Thursday, 2022-09-22

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep01:31
ysandeepo/ good morning folks01:32
dasmysandeep: \o01:56
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rlandy|outhi ysandeep01:59
ysandeepgood evening folks o/01:59
rlandy|outpls review for infra01:59
ysandeephmm, clark is removing 2.8 and 2.9, from where are we getting 2.12.9 here02:04
ysandeep2022-09-21 16:42:35.357909 | TASK [emit-job-header : Print job information]02:04
ysandeep2022-09-21 16:42:35.420589 | # Job Information02:04
ysandeep2022-09-21 16:42:35.420903 | Ansible Version: 2.12.902:04
ysandeepbased on his commit - This changes removes the pins of jobs to those versions which02:04
ysandeepwill cause the jobs to run against the current zuul tenant default02:04
ysandeepansible (version 5) 02:04
ysandeep^^ shouldn't we get version 5 as per his commit msg.02:05
ysandeepahh 2.8/2.9 is min version to use02:12
ysandeepcommented for confirmation:
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk04:31
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marios \o05:12
mariosakahat|ruck: all good? shout if need sthing07:18
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jm1moin :)07:25
akahat|ruckmarios, o/07:34
akahat|ruckmarios, everything is fine for now.. Chasing with promotions upstream/downstream.07:34
mariosok akahat|ruck 07:36
marioslet me know if you want to discuss anything07:36
akahat|ruckmarios, yes. sure. :)07:36
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mariospojadhav: o/ 07:43
mariospojadhav: see pvt when you have a minute07:43
arxcruz pojadhav hi, i won't participate on scrum today, i have dentist 07:58
pojadhavarxcruz, ack thanks for update!07:59
mariosarxcruz: join from dentist man come on! ;)08:08
arxcruzi can, but i will not be able to speak lol 08:09
Tengumarios: heya! do you want someone else from CI to check on or may I request votes from my DF colleagues?08:12
mariosthanks for checking Tengu - should be ok i think since you're already working with ysandeep|afk from ci team on that 08:14
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep08:15
Tengumarios: sounds good! I just answered your question on the other one.08:15
ysandeepmarios, all jobs are green in testproject/on that patch - hopefully nothing will break.08:16
Tenguthat was a nice hunt.08:16
Tengubut with proper logging, everything's easier.08:16
Tenguthat said...08:19
Tenguysandeep: shouldn't we open the CI console stream for standalone as well?08:20
Tengujust asking.. and what about the ssh port for such case?08:20
* Tengu worried08:20
Tengumarios: you may have spot a good thing :)08:20
Tenguoh. it happens to have a standalone run. let's check08:21
Tenguer. not the right thing.08:21
ysandeepTengu, console is working for standalone even we noticed some drops for 19885 port08:22
Tengudamned OVH network full of sh**08:22
Tengu  how are we supposed to find anything in there ?!08:22
Tenguysandeep: if console is working on standalone, things should be fine. lemme check the actual rules.08:23
Tengutcp dport 22 ct state new counter packets 151 bytes 9020 accept comment "003 accept ssh from all"08:23
Tengussh is open as expected08:23
ysandeepafair.. the drop for 19885(console) were SYN only08:24
TenguI don't see how the console can work since the port isn't open.........08:24
Tenguyep, seems to be SYN only.08:24
Tenguwell. I think I know why it was working08:24
Tenguor still is08:24
Tenguthe connection is a stream, created *before* the deploy actually starts.08:24
Tengumeaning: it's ESTABLISHED08:25
Tenguand we happen to have: ct state established,related counter packets 1569138 bytes 3737765498 accept comment "000 accept related established rules"08:25
Tenguso we're covered, unless the console stream cuts for #reason08:25
Tenguthen, it will more than probably crash.08:25
Tengu*maybe* adding the rule, just in case...08:25
ysandeepTengu, It should go in role 08:27
ysandeepwe use this template to create standalone_parameters.yaml: 08:27
ysandeepmaybe we can add it here08:27
Tenguok. we can add the extrafirewall thingy in there.08:27
TenguI'll do a new patch - the oooq-extras has just been nudged.08:28
ysandeepTengu: thanks!08:30
Tengunot 100% sure about the generated content, will wait for the CI to die.08:34
ysandeepTengu, dropped packet - SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=35652 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=45938 DPT=19885 SEQ=2795943201 ACK=0 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 OPT (020405B40402080A3A03424D0000000001030309)  08:36
ysandeepSRC was not source_ci_network08:37
Tenguhmmmmm indeed.08:37
Tengudang. where can we find this network now :/08:37
