Tuesday, 2022-11-15

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:57
* soniya29|rover stepping out for 1 hr05:59
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|afk05:59
mariossoniya29|rover|afk: akahat|ruck: hi06:07
ysandeephello everyone o/06:17
pojadhav\o morning all..!!06:18
chandankumarGood morning everyone o/06:40
marioswelcome chandankumar :)06:41
chandankumarmarios: thank you :-)06:41
ysandeephey chandankumar o/06:50
chandankumarysandeep: hello06:52
chandankumarysandeep: how are you? felling jetlagged06:52
ysandeepchandankumar: I am all good now, I slept for 14 hours on Sunday and was fully refreshed. I worked yesterday too.06:54
ysandeepchandankumar, how are you feeling now?06:54
chandankumarysandeep: i am feeling refreshed now, slept whole day yesterday06:57
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mariossoniya29|rover|afk: akahat|ruck: going to send a sync call let me know if you cant make that time we will find another07:22
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soniya29|rovermarios, it is okay07:48
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*** slaweq_ is now known as slaweq07:57
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena08:21
* soniya29|rover lunch08:25
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|lunch08:25
mariosakahat|ruck: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1996482/comments/508:33
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:45
mariossoniya29|rover|lunch: join us?09:00
arxcruzmarios: chandankumar ysandeep|lunch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-role-collect-logs/+/864399 :* 09:08
mariossoniya29|rover|lunch: not cool... 09:48 < soniya29|rover> marios, it is okay09:12
soniya29|rover|lunchmarios, akahat|ruck, sorry i missed your pings .was having lunch09:22
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mariossoniya29|rover: but you agreed on the meeting time this is why i asked if it was OK09:25
mariosakahat|ruck: i will cover for you, but this is the last time. i think you knew about this beforehand, so it isn't some emergency/just came up. since you knew about it, you could have asked from yesterday and made plans accordingly09:26
akahat|ruckmarios, one job run looks okay: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/stream/8ea2f3d2dd8a4cfdad877ca43e11ea90?logfile=console.log it's probably 09:27
akahat|ruckmarios, yeah.. I'm sorry.. I'll take care next time.09:28
mariossoniya29|rover: 11:25 < marios> soniya29|rover: but you agreed on the meeting time this is why i asked if it was OK09:30
soniya29|rovermarios, yeah, i understand the delay made you wait..sorry for that09:33
mariossoniya29|rover: ? yes we had to wait for you before starting but the bigger problem is that you didn't show up for the meeting09:34
mariossoniya29|rover: it is not acceptable to say 'yes this time is fine' and then go for lunch during the meeting09:34
mariosdid you make a mistake with the time?09:36
soniya29|rovermarios, i understand its my mistake and i already said sorry and i sincerly apologise for the mistake happened 09:38
mariossoniya29|rover: ok09:42
mariossoniya29|rover: we can sync later when rlandy is around09:42
mariossoniya29|rover: on the d/stream status09:43
*** akahat|ruck is now known as akahat|ruck|afk09:53
akahat|ruck|afkmarios, i'll be away for some time. I'll be back in few hours. 09:53
mariosok akahat|ruck|afk 09:54
pojadhavjm1, hello09:58
pojadhavjm1, when you have time please ping me back10:00
jm1pojadhav: ping :D10:01
pojadhavjm1, are you free to talk now 10:01
jm1pojadhav: sure. is it about resetting the cockpit? i was thinking to give a short intro in community call. what do you think?10:02
pojadhavjm1, yeah was talk about the same. I want to work on component dashboard for zed. thats why pinged you.10:03
pojadhavbut yeah. that is also fine10:03
jm1pojadhav: we can talk now. gimme a sec to set up my cam :D10:03
pojadhavjm1, sure :)10:04
jm1pojadhav: do you mean this kind of component dashboard for zed? http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/J4qmDPv4k/component-pipeline-zed?orgId=110:04
pojadhavjm1, ohh yes :D10:06
pojadhavjm1, its already done 10:07
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bhagyashrishey marios i saw the patches regarding mixed rhel . it looks good for me 10:41
bhagyashristhatks for the update 10:41
mariosbhagyashris: cool ... i think we need to consider the next step/cleanup and line up patches, before we start to merge these10:43
