Friday, 2022-11-25

*** ysandeep__ is now known as ysandeep|afk03:36
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|ruck04:03
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* pojadhav|ruck afk for half an hpur05:34
* pojadhav|ruck hour*05:34
* pojadhav|ruck back06:06
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep_06:08
ysandeep_chandankumar, the jobs you are trying to add here: can be tested in this patch itself, pj-rehearse is a job that trigger those pre-submit jobs in advance.06:10
ysandeep_chandankumar: Looks like pj-rehearse job behavior is changed now, Earlier it used to trigger by itself, Now we have to add a comment - I have added the comment just now.06:10
ysandeep_we will get the results in few mins, lets see06:10
chandankumarysandeep_: thank you :-)06:13
ysandeep_chandankumar, also I have invited you in org as an admin, we use this as a source(instead of cloning in our own repos) so that we can update each other commits if we have to.06:14
chandankumarysandeep_: awesome all tests passed06:15
ysandeep_for ex. If I had to push a new commit(with some changes) to your PR, currently I can't but if the PR was send from tripleo-ci repo - I can.06:16
chandankumarysandeep_: Do I also need to include this in my makefile?06:16
chandankumarci tools repo for running tests06:17
ysandeep_chandankumar, looks like those changes are already present:
chandankumarysandeep_: ah yes, I missed that part06:18
chandankumarok cool06:19
chandankumarysandeep_: gh action jobs have started against ansiblee operator from yesterday also06:20
chandankumarDoes it happened after installing openshift ci github app?06:21
ysandeep_chandankumar, martin added them here:
chandankumarysandeep_: ok06:23
ysandeep_added `/pj-rehearse ack` comment as we are satisfied with pre-submit job results, also added /lgtm label, patch will merge soon :D06:25
ysandeep_As there are some changes since you cloned the repo, its rerunning the ci jobs.06:27
ysandeep_chandankumar, fyi..In Prow there is no check/gate concept - if it found base is changed since check jobs are run, it reruns the jobs before merge,06:28
chandankumarysandeep_: so, so in prow, we will be running the same set of tests in both check and gate06:36
ysandeep_chandankumar, correct, basically it retest the same job(incase base changed) if nothing changed afaik.. It even don't retest the jobs.06:38
chandankumarand with gh actions, can we customize the set of actions based on pull request and during merge ?06:38
ysandeep_yes gha is very flexible, we can almost anything we want.06:40
ysandeep_can do* 06:40
ysandeep_for GHA also there is no check/gate concept, but we can rerun job post merge if we want to.06:41
ysandeep_In GHA natively, there is no way to figure out if the git base changed(what prow does automatically) but we can write our own code to figure that out06:42
chandankumarysandeep_: now I can understand, why you prefer gh action over prow07:01
ysandeep_chandankumar, Github action have its own security constraints specially for pull request:, zuul is amazing tool - by design it solved the security constaints with trusted/untrusted repos and its way of handling secrets.07:15
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akahat@team please review when you are free thanks!
