Wednesday, 2022-09-28

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep01:45
ysandeepgood morning o/01:46
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mariosanyone around with permissions to submit that for cre team they've been waiting few days now05:59
mariosand can you also give me submit permissions please :) ^^ 05:59
chkumar|rovermarios: try now06:04
chkumar|roveryou can see ready to submit button06:06
mariosthanks chkumar|rover checking06:07
marioschkumar|rover: yes i do thanks wil submit in a sec checking one last thing06:08
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marioschkumar|rover: fyi i broke the 9-8 job (but fixed the 8-9 job :)) with i will followup and should be fixed today 06:41
mariossorry :/06:41
mariosfrenzyfriday|ruck: ^^ 06:41
mariosalso sorry 06:41
* marios bows 06:41
mariosfetch coffee 06:41
chkumar|rovermarios: ty np :-)06:48
amoralejhi, we are hitting an issue in master jobs with error07:35
amoralej2022-09-23 12:51:08.446 111372 ERROR tempest.test_discover.plugins oslo_config.cfg.DuplicateOptError: duplicate option: barbican07:35
amoralejwhen running tempest07:35
amoralejyou are finding the same issue?07:35
amoralejthe problem seems to be caused by
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frenzyfriday|ruckchkumar|rover, you were asking if we have any more introspection failure - here is one:
amoralejfrenzyfriday|ruck, chkumar|rover we are hitting an issue in puppet promotion
chkumar|roveramoralej: checking08:15
amoralejdunno if you have barbican + cinder tempest plugins combination08:15
amoralejbut just in case08:15
chkumar|roveramoralej: we donot have that combination
amoralejbut note that, if both plugins are installed together tempest init will fail08:17
amoralejeven if you don't run them08:17
ysandeepfolks o/ taking second half sick leave 08:27
marioschkumar|rover: ysandeep: please check when you have time - hopefully last one for (unfortunately config repo so we need to merge)08:27
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marios get better soon ysandeep 08:27
ysandeep|sickmarios, looking before leaving :D08:27
mariosysandeep|sick: thanks :)08:27
mariosysandeep|sick: for context, the patch we merged yesterday (in [1]) fixed the bug for 8-9 but broke 9-8 (info about this @ 08:28
ysandeep|sickyes, thanks for writing detailed commit msg.. I found the info. on that patch.08:29
mariosysandeep|sick: thanks - its a bit convoluted sorry mainly looking for a sanity check. if it breaks we will revert immediately as usual 08:31
ysandeep|sickmarios, so for override distro case - we need to just pass additional var distro: "centos8", right?08:32
bhagyashrismarios, hey your suggestion worked for me. now ovb jobs are passing 08:33
ysandeep|sickmarios, this looks good but just wondering if we can do something simple instead of two blocks - my_var: "{{ 'foo' if my_condition else '' }}" 08:34
* ysandeep|sick +2ed.. and I am out08:37
mariosysandeep|sick: yeah thanks we just need to override distro for the 8-9 job08:37
mariosysandeep|sick: indeed i was trying to find a way to make it simpler but the fact it is config repo makes it more complex (cant test any improvements without merge)08:38
mariosysandeep|sick: thanks for checking08:38
mariosbhagyashris: great thanks for letting me know08:39
* marios send chicken soup for ysandeep|sick 08:39
bhagyashrismarios, should we merged those patches one for 17.0 and cherry picked on that for 17.108:39
mariosbhagyashris: which patch for the override you mean? the one you pointed me yesterday was DNM. which patch are you referring to? 08:40
bhagyashristhis one but it's 17.0 branch and this one is cherry picked on top of the 17.0 08:43
bhagyashrismarios, ^08:43
mariosbhagyashris: ack 08:48
mariosd/stream gerrit down or slow ? (was working before) maybe it is a local /network issue? 08:49
mariosanyone else?08:49
marioscant check right now bhagyashris will note to check after 08:50
marios"Proxy Error"08:50
chkumar|rovermarios: code.eng is down apevec shared internally08:57
bhagyashrismarios, yes down for me as well 08:59
mariosthx chkumar|rover bhagyashris 09:03
