Tuesday, 2020-08-18

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clarkbanyone else here for the meeting?19:00
fungii've got nowhere else to go19:00
clarkbyou are already on your dock?19:00
fungimy dock has been unusable for two years. need to get it repaired19:01
clarkb#startmeeting infra19:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Aug 18 19:01:18 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:01
clarkb#link http://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2020-August/000077.html Our Agenda19:01
clarkb#topic Announcements19:01
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clarkbI had no announcements.19:01
clarkb#topic Actions from last meeting19:02
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clarkb#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-08-11-19.01.txt minutes from last meeting19:02
clarkbThere were no actions19:02
clarkb#topic Specs approval19:02
*** openstack changes topic to "Specs approval (Meeting topic: infra)"19:02
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/731838/ Authentication broker service19:03
clarkbThis got a new patchset after soem feedback from corvus. I expect it it still ready for approval19:03
clarkbDo we want to put it up for approval this week and get rereviews by say friday?19:03
fungiseems like a plan to me19:04
fungiand yeah, today's update there was just clarification19:04
fungiand only touched one paragraph19:04
clarkbgreat. I'll be sure to rereview and plan to approve it friday if there are no objections between now and then19:04
clarkb#topic Priority Efforts19:05
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clarkb#topic Update Config Management19:05
*** openstack changes topic to "Update Config Management (Meeting topic: infra)"19:05
clarkbI'm still pushing on the gerrit(bot) things here19:05
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/746181 Final followup for gerritbot containerization19:05
clarkbthis change should finish up the remaining todo items for gerritbot's containerization19:05
clarkbthat ensures we're updating the container image on eavesdrop19:06
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/746335/ add missing files to config management19:07
clarkbThis is a fixup for the ansibleification of gerrit that I noticed when testing gerrit upgrades locally19:07
clarkbwe stopped managing the logo svg and the jquery js files that hideci uses19:07
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/746784 More image cleanups19:07
clarkband this last one is where I'm currently at on the gerrit upgrade testing. That should make gerrit startup cleaner. But I want to test it19:08
clarkbI've also discovered there is some sort of problem with the gerrit plugin manager on gerrit 3.0 that I haven't figured out yet19:08
clarkbthats a bit lower priority as 3.0 happens after 2.16, but I'll still try to sort it out if I can19:08
clarkbAny other config management updates to bring up?19:08
clarkbfungi: I know you mentioned you wanted to pick up the mirror update reprepro in ansible changes again19:09
fungiyeah, i haven't gotten to it yet though19:09
fungiif anyone else is excited to work on it though, i don't mind anyone chipping away at the conversion19:09
fungiit's just dozens of thankless erb to j2 template conversions19:10
clarkb#topic OpenDev19:11
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenDev (Meeting topic: infra)"19:11
clarkbFor the Gerrit upgrade process I sent some questions to Luca which resulted in some good info. TL;DR is that we should be able to upgrade to 2.16 without notedb then do the notedb conversion separately19:12
clarkbI like this because it breaks the fairly large upgrade into two more manageable pieces19:12
clarkbI'm still iterating on our images (as noted above). So far all the upgrades I've been doing have been in succession with online reindexing. Once I've got the image into a happy spot I'm going to start testing skip level type upgrades and see if we can stop gerrit, run 2.14 init, 2.15 init, 2.16 init, reindex, then start as I expect that will end up being the quickest way for us to upgrade if it works19:13
corvusthis all sounds good to me19:14
clarkbbut all of that is still an unknown. My goal is to be able to write up an upgrade process to 2.16 using our images that we can then apply to our actual data.19:14
clarkband I'm sure I'll have more questions for luca. Related to that luca offered to do a conference call if we wanted. Are others interested in being included in that? If so let me know and I'll include you for scheduling if/when that happens19:15
clarkbI'm also thinking syncing up with luca that way once I've got an upgrade process written down may be good as we can talk about our plan and see if he has any concerns with it19:15
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/741277 Needed in Gerritlib first as well as a Gerritlib release with this change.19:16
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/741279 Can land once Gerritlib release is made with above change.19:16
clarkbtwo other opendev related chagnes that would be good to review if you get a chance19:16
clarkbAnyone else have opendev topics they want to bring up?19:16
fungirackspace volume maintenance maybe19:17
fungijust got word today that there will be outages in october for all our current cinder volumes in dfw19:17
clarkbdid they give specific dates or just that month?19:17
fungino specific dates yet19:17
fungii've converted the uuid list to volume names and broken them down by what we ought to do19:18
fungi#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2020-10-rax-dfw-volume-maint October Volume Maintenance19:18
