Monday, 2023-02-06

*** yadnesh|away is now known as yadnesh04:00
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris04:28
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|ruck05:18
*** ysandeep|ruck is now known as ysandeep|ruck|afk06:05
*** ysandeep|ruck|afk is now known as ysandeep|ruck06:47
*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej08:03
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*** ysandeep|ruck is now known as ysandeep|ruck|break10:43
* soniya29 travelling for an hour10:51
*** ysandeep|ruck|break is now known as ysandeep|ruck11:31
jpodivinysandeep|ruck: Hi. I'm looking into this pipeline failure on periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-component-master-validation . Several validations are reporting issues when attempting to reach keystone over URL  12:03
jpodivinI don't have logs about the exact issue, because it's ~secret~ but I do have the logs from validations themselves and all have the same issue
jpodivinysandeep|ruck: are we tracking anything of this sort? 12:04
ysandeep|ruckjpodivin, hey o/ I see this issue started on 30th janaury for master, wallaby/zed jobs are green12:11
jpodivinysandeep|ruck: yep, it's something recent12:12
jpodivinvalidations stayed the same, so it's not that. 12:12
jpodivinIf you aren't tracking it I'll file an LP 12:12
jpodivin*a LP12:12
ysandeep|ruckjpodivin, if you can create a LP, that will be great, I am slammed with issues atm.12:13
ysandeep|ruckI will also investigate further as I get time12:13
ysandeep|ruckas this block validation component promotion12:14
jpodivinYep, I'm on it.12:14
jpodivinAlready I've started testproject run with extra logging. 12:14
ysandeep|ruckjpodivin++ thanks!12:15
jpodivinBug filed
jpodivinysandeep|ruck: I think it may be enough to just cap the ansible-lint version12:33
jpodivinI'll try it .12:33
ysandeep|ruckjpodivin: yes pinning will work, I will let df/ Tengu take a look on the actual failure as well.12:35
ysandeep|ruckjpodivin, thanks for filing validation bug as well, I will a promotion blocker tag to create a cix for this as well.12:36
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch13:15
*** yadnesh is now known as yadnesh|away13:38
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm|rover13:52
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej14:05
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:19
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:36
*** Tengu8 is now known as Tengu21:51

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