mariosbhagyashris: but we should be able to start merging this week 10:43
mariosbhagyashris: i've been distracted by other things but will look at that today maybe we can sync later?10:43
bhagyashrisyes i am also working on clean up 17 on rhel8 . anyhting that you want mw to clean up10:43
bhagyashrismarios, yes we can sync. let me know your free time 10:44
mariosbhagyashris: well the 8-9 job for starters and then eventually after we merge and run this new pipeline for a day or so we remove the entire 8 line10:45
mariosbhagyashris: so patches to remove 8-9 job would be good to have ready 10:46
mariosbhagyashris: including from criteria etc 10:46
bhagyashrismarios, sure 10:46
mariosbhagyashris: and then next week we do the same again upstream ;)10:46
bhagyashrismarios, sure thanks :)10:47
rlandyhello all10:58
rlandymarios: hello - how are things here?10:59
marioso/ rlandy 10:59
mariosrlandy: everything is fine :) ... we have a gate blocker but we are using a pin for ansible to unblock us for now11:00
mariosrlandy: promotions are a bit backed up 11:00
mariosbecause of that11:00
rlandywho is on with soniya29|rover?11:00
soniya29|roverrlandy, akahat|ruck|afk 11:01
chandankumarrlandy: welcome back, o/11:05
chandankumarrlandy: reached home safely ?11:05
arxcruzrlandy: welcome back!11:07
bhagyashrisWelcome back!11:09
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|dr_appt11:09
* pojadhav|dr_appt stepping out for few hrs for dr sppt11:10
rlandysoniya29|rover: pls join https://meet.google.com/thk-drni-yye11:24
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*** akahat|ruck|afk is now known as akahat|ruck11:32
arxcruzoh well, it seems gitlab now requires authentication to check a repo :/12:07
rlandydviroel|afk: ysandeep: chandankumar: hi - we will be having the TC/UA/PM sync today12:23
rlandyI need to organize the JIRAs12:23
rlandythat we created at the meet up12:23
rlandyalso so we can decide what needs to go in to the next sprint12:23
rlandybooking a time on calendar12:23
ysandeeprlandy, ack, fyi.. dviroel|afk have public holiday today but he said he can join for sometime today if we want to meet12:24
arxcruzmarios: chandankumar ysandeep could you guys please revote https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-role-collect-logs/+/864399 12:27
arxcruzi had to update the flake8 repository because it was failing on gate, it seems gitlab now requires authentication to clone/install from a repo there 12:27
rlandyysandeep: I have a meeting with dviroel|afk tomorrow12:29
rlandyysandeep: need to meet with him re: hive in PSI12:29
rlandyand getting that started12:29
mariosarxcruz: ack will revisit12:29
chandankumarrlandy: ok12:36
mariosakahat|ruck: updated https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-November/031198.html 12:48
akahat|ruckmarios, thank you for mail!12:52
* soniya29|rover need a tea12:59
rlandyakahat|ruck: you around?13:00
akahat|ruckrlandy, yes13:00
rlandyakahat|ruck: lets' touch base briefly ...13:00
akahat|ruckrlandy, ok13:00
rlandymarios: forgot to ask - did you guys sort out the alt criteria issue?13:04
mariosrlandy: no i mean we skiped it but did not get any root cause.13:04
mariosrlandy: promoter criteria was ok13:04
mariosrlandy: logic looks ok13:04
rlandywhat happened?13:04
mariosrlandy: fs1 passed, fs1-internal didn't. promotion was held on missing fs1-internal13:04
mariosrlandy: so we removed alt. criteria for fs1-internal to promote master. then reverted it again so we have fs-internal for alt now13:05
akahat|ruckrlandy, 13:06
akahat|ruck<rlandy> akahat|ruck: lets' touch base briefly ...13:06
akahat|ruckrlandy, http://promoter.rdoproject.org/config/CentOS-8/train.yaml13:06
mariosrlandy: ysandeep: chandankumar: dviroel|afk: please add to your reviews https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/openstack/tripleo-ci-internal-jobs/+/430745 (i added to team review list) cc beagles 13:24
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list13:24
mariossorry beagles :/13:24
mariosbhagyashris: ^^^ 13:24
mariosbhagyashris: and please add the patches for removing the 8-9 job to https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/q/topic:oooci_mixed_rhel13:25
*** pojadhav|dr_appt is now known as pojadhav13:25
mariosbhagyashris: first we remove criteria, then remove the job from pipeline13:25
* pojadhav i am back13:26
bhagyashrismarios, ack13:26
ysandeepmarios, ack will check shortly13:26
mariosthx ysandeep in your own time13:26
