Wednesday, 2022-09-14

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out00:41
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mariosgood day oooci o/ 06:02
ysandeepgood morning o/ marios and everyone 06:17
ysandeepfolks o/ anyone know from where we get secondary node entry in primary node's /etc/hosts?
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ysandeepmaybe marios, ykarel ^^ when you have time.06:19
ykarelysandeep, i think
ysandeepykarel, thanks okay so when we request more than 1 node in zuul, this role add the entries of other nodes06:22
mariosysandeep: not sure .. i found where that file is written but not where it gets those from - from zuul/nodepool sounds right though what ykarel pointed to 06:26
ysandeepykarel, marios ++ thanks!06:27
mariosysandeep: found that fwiw
mariosysandeep: for mixed os i had to tweak the tripleo-inventory to grab the extra node/make appropriate groups, anyway there fwiw/if useful 06:28
ysandeepmarios: ++ thanks, I was not aware we had this info in /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes as well06:51
dpawlikhello folks. What promotion has been moved to IBM BM02 host ?06:58
marioscool glad helpful ysandeep 06:59
chandankumardpawlik: currently all the jobs are running on https://baremetal02.rdoproject.org06:59
chandankumarI mean all cs8 jobs 07:00
mariosdpawlik: c8/train chandankumar what else please? maybe components07:00
mariosah thanks chandankumar 07:00
mariosso train and wallaby 8 is on ibm? 07:00
chandankumarwallaby and train integration and component lines07:00
mariosdpawlik: ^^07:00
chandankumardpawlik: we are still running cs8 rdo check job on vexxhost cloud07:01
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: o/ are you OK for updating the doc for program call?07:01
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: at least for the rhel lines and jm1 can update the centos ones when around 07:01
chandankumardpawlik: are we getting additional openstack clouds nodes on ibm cloud?07:02
dpawlikchandankumar: FYI 07:02
dpawlikchandankumar: not that I'm aware of07:02
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: links/info in private please check when you have time let me know if you need help on that07:02
dpawlikone more think, has been merged. I'm building the image right now07:04
dpawlikif you can switch some job just to test the image, would be awesome07:04
dpawlikand why did you switch all the jobs without cs8 to the IBM02 ?07:06
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jm1good rainy morning folks 🌧07:14
chandankumardpawlik: we wanted to decrease the load on vexxhost cloud, we moved older and stable branches to IBM cloud07:15
chandankumardpawlik: regarding testing cs9 dib image, let me check the promotion and move few jobs on that07:15
chandankumardpawlik: left a comment
mariosjm1: o/ morning 07:32
mariosjm1: are you ok with updating the program call doc? i asked bhagyashris|ruck to add the downstream stuff there so can you please add the upstream info as soon as you get a chance 07:32
mariosjm1: sending link in pvt but i think you have it already 07:32
jm1marios: o/ mirror issues solved?07:33
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: lets talk on phone maybe easier? 07:34
mariosjm1: maybe that happened after i left? didn't see anything about mirror issues07:35
bhagyashris|ruckmarios, ok07:35
jm1marios: i am talking about the bug you posted yesterday... XD07:35
mariosjm1: want to join us? we'll be editing the doc so prevent overwrite/we can just update it quickly now07:35
mariosjm1: ah the RETRY you mean 07:36
mariosk didn't check that 07:36
mariosjm1: we can schedule it in 25 mins if you prefer bhagyashris|ruck instead of
jm1marios: let me first see what our current status for upstream is. you can go ahead with bhagyashris|ruck and fill in that doc, i will add my stuff later07:37
mariosjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: my concern is we do that asap this morning because as soon as someone is on from prod chain (eg jjoyce or mburns they will take that doc and update th program call doc)07:37
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mariosjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: k sending invite. jm1 i plan to update the upstream info there during the call you can edit if you want later07:37
bhagyashris|ruckmarios, ack so should we meet now or after 25 mins?07:38
