Monday, 2023-01-16

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out00:10
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pojadhavarxcruz|ruck : Wish you a very Happy Birthday :)05:39
soniya29|roverarxcruz|ruck, Happy birthday :)05:56
arxcruz|ruckpojadhav: soniya29|rover thanks! :)06:25
arxcruz|ruckTengu: hey, this breaks periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-standalone-external-compute-target-host-zed 06:34
soniya29|rovermarios, arxcruz|ruck, 17 rhel9 jobs are getting skippped, line hasn't fully kicked07:26
soniya29|roverdo we need to rekick the line again?07:26
chandankumarHappy Birthday my dear friend arxcruz|ruck :-)07:26
mariossoniya29|rover: o/ looking07:29
mariosarxcruz|ruck: happy birthday :)07:29
mariossoniya29|rover: did you check the image build failure?07:29
mariossoniya29|rover: please check to see if it is a legit new issue 07:30
soniya29|rovermarios, ack07:30
mariossoniya29|rover: arxcruz|ruck: reminder meeting in 1 hour for sync please (see calendar, the invite i sent on friday was recurring)07:30
soniya29|rovermarios, okay07:31
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Tenguarxcruz|ruck: heya! hmmmm do you have some more data?07:53
Tenguand I don't think I've seen that job in the list of the ones kicked in by the change....07:54
Tenguah, "periodic". «great».......07:54
mariosneed vote here please when you have time 07:54
Tenguarxcruz|ruck: and happy birthday since it seems to be The D-Day :)07:55
Tengumarios: nudged.07:55
mariosthx Tengu o/07:56
Tenguarxcruz|ruck: hm, I don't seem to be able to find that job here?
Tenguunless I'm searching in the wrong plac.07:57
chandankumarTengu: you are looking at wrong place07:57
Tenguah, rdo.07:58
Tenguof course.07:58
chandankumarit is broken now07:58
Tenguyep, on it. I'll check the log and try to find the reason.07:58
Tengumaster was fine.07:58
Tenguok, the "validate" script.07:58
Tengu"fun". the remote node isn't listed in nova.07:59
TenguHYPER=node-0003464364.novalocal  we don't see that node in the hypervisor listing bellow.08:00
Tenguok, node isn't deployed for some reason.08:00
Tenguok, it's missing a patch08:01
Tenguchandankumar: remember the one removing the ansible_connection from the host_vars?08:01
Tenguit's missing in Zed I guess.08:01
chandankumarwe need to backport that08:02
Tenguon it08:02
Tenguplease vote :)08:02
Tenguno conflict.08:02
Tenguarxcruz|ruck: -^^^  will fix the zed jobs08:02
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: Thanks! :*08:02
arxcruz|ruckmarios: ack08:03
arxcruz|ruckTengu: thanks! :)08:03
Tenguarxcruz|ruck: that's my b-day gift: fix the job. ;)08:03
arxcruz|ruckTengu: best gift ever :)08:03
Tenguthought so ;)08:03
arxcruz|ruckmarios: if you may vote ^ it's a zed promotion blocker 08:04
arxcruz|ruckmarios: is it okay if i ran the testproject with a depends-on and get a promotion?08:04
Tenguarxcruz|ruck: is there an LP already? if yes, I can link it on the commit message.08:07
arxcruz|ruckTengu: there isn't, i just notice this morning, was investigating before open one 08:08
Tenguarxcruz|ruck: ok! well, #done then :)08:08
Tengujust a matter of getting it merged.08:08
Tenguthat was a fast one ;)08:08
Tengu(especially since I know *where* to look for *what* - I hit that one in master before ;))08:08
arxcruz|ruck:) 08:09
mariosarxcruz|ruck: soniya29|rover|lunch: o/ joining08:30
*** soniya29|rover|lunch is now known as soniya29|rover08:30
soniya29|roveri am in08:30
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* soniya29|rover needs a break10:21
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|afk10:21
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*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy11:08
*** soniya29|rover|afk is now known as soniya29|rover11:09
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: happy birthday!!11:11
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: soniya29|rover: marios: need anything rr-wise?11:11
