Monday, 2023-01-09

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out00:30
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*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|ruck05:42
*** marios is now known as marios|rover05:58
marios|rovero/ 05:58
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, good morning o/06:06
marios|rover\o ysandeep|ruck 06:06
Tenguhello there06:51
*** ysandeep|ruck is now known as ysandeep|lunch07:34
*** jpena|off is now known as jpena08:49
Tengufolks, in case you're having some spare time, care to review ? it's a refactoring of chandankumar's EDPM job. It already helped finding an issue in the provided inventory/env_vars, and should provide a better match of an actual EDPM deploy.09:28
marios|roverplease add to review list
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list09:29
marios|roverthank you reviewbot 09:29
reviewbotYou are welcome :)09:29
Tengumarios|rover: ah, right, there's also that.09:29
Tengu:) thanks for adding it09:29
marios|roveryeah there is also a call in ~2 hours where you can join and sell that to the reviewers (seems like the kind of patch that would benefit from that imo)09:30
marios|roverTengu: ^^ 09:30
Tengumarios|rover: hm, it's during the lunch break :(09:30
marios|roverTengu: ah ok 09:30
Tengubut I'll try to join...09:30
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep09:38
Tengumarios|rover: checked with my wife, we'll move the dinner time :).09:39
TenguI should be able to join them09:39
marios|roverTengu: ok cool but you didnt need to do that 09:40
Tengubah, not that complicated.09:40
TenguI'd rather ensure this one doesn't stay there dangling for too long.09:41
Tenguit's needed for my last DF-focused task: firewall.09:41
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*** chem is now known as Guest79709:52
Tengumarios|rover: would it be possible for me to follow a bit your "rover" role over the week? I.e when you see something, you point it to me so that I can learn a bit "what/how/where" with actual things?10:10
marios|roverTengu: sure, we can include you in ruck|rover sync call tomorrow (we already had one with ysandeep today)10:11
Tengumarios|rover: that would be good indeed!10:12
marios|roverTengu: will ping you if something interesting comes up otherwise 10:12
Tenguperfect :)10:12
marios|roverTengu: the current ruck|rover status is always in the channel topic 10:12
marios|rovertripleo-ci || rr status:
Tenguright, rlandy|out showed me the hackmd last Friday10:12
akahatysandeep, o/ Q: do we pull docker registry from ceph namespace?
ysandeepakahat, you can check in container-prepare.yaml file in sc01/sc04 job - to see which registry we use for ceph10:15
akahatysandeep, okay.. looking.10:15
Tengumarios|rover: also, wondering - is there a "pairing program" in CI for the new colleagues? like, some pair with me in order to show me things that must be known, points some easy work I can handle on my own in order to learn... :)10:51
marios|roverTengu: lets talk in call but we don't have a pairing program per se but we can work something out am sure 11:15
Tengumarios|rover: would be faster for me imho. Shouldn't take that long, since I apparently know some stuff already, but... :)11:17
rlandy|outmarios|rover: think you just dropped review time11:17
marios|roverrlandy|out: yes was alone... rejoining 11:17
rlandy|outTengu: we will get you a mentor11:17
marios|roverTengu: do you have the review calls in your calendar? 11:18
Tengurlandy|out: hey, already around :). Thanks :)11:21
Tengumarios|rover: fu...11:21
* soniya29 will be travelling for 1 hour11:43
* soniya29 will be back again11:43
akahatamoralej, o/ are we still using any of this files in CI : ?11:45
akahatif we are not using anything we can remove all those files. 11:45
amoralejlemme check11:45
amoralejakahat, so, we are not longer running jobs on train up to victoria?11:48
akahatamoralej, no.. not in tripleo .11:48
akahatamoralej, only keeping train.. rest is no longer in use like for periodic jobs we are keeping promotion-testing-hash-train.yml etc.11:50
amoralejah, sorry, i missread, the removed train file is for rhel, not centos11:51
akahatamoralej, yes. not for c8.11:54
Tengu#lunch :)12:00
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy12:09
rlandychandankumar: hey - you available for a few? wanted to sync with you about EDPM and MVP12:11
chandankumarrlandy: yes12:12
* akahat afk back in hour12:24
rlandypojadhav: hi - you around?12:33