ysandeepafaik.. I don't think we have that anywhere08:37
Tengunot a route, not a known host08:38
ysandeep 08:39
ysandeep    SSH_CLIENT: 53988 2208:39
ysandeep    SSH_CONNECTION: 53988 2208:39
*** akahat|ruck is now known as akahat|ruck|lunch08:39
ysandeepbut I don't think we can pull these details from job08:39
* ysandeep checks how we create host-info.primary.yaml 08:40
Tenguit's in ansible_env08:40
ysandeep    ansible_env:08:41
Tenguit's in08:41
Tengusooo.... errr... 08:41
Tenguusing maybe?08:42
Tenguand defaulting on the ci_network08:42
ysandeepI haven't tried that inside jinja.. not sure08:44
Tengulemme do some local testing.08:45
Tenguand remote, since I'll need to get that SSH_CLIENT thing.08:45
TenguAND parse it because it's not just the IP.08:45
ysandeepyeah, also we will need a condition to only do it for master08:45
Tenguah, right. though... is it really important?08:46
TenguI mean... it would just add the same thing in iptables.08:46
Tenguno harm.08:46
ysandeepyes, should not harm previous branches as well.. upto you to add/or not.. I was thinking about something like {% if release not in ['train', 'wallaby'] -%}08:49
Tenguinteresting... in {% set foo = ... %} we can't use a string like "{{ foo | bar }}"08:50
* ysandeep need to step out for lunch08:52
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Tenguok, I think I get it.08:54
*** akahat|ruck|lunch is now known as akahat|ruck09:31
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mariosamoralej: o/ hey still have missing openstack-tempest-all are we waiting for something else ? 10:16
mariosamoralej: 10:16
amoralejmmm i expected it should be there10:16
amoralejlemme check10:16
mariosamoralej: and repo there
mariosah hold one10:16
mariosmight be my bad amoralej 10:16
mariosi need to run the promotion again 10:16
mariossorry :/10:16
amoralejmarios, yes, that :)10:17
mariosi think i need to promote again the consistent->promoted-components->tripleo-ci-testing 10:17
mariosamoralej: ack 10:17
amoralejit's in current
mariosthanks amoralej 10:17
amoralejand consistent10:17
afuscoarmarios: sorry, can u take a look again to this one? idk if u have +210:18
mariosafuscoar: i'll revisit but it is on the ci team review list so folks should be checking it today 10:19
afuscoarthat's perfect then, thanks marios!10:22
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy|rover10:29
rlandy|roverchandankumar: ysandeep: marios: hi - thanks for your reviews on
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.10:31
rlandy|roverwe need to get a merge/fix in for opendev as zuul will update over the weekend10:31
rlandy|roverchandankumar: ysandeep: marios: can we meet at the usual review time today to discuss? this is time sensitive10:32
rlandy|roverie: in about 45 mins10:32
mariosrlandy|rover: sure works for me10:34
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: hello - any news on downstream jenkins?10:35
rlandy|roverdid you check with them?10:35
rlandy|roveralso we need to promote wallaby today10:36
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, o/ let's sync.. 10:36
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah.. for promotion I'm running jobs and so far we are good.10:37
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: did you talk with attila?10:37
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, no. 10:37
rlandy|roverif not, I need to talk to him first10:37
rlandy|roverok - then I'll sync with you later10:37
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, ok.10:37
akahat|ruckcreating cix for 18.1 line.10:37
akahat|ruck17.1 line *10:37
arxcruzdpawlik hey, check 10:46
arxcruzwhen you have time10:46
arxcruzfrenzyfriday ˆ10:46
* frenzyfriday looks10:47
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk10:48
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, only fs35 is problem10:52
akahat|ruckIt's quite unstable.10:52
rlandy|roverlooks to be a promotable hash ... fs035 is failing but internal is passing - pls do this ... put in a temp criteria patch to switch fs035 internal for regulra fs03510:52
rlandy|roverthere is a real keystone issue going on 10:52
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, ack10:52
rlandy|roverpls do one more rerun of that job to check - with that hash10:52
rlandy|roverbut put in the criteria patch first10:53
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: pls dequeue and enqueue stable 110:58
rlandy|roverjobs will be skipped10:59
rlandy|roverrestart that pls10:59
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep11:01
akahat|rucktesting here:
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rlandy|roversoniya29; had to move our 1-1 - sorry need to deal with a bunch of things now11:03