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: sent you invite 20 mins from now07:38
dpawlikchandankumar: so the image is available07:38
dpawlikchandankumar: will change name in next PS07:38
mariosbhagyashris|ruck: should be quick 10 mins07:38
bhagyashris|ruckmarios, ok07:38
chandankumardpawlik: ok, sending a tp in few mins07:39
jm1bhagyashris|ruck: yesterday you had ssl errors with rr script. did you get this error? "Max retries exceeded with url: /gerrit/gitweb?p=tripleo-environments.git;a=blob_plain;f=ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/config_environments/rdo/RedHat-9/rhos-17.yaml;hb=HEAD (Caused by SSLError(CertificateError("hostname '' doesn't match either of '', ''")))"07:41
bhagyashris|ruckjm1, not sure but it resolved automatically07:43
bhagyashris|rucknot it's working fine07:44
jm1bhagyashris|ruck: ok, hm.. i get an outage error07:46
jm1marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris|ruck: internal is down?07:54
jm1marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris|ruck: ah its planned outage07:56
chandankumardpawlik: let's see how it goes07:57
mariosjm1: was around earlier 07:57
dpawlikthanks chandankumar07:57
mariosjm1: but yeah down now here too 07:58
jm1marios: its planned outage, they say on google chat08:00
mariosk thanks08:00
mariosjm1: good job keeping promotions green we are pretty good for prog call 08:05
mariosjm1: we updated the doc please check when you have a chance 08:07
jm1marios: looks like you already entered all info into that doc. is there anything missing?08:09
chandankumardpawlik: seeing node failure08:09
dpawlikchecking that08:09
mariosjm1: no we should be good to go 08:11
jm1marios: thank you man!08:11
marioswelcome :)08:11
jm1ysandeep: o/ do you know whether amol is doing well? only know of some flood and he is out for days..08:18
ysandeepjm1, hello o/ 08:19
dpawlikwill work on your testproject chandankumar08:19
chandankumardpawlik: ack08:19
ysandeepjm1, sry I have the same info as you have, maybe chandankumar knows more08:20
chandankumarjm1: ysandeep yes he is doing fine, the front side of his house got damaged due to rain. He is busy with repairing it08:21
chandankumarI spoke with him last night08:21
chandankumarjm1: ysandeep thank you for checking in :-)08:21
ysandeepgood to hear Amol is doing fine :D08:22
jm1chandankumar, ysandeep: oha 😱 hope its not too bad 😬 but good to know he is fine08:24
* bhagyashris|ruck lunch08:39
rlandyjm1: marios: bhagyashris|ruck: thanks for updating the proram doc notes10:38
rlandyjust adding 1710:38
mariosrlandy: ah wasnt sure if we should have that or not10:41
mariosrlandy: last week's notes had a pipelines: section for it but this week's did not10:41
rlandymarios: yeah - don't know - asking mburns10:41
rlandyjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: marios: so we need to sync on anything?10:42
rlandyjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: marios: otherwise just want to run through CIX10:42
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yeah we can run through cix 10:43
mariosrlandy: not aware of something - am tracking the mixed-rhel stuff (updated the card/bug for that )10:43
rlandymarios: ack - thanks10:44
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: sure - just waiting for jm110:44
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: all good in downstream?10:44
rlandyysandeep: - alan asked about this card on monday10:44
rlandyis that still in the right status?10:45
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yeah re-running th failing jobs10:45
ysandeeprlandy, afaik.. dpawlik created the c9 upstream image today and chandankumar posted a patch to testing that10:45
rlandyysandeep: thanks - will update that card10:46
jm1rlandy: sync?10:47
rlandyjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: yeah - I think we just need to cover CIX
rlandymarios: ^^ can join if you want to - should be quick10:48
mariosrlandy: ack 10:52
mariosrlandy: fyi bug for the RETRY jobs at but i removed the cix flags yesterday we may want it on the board 11:01
* jm1 lunch11:06
ysandeeprlandy, good news , operator image build, push to quay and e2e test using image we build.11:08
rlandyvery cool11:11
arxcruzpojadhav please join review meeting today :)11:14
pojadhavarxcruz, joining11:15
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rlandyanyone else having login issues on code.eng?11:46