arxcruz|ruckrlandy: thanks! 11:11
arxcruz|ruckrlandy: all stable upstream, just zed, but i'm monitoring a required patch to get the promotion 11:12
soniya29|roverrlandy, nope11:12
rlandygot the jenkins jobs passing over the weekend - so hopefully that sorted downstream11:12
mariosrlandy: had our usual sync earlier arxcruz|ruck and soniya29|rover are going over stuff11:12
mariosrlandy: lets talk in few mins11:12
mariossoniya29|rover: did you file the new 17 bug?11:12
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: marios: k - we can talk about it after review11:12
rlandyall set for CIX?11:12
mariossoniya29|rover: i dont see it on hackmd or cix bord11:13
mariosyeah should be rlandy we updated those in the call 11:13
soniya29|rovermarios, let me rekick those jobs again 11:14
mariossoniya29|rover: i thought you already did that earlier ...11:14
* marios reviews call 11:15
chandankumardviroel: welcome back sir o/11:42
dviroelchandankumar: o/ tks11:42
* soniya29|rover brb11:45
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|brb11:45
chandankumarTengu: you might be interested in this pr
rlandysoniya29|rover|brb: pls ping when you are back11:49
rlandywe need a bug ASAP on the image build on 1711:50
rlandyI need to work with you to get that logged and debug info added before CIX11:50
*** soniya29|rover|brb is now known as soniya29|rover12:01
rlandysoniya29|rover: hello12:02
rlandylet's talk12:02
rlandysoniya29|rover: ^^12:02
* pojadhav afk12:05
rlandyTengu: hey - can I borrow your debug skills for 5? I have a log diff I want to run by you12:46
rlandymarios: soniya29|rover: updated with diff info12:56
rlandyyou can see the install diff bet passing and failing there12:57
rlandydviroel: hey - you back today?12:58
mariosjgilaber: frenzy_friday: joining12:59
mariosrlandy: thank you 12:59
rlandysoniya29|rover: ok - hold one node there13:02
* rlandy meeting now13:02
Tengurlandy: hmm, am I missing a meeting?13:12
rlandysoniya29|rover: pls see 17.113:38
rlandyyou have build image failsure there13:38
rlandypls check the bug  if it needs to be updated now13:38
rlandyTengu: no13:38
soniya29|roverrlandy, ack13:38
rlandysoniya29|rover: pls update adding 17.1 logs if relevant13:38
soniya29|roverrlandy, yes13:38
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soniya29|roverrlandy, trying to hold the node for the bug13:41
Tengurlandy: ok - if I miss anything, please let me know, I'm not yet used to the new amount of meeting ^^13:42
soniya29|roverrlandy, updated the bug13:50
rlandydviroel: hey - alan wants to talk with you re: hive/zuul requirements13:53
soniya29|roverrlandy, i have hold the node for
rlandysoniya29|rover: can you ssh to the node?13:55
soniya29|roverrlandy, need to try13:56
soniya29|rovergive me a moment13:56
dviroelrlandy: ok, I am looking on Jira comments now13:59
pojadhavrlandy, dasm|off : scrum14:01
pojadhavdviroel, ^^14:01
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Tengujm1: heya! fyi:  this means the galaxy proxy is at last working as it should!14:28
Tengujm1: will try to get it merged this week. Meaning we should be able to use the proxy-cache for galaxy.14:28
jm1Tengu++ Aaaaaaawesome 🥳14:30
* pojadhav brb14:46
rlandyTengu: chandankumar: will send you guys to baremetal info after todays meetings15:01
rlandyso you can access the boxes15:01
* dviroel lunch15:02
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch15:03
Tengurlandy: yay, hardware for play-time :)15:03
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk15:12
kkulaHello! could you take a look on RDO dashboard? once again, it has issue with being empty. Last time it was solved (somehow) by running script pulling git changes. frenzy_friday? 15:18
frenzy_fridaykkula, huh that is strange. I'll check this week15:18
rlandymarios: did we get your trigger patch sorted?15:23
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: you can pass a longer hold time if needed15:24