marioschkumar|rover: going to merge that (just fyi) and will run test/watch it if there are issues will revert09:33
marioschkumar|rover: speak if you object :)09:33
marios(setting 10mins timer)09:33
* marios throws timer away09:34
mariosthanks chkumar|rover :)09:34
mariosfood biab09:43
* frenzyfriday|ruck brb10:00
mariosbhagyashris: commented on the patches - minor comment about related-bug but bigger questino is why d/stream only maybe we want this on stable/wallaby upstream? worth asking in the bug to the HA team 10:18
mariosbhagyashris: also do we need to guard this and make it rhel8 only? as this change will affect both 8 and 9 10:18
bhagyashrismarios, ack10:19
bhagyashriswill report a new bug for rhel8 10:19
mariosbhagyashris: dont we already have one?10:19
mariosbhagyashris: i meant the one that caused you to post these patches 10:20
bhagyashriswe have on this one
mariosso that one and the duplicate at are both referencing rhel810:22
mariosbhagyashris: i guess you need to confirm that the patches don't break rhel9 10:23
mariosbhagyashris: but why do you need a new bug then? 10:23
bhagyashrismarios, as this is rhel8 only issue so i thought we should report separate bug 10:23
mariosbhagyashris: i don't think you need a new bug 10:24
bhagyashrismarios, yes i reported that you pointed above >> but then i marked that as duplicate one of because the issue is same 10:25
bhagyashrismarios, so you mean i should reopen this one ?10:25
mariosbhagyashris: lets talk on the phone will be easier 10:26
mariossec plugging heaphones10:26
mariosbhagyashris: 10:26
marios 10:32
mariosbhagyashris: ^^ 10:32
chkumar|roverrlandy: welcome back :-)10:35
chkumar|roverwe are all set on CI side10:35
rlandychkumar|rover: hey - nice10:35
chkumar|roverprogram doc updated also.10:35
rlandychkumar|rover: frenzyfriday|ruck: just checking on how we are doing with the deploy failure ovb investigation10:36
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, hey, welcome back. The ovb jobs are mostly hitting a variery of mysql/galera issues. Lucca is checking on one of the nodes. The retry is fixed. 10:37
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck;' no resolution yet?10:38
frenzyfriday|rucknope. On Monday I was not able to reproduce the mysql failure. I saw it again on tuesday evening and held the node10:38
rlandychkumar|rover++ frenzyfriday|ruck++ on fixing retries10:40
rlandyarxcruz: hi 10:41
rlandyarxcruz: any movement on
arxcruzrlandy hello 10:41
arxcruzrlandy waiting kopecmartin review it :)10:41
rlandyarxcruz: can you leave that commment and ping him on the card? thanks10:42
arxcruzrlandy ok10:42
rlandychkumar|rover frenzyfriday|ruck: so your only major issue now is the ovb mysql thing?10:43
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, yes. And fs35 train is failing on nw and compute tempest tests. I am filing a bug10:43
rlandychkumar|rover frenzyfriday|ruck: looking at
rlandychkumar|rover frenzyfriday|ruck: ie: kvm is still failing?10:47
rlandybhagyashris: hi - how is the OVB going 17.1 on rhel-8?10:48
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, I think yes, but I did not check the kvm jobs yet10:49
bhagyashrisrlandy, hey, it's working now after this fix
bhagyashriscurrently checking is it working fine with rhel9 or not? rhel9 job is running ... waiting for result10:50
mariosrlandy: the tht patch on that worked after we set the heat parameter instead of the puppet one in extraconfig 10:54
mariosrlandy: but the fix in txt is not guarded for 8 vs 9 so bhagyashris needs to sanity check if that breaks 9 before we proceed10:54
mariosrlandy: if it does then we'll need a different fix 10:54
rlandymarios: ok - great10:56
mariosrlandy: and bhagyashris plans to re-open so we can track the fixes at or other fix if that is not ok10:56
rlandymarios: it should work on both10:56
rlandymarios: bhagyashris: but idk if it's the right setting on both10:56
rlandyit does follow the upstream10:56
rlandyso I think it's ok10:56
mariosi didn't really catch up much on that rlandy i was mainly responding to bhagyashris ping about it 10:57