soniya29rlandy|rover, ack, no problem11:03
frenzyfridayfolks, the ER dashboard is up  \O/
frenzyfridayI'll start on the queries next so that we get some output in the next RR shift11:10
*** frenzyfriday is now known as frenzyfriday|food11:11
mariosrlandy|rover: ysandeep: you have a meet or should i start one? here 11:15
marioschandankumar: ^^11:15
rlandy|rovermarios: ^^11:15
mariosk ... 11:16
rlandy|roveron regular meeting11:16
mariosah right 11:16
rlandy|roverchandankumar: ysandeep: ^^11:16
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk11:36
Tenguysandeep|afk: seems is doing the right job. I've added a comment in order to explain a bit the background and context.11:37
Tenguwould be good to add to the review queue
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List11:38
Tengubad robot11:38
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: chandankumar: frenzyfriday|food: will you be available to sync after scrum for rr?11:39
chandankumarrlandy|rover: yup11:39
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, yes.11:39
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: pls requeue stable 111:40
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, i've already did.. still the same issue?11:40
rlandy|roverit didn't start?11:40
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, let me try it again.11:41
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: let's sync and see what's going on11:42
akahat|ruckok. it's now started.11:43
frenzyfriday|foodrlandy|rover, yep11:47
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*** frenzyfriday|food is now known as frenzyfriday12:00
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, wallaby jobs return12:00
akahat|ruckwallaby jobs rerun *12:01
* bhagyashris brb12:27
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep12:35
ysandeepTengu, I have posted a testproject with standalone job: to see if it works with nftables as well.12:42
Tenguysandeep: oh, thanks!12:43
TenguI was looking into it, but couldn't find the actual thing to add. lemme check12:43
*** Tengu is now known as Guest114512:51
*** Tengu_ is now known as Tengu12:51
rcastillojm1 rlandy|rover running collection tests here
rlandy|roverrcastillo: on a million things atm12:58
rlandy|roverwill chat with you later12:58
rcastillorlandy|rover: ack12:58
pojadhavrlandy|rover, akahat|ruck, jm1 : scrum time13:01
pojadhavdasm|off, ^^13:02
jm1rlandy|rover, frenzyfriday: thanks for migrating over our hackmd space, esp. without having to move our notes 🥳13:13
soniya29reviewbot, please add in review list:
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List13:23
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List13:23
soniya29reviewbot, please add in review list:
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List13:24
frenzyfridaysoniya29, the bot is not working, I'll check tomorrow13:24
mariospojadhav: rcastillo: in 5 mins ok? 13:24
soniya29frenzyfriday, okay, no problem13:24
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: rr sync13:24
mariospojadhav: rcastillo: should be a quick call 13:24
pojadhavmarios, sure13:24
rcastillomarios: yeah13:24
mariosrcastillo: pojadhav: whenever you're ready 13:29
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, o/13:33
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, i'm here.. we can sync.13:34
frenzyfridayakahat|ruck, we are on the scrum meet link13:34
jpodivinreviewbot: please add to review list
reviewbotI could not add the review to Review List13:35
frenzyfridayjpodivin, sorry, the bot is not working, I'll check tomorrow13:35
jpodivinfrenzyfriday: I see, thanks. 13:36
* ysandeep under heavy rainfall, out for the day.13:37
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jm1rcastillo: thanks for the aoc @ tripleo multinode jobs :)13:52
frenzyfridayrlandy|rover, chandankumar new RR hackmd I have linked it to the main RR status hackmd14:08
chandankumarrlandy|rover: akahat|ruck ceph update testing a14:09
rlandy|roverfrenzyfriday: chandankumar: thank you14:10
akahat|ruckchandankumar, thank you!!14:10
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm14:17
rlandy|roverjm1++++++++++++++++++++ on handling this aoc/zed branching effort14:17
jm1rlandy|rover: thank you, but it that was a team effort, so rhos-bu++++ ;D14:18
akahat|rucktesting ceph_tag here:
chandankumarsee ya!14:33
chandankumarrlandy|rover: akahat|ruck please leave notes14:33
rlandy|roverchandankumar: ack - will do14:33
mariosrcastillo: pojadhav: ysandeep|out: chandankumar: rlandy|rover: can we merge this one please review when you have time if there are issues will update 14:54
rlandy|rovermarios: ack - can merge that14:58
