Friday, 2022-08-19

*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel00:25
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out01:08
*** soniya29 is now known as soniya29|ruck05:11
mariossoniya29|ruck: o/ need something currently?05:54
soniya29|ruckmarios, hello05:57
soniya29|ruckmarios nope..going through hackmd05:58
mariosk reach out if you need something and chandankumar will be around today for help until dviroel|out gets in later06:10
mariossoniya29|ruck: ^ 06:10
soniya29|ruckmarios, sure06:10
* chandankumar is around06:10
chandankumarhappy friday marios soniya29|ruck o/06:10
marios\o chandankumar 06:12
soniya29|ruckchandankumar, same to you06:14
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej06:21
* soniya29|ruck will be back in half hour07:03
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|afk07:03
*** soniya29|ruck|afk is now known as soniya29|ruck07:38
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|lunch08:00
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena08:33
*** soniya29|ruck|lunch is now known as soniya29|ruck08:47
marioserrand biab09:05
*** rlandy_ is now known as rlandy10:18
rlandyhello everyone10:19
rlandybhagyashris: akahat; arxcruz: chandankumar: dviroel|out: frenzy_friday: pojadhav: rcastillo: hello - need anything from me atm?10:22
rlandyTengu: hello ... need any from the DF side?10:25
rlandyfrenzy_friday: bhagyashris: hi - pls ping when you are around10:26
rlandyre: 17.1 lines10:26
rlandysoniya29|ruck: hello 10:28
soniya29|ruckrlandy, hello10:28
rlandysoniya29|ruck: will sync when dviroel|out is in - need anything atm?10:28
soniya29|ruckrlandy, sure10:28
frenzy_fridayrlandy, hi10:31
rlandyfrenzy_friday: hey ...10:33
rlandysending you pm10:33
rlandyysandeep|PTO++++++++ rcastillo+++++++++++++ for keeping rr stuff clean all last week10:39
chandankumarrlandy: nothing10:39
rlandychandankumar: hey - how's life in ibm cloud land?10:39
chandankumarrlandy: pipelines are running fine10:40
rlandyany progress on the console?10:40
chandankumarrlandy: nope10:40
rlandytristan had an idea when I left ... it didn't work?10:40
rlandychandankumar: ^^?10:42
chandankumarrlandy: they have created an issue
chandankumarthere is no updates here10:42
rlandychandankumar: k - what is moved there now?10:42
rlandyc8 integ line10:43
rlandyand component10:43
rlandyany train yet?10:43
chandankumarrlandy: train component line10:43
rlandyso two component and one integration?10:43
rlandyare we ok with quotas?10:43
chandankumarweekend is coming10:43
rlandyyep :)10:44
chandankumarfew spaces gb of space is missing10:44
chandankumarwaiting for nicholas to investigate10:44
chandankumarrlandy: can we also move train line there and see how it goes?10:44
chandankumartrain line review
chandankumarin weekend we will get some result10:47
rlandychandankumar: ack - let me confirm that with rr10:50
rlandywill vote once chatted with soniya29|ruck and dviroel|out 10:50
* rlandy a little out of the loop10:50
chandankumardviroel|out: soniya29|ruck I am thinking about moving cs8 train integration line on IBM cloud< we will have more results in weekend. What you people think?10:51
chandankumartrain promotion happened 3 days ago10:51
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ack10:51
soniya29|ruckchandankumar, okay10:51
chandankumarsoniya29|ruck: dviroel|out please vote on above change
pojadhavrlandy, nothing10:52
rlandysoniya29|ruck: hey - can you start looking through the component lines upstream and downstream10:52
rlandypls make a list of all components that are out10:53
soniya29|ruckrlandy, i have gone through master cs910:53
rlandyso we can talk about them when dviroel|out comes in10:53
soniya29|rucklooking into wallaby cs810:53
rlandysoniya29|ruck: security look sreal10:53
rlandyout o master and wallaby10:53
rlandypls see which test is failing there consistently10:54
rlandythank you10:54
soniya29|ruckrlandy, yupp10:54
soniya29|ruckrlandy, i have listed them in the hackmd10:54
marioso/ rlandy are you back today?10:56
rlandymarios: hey - I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack10:57
chandankumarrlandy: How was the hike went?10:57
marioscool i thought next week 10:57
rlandyreally well - we had great weather10:57
rlandyand New Hampshire is really beautiful10:58
rlandywe also rode the cog railway10:58
rlandyup mt washington10:58
rlandywhich was a cool experience - when you can geek out about the engineering of it10:58
chandankumarhearing 'New Hampshire' word after many year, read in geography books during school time10:58
* rlandy will have to upload photos10:59
bhagyashrisrlandy, hi11:01