marioswe had a quick call just before you joined to discuss this 10:57
mariosrlandy: well wrt 13:56 < rlandy> it does follow the upstream10:57
mariosrlandy: indeed upstream it still has the 'right' setting 10:57
mariosrlandy: so the change that broke us was d/stream only 10:57
rlandylet's discuss at review time10:57
rlandybhagyashris: ^^10:58
mariosk 10:58
bhagyashrisrlandy, ack10:58
bhagyashrisrlandy, marios fyi added comment
mariosack bhagyashris 10:58
bhagyashrisand now testing rhel9 ovb job here
rlandyalso it fails their CI10:58
mariosyeah i noticed that but didn't click it yet 10:59
rlandybhagyashris: this will also come up in CIX10:59
mariosrlandy: that should be fixed by adding the bug info fyi bhagyashris 10:59
mariosCheck rhbz# reference [FAILED]
bhagyashrismarios, yup, once the running job which are depends on the fix will finished then will update the patch 11:02
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: chkumar|rover: 16.2 components still look out - is jenkins triggering still an issue? 11:03
mariosalso happy new year rlandy !!11:04
chkumar|roverrlandy: no sure about issue but I triggered few of rhos-16.2 components manually11:04
chkumar|roveron RHOS-16.2 there is an active cix going on also11:04
rlandychkumar|rover: componentsout - manila and validation11:05
rlandyso if the CIX impacts those two11:05
chkumar|roverrlandy: for manila there is no change in content for rhos-16.211:06
chkumar|roverrlandy:jenkin trigger is not working11:07
chkumar|roverpipeline_component-manila-pcci-16.2_dlrn-rhel-8.4-virthost-3cont_2comp_3ceph-ipv4-geneve-ceph/ kicked by me on 26th11:07
rlandymarios: thank you :)11:10
chkumar|roversorry there is a change in manila content, in nvr date is different11:10
rlandychkumar|rover: np - I just tried the trigger job11:12
rlandythere is definitely an issue with triggering the components11:12
rlandywe don't send up a trigger - I think those are time based11:12
rlandychkumar|rover: frenzyfriday|ruck: ok - will create a BZ that triggering is not working11:14
pojadhavfolks, review time11:16
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mariosdviroel: arxcruz: do we need to copy this manually/with arx script? to public repos?11:25
arxcruzmarios i think yes, i'll work on that :)11:26
chkumar|roverrlandy: creating the bug now11:35
mariosbhagyashris: here 11:39
mariosbhagyashris: you can add jinja conditionals for each distro 11:39
rlandychkumar|rover: yes - pls11:44
marios 11:44
rlandychkumar|rover: frenzyfriday|ruck: we're going to merge Tengu's patch
rlandychkumar|rover: frenzyfriday|ruck: ^^ ok?11:47
chkumar|roverrlandy: ack11:47
chkumar|roverrlandy: bug cixed11:47
Tengurlandy: that's a lovely news :)11:47
mariosrlandy: well maybe we shouldn't ? 11:48
mariossorry Tengu 11:48
mariosi mean rlandy we can bless it but maybe ci team should not make the call to switch the default firewall engine11:48
mariosrlandy: probably df should do that? 11:48
Tenguah, well. 11:48
mariosrlandy: sorry i should have said that on the call 2 mins ago 11:48
Tenguwas about to request some votes from DF as well.11:48
mariosyou can remove workflow from it now it will still have effect rlandy fyi 11:49
marios(if you want to)11:49
rlandymarios - ok will do11:50
mariosrlandy: sorry my bad 11:50
mariosrlandy: should have said 11:50
rlandyTengu: do you want to abandon/restore>11:51
marioscool zuul -2 it .. you don't need to abandon restore11:51
rlandyit won't merge w/o a w+11:51
mariosrlandy: Tengu: ^^ it is fine11:51
mariosyeah Tengu needs to go sell it to df for merge i think11:51
TenguI'll get DF votes.11:52
rlandyTengu: it's in the gate but iiuc, it won't merge11:57
Tengurlandy: yeah - I should bet some vote from DF today.11:58
TenguI'm happy enough to get Security blessing AND CI :). Getting it merged now is only a matter of time.12:00
Tengualso got some feedback from Networking12:00
Tenguso things are on the right track.12:00
dsarielhello, jsanemet and me had several questions w.r.t. tripleo-ci-rhel-9-scenario004-standalone-rhos-17.1 job12:02
arxcruzmarios ci-scripts/infra-setup/roles/rrcockpit/files/mariadb/lib/clean_skiplist.go12:02