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jpodivinHi. I'm seeing tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone failing on wallaby, it also affects derived jobs. It does seem to be caused by mysql container 07:58
jpodivinParsing error :/ do we have a bug for this?07:59
jpodivinpojadhav|ruck: ^08:00
pojadhav|ruckjpodivin, checking08:01
jpodivinpojadhav|ruck: thanks a lot08:03
jpodivinpojadhav|ruck: Here, the container logs
pojadhav|ruckjpodivin, yes bug is already reported for this
jpodivinpojadhav|ruck: great, I'm going to update it with my logs08:10
pojadhav|ruckjpodivin, sure 08:10
jpodivinthanks again pojadhav|ruck++08:10
pojadhav|ruckjpodivin, :)08:10
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ysandeep_akahat, looking now08:14
ysandeep_folks please add in reviewlist: 08:17
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list08:17
ysandeep_chandankumar, ^^ to revert back to buildcontainers_venv: true08:18
ysandeep_akahat, Have we already removed the dependency of rdo registry on promoter/copy to quay script?08:23
akahatysandeep, i've patches up for it. 08:24
ysandeep_Could you please share those, I couldn't find what was done for promoter/copy to quay in script topic:
ysandeep_same* topic08:25
akahatysandeep, yeah.. getting link.. 08:25
akahatysandeep, for promoter
ysandeep_sry it was in same topic, my bad08:27
* pojadhav|ruck lunch08:43
* akahat lunch08:43
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ysandeep_akahat, commented:
ysandeep_Maybe we can discuss what would be the correct merge order during review time.09:14
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jpodivinpojadhav|ruck: I have a question. We need python3.8 for our linters, unit tests and such, but jammy nodes (where those jobs run) are now using 3.1009:45
jpodivindo you have any suggestions as to how we could get the 3.8 on them, or another approach ?09:45
chandankumarjpodivin: is it for master branch jobs?09:49
jpodivinchandankumar: not necessarily, but also for them. 09:49
jpodivinchandankumar: we really need it only for our stable branches. 09:50
jpodivincode there breaks linters on 3.1009:50
chandankumarjpodivin: can you share the job link or example for stable branches09:52
chandankumarfor master it is ok to use 3.1009:53
jpodivinchandankumar: I ... am not sure. Our software declares compatibility with 3.9 tops09:54
jpodivinsame with tripleoclient.09:54
jpodivintesting it on something more recent is ... well it doesn't break anything now.09:54
chandankumarvalidations-common 1.6 used with train and wallaby ?09:54
jpodivinjust train09:54
jpodivinmy point is that we should run tests with the supported version. even if it sort of works. 09:55
chandankumarjpodivin: for py3.8 can we use nodeset: ubuntu-bionic nodeset09:59
chandankumarand rest of it let's use the default nodeset09:59
jpodivinwell, we are running into issues on the linters job, and possibly cover.10:00
jpodivinso I'll probably have to subclass those for bionic10:01
akahatysandeep, checking.10:07
akahatysandeep, thanks for review, going with your suggested merge order.10:18
frenzy_friday|roverkkula, hey, I couldnt find out yesterday why your dashboard didnt show any data. I'll try again today in some time10:39
kkula frenzy_friday|rover: ack, thx!10:39
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ysandeep_chandankumar, akahat
ysandeep_dviroel, o/ hey around?11:51
dviroelysandeep_: o/12:01
ysandeep_dviroel, can we meet for podified mtg earlier today, maybe now if you are free.12:02
ysandeep_Ronelle is not around but we can discuss the current status and immedidate next steps.12:03
dviroelysandeep_: can we try to meet in ~1h? 12:07
ysandeep_dviroel, nw, lets meet at scheduled time.12:10
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dviroelysandeep|afk: hi, when you come back, can you check if we have IBM3 creds on toolbox? thanks12:50
chandankumardviroel: regarding toolbox check pm12:54
dviroelchandankumar: tks12:58
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ysandeep|afkdviroel, looking toolbox13:28
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dviroelysandeep_: no need13:30
dviroelysandeep_: we already added creds there13:30
ysandeep_yes looks like you guys added already13:30
ysandeep_chandankumar, podified mtg if you are around13:31
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pojadhav|ruckfrenzy_friday|rover, will be out in few mins... RR notes updated with posted reruns on upstream component line jobs. please watch them you get free time.14:26
frenzy_friday|roverpojadhav|ruck, thanks, have a nice weekend O/14:26
pojadhav|ruckfrenzy_friday|rover, same to you :) 14:27
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ysandeep_chandankumar++ dviroel++14:53
* ysandeep_ out, have a great weekend everyone!14:53
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chandankumarsee ya , happy weekend people!15:28
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frenzy_friday|roverzed promoted20:54
frenzy_friday|roverlooks like the rest have inconsistent failures. I'll check on monday20:55

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