pojadhavfolks, community meeting in 4 mins arxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, anbanerj,  dviroel, rcastillo, dasm, jm1 13:26
pojadhavsoniya29|rover, akahat|ruck ^^13:26
pojadhavplease add topics if any https://hackmd.io/MMg4WDbYSqOQUhU2Kj8zNg13:27
pojadhav@line 3213:27
mariosextra context ysandeep https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/openstack/tripleo-ci-internal-jobs/+/430745/8#message-8f9b6fd7ec3859eaead2b5cd3dcc0a64a6237b25 13:28
rlandypojadhav: pls set up planning TC/UA/PM section13:30
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pojadhavrlandy, yep13:58
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej13:58
rlandyysandeep: just FYI - retro is moving to wed - 3om UTC14:08
ysandeeprlandy: thanks for the headsup- 3pm is 20:30 IST here, Works for me - I will finish my dinner before the mtg.14:10
chandankumarAny idea why we are not running rbac jobs?14:26
chandankumarI am working on running tempest on external compute, but it is failing due to Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:create:forced_host to be performed14:27
dasmchandankumar: rbac were disabled due to hogging resources. afair only master were left working14:30
dasmchandankumar: i was only informed about the outcome, i don't have full details on why and what.14:30
chandankumardasm: thank you :-)14:34
chandankumarhttps://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-jobs/blob/master/zuul.d/integration-pipeline-main.yaml#L46 master one is also not running14:34
chandankumarhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1970400 is fixed now14:34
chandankumarcan we reenable it?14:35
dasmchandankumar: uul.d/integration-pipeline-main.yaml:45:        # Temporary stop rbac jobs, node provisioning failing, suspecting high load on vexxhost14:35
dasmoh, you found the same thing :)14:35
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* soniya29|rover leaving for the day14:43
dasmsoniya29|rover: o/14:44
soniya29|roverdasm hello14:44
dasmjm1: o/ i wanted to chat about "provisioner" host.14:44
dasmsoniya29|rover: i was waving for goodbye :)14:44
soniya29|roverdasm: ohh, i thought you wanted to discuss something before my eod :)14:44
dasmsoniya29|rover: no. have a good night!14:45
soniya29|roverrlandy, akahat|ruck, marios: please drop your notes on hackmd about stuffs you want me to look tommorrow morning14:47
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akahat|rucksoniya29|rover, sure.14:47
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*** akahat|ruck is now known as akahat|ruck|dinner15:31
mariosrlandy: pin merged so we should be good 15:38
mariosakahat|ruck|dinner: ^^^ re chasing promotions as discussed this morning15:38
chandankumarsee ya!15:42
rlandymarios: akahat|ruck|dinner: anything I need to watch in afternoon hours?15:45
mariosrlandy: nah pin/gate blocker was the main thing 15:48
ysandeepmarios: reviewed https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/openstack/tripleo-ci-internal-jobs/+/430745 , lgtm.16:01
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mariosthanks for checking ysandeep|out 16:09
mariosrlandy: off in few need sthing before i do? 16:09
rlandymarios: should be fine - thanks16:15
marioshave a good one rlandy o/ 16:25
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rlandyrerunning fs035 and full-tempest-api to promote 17.116:57
rlandyakahat|ruck|dinner: ^^16:57
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*** akahat|ruck|dinner is now known as akahat|ruck18:31
akahat|ruckrlandy, i've updated hackmd. rekicked jobs to chase upstream promotions.18:58
dasmakahat|ruck: mate, it's midnight for you. what are you doing?18:59
akahat|ruckdasm, nothing much.. 19:00
dasmakahat|ruck: i mean, you shouldn't even be here19:01
akahat|ruckyeah.. no worries.. I'll be out in few mins. 19:01
dasmakahat|ruck you know, it's very late. 19:02
* akahat|ruck leaving for the day.19:13
dasmnight, you meant? :)19:14
dasmtake care akahat|ruck 19:14
rlandydasm: rcastillo: sorry - didn;t join review time - was on call with eoghan19:14
rlandyanything you want me to look at?19:14
dasmrlandy: no worries. we reviewed patches offline.19:14
rlandyakahat|ruck: thanks - will check19:14
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*** rcastillo|rover is now known as rcastillo21:55
dasmstaging infra is taking shape with series of patches (ready for review!)23:02
* dasm => offline23:02
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