chandankumarglad to hear about your awesome trip :-)11:01
Tengurlandy: heya! dooo.. you need help? or? I don't get the question11:02
rlandyTengu: question to you  11:03
rlandybhagyashris: hey - need any help re:17.1 on rhel-811:04
rlandyleft the registry setup11:04
bhagyashrisrlandy, not now testing job on testproject once it pass will add in the review list11:05
rlandybhagyashris, 11:05
Tengurlandy: for now, things seem OK. I'm still working on porting puppetlabs-apache to ansible.11:05
Tenguthat would help us avoiding future breakage when a new release is out, and keep hand on a code portion widely used through tripleo.11:06
rlandyk - good11:06
rlandysoniya29|ruck: are we still fighting node failures on downstream?11:11
soniya29|ruckrlandy, still not looked on downstream11:11
marioschandankumar: want to talk any reviews?11:16
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:16
chandankumarmarios: yes joining11:16
* soniya29|ruck needs a tea break11:16
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel11:26
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|rover11:27
dviroel|roverrlandy: welcome back11:30
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: o/ hey, happy rr friday 11:31
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: i was expecting c8-wallaby promotion with 2e61a9145880159e108498395babaa38 /me checks promoter11:34
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, hello, happy rr friday :)11:35
*** frenzy_friday is now known as frenzyfriday|afk11:35
dviroel|rover2022-08-19 11:24:34,944 1086979 ERROR    promoter Exception while promoting hashes to API endpoint (401) UNAUTHORIZED: Unauthorized Access11:36
chandankumarrlandy: dviroel|rover soniya29|ruck
rlandysoniya29|ruck: dviroel|rover: frenzyfriday|afk: ^^ going to merge11:38
soniya29|ruckchandankumar, rlandy ack11:38
dviroel|roverchandankumar: hey, isn't this 401 error on promoter related to the new password for dlrn user, that you mentioned yesterday?11:41
chandankumardviroel|rover: log link please11:42
chandankumardviroel|rover: I am not able to see 401 error in the log file11:43
dviroel|roverchandankumar: hehe, updated already11:44
dviroel|roverchandankumar: the log file, not the passwd11:46
dviroel|roverchandankumar: it will probably fail, after uploading containers, when trying to promote the hash11:46
rlandysoniya29|ruck: hey - can you join
chandankumardviroel|rover: when it failes, please ping me back, I will take a look, thank you :-)11:51
mariosakahat: talk with rlandy when you have time later or next week - regarding component lines probably we want to go with current-tripleo instead of promoted-components for the 'other' 11:56
rlandychandankumar: akahat: hi - does the change in the dlrn config impact downstream?12:05
dviroel|roverchandankumar: akahat:
rlandychandankumar: ^^ can you join
rlandyakahat: ^^12:16
* bhagyashris brb12:16
akahatrlandy, Hi, i've chagned config.12:24
akahatwhat is the issue?12:24
rlandyakahat: pls check in with chandankumar 12:24
rlandywe discussed with him12:24
akahatrlandy, ok.. 12:24
akahatchandankumar, free can we talk?12:25
chandankumardviroel|rover: rlandy we switched back to ciuser with new password12:45
chandankumarand promotion is back in action12:45
chandankumarcs8 wallaby promoted12:45
dviroel|roverchandankumar: oh, nice, thanks12:49
chandankumarnext action is removing all reference of username and password from config 12:49
chandankumarin promoter code12:49
rlandychandankumar++ akahat++: thanks12:50
*** tosky is now known as Guest53212:51
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky12:51
jpodivinI'm seeing new failure in our promotion pipeline during the last 24hrs or so. Keystone endpoint check timing out after thirty attempts
jpodivinIt's just VF, but I don't believe we have changed anything at the time. 12:53
jpodivinsoniya29|ruck ^ any idea if 12:53
jpodivinit's being tracked? 12:54
soniya29|ruckjpodivin, nope13:00
jpodivinhm, I'm wondering if it has something to do with that key change13:06
*** frenzyfriday|afk is now known as frenzyfriday13:09
rlandyjpodivin: ^^ just in your component line?13:17
rlandymaster only or also wallaby?13:17
jpodivinrlandy: yes to both. 13:18
jpodivinsister jobs are ok ... for now at least13:18
jpodivinalso hitting periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-component-master-validation 13:18
jpodivinor it's something similar. 13:19
rlandyk - will look in a sec13:19
jpodivinrlandy++ thanks, I'm putting together a bug. 13:20
* rlandy looks at how long13:24
rlandysoniya29|ruck: ^^13:25
jpodivinlogs have some ssh errors as well.