mariosrlandy: there was an outage earlier but it seemed to be back ~1 hour ago 11:49
rlandymarios: hmm ... I can't login to anything code.eng related11:51
rlandyand I have a lot of reviews to vote on :(11:51
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:51
pojadhavrlandy, its working fine for me11:51
ysandeepchandankumar, rlandy on vexx cloud, do we have nested virt enabled on all our compute nodes?11:54
rlandyysandeep: we have a nodeset that can use nested virt11:54
rlandymarios: ugh - still not11:54
chandankumarrlandy: ysandeep I think it is enabled on all the nodes11:56
chandankumarfor vexxhost11:56
rlandyit should be11:58
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ysandeepchandankumar, Actually intermittently sometime CRC(nested) fails to start on my VM and I suspect if its due to my node ending up on compute node which don't have nested virt enabled.11:58
ysandeepchandankumar, but i can see svm flag at vm level 12:00
ysandeepfor failed case as well12:00
chandankumarcan we open an issue on crc side? may be they can help12:01
ysandeepchandankumar, coreos can't boot, softlock in the failure case12:03
rlandyI can log in to everything except code eng12:04
ysandeepdviroel, chandankumar, if l0 don't support nested, we should not see vmx/svm flag at l1, right ?12:05
mariosrlandy: so is kinit working for you? are you getting 503/something else on code.eng? 12:06
mariosrlandy: did you try clear cache etc for code.eng?12:06
dviroelysandeep: yeah, i think so12:07
dviroelrlandy: i just did a "kdestroy -A" and a "kinit", and now it is working12:08
rlandykinit works12:09
rlandyklist 12:09
rlandydviroel: did you have an issue before?12:09
chandankumarysandeep: if nested virt enabled, we can see svm flag12:09
chandankumarysandeep: give some time, dpawlik is enabling nested virt on ibm cloud12:09
dviroelrlandy: a few minutes ago12:09
chandankumaryou can check it there12:10
* rlandy reboots12:10
chandankumarthere = crc setup on ibm cloud12:10
ysandeepyes, that will be great12:11
rlandywoohoo finally12:24
rlandythat took half my morning12:28
* pojadhav brb12:28
rlandymarios; ok - I'll go back now and fix the base- thingy12:28
rlandyysandeep: ^^12:28
ysandeeprlandy, szymon did already12:29
ysandeepin his patches, and I have +wed the patches12:29
rlandyI should have login problems more often12:31
ysandeephahaha, lol!12:31
ysandeepToday we were bombarded with reviews :D I need to find some time tomorrow to review dasm rr patches.12:32
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.12:32
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: hey - trigger jobs .. did they work?12:33
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: found the test project ... merging
rlandymarios: what happened with dasm's patches from yesterday?12:41
rlandydid you guys cover them in review12:41
rlandyI crossed out all the merged patches12:41
mariosrlandy: we looked at them and ysandeep added them to check when he next reviews 12:42
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.12:42
ysandeep>> <ysandeep> Today we were bombarded with reviews :D I need to find some time tomorrow to review dasm rr patches.12:43
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.12:43
rlandyn - just catching up after code.eng login fun this morning12:44
rlandyjm1: hey - so I've been getting better results doing reruns on IBM cloud12:47
jm1rlandy: good good12:48
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yes12:52
mariosjm1: o/ around? question about sdk in #rdo 12:54
jm1marios: yeap, answered. thanks!12:55
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jm1rlandy: rhos17 is zed, isnt it?13:15
jm1rlandy: oh its wallaby13:15
jm1rlandy: zed is 17.1?13:15
rlandyjm1: 17 and 7.1 are wallaby13:16
rlandy18 will be zed13:16
rlandy17.1 is a minor release off major 1713:16
rlandyper the RHOS release schedule13:16
jm1rlandy: ok great, then we have time13:16
rlandylike 16.2 is still train13:16
rlandyjm1: well yes and no13:17
rlandywhen zed is cut, the sprint after we will need an 18 line13:17
jm1rlandy: "time" > we dont have to raise a 17 blocker13:17
rlandythe fun keeps rolling13:17
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rlandyjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: nedd help with anything? if not, pls ping when you are EoD with what to watch13:30
jm1rlandy: nope, ack, thanks :)13:30
rlandyarxcruz: sorry - had to drop review call (kinit issues) - are you all set with the allow list reviews?13:31
