdoproject.org/08:05
dpawlikmarios|ruck: this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1983817/comments/508:05
dpawlikis the sed for replacing the mirror url be correct?08:06
dpawlikbut if it was working for a long tine, it should not be an issue08:06
marios|ruckdpawlik: well in the same buildset only a few jobs are hitting this, the rest are green it is inconsistent08:07
marios|rucke.g. dpawlik only one example in train today @ https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/buildset/946a0f57002b42849e09c27efe101e9908:07
marios|ruckdpawlik: but more in master/wallaby 08:07
dpawlikchandankumar: downgrading rsync to rsync-3.1.3-14 seems to fix the issue08:16
chandankumardpawlik: ah thanks :-)08:18
chandankumardpawlik: marios|ruck It is coming on cs8 train and wallaby only08:18
dpawlik"<arrfab> dpawlik: yes, known issue"08:23
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chandankumardpawlik: Do we need to downgrade rysnc version on our side also in the job?08:33
marios|ruckcool dpawlik thanks08:33
chandankumaror you downgraded on the image server?08:33
chandankumardpawlik: ignore it08:34
dpawlikdowngrade you need to make on host which push the change08:35
chandankumardpawlik: marios|ruck https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/44471 rsync downgrade to fix overcloud image upload issue08:39
marios|ruckthanks chandankumar 08:43
marios|ruckpojadhav|rover: going afk for a bit in few mins08:43
pojadhav|rovermarios|ruck, ack08:43
dpawlikchandankumar gj08:44
dpawlikchandankumar: maybe not for that job, but sometimes it can save time: echo "exclude=rsync" >> /etc/yum.conf08:45
chandankumardpawlik: that also seems to be a good idea 08:46
chandankumarlet me update that08:46
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chandankumaroh then I need to hack somewhere else08:48
chandankumarin release file it will take time to merge08:48
chandankumarfor timebeing i will merge this patch08:48
chandankumardpawlik: ++ thank you :-)09:01
dpawlikyour welcome ;)09:02
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soniya29arxcruz, hello09:38
arxcruzsoniya29 hey09:39
soniya29arxcruz, need to discuss about adding the schema for this patch:- https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-tempest-skiplist/+/85139509:39
soniya29let me know when can we meet09:39
arxcruzsoniya29 ok, i need a few minutes 09:41
soniya29arxcruz, sure :)09:41
soniya29arxcruz, i am stepping out for now, will be back by half and hour09:44
soniya29will ping you, once i am back09:44
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soniya29arxcruz, meet.google.com/qqu-dmjv-zpq09:49
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rlandymarios|ruck: pojadhav: hi - I'd like to sync pls10:31
marios|ruckrlandy: o/10:31
pojadhavrlandy, ack10:32
marios|ruckrlandy: good morning10:32
rlandymarios|ruck: pojadhav: hey ... https://meet.google.com/ngq-dnyo-hjq?pli=1&authuser=010:32
chandankumarmarios|ruck: pojadhav rsync issue is fixed now. :-)10:33
marios|ruckchandankumar: thanks will rekick the 8 line10:41
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pojadhavthanks chandankumar 10:44
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marios|ruckchandankumar: o/ do you have a minute to join us please10:55
marios|ruckchandankumar: re ibm/c8 & missing images from yesterday 10:55
marios|ruckcould it be because of ibmcloud10:55
rlandychandankumar: pls join rr sync https://meet.google.com/ngq-dnyo-hjq?pli=1&authuser=010:57
chandankumarrlandy: still on the call?11:07
chandankumarsorry I was afk11:08
rlandychandankumar: no  - but let's talk about it ...11:08
rlandychandankumar: https://meet.google.com/myb-kbyo-atu?pli=1&authuser=011:08
chandankumarrlandy: 4445411:11
rlandychandankumar: Hash_under_test=https://trunk.rdoproject.org/api-centos8-wallaby/api/civotes_agg_detail.html?ref_hash=31a61a906cdcd8fccc322d597aa1dd5f 11:14
rlandymarios|ruck: ^^ spoke with chandankumar: wallaby c8 should be sorted soon - chandankumar is on it - I don;t think we need to revert ibm cloud yet11:15
marios|ruckk rlandy h11:16
marios|ruckchandankumar: rlandy: there is currently running c8/wallaby line which i kicked. in any case, if issues aren't resolved in next couple hours (for the promotable hash) then we should revert11:18
marios|ruckbecause its not fair to ruck|rover at this point11:18
marios|ruckwe said for weekend/testing chandankumar 11:18
marios|ruckand then chandankumar can fix issues with less pressure11:18
marios|ruckeasier for everyone11:18
rlandymarios|ruck: chandankumar is going to run the image build jobs with yesterday's hash - so we will know shortly if it's fixed11:19
rlandyand the promoter will kick11:19
chandankumarmarios|ruck: rlandy https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/44474 overcloud image testproject11:26
marios|ruckchandankumar: ack 11:26
chandankumarmarios|ruck: missing image is caused by rsync package update11:26