rlandyok  - checking those out13:26
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ack13:32
rlandysoniya29|ruck: dviroel|rover: ^^ pls add bug to hackmd13:36
soniya29|ruckrlandy, added13:37
rlandyjpodivin: so last pass was 2022-08-12 13:37
rlandythen there is a 10 min failure13:37
rlandy2022-08-16 19:05:09.357952 | primary | ERROR! Failed to download collection tar from 'default': HTTP Error 522:13:38
rlandyso the first error is now13:38
rlandywell, yesterday13:38
rlandydeployment failed13:38
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch13:39
jpodivinrlandy: standalone was still working three days ago13:39
jpodivin 13:39
rlandyjpodivin: master promoted two days ago13:40
jpodivinyeah, situation isn't that horrible13:41
jpodivinour component has last promotion 6 days ago.13:41
rlandyjpodivin: so new promoted content may be the issue13:44
rlandystandalone network looks fine13:44
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off13:45
rlandyrcastillo|rover: hey - you can unrover13:47
rlandyjpodivin: have you tried a testproject run?13:50
jpodivinactually I'm just posting it.13:50
rlandyjpodivin: ok - I'd like to see it reproduce13:53
rlandyI se it on fs001 and standalone13:53
rlandybut just one run of each13:53
rlandyfailed to retrieve rpm info for /var/lib/selinux/targeted/active/modules/400/openvswitch-custom could be a real issue13:53
jpodivinit could be that. 13:54
jpodivinThere is a lot of unrelated errors in the logs. Unrelated because the sister jobs have them too and they still work .13:55
akahatmarios, o/ just noticed your ping.. Sure. I'll talk with rlandy re: component line promotion label. 13:58
mariosrlandy: akahat: fyi added info/merge order etc @ 13:59
mariosrlandy: we can talk before i go anyway as needed (test currently running for that ^^ ) 13:59
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:59
akahatmarios, thank you!14:00
*** rcastillo|rover is now known as rcastillo14:00
mariosakahat: thats for the new c*8* integration job thanks14:04
rlandydasm: hello!14:04
rlandypls remove             vars:14:05
rlandy              force_periodic: true14:05
rlandycomponent jobs don;t use that14:05
rlandyit will pick up the wrong release file14:05
jpodivinoh, yeah, sorry14:05
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej14:10
dasmrlandy: \o i thought you're on vacation even today. welcome back. how are you14:16
rlandydasm: good - just checking n today14:18
rlandycatching up on all the tasks left over from pto14:19
afuscoarHello. I've seen that the following review has been submitted.  14:22
afuscoar - thx Ananya and Ronelle - I have one more question: we need to allocate the files in the instance including where will be the scripts14:22
afuscoarDoes anyone have some minutes to check it with me? Thx14:22
frenzyfridayafuscoar, hey, which files? The python files from your patch?14:23
afuscoarYes. Which instance will be used? This one?