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.13:31
arxcruzrlandy yes13:31
arxcruzrlandy need more cores though to merge 13:31
* rlandy looks13:32
rlandyarxcruz: merged 13:33
rlandy - mreging that13:33
mariosysandeep|afk: o/ hey i am looking at the toolbox nodes on irc - maybe we can talk about that briefly tomorrow morning? I am lookign for somewhere to migrate our trello card creation script to13:34
mariosysandeep|afk: toolbox nodes on *psi* sorry not irc ;)13:35
rlandymarios: ack - just noting the trello keys13:38
rlandyit should be part of the infra tasks13:39
rlandymarios: although you'll have a lot to do next sprint with zed13:39
rlandyso maybe we punt on that task13:39
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ysandeepmarios, ack lets chat tomorrow o/13:42
ykarelHi is the issue already known, i have seen it twice recently13:42
rlandyarxcruz: for fs035
ykarelstderr: Error: error creating container storage: the container name "container-puppet-rabbitmq" is already in use by13:42
ykarelbhagyashris|ruck, jm1|rover ^13:42
rlandycan you see the error on that log13:42
mariosrlandy: sure was just exploring should not be a hard thing to do so lets see 13:42
rlandyAn unhandled exception occurred while templating '{% if ('periodic' in zuul.pipeline and not job.force_non_periodic|default(false)|bool) or (job.force_periodic|default(false)|bool) -%} {{ tempest_allowed_group_periodic }}13:42
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rlandyjm1: ^^ you familiar with ykarel's error? don;t see it listed in
ykarelrlandy, jm1 seen in c9 too
mariosrlandy: ysandeep|out: chandankumar: please add to reviews when you next have time 13:49
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.13:49
rlandyykarel: k - will add to list to check/bug13:51
ykarelThanks rlandy 13:51
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, nope thanks13:56
*** Guest305 is now known as dasm13:57
rlandymarios: jm1: added some comments to
rlandywill discuss at CIX14:03
rlandycoming in before we lay down repos14:03
dasmmarios: o/ i see you're in the osp retro meeting. are you gonna speak up? i think i'm missing the purpose of that meeting14:04
dasmoh, rlandy is there too ^14:04
mariosdasm: no i don't plan to.. rlandy asked me to join to see if we can do a better job in the next cycle with linking/reporting our stuff up to OSP14:05
mariosdasm: in fact, i see we aren't even in that dashboard as far as i can see14:05
mariosdasm: i checked dfg a b c and i dont see us? or missed it? 14:05
dasmmarios: i found tripleo in dfg c group. but there is no tripleo ci14:05
mariosdasm: right, so i don't know if we are even going to be asked for this bit14:06
mariosdasm: hmm we might be 'tripleo' but not sure14:07
mariosanyway lets see :)14:07
dasmit's testing rbac policies. but it does not seem to be anyhow affecting us.14:09
dviroeljm1: fyi "Configured CPU model: qemu64 is not compatible with host CPU" 14:09
rlandymarios: we're a dependent team14:09
dasmactually, it's tempest plugin for rbac testing14:09
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jm1dviroel: ok great. so the workaround to change cpu model in l1 (for l2) does not work14:16
dasmjm1: if the workaround does not work, is it great or not so great? :)14:17
jm1dasm: it means we cannot do anything, we need help from psi14:17
jm1dviroel: can you put your findings into cix card? really laborious investigation14:18
dviroeljm1: testing another nodeset, it seems that only master branch is failing, and wallaby job has a different nodeset - maybe there was a change in those flavors 14:19
dasmjm1: from that PoV, you're right. but it still means we're gonna have issus. which is not good :/14:20
jm1dasm: yeah i should have put sarkasm tags on that comment ;)14:20
dasmjm1: /s ;) 14:21
jm1dasm: [Error] s: Unknown command. XD14:21
rlandyugh - how is it a long da already at 10:22 am?14:22
dasmjm1: i knew it! you're a robot! Android spotted! We don't need Voight-Kampff test anymore :)14:22
dasm(Blade Runner any1?)14:22
mariosdasm: rlandy: so confirmed looks like we are 'tripleo' on that dashboard and we have only 1 story in that cycle mixed rhel ci so i can speak to that 14:22
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, fs020 wallaby passed on ibm cloud
bhagyashris|ruckmay be we can merge tempest skiplist patch
dasmmarios: ack.14:23
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ok so ...