arxcruz|ruckrlandy: oh, i did not know that :)15:24
arxcruz|rucki thought 24 hours was the max15:25
* rlandy gets15:26
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: pls see pvt15:26
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel15:28
chandankumarsee ya people!15:59
mariosrlandy: yes merged that16:00
rlandymarios: k - cool16:00
marios fyi 16:01
ysandeep|afkchandankumar, o/ gd nyt, let's catch up tomorrow's morning to discuss more about keeping common code in ci directory in install_yamls16:03
soniya29|roverrlandy, arxcruz|ruck, leaving for the day16:04
soniya29|rovermarios, ^^16:04
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rlandysoniya29|rover: pls pick up what is still unsolved of the 17/17.1 bz tomorrow16:04
rlandyI will comment with what I have16:05
soniya29|roverrlandy, ack16:05
rlandysoniya29|rover: but pls read the BZ when you come on line16:05
rlandyand take action to follow up16:05
soniya29|roverrlandy, okay16:05
rlandysoniya29|rover: pls also keep an eye on downstream components16:05
arxcruz|rucki need to step out for one hour 16:05
arxcruz|ruckbut it's almost eod here as well 16:06
rlandyarxcruz|ruck: ack - pls ping if anything to watch16:06
soniya29|roverrlandy, ack16:06
* rlandy only looking at soniya29|rover's one bz atm16:06
*** soniya29|rover is now known as soniya29|rover|out16:07
* marios off in few16:29
Tenguok Team - off as well :). See you tomorrow!16:48
rlandyhave a good night16:49
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rlandydviroel: around? want to sync for a few?17:53
dviroelrlandy: sure17:55
rlandydviroel: dasm: so ... maybe you know this ...20:11
rlandyhow would it be possible for  'openstack overcloud --help' to work from command line but not script?20:11
rlandyit seems like the client install is recognized from command line but not a script run20:12
rlandy++ openstack overcloud --help20:12
rlandyCould not load 'overcloud_admin_authorize': module 'dns.rdtypes' has no attribute 'ANY'20:12
rlandy^^ script run20:12
dasmrlandy: sourced credentials?20:18
dasmrlandy: what kind of script are you talking about?20:19
rlandyopenstack --debug overcloud image build will work from command line20:20
dasmis it possible that the script runs under different username? without proper credentials?20:20
dviroelmaybe they are using different python libraries, from different environments? one is using from a specific virtual env?20:22
rlandythis is downstream so the install should all be rpm20:23
dasmsounds like mismatch in versions20:24
dasmwhich is strange, because over here it starts without issues:
dasmjust later it fails20:25
rlandydviroel: so I think you are right ...20:27
rlandyif I get rid of the source /home/zuul/workspace/venv/bin/activate20:27
rlandyit does start20:28
rlandyit fails20:28
rlandybut starts20:28
dviroelyou can compare both with pip freeze output20:30
dviroeland check rdtypes 20:30
rlandyjust trying to get a clean run20:35
rlandydviroel: dasm: so here's the thing ...20:40
rlandy "/home/zuul/workspace/venv" exists20:40
rlandyso it sources it20:40
rlandyeven though for downstream it's an rpm install20:41
rlandyif I comment that out, it gets further20:41
* rlandy tries a patch20:41
* rlandy wasted a ton of time on this debug20:43
rlandyadding notes and moving on20:43
dasmrlandy: ack20:46
dasmany recent change?20:46
rlandyidk   - need to check with rel del20:47
rlandydviroel: hmmm ... - last comment20:55
rlandythink maybe getting this20:55
rlandychanged collections install?20:56
rlandyjm1[m]: you still around?20:57
rlandydviroel++ thanks for that hint21:12
* dasm => offline22:36
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off22:37
* rlandy out see you all tomorrow22:59
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out22:59
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out23:25

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