frenzyfridayyep ^ this one. As far as I know the scripts are automatically pulled in through a cronjob - so probably you should be able to see the changes in some time14:26
afuscoarThat sounds nice, thx. I don't have access to this instance to check it, I'll check it later again.14:28
* frenzyfriday checking if we really have the cronjob running14:30
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: so, i'm rerunning a few jobs in downstream, now I am going to investigate those retry_limit issues14:34
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, ack14:34
mariosakahat: :) please add to your reviews 14:35
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.14:35
mariosi think the conditional can work akahat waiting for zuul to report but following console looks good14:35
marioscc rlandy conditional re ci-testing vs current-tripleo for 8/9 line mixed os jobs14:36
mariosrlandy: info there 14:36
mariosrlandy: that is the "critical" patch for the conditional. more info, merge order and context @ 14:38
soniya29|ruckrlandy, dviroel|rover, leaving for the day14:39
soniya29|ruckdviroel|rover, you can drop notes on hackmd and i can continue with it on Monday 14:39
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ^^14:39
dviroel|roversoniya29|ruck: sure, will do14:39
rlandymarios: thanks - will read through14:41
akahatmarios, looks like that will sove the problem.14:46
akahatsolve *14:46
rlandymarios: looks right14:49
mariosrlandy: akahat: yeah but easy to miss something else so i leave it in akahat hands and rlandy please help with advice and reviews 14:50
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.14:50
mariosrlandy: merge order is documented ... unless i missed something you can merge those and have the 8 integration line too 14:51
mariosmay need to add the new job into the periodic layout and criteria etc but ... 14:51
rlandymarios: I would14:51
rlandyif it's not in criteria, no harm14:52
rlandyat least we can watch it14:52
rlandyand akahat can fix it14:52
rlandywhile you are out14:52
rlandyotherwise it will sit14:52
mariosrlandy: yeah but if it runs ok and you merge then add to criteria too 14:52
mariosbut ... its all just patches right now so 14:52
mariosneeds to be sanity checked and merged 14:52
akahatmarios, thanks i'll take care :)14:54
akahatmarios, do we need to add component jobs for 9-8 also?14:55
mariosakahat: yes.. that is what you are working on currently right? 9 component line14:59
mariosso akahat you will need to add for 8 component line too as discussed this morning14:59
akahatmarios, ok. 15:00
mariosrlandy: as documented @ TRIPLEOCI-1172 naming convention to distinguish the jobs ... in the 9 line we have centos-9-8 (9 first). in the 8 line we have centos-8-9 (8 first). feel free to -1 this approach and suggest something else 15:00
mariosakahat: ^^ 15:00
* dviroel|rover lunch15:00
rlandymarios: that's fine  - as long as we are consistent on the convention15:01
rlandyon all jobs15:01
rlandyupstream and downstream15:01
dviroel|rovermarios: enjoy your pto time o/15:01
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|lunch15:02
mariosthank you dviroel|rover|lunch :)15:02
mariosrlandy: upstream we only have one job 15:02
mariosrlandy: cos we don't have separate 8/9 check/gate... its all wallaby both 8 and 915:02
mariosrlandy: but we can discuss that when am back if you want15:02
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off15:10
mariosrlandy: need sthing before i go?15:34
mariosrlandy: otherwise you have my mobile... and email will be checked periodically ;)15:34
rlandymarios: we were just talking about you :)15:34
marioswasnt me!15:34
rlandy need to merge15:34
chandankumarmarios: Have a well deserved vacation mate :-)15:34
marioschandankumar: o/ thanks 15:35
rlandymarios: enjoy!!!!!!15:35
*** marios is now known as marios|out15:36
akahatrlandy, 15:39
marios|outrlandy: akahat: fyi please update that before merge commented there 15:40
rlandymarios|out: ack15:41
akahatmarios|out, yes. I'll add it.15:41
rlandyjust job def now15:41
marios|outactually out now :)15:41
rlandywe need to add job to run15:41
rlandybye ...15:41
akahatmarios|out, thanks Happy Vacation!!15:41
rlandyrcastillo: 1-1?16:02
rlandydviroel|rover|lunch: left a comment for
rlandythis passed standalone on rerun16:03
rlandyrcastillo: dropping - pls ping if you want to chat16:06