rlandyok for me to merge that?14:23
rlandythen we can close out the bug and card14:23
rlandy is closed14:24
rlandyI guess that card just moves to done14:25
jm1rlandy, marios: little present for friday. hopefully this helps a bit. autogenerated rr notes
jm1rlandy, marios: one thing is missing though, the autogenerated rerun testproject's. only locally available for now14:26
mariosjm1: :) nice 14:26
jm1dasm, frenzyfriday|lunch: ^14:26
jm1marios, rlandy: it has to be triggered manually, its ultra hacky for now and only works on my machine. but at least it works ^^14:27
dasmjm1: wow. nice! 14:28
jm1marios, rlandy: it also gives you a first idea of what the failure reason was for each job14:28
dasmshow us the code, mate! :)14:28
dasmjm1: nice job! i was slowly moving towards something like that. I'm glad someone took that over from me :)14:29
jm1dasm: i will, for sure. in its current state i cannot publish it without jeopardizing my dev career. gimme some time to clean it up please14:29
dasmjm1: haha14:29
rlandyCIX time14:29
rlandymarios: can you confirm:
rlandythat this is the right version14:46
rlandyapevec wants to merge14:47
mariosrlandy: gimme couple mins still in this call (looking)14:49
mariosrlandy: yeah i mean ykarel test looks good 14:50
mariosrlandy: so lets merge 14:50
rlandymarios: thanks14:54
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rlandyjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: marios: logging vexx ticket15:03
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, ok15:04
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, jm1 leaving for the day... nothing major to watch15:05
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: thanks - have a goo dnight15:05
jm1bhagyashris|ruck: have a nice evening :)15:06
dasmpojadhav: i'm gonna try and i'm gonna see if i can help you with that:
pojadhavdasm, ack thank you!15:13
mariosoff in few rlandy need something ?15:19
rlandymarios: should be ok - thank you15:21
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rlandyhave a good night15:21
dasmpojadhav: i found the issue with
dasmplease see comments15:24
mariosthanks you too rlandy 15:28
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jm1ykarel: finally managed to look through our failures for c9 master. it looks like we are hitting intermittent failures as everyday, nothing unusual. did not see your container failure. at least for this job it does not seem to be persistent
jm1ykarel: "usual" nowadays means dozens of overcloud deployment failures in each way possible per day15:35
ykareljm1, so it's not specific to master nor c9, as seen also for c8 wallaby15:35
ykarelyep i see most of the time it failing for galera15:35
jm1ykarel: yeah i checked the logs you provided and as much as i hate to write that, my guess is it is intermittent15:35
ykareljm1, yes intermittent but looks like product bug15:36
ykarelso worth investigating/tracking15:36
jm1ykarel: thing is, if we would track every intermittent bug that hits use three times, then we would spam our cix board. yesterday i had to trigger c9 wallaby fs64 dozens of times (20? 30?) until we got a promotion. it failed on different intermittent failures each and every damn time.15:39
jm1ykarel: for now we focus on the really nasty intermittent failures. we have currently 6 bugs which are waiting for reports/cix cards
jm1ykarel: but feel free to add intermittent bugs which you see more often. i only have the two bug reports you sent and did not see it anywhere else so far15:42
jm1ykarel: but didn't rlandy file a bug already?15:43
rlandysorry rlandy is on other channel15:44
rlandyykarel: agree worth tracking15:44
rlandyjust didn't get to file that bug15:44
rlandyalso - OVB is in bad shape right now15:45
rlandystarting with mirrors on vess15:45
rlandyfirst thing we logged out today15:45
rlandywill get to deploy failures after that15:45
ykareljm1, i am not following those jobs, just seen on two of my patches, so felt like it's more generic then it seems15:47
ykarelif those jobs report to logstash, there might get better picture of frequency15:47
ykarelthe intermittent failures can sometime be product bugs so atleast it's good to track15:48
ykarelso if the errors here are not related to what seen on other intermittent fails then it might be seperate issue15:49
chandankumarsee ya!15:52