marios|ruckchandankumar: i thought it was because it was looking for images in wrong place like ibmcloud vs vexx11:27
marios|ruckchandankumar: ok so the same fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1984035 11:27
rlandydviroel|out: hello ... wanted to touch base with you and sandeep re: project for next gen11:27
chandankumarmarios|ruck: yes, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1984035/comments/511:27
marios|ruckchandankumar: ack 11:28
chandankumarmarios|ruck: thank you for going over the bug :-)11:29
marios|ruckchandankumar: which bit? 11:29
marios|ruckchandankumar: (didin't comment on the bug, left a note on the cix)11:29
chandankumarYou were looking around promotions and missing images, going over the issue.11:32
chandankumarah cix card got created.11:32
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dviroelrlandy: ready11:33
marios|ruckchandankumar: i just updated the cix card 11:33
marios|ruckchandankumar: didn't do any digging there yet 11:33
rlandysec - talking with rhos-ops11:33
marios|ruckchandankumar: do we understand why it is specific to w8 though? 11:34
* pojadhav tea break 11:34
marios|ruckchandankumar: why did we have to special case the version of rsync there i mean 11:34
chandankumarmarios|ruck: regression introduced due to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2043753  more details here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2043753#c2411:35
ysandeepdviroel, rlandy o/ hey I am back11:35
chandankumar [RFE] Improve defaults for sparse file buffering got added in rsync11:36
marios|ruckah thanks for link chandankumar 11:36
chandankumarmarios|ruck: added the RHBz link in cix card11:37
ysandeepdviroel, rlandy you want to meet now?11:38
rlandyysandeep: dviroel: sec - dealing with rhos-ops now11:39
rlandyysandeep: dviroel: k - let's meet for a few https://meet.google.com/sdt-dhfu-acm?pli=1&authuser=011:44
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afuscoarHello to everyone. I have one little question. Is there any plan in the future about updating this Grafana instance? http://tripleo-cockpit.lab4.eng.bos.redhat.com/ (v 7.3.6). Thx.12:21
chandankumarso we have multiple hashes to promote12:23
chandankumarlet's see who wins12:23
chandankumarfor cs8 wallaby12:24
rlandychandankumar: great12:25
rlandylet's see  if the promoter succeeds12:25
rlandyjm1: frenzyfriday: ^^ can you follow up with afuscoar's question?12:26
rlandyatm - no plans12:26
rlandybut I know we have some infra cards to document this12:26
afuscoarOkok, that sounds also good. I've seen that since Grafana 8 there are so good updates that can make some work easily. But it should be good to check what could break.12:27
afuscoarThanks rlandy12:27
rlandywe just have too much else going on right now12:27
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jm1rlandy: most (all?) of our vm's could be updated. question is if it is worth it? shall we add cards?12:32
rlandyjm1: not really - see comment above "we just have too much else going on right now"12:32
jm1rlandy: ack12:34
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rlandycurrent-tripleo/2022-08-09 12:54 12:57
rlandychandankumar: marios|ruck: ^^ wallaby c8 promoted12:57
marios|ruckthanks rlandy chandankumar 12:57
chandankumarawesome :-)12:58
chandankumarhappy to help :-)12:58
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rlandymarios|ruck: ok - so train ...13:08
rlandyshould we go with fs001 or fs035?13:08
rlandyI can prep that patch for you13:08
rlandymarios|ruck: or do you want me to look into fs035 failures and decide?13:09
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marios|ruckrlandy: i am working on that and will comment there 13:13
chandankumarrlandy: patch to move train cs8 component line on ibm cloud https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/4446113:13
marios|ruckrlandy: we will discuss in a bit13:13
rlandybhagyashris: hello!!13:17
rlandywanted to chat with you about 17 on rhel-813:18
pojadhavcommunity call reminder in 7 mins : arxcruz, rlandy, marios|ruck , ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, anbanerj,  dviroel, rcastillo, dasm, jm113:23
pojadhavdasm|off, ^^13:24
chandankumarrlandy: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/44473 quick merge13:26
rlandychandankumar: w+ed13:28
rlandymarios|ruck: w9 your fs064 is passing :)13:29
rlandyhopefully that hash will promote13:29
rlandyyep - just started13:29
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marios|ruckrlandy: cool13:30
chandankumarrlandy: I think we can move train cs8 component line tomorrow by Eod13:30
chandankumaron IBM cloud13:30
rlandychandankumar: ok - let's work on merging that up tomorrow13:30
pojadhavcommunity meeting ^^13:30