rlandy|roverwatching this: Test corosync_token_timeout14:59
mariosthanks rlandy|rover 15:01
mariosrlandy|rover: i'll merge in the mornign if still around 15:01
rlandy|roverI voted15:01
rlandy|roverso you can merge when you get in15:01
rlandy|rovermarios: chandankumar: ysandeep|out: going to merge - when completes15:23
dpawlikarxcruz: will do review tomorrow15:27
dpawlikbut it seems to be promising!15:27
mariosack rlandy|rover 15:29
* marios off15:29
marioswill check tomorrow 15:29
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dasmjm1: o/ recent merge on grafana 9.1.5 broke view:
dasmi know you've been using that. do you recall what was there?16:22
dasmfrenzyfriday: o/ i'm seeing we have a cockpit instance: it has your key associated16:47
dasmfrenzyfriday: i tried ssh-ing but it didn't let me in.16:47
dasmfrenzyfriday: can you give me an access to it? i want to cross check how and why nginx behaves like it does16:48
frenzyfridaydasm, yes, that is the development server that Pooja and the CRE team usually uses to verify grafana patches. It was set up manually. Can you pl send me your keys? I'll add them16:53
frenzyfridaydasm, are you facing any issure related to nginx?16:53
dasmfrenzyfriday: default nginx config returns "welcome to nginx" page when accessed via IP16:54
dasmfrenzyfriday: it needs to have "" Host provided to return grafana view16:55
dasmit's differet for this server tho.16:55
dasmi have 2 VMs: cs8 and cs9 deployed via podman, and i have the same thing16:55
dasmboth shows default nginx page, and not grafana16:55
dasmso, i wanted to see how (and why) development server shows grafana.16:56
dasmit probably means it's changed16:56
dasmfrenzyfriday: does it make sense?16:56
dasmfrenzyfriday: long story short: podman works, but i don't have a way (except curl) to show it working16:56
frenzyfridaydasm, yeah, for the dev server I changed to the IP of the VM16:56
dasmmhm. ok, that explains it :)16:56
frenzyfridaycan you try ssh now? ssh centos@
dasmi'm in16:57
frenzyfridaycool :)16:57
frenzyfridaythe nginx stuff is under ~/ci-config/ci-scripts/infra-setup/roles/rrcockpit/files/ etc...16:59
dasmack. i was just informed why this dev server works without Hostname17:00
dasmnow I'm wondering if we could have something like that for staging/dev env17:00
frenzyfridayIf you face any issues like "Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file" with nginx this is the solution:
frenzyfridayI saw it in the dev server. If you face the same in the new server I'll put up a patch to fix it17:01
dasmno issues with new deployments atm17:01
rlandy|roverlunch - brb17:07
* akahat|ruck offline17:20
rcastillojm1: collections tp just reported. containers-multinode and most ovb passed17:50
rcastillodon't think fs35 failure is related to collections17:50
rcastilloI dare say we could pull the pin without burning the house down17:52
rcastillosome light scorching at most :)17:52
rlandy|roverarxcruz: hey - did we just merge a tempest skiplist change?18:00
rlandy|roverpojadhav: ^^18:01
rlandy|rovernah - just that patch18:02
jm1dasm: where di you get this cockpit url from? what was supposed to be there?18:36
jm1rcastillo: nice! fs35 failed with lp#1987092 so this is unrelated to aoc18:40
dasmjm1: it's in the nginx config. i saw you sharing that link in the past18:43
jm1dasm: me? where? cannot find it in my irc logs18:45
dasmjm1: hmm.. i can't find it. welp. i thought it was you18:48
dasmactually i can't find it at all18:48
dasmit might mean, it's not used anymore18:49
jm1dasm: found it, it is a change prior our rh time ;)
dasm> sshnaidm committed on Jan 16, 2020 18:50
dasmhmm... yup. might be not relevant anymore18:50
dasmjm1: btw, podman: cc frenzyfriday 18:51
dasmtest instances are up and running, but they can be only curl'ed with '-H "Host:"' otherwise they're gonna return generic nginx landing pade.18:52
jm1dasm: when you checkout the commit where sagi added that url you will not find any reference to that cockpit url. you will find a cockpit dashboard though. but that is still available although it has a different url now. 18:54
dasmjm1: when you open it says: "Dashboard not found"18:56
jm1dasm: did you play with podman's kubernetes yaml support? wondering whether this is a proper replacement for docker compose18:57
dasmi thought you were using that link to reach out some resources18:57
dasmbut now idk18:57
dasmi can update the link and that should be it, i think18:57
dasmthis one:
jm1dasm: thanks, lets try that :)19:03
jm1dasm: did you try podman's play kube?19:09
dasmi know nothing about that19:10
jm1dasm: would be good to know if that is a proper replacement for docker-compose.yml nowadays19:10