rlandycan we touch base before scrum?12:34
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk12:54
marios|roverysandeep|afk: :/ fs1 tempest again lets respin once it reports in few13:22
marios|roverysandeep|afk: just did13:23
Tenguhmmm, weird, I don't see the scrum call in my meet list for today.... seems like the invite format isn't correctly pointing to the meet room.13:25
marios|roverTengu: you're right it is not in the rhos team meetings calendar... i have it in my calendar because i previously added it frmo the rhos-team meetings one... pojadhav can you re-add scrum call into calendar?13:34
marios|roverTengu: ah i see what you mean? if you edit the link does it show in the list? 13:35
Tengumarios|rover: I can't edit the invite apparently13:35
Tengumarios|rover, pojadhav basically, the invite doesn't seem to have the gmeet room correctly set, else I'd see it in my meet listing for today.13:36
Tengui.e. the gmeet link is a plain "location"13:36
pojadhavrlandy, hi i am around13:37
Tenguso not properly detected by «google», and not showing up in the meet listing. not a big issue, though I tend to forget things when they don't show up in meet directly -.-'13:37
Tengubrb, need some coffee [and chocolate]13:37
rlandyone sec13:38
pojadhavTengu, marios|rover : sorry i lost the context.. can you elaborate what you discussing ?13:38
pojadhavTengu, i can see you in today's scrum call invite13:39
marios|roverpojadhav: we can discuss on phone in 20 mins13:39
Tengupojadhav: the issue: the invite isn't properly formated, meaning the link between gcalendar and gmeet isn't working; this means I don't see the meeting in the google Meet interface. Not that bothering, but I usually rely more on the meet call listing than the calendar itself.13:50
Tengui.e. the meet link in the calendar invite is understood as an actual "location", not a google meet room13:50
pojadhavTengu, i also noticed this thing, me too not have scrum call in the meet listing, but exist in the calender.13:52
pojadhavTengu, need to check on this, how to solve 13:53
Tenguyup. that's because the invite is "wrong". Basically, remove location, it should show the "google meet" blue button, and you should be able to edit and re-paste the link directly in.13:53
TenguI can help you on that if you want. Had to do the same thing for another DF related thing last week.13:54
pojadhavTengu, yep sure13:54
pojadhavTengu, can we do it after scrum ?13:55
Tenguapparently we'll need to do it in a 2-steps fashion.13:55
Tenguone to remove the current location, and we then should be able to get that blue button in order to add a gmeet.13:56
Tengumaybe it's because I didn't create this entry, so you might get an easier path. We'll see after the scrum.13:56
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pojadhavTengu, yep13:59
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch13:59
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|ruck13:59
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm14:01
pojadhavbhagyashris, akahat chandankumar dasm : scrum14:01
marios|roverTengu:++ that would be nice to fix (meeting link in the list)14:02
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, thanks for the train job recheck, fyi.. zed promoted 14:05
chandankumararxcruz: good job on tempest, may be a good addition for keystone operator14:14
arxcruzchandankumar: 14:15
arxcruzchandankumar: right now there are a lot of manual stuff, but yeah, tempest.api.identity.*.v3 is running fine 14:15
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej14:27
chandankumarsorry needed to drop to join edpm call14:39
dasmmarios|rover: thanks for the invitation.14:43
Tenguboom. invite updated.14:45
marios|rovernice Tengu++ it shows up in the list now \o/14:46
marios|roverdasm: ack np14:46
pojadhavTengu, thanks ;)14:46
* pojadhav afk14:46
frenzy_fridayhey rlandy , I am looking at the cockpit: are these projects still relevant ? And do we want to count the non voting jobs failure in as Fail ?14:46
*** ysandeep|ruck is now known as ysandeep14:48
akahatdasm, o/ 14:48
akahatdasm, need to discuss about infra topics.. can we have quick call?14:49
dasmakahat: gimmi 514:49
ysandeepTengu, marios|rover reviews please when time permits: to fix wallaby jobs.14:51
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.14:51
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|ruck14:51
marios|roverack y814:53
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: :)14:53