*** dviroel|rover|lunch is now known as dviroel|rover16:09
dviroel|roverrlandy: ack tks16:09
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|lunch16:17
rcastillorlandy|lunch: sorry I didn't know you were in today16:24
*** rlandy|lunch is now known as rlandy16:50
rlandyrcastillo: have a meeting in a bit - can ping you later16:51
rcastillorlandy: sure16:51
rlandy17.1 on rhel-9 promoted :)17:16
rlandyakahat: hey - how are we looking with
rlandyalso is the promoter downstream ok?17:23
rlandyakahat: pls update with the layout17:24
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|mtg17:24
akahatReady to merge: 17:54
*** rlandy|mtg is now known as rlandy18:00
* dviroel|rover biab18:01
rlandyakahat: re: - criteria file needs to change?18:01
rlandyfound it18:02
rlandyneed recheck18:04
rlandyakahat: - needs vars18:04
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|biab18:05
akahatrlandy|biab, i think it will not need anything since it is independent job, and required vars are added in job def:
* akahat akahat -> offline18:50
dviroel|rovermaster is promoting19:00
*** rlandy|biab is now known as rlandy19:00
rlandydviroel|rover: woohoo19:00
rlandyakahat: checking19:00
rlandyakahat; you'll still need dependencies, right?19:01
rlandycan't start until containers are built19:02
rlandyrcastillo: want to meet? otherwise we can skip - up to you19:03
rcastilloyeah let's meet19:03
rlandyok - joining 1-119:04
rlandydviroel|rover: need anything?19:27
dviroel|roverrlandy: everything looks ok so far, some tests on rerun19:28
rlandyok 19:28
dviroel|rovertripleo-ipa fix in gate 19:29
rlandysecurity component?19:29
dviroel|roverdon't see dns issue on downstream anymore19:30
rlandyakahat: can merge?19:32
dviroel|rover16.2 promoted20:03
rlandydviroel|rover: nice20:12
rlandydviroel|rover: is this correct? - compute component out 16 days20:15
rlandybut all tests show passed20:15
dviroel|roverrlandy: no20:15
dviroel|roverrlandy: it was on rerun, maybe just need to run promote job20:15
rlandyok - thanks20:16
dviroel|rovermissing only periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-train for train, the last two rerun, different tempest failues20:31
dviroel|rovermaybe give another try, on ibm cloud?20:31
rlandydviroel|rover: you can try ibm cloud or skip promote20:33
rlandyyour choice20:33
dviroel|roverok, i will try ibm first, and depending on the results, skip promote20:35
dviroel|roverrlandy: so yeah, new hash for compute on 16-2 didn't run yet 20:38
dviroel|roveronly common promoted20:38
dviroel|rovercomponent-ci-testing/2022-07-29 03:0820:38
dviroel|rovercompute ^20:38
dviroel|roverconsistent/2022-08-19 11:0820:38
dviroel|roveron 17-rhel9 only security is out, because of tripleo-ipa bug we can't promote20:40
rlandyok - great20:40
dviroel|rover17-rhel9 should promote today too, missing one job, that I forgot to add to testproject20:41
dviroel|roverrunning now20:41
dviroel|roverrlandy: btw, i am working on ovb node affinity here
dviroel|roveri can see the affinity working using openstack client, but for some reason, worked on a master job, and nothing happened in another wallaby job - needs investigation20:45
rlandydviroel|rover: thanks for picking that up20:47
rlandyanything that gets us out of rerun 20:47
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|biab20:51
*** rlandy|biab is now known as rlandy21:12
dviroel|roverrlandy: ibm cloud is failing on ovb stack creation21:13
rlandydviroel|rover: probably out of quota?21:13
dviroel|roverrlandy: that make me think about moving train to ibm21:13
rlandyif it's two diff sets of tempest tests and one job you can skip promote21:13
dviroel|roverrlandy: ack21:14
dviroel|roverrlandy: biab, i can check again in a few minutes21:14
* dviroel|rover nephew is here :)21:14
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|biab21:14
rlandydviroel|rover|biab: np - enjoy time with nephew21:18
* rlandy logging off - will be back sunday if anything is needed21:18
dasmtake care team! have a great weekend!21:33
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:33
*** dviroel|rover|biab is now known as dviroel|rover22:28
* dviroel|rover back22:28
rcastilloleaving for today22:29
rcastillohave a good weekend dviroel|rover o/22:29
dviroel|roverrcastillo: you too o/22:30
dviroel|roverosp17-rhel9 should promote soon, i am out o/22:50
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|out22:50

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