jm1ykarel: agree. but we have to automate the log collection. its not manageable at the moment, its flooding ruck/rovers15:55
rlandyfrenzyfriday|lunch: ^^ what's our status on RDO elastic recheck?15:55
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jm1ykarel: but lucky us, frenzyfriday is working on that :)15:55
frenzyfridayrlandy, no much progress this week. It is deployed on the server but graph is still messed up15:56
jm1rlandy: having a break now. integration jobs are running, but dont expect any promotions. usual suspects.15:57
dasmjm1: wrt logs, there is opensearch which we can incorporate into log collection15:58
rlandyjm1: it's fine16:01
rlandyyou're in good shape promotion-wise16:01
rlandywaiting to hear back from vexx16:01
rlandy 16:02
rlandyshould help if it gets through16:02
rlandyfrenzyfriday: sorry - joining16:02
jparker_I'm attempting to use tripleo-quickstart to deploy 1ctlr_2comp_1supp with freeipa against master-tripleo-ci, when it gets to ansible task of creating the freeipa script on the node it fails due to ansible_distribution_major_version, does anyone happen to know if I am missing necessary parameters for deployment?16:09
jparker_sorry here is a better format of what i am running instead of single line:
rlandylunch brb16:23
rlandyrcastillo: ^^ we have a taker for the virt deploy16:24
rlandyjparker_: hi ...16:26
rlandyjparker_: do you need this for debug?16:27
rlandymight be easier if we start a job run and hold a node for you16:27
jparker_preferably would like to come up with something I can do locally, its an effort for NOVA QE to start adding additional upstream sooner for nova features/deployment and several features will require some interfacing with barbican to test16:29
rlandyjparker_:  ansible_distribution_major_version shoudl be picked up from the node16:29
rlandycan it not find the var?16:29
rlandyie: var not defined or it fails on that particular node16:30
jparker_yea its var undefined, specifically AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'ansible_distribution_major_version' is undefined16:30
rlandyyou can add the definition ... 16:31
rlandybut it should be found16:31
rlandyrcastillo: ^^ can you help out here, please16:32
rlandyjparker_: that config of 1ctlr_2comp_1supp is usaually an OVB deloyment16:33
rlandyso I am not sure how the virt system will deal with it16:33
rlandynow really lunch - biab 16:36
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:43
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*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:00
rlandywallaby c8 should promote17:14
jm1rlandy: will create bug report for ykarel, have some time now18:15
rlandyjm1: k - working with the vexxhost folks atm18:21
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|mtg18:28
jm1ykarel, rlandy: container creation issue during overcloud deploy
rlandy|mtgjm1: thanks - will look after meeting18:28
jm1rlandy|mtg: nothing to see there what you do not know already ;)18:33
rcastillosorry, had an emergency18:40
rcastillohere now...18:40
rcastillorlandy|mtg: jparker_ looking18:40
jparker_rcastillo: it looks like the supplemental vm is not getting the same configuration setup as the other nodes, none of the centos ci repos are present and ansible is not installed on the ipa node18:52
rcastillojparker_: yeah that's what I was thinking, we don't do supplemental with afaik18:53
rcastillomaybe check whether deploy_supplemenal_node is set, and set it by hand otherwise18:59
jparker_rcastillo: ack, it should be coming from, but let me see if I am overriding it someohw19:02
jm1rlandy|mtg: out for today, jobs are still running19:03
* jm1 out for today, have a nice evening folks 🥂19:03
rlandy|mtgjm1: thanks - have a good night19:04
*** rlandy|mtg is now known as rlandy19:23
rlandytrain rerun:
* dviroel need to go afk - haircut 20:26
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk20:26
* dasm => offline21:27
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:27
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:01
*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel22:12
dviroelfips enabled images are now starting, next step is to investigate failure on pre playbook, probably related to fips itself22:52
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk22:52

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