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, Tengu thanks :D14:56
Tengudang.... raining cats and dogs again in here -.-'14:57
ysandeep|ruckTengu, you can rebase on top of ^^ to get pass ci failures.14:57
Tenguysandeep|ruck: ah, thanks - rebasing then.14:57
ysandeep|ruckTengu, rain errr.. We are hit by cold waves and it might rain here soon as well 14:58
Tenguysandeep|ruck: heh. over my 2-weeks PTO, we got only 3 dry days...14:59
ysandeep|ruckTengu, snowing or just rain ?15:04
Tengujust rain.15:04
Tenguwe got over 20°C on January 1st15:05
ysandeep|ruckhah, 20°C is that normal for you in January?15:06
ysandeep|ruckfor me temperature dropped to 1.5°C last night, its veryyyyyyy cold for me :D15:07
chandankumarsee ya people tomorrow o/15:13
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, o/ 15:13
rlandyysandeep|ruck: is there something we need to do about the retry limits on downstream?15:17
rlandyfrenzy_friday: looking15:20
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, Not on us, infra need to update floating network on their side15:21
ysandeep|ruckI pinged fbo with details last week, updating cix card now15:21
rlandyysandeep|ruck: ok - thanks15:27
rlandyfrenzy_friday: iiuc, non-voting jobs should not run in gate15:28
rlandyand if they do, they won't fail the job - so no imho15:28
rlandydasm: ^^ thoughts?15:29
rlandyfrenzy_friday: I think the job list is still correct15:29
rlandyproject list15:29
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, marios|rover i have updated cix card and pinged again on rhos-ops.15:34
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, rlandy we have passed node provisioning issue on envB with replaced h/w: , please review:
marios|rovernice ysandeep|ruck++15:37
*** yadnesh is now known as yadnesh|away15:39
dasmfrenzy_friday: checking15:47
frenzy_fridayrlandy, - this shows stats of both check and gate15:50
frenzy_fridayDo we want non voting check jobs to show up ^ ?15:50
dasmfrenzy_friday: imho not. non-voting might be broken, not ready, or just no one is looking at them15:53
dasmfrenzy_friday: actually, this file might be not even used: (taken from here):
dasmah. wait a minute15:57
frenzy_fridaydasm, ack for the non voting ones. Maybe that is the reason why we see around 20 % fail in the graph even though gate is green?15:57
dasmscratch that. i ran the command on wrong env15:57
dasmfrenzy_friday: sounds reasonable.15:57
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: looks like fs1 train passed tempest 16:25
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: fyi also missing kvm job there though just noticed/posted with 16:34
marios|roverysandeep|ruck: via missing jobs for 16:34
marios|rover4defb2bf4d2d5225896e23af59058239 for that sorry 16:34
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off16:34
marios|roverrlandy: for handoff main thing here is please for train promotion (see hackmd for context ysandeep|ruck chased & got fs1/fs20 for that hash but missing the kvm one)16:37
rlandymarios|rover: got it16:38
marios|roverthank you rlandy 16:40
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, thanks! sry working with nicholas16:41
ysandeep|ruckI will check back later16:41
marios|roverack np ysandeep|ruck 16:41
* marios|rover off in few 16:41
ysandeep|ruckmarios|rover, see you tomorrow o/16:42
*** ysandeep|ruck is now known as ysandeep|dinner16:48
*** marios|rover is now known as marios|out16:52
Tenguok folks - off for now. See you tomorrow!17:03
rlandyTengu: have a good night17:07
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:45
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|brb17:54
*** ysandeep|dinner is now known as ysandeep|out18:17
* ysandeep|out out, see everyone tomorrow18:17
*** rlandy|brb is now known as rlandy18:29
rlandyysandeep|out: train is promoting18:30
dasmrlandy: akahat voted on this patch: You mentioned if it's going to get +1 from him, you can +W19:05
rlandydasm: ack19:09
rlandydasm: done19:09
dasmthank you19:09
rlandyThe metropolitan opera is advertising its latest performance called "Fedora". I think I may have to go see that one19:43
rlandydasm: need anything from my side - otherwise stepping out for a run - will bbl21:40
dasmrlandy: i'm good. thanks21:41
rlandyk - see you later/tomorrow21:41
dasmsee you o/21:45
* dasm => offline22:20
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off22:20

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