arxcruzwrong link12:02
dsarielfrom one side suggests that ceph is services are about to run. But from other side we tried to find an avidence in log files
rlandyceph should run on sc00412:04
rlandydviroel: ^^?12:04
dsarielrlandy, dviroel thatnks. TASK [tripleo.operator.tripleo_deploy : Show the standalone deploy command] **** shows that  is in taken 12:06
dviroelrlandy: correct12:06
dviroelcephadm logs:
rlandydviroel: thanks12:07
mariosthanks arxcruz do you mind if i change the topic please (oooci_zed) to track with the rest of the things12:08
arxcruzsure 12:08
mariosarxcruz: thanks left -1 couple nits please thank you arxcruz !12:10
dsarieldviroel, rlandy tanks! so this job deploys ceph on the same node with all other openstack services (hyperconverged)?12:12
chkumar|roverrlandy: frenzyfriday|ruck can we go over cix cards after program call?12:28
frenzyfriday|ruckchkumar|rover, yep12:29
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dviroeldsariel: yeah, all our jobs with ceph runs on standalone today.12:30
dsarieldviroel, ack. thanks. I guess then I have an additional question: Is that ok resource wise to have multinode jobs? 12:44
rlandychkumar|rover: frenzyfriday|ruck: close this card?
rlandybug is marked as dup12:46
chkumar|roverrlandy: we have not seen this issue this week12:46
chkumar|roverbetter to close it12:46
marioschkumar|rover: fyi 12:47
mariosfrenzyfriday|ruck: ^^ 12:47
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, and might be related12:49
frenzyfriday|ruckalmost all ovb are hitting mysql issue. Probably we should keep both the cards for now12:49
rlandyI triaged a few cards12:51
chkumar|roverupdated the rest of the cards, On which I was assigned12:51
mariosrlandy: chkumar|rover: frenzyfriday|ruck: when you have a minute please lets re-add to criteria (for )12:51
rlandychkumar|rover: ok if I merge that?12:52
chkumar|roverrlandy: yes 12:52
marioschkumar|rover: :) 12:53
mariosthanks chkumar|rover 12:53
chkumar|roverthank you thank you marios for bringing it back criteria :-)12:55
* marios not sure if chkumar|rover is winding me up :D12:55
mariosfetches coffee12:55
chkumar|roverrlandy: frenzyfriday|ruck can we quickly go over cix?12:57
frenzyfriday|ruckchkumar|rover, yep12:57
chkumar|roverrlandy: frenzyfriday|ruck
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:18
dasmrlandy: happy new year!13:18
chkumar|roverrlandy: frenzyfriday|ruck
dasmrlandy: probably I should say: Happy Rosh Hashanah!13:28
rlandydasm: thanks - both greetings work :)13:30
chkumar|roverrlandy: re-running tp on vexxhost13:31
chkumar|roveradded the link on card13:32
rlandychkumar|rover: thanks13:32
chkumar|roversee ya people!13:33
dasmchkumar|rover: o/13:34
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, for fs35 - if it passes I'll switch the criteria13:35
* frenzyfriday|ruck food13:35
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marioshave a good evening chkumar|rover o/ 13:51
rlandymanila 16.2 component jenkins passed14:05
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck; is there a wallaby fs020 rerun - otherwise will add it14:19
rlandychkumar|rover++ for ds fix14:20
rlandyfs035 train is running14:20
* marios out in few - got to go to kids school o/ have a good one oooci14:20
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: got it - thanks14:21
rlandymarios: have a good night14:21
marioso/ rlandy fyi discussing something in rhos-df now (they want to revert should not be a problem for us as that was fix for ussuri upgrade job
* rlandy looks14:27
rlandyjoined channel14:28
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dasmjm1: there is no way to make docker-compose working for:
dasmeither we're going with podman-compose or we're spending next few days trying to make docker (ansible) work for cs8 and cs915:21
dasmjm1: i can't remove your -1W. Please take it off from the patch.15:21
rlandybhagyashris: hey - you still around?15:23
rlandyif not, we should meet tomorrow re: 17 on rhel-815:23
rlandysome talk of tearing that down now :(15:23
rlandystill chatting with prod chain15:23