dasmi would consider that "next steps"19:10
dasmfor now, i wanted to keep docker-compose around.19:11
jm1dasm: ok, nevermind. we can test that in future19:11
rcastilloI've wondered about that19:11
dasmevolution not revolution :)19:11
dasmrcastillo: responded to your comments19:15
jm1dasm: the hacks that you have to do to get podman compose working are.. quite heavy though19:15
jm1dasm: did podman+docker-compose not work?19:16
dasmjm1: haven't tried podman-docker-compose19:16
dasmi can give it a try19:17
rcastilloI always had the impression that docker-compose would work just by enabling podman socket. Never tried it though19:17
jm1rcastillo: yeah that is what the link about does19:17
rcastilloah, I see19:18
dasmit should be straightforward swap. i'mma try it19:18
dasmi wasn't happy with podman-compose workaround. so maybe podman-docker-compose is gonna be better19:19
dasmstill, not perfect, because we're messing up with two things: docker and podman in the same space19:20
dasmit makes confusion19:20
jm1dasm: what do we mess up? its podman + podman socket + podman-docker + docker-compose.19:20
dasmdocker-compose still being used:
jm1dasm: if you want to reduce confusion you have to get rid of docker-compose.. and use kubernetes yaml / play kube19:20
dasmi don't want to do that now. too much intrusion with just one thing.19:21
jm1dasm: but i agree, for now we should continue to use docker-compose simply because you did most of the work already19:21
rcastilloit's as confusing as the fact that we have a Dockerfile19:21
dasmi wanted to make it work with podman -- it was already an issue19:21
dasmrcastillo: true19:21
dasmdocker-compose can't be used with docker anymore due to "" hub space.19:22
jm1rcastillo: yeah. one could rename it to Containerfile but come on, Dockerfile has its benefits: you know where to search for help19:22
jm1dasm:why? my local docker install has images from quay.io19:23
jm1dasm: and i use it with docker-compose. works fine19:23
dasmdo you use docker or podman?19:24
jm1dasm: docker19:24
dasmi thought frenzyfriday mentioned we could not use docker for quay resources19:24
jm1dasm: the reason we had with docker and was due to centos719:24
dasmdid i get it wrokg again?19:24
dasmc7 had older docker version? was that it?19:25
jm1dasm: yeah, docker on c7 was/is too old. but more up to date docker works fine with quay.io19:25
dasmi missed that them19:25
rcastillooh shoot, forgot about review meeting19:25
dasmso, tl'dr. keeping docker-compose.yml allows to use both podman and docker.19:26
dasmat least i hope so ;)19:26
dasmi prefer anything but docker19:26
dasmrcastillo: was short19:26
dasmnot a lot of things to discuss19:26
jm1dasm: why? there is no downside to docker for our use case. cool kids use kubernetes nowadays anyway19:27
rcastillocockpit on openshift when?19:28
rcastilloonly half kidding19:28
dasmrcastillo: Soon(TM)
jm1rcastillo: pssst 🤫19:28
dasmi'm not kidding tho :)19:28
dasmjm1: old gripe with docker, their split between community and enterprise and few other things19:29
dasmi would use k3s or k8s if that would make sense (no, it does not :P)19:29
jm1dasm: come on, they build a wonderful toolset, never made any money and lost against kubernetes. let us be thankful for their great work19:30
rcastilloI like podman better technically but docker did lay the groundwork19:31
dasmthe only thing what docker did was UI. lxc and lxd were around the same time19:31
jm1dasm, rcastillo: we thought about getting access and quota for our openshift service hosted by red hat (what was its name?) and then move our services over there. this would relief us from the burden of maintaining vms and all that. but thats future work and definitely not done in a few minutes19:32
rcastillothat'd be pretty amazing19:33
dasmthat'd be pretty menacing ;)19:33
jm1dasm: their ui is definitely an improvement and they brought us registries aka docker hub. they made containers useable for a broad audience19:33
jm1dasm: 😂19:33
jm1dasm: but your right, containers tech have been there before19:34
jm1anyway, wife is calling, have to leave for today 😅19:34
dasmgood night jm1 19:34
rcastillojm1: o/19:34
jm1dasm, rcastillo, oooq: have a good night :)19:34
rlandy|roverrcastillo: hey  busy debugging a systemd issue bit pl ping when you are ready19:54
rlandy|roverto work on the tests for aoc19:54
rcastillorlandy|rover: ready now19:55
rlandy|roverone sec19:55
rlandy|roverchandankumar: Replace constraint_file link - connection timeouts 20:41
*** rlandy|rover is now known as rlandy|rover|biab21:33
* dasm => offline22:33
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off22:33

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