marios|ruckrlandy: added comments on master https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/44460/2#message-0f0396cd649984994f54a28730d26ff18b035737 and train https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/44442/4#message-90873cee234ec73215df4351d5112ac94e8b08db https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/44462/3#message-d7c136dbdb48cdbe92341b8277ebce5a24359ae3 waiting on current runs... tempest on train 13:45
marios|rucklooks interesting if we get another hit then we may have to hold that13:45
marios|ruckrlandy: lets discuss in about an hour when current runs finish we can get on phone again 13:45
rlandyTengu: pasting here ...13:48
rlandyhmmm ... no scneario001 in tripleo component13:48
rlandywe run scenario00413:48
rlandyso either pick scanerio00413:48
rlandyor we need to add scn00113:49
rlandyok - let's try 00413:49
ysandeepTengu, auditd you want to enable just for master or is it okay to enable for older branches as well?13:54
Tenguysandeep: first master - but that will be also needed in older releases imho.13:55
Tenguespecially since there are train ppl using it.13:55
Tenguwe don't want to break them again.13:55
Tenguysandeep: so, let's first do the master one, then ensure patches are properly backported (on-going), then we'll be able to switch wallaby and train.13:56
ysandeepTengu, enabling everywhere is easy.. we just need to add here: https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/src/branch/master/zuul.d/standalone-jobs.yaml#L594-L597 13:56
Tenguysandeep: too easy - there's a trap I'm sure!13:57
ysandeepTengu, so only adding https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/+/851969/9/environments/standalone/standalone-tripleo.yaml#60 didn't work because https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/master/environments/auditd.yaml#L4-L119 was missing?13:58
Tenguysandeep: yep13:58
Tenguthe env file is setting the registry, and setting the default rules.13:59
Tenguso adding the env file should be enough imho13:59
ysandeepTengu, ack let me enable everywhere including older release(which is the easiest way) and see if older branches are passing or not14:00
Tenguysandeep: older will fail, I'm 100% sure.14:00
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ysandeepif we need only for master, that's a bit tricky.. because generally we enable/disable services via tht sceanrio files 14:09
ysandeepfor ex. https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/master/ci/environments/scenario001-standalone.yaml 14:09
pojadhavmarios|ruck, rlandy : stepping out 14:10
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marios|ruckack pojadhav|afk 14:10
ysandeepbut above is not enough in this case.. 14:10
dasmjm1: there is always "revert" feature if something is fubar :)14:10
rlandypojadhav|afk: marios|ruck: ok - I am watching downstream14:10
marios|ruckthank you rlandy 14:10
dasmjm1: thanks for starting the conversation14:10
ysandeepchandankumar, rlandy one issue with enabling auditd enablement in sc04 is we only want to enable it in master- with options job in play, I don't think there is an easy way to override standalone_environment_files just for master branch, without redefining the job.14:19
* rlandy looks14:22
Tengusorry for that one.14:23
rlandybecause defined in options14:24
ysandeeprlandy, one alternative we have is - we can enable it in ovb featureset job - say fs06414:24
rlandyno check14:24
rlandynot very stable14:24
rlandyysandeep: or a new scenario14:24
Tenguor we can wait to get the backports in... ?14:24
rlandyand job14:24
chandankumarysandeep: I am not seeing other option except defining a new job14:24
rlandyysandeep: so we'd need something like we have with scneraio01014:25
rlandyand scneario010-ovn14:25
rlandynew job14:25
rlandysame scenario14:25
rlandyor a whole new scenario14:25
ysandeeprlandy, what about fs010 - our container multinode job?14:25
ysandeepwe can toggle env file based on featureset and it also run in check14:26
rlandybecause the env files are defined in fs14:26
rlandyysandeep: not a bad idea14:26
rlandythe deploy files are not in the job then14:26
rlandyyou can switch case based on release14:26
rlandyis that in tripleo component?14:27
ysandeepchecking if its in tripleo component14:27
rlandyyep containers multinode14:28
ysandeepyes https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode-tripleo-master&skip=014:28
rlandyok - so let's try that14:28
chandankumarysandeep: can we use https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/src/branch/master/config/general_config/featureset030.yml instead of fs1014:28
rlandyless damage14:28
rlandywe just need to watch any time on check14:28
chandankumarI have not seen any major issue with this tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container14:28
ysandeepchandankumar, ^^ don't run everywhere14:28
rlandythat is our longest job14:28
chandankumardo we want to run everywhere?14:29
ysandeepchandankumar, not particularly.. we can update file filter for auditd related directories14:32