fungithe ones in the "migrate" list we want to avoid outages for, and could attach new volumes and pvmove (all new volumes created aren't impacted by the maintenance, only existing volumes)19:19
fungithe outage list is those where we could fix them after with modest impact, or maybe turn them off for migration19:19
fungithe delete list is there because i noticed we have three which aren't attached ("available" according to cinder) so suggesting we just clean those up19:20
clarkbfungi: review.o.o's is in two separate lists19:20
clarkbnot sure if that was intentional19:20
corvuswe can migrate it, and then take an outage for extra fun19:20
clarkbthank you for putting that together, other than the review.o.o double listing I think that looks good19:20
fungiahh, yeah checking now to see if that matched twice somewhere19:21
fungi(i've already cleaned it up on the pad)19:21
fungiyeah, that was just a drag-n-drop turning into a cut-n-paste looks like19:21
fungithere aren't two volumes with that name19:21
fungianyway, the breakdown there was just my first stab. if folks think we should shuffle anything between migrate and outage feel free19:22
fungiand of course we *could* migrate more of them if there's time, but i'd want to prioritize the ones we know would otherwise be painful19:23
fungianyway, that's all i have on that19:23
clarkb#topic General Topics19:23
*** openstack changes topic to "General Topics (Meeting topic: infra)"19:23
clarkb#topic Bup and Borg Backups19:23
*** openstack changes topic to "Bup and Borg Backups (Meeting topic: infra)"19:23
clarkbDoesn't look like the change has merged yet. ianw has been busy with other things19:23
clarkb#topic github 3rd party ci19:23
*** openstack changes topic to "github 3rd party ci (Meeting topic: infra)"19:23
clarkbianw does report that we've hit a speedbump on the arm64 wheel generation problem19:24
ianwyeah, i did a bunch of stuff to get us manylinux2014_aarch64 wheels19:24
fungioh, yeah, this is a "fun" (in an unfortunate way) issue19:24
clarkbin particular the goal with working with cryptography was to produce manylinux wheels that could be hosted on pypi and help everyone, but they've discovered that ubuntu and centos use different page sizes on arm6419:24
fungiwith no way to differentiate those for pypi/pip apparently19:25
clarkblinux allows for 4k and 64k page sizes on arm64. ubuntu and centos choose differently. It sounds like we may be able to foce 64k for everyone as 4k would still be 64k aligned (but not vice versa)19:25
corvusare the pyca folks aware of this now?  (ie, did we at least help them discover/understand this problem?)19:25
clarkbbut I think that is all work that needs to be done to the upstream python manylinux builder images and from there we can pull it in19:25
clarkbcorvus: that is my understanding ya19:25
clarkbthere is commentary through their github issue tracker /me looks for a link19:26
fungimanylinux2014 is centos-based right?19:26
fungiso basically the idea would be to tweak the manylinux2014 reference to force 64k page size19:26
clarkbya I'm not finding a link, maybe it hasn't gone upstream yet?19:27
clarkbfungi: yes its a centos7 in this case iirc19:27
ianwthere's a few related discussions, the problem was more in libffi as they released a wheel and our ci found it19:27
clarkboh they pushed a wrongly aligned wheel to pypi and then we tried to use it with a different page size? neat19:28
ianwyep, it was our wider distro testing that flagged it19:28
clarkbanyway Just wanted to call out that progress continues to be made here, and sounds like its ending up as good feedback more globally for arm64 python wheels19:29
clarkbianw: is there anything else you want to call out on this topic?19:29
fungiso it sounds like we're uncovering problems which haven't gotten much attention yet, i guess that's a good thing in th elong run19:29
corvusyeah, this is a short-term disappointment in the middle of a long-term benefit19:29
ianwthe other thing is they just (like a few hours ago) switched to travis-ci.com ... which apparently gives them access to whatever aws hardware arm64 thing is19:29
corvusso they don't need us anymore?19:30
ianwe.g. https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/pull/541619:30
ianwwell ... maybe.  it's not 100% clear to me what runs on hardware or not19:31
clarkbits also possible that hardware/distro diversity is a good thing here to uncover problems like the page alignment issue19:31
clarkbat elast until the arm64 python ecosystem works out those gotchas19:32
ianwthe other thing was the rust support they're adding19:32
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/74642319:33
ianwthat adds an ensure-rust role, which worked for upstream jobs (after i figured out where to depends-on for github issues :)19:33
corvuswho's adding rust support?19:34
clarkbcorvus: cryptography wants to link to rust as well as C19:34
ianw#link https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/pull/541019:34
ianwcorvus: ^19:34
corvusbtw, do we want to continue leaving comments in the PRs?19:35
corvus(we can turn that off now that checks are there; some people like them, some people seem them as spammy)19:35
ianwoh, that was another thing, there was some discussions about that19:35
ianwyeah, we can turn that off19:36
corvusi'm guessing if there were discussions, then there's at least some "these are spammy" sentiment :)19:36
corvusshould just be a matter of dropping the message stanza from the pipeline19:37
ianw#link https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/cffi/-/issues/46819:37
ianwthat was the discovery of the page size issues fyi19:37
ianwyeah, i can do that19:37
ianwthe other thing they wanted was a "re-run" button19:37
ianwapparently some ci's do that19:37
clarkbdifferent than "recheck