rlandyon the upside, you may have done all the work required already15:24
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rlandydviroel|lunch: hey  - where were the changes you made to allow 16.2?15:42
rlandywere they only login related?15:42
rlandyor v1 vs v2?15:42
rlandydviroel|lunch: looking for the v1 v2 change16:31
rlandy^^ failing test for fs02016:32
rlandyyou can put it back16:32
bhagyashrisrlandy, hey 16:33
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bhagyashris17 o rhel8 we already stopped .. just clean up is required that i will do once 17.1 on rhel8 will up completely 16:35
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dviroelrlandy: was a pre-playbook16:36
dviroelredhat one16:36
rlandyugh code.eng gerrit is down16:36
rlandydviroel: ^^?16:38
dviroeltrying to find it16:38
dviroelrlandy: tripleo-ci-internal-jobs/playbooks/configure-rhel.yaml16:44
dviroelrlandy: when condition: "- configure_registries_v1|default(true)|bool"16:44
dviroelso you just need to set configure_registries_v1 to false16:45
dviroelit will skip v1 config\16:45
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dviroelrlandy: 1-1?
rlandychkumar|rover: frenzyfriday|ruck: Use fs035 internal train in criteri18:56
rlandyto promote: 3a746b7fcc7cd2518155d1d71cbeea9118:56
* jm1 out for today19:17
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dasmrcastillo: o/ the code for podman change lives on cockpit_cs8 and cockpit_cs9 (i can provide IPs)20:41
dasmit's in /tmp/infra-setup if you want to check that20:41
dasmrcastillo: seems like root vs rootless access issue:
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rcastillodasm yeah it would make sense since docker compose uses the podman socket, hence rootful containers20:55
rcastillo*system podman socket20:56
rcastilloI think you'd need root containers anyway if you want to use port 80 and network:host20:57
dasmrcastillo: tbh i want to completely remove reliance on sudo and docker. that's one of reasons i went with podman21:09
dasmpity i didn't know ahead of time there is no podman-compose module for ansible21:09
dasmand podman-compose is rather in constant development.21:10
rlandyRDO gerrit not responding21:10
rlandydasm: can you commit patches to RDO?21:10
dasmrlandy: i committed some time ago. lemme check21:11
rlandytwo testproject patches never started21:11
dasmrlandy: just pushed testproject:
rlandydasm: I can push patches but they don't start21:12
dasmit might be zuul problem, not gerrit21:12
dasmmine is not starting as well21:12
rlandypinging rhos-ops21:13
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, thanks. I have rechecked
frenzyfriday|ruck passed surprisingly21:20
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: no  need - passed already21:21
frenzyfriday|ruckoh cool, I'll abandon it21:21
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: you can just +1 that patch and I'll merge21:21
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: yeah - wallaby promoted21:21
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: rdo zuul is stuck now ... but master is only out two jobs21:22
rlandyI have a testproject rerun21:22
rlandyalso have lucca's test21:22
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: is the clean script back?21:22
frenzyfriday|ruckack done21:22
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, no, lemme re enable it21:23
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: ok - w+'ed the train one21:30
rlandywhen zuul gets unstuck, will try the master patch21:31
* dasm => offline21:31
dasmtake care team! see you tomorrow!21:31
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:31
dasm|offfrenzyfriday|ruck: btw, i was shocked for a moment thinking you're in India, checking IRC at 3AM xD21:32
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frenzyfriday|ruckdasm|off, :D I would be sleep-working then :P21:40
rlandyfrenzyfriday|ruck: it's too late anyways for you to be working21:42
rlandysee you tomorrow21:42
rlandygoo dnight :)21:42
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy, see you tomorrow :)21:43

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