Tenguhmm. thing is, if auditd itself is updated, it may break on the rules.14:33
Tenguor config14:33
chandankumarysandeep: ok then fs10 sounds good with toggle the condition from featurset file itself14:34
Tenguin general, auditd service isn't edited that often, so we'll miss it again if we filter on the related files.14:34
rlandyfs010 is run on a lot of stuff14:34
rlandyso adding a few more is not major impact14:34
ysandeepwe run fs030 in periodic daily so we won't miss bugs but let's go ahead with fs010 14:35
* ysandeep proposing patch14:35
ysandeeprlandy++ chandankumar++ Tengu++ thanks for your suggestions14:36
Tenguysandeep: thanks for taking that job on :)14:36
chandankumarso in auditd patch log https://63edb61fd0e056b1bbb1-b256b951e18c7d63775be8a7f99fd99d.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/851969/9/check/tripleo-ci-centos-9-standalone/9c07bd3/logs/quickstart_files/log-size.txt - 473 MB14:38
chandankumarwithout audit log - https://9b2d008b8708852653cc-54e0069002f643b139d6e4517c96d879.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/851399/2/check/tripleo-ci-centos-9-standalone/6ca32d7/logs/quickstart_files/log-size.txt - 453 MB14:38
chandankumarit is just an increase of 23 MB14:38
chandankumarI think if we enable anywhere the log server can handle it14:38
Tenguah, the whole content. wow.14:38
TenguI was afraid it was just the audit.log14:39
rlandybhagyashris: hi pls ping when you are around14:44
ysandeeprlandy, Tengu chandankumar lets see how it goes: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/85259414:52
ysandeepwill remove wip flag after checking results14:52
chandankumarsee ya!14:52
ysandeepreviewbot, Please add in review list: https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/tripleo-environments/+/42394415:05
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list15:05
marios|ruckrlandy__: o/ whenever you're ready let me know we can sync 15:20
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rlandymarios|ruck: ok - https://meet.google.com/itt-vkxr-hiv?pli=1&authuser=015:21
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* dasm is leaving for doc's appt.15:54
dasmWill try joining review session15:54
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* ysandeep|out out15:58
ysandeep|outdviroel|lunch, rlandy left a message(fyi.. only) for you guys on slack15:58
rlandyysandeep|out: thanks15:58
rlandywill check it out15:58
marios|ruckrlandy: for train @ https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/4447716:12
rlandymarios|ruck: thanks- will merge and revert16:13
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks, going in a few mins o/16:21
rlandymarios|ruck: sure - have a good night16:22
rlandywill leave notes if I find anything16:22
marios|ruckthanks rlandy o/ have a good rest of day 16:22
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rcastillodoes anyone know why my testproject jobs aren't getting picked up? https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/testproject/+/42420316:43
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rlandyrcastillo: looking16:59
rlandyok - I see the definition17:01
rlandyugh meeting17:01
rlandyit may not pick up unmerged upstream17:01
rcastilloyeah that's what I suspected17:01
rlandyI would say define that in downstream as well17:02
rcastilloI'll try moving that to internal-jobs to see if that works17:02
rlandybut you will need the playbook def17:02
rlandyin the same repo17:02
rlandyeither that or nodeser17:02
rcastilloyeah, I'll do it just for testing17:02
rcastillodidn't work with other nodeset17:02
rcastilloalso didn't work at all on rdo testproject either17:03
rlandyrcastillo: ok - so where are you now?17:43
rlandysorry - was on meeting17:44
rcastillorlandy: moving stuff around, no luck yet17:45
rlandyrcastillo: ok - will look in a but17:48
rcastillogot it to run, thanks17:50
rlandyok - checking now18:04
rlandyrcastillo: your job is running now18:05
rcastillorlandy: yup18:05
rlandyas: 'virthost' is undefined\18:09
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm18:23
rlandypojadhav|afk:' fyi .... looking to merge dasm's patch tomorrow if we are cleared on master: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/4415319:13
rlandychandankumar: pls see marios's comment on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/44455/2/zuul.d/tripleo-rdo-base.yaml19:14
rlandylet us know if ok to merge19:15
dasmrlandy: thank you for +219:27
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|biab19:34
* jm1 out for today, have a nice evening folks :)19:34
rcastillolunch brb19:44
*** dviroel|biab is now known as dviroel20:13
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off20:43
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out21:17
*** undefined is now known as Guest14522:02
*** Guest145 is now known as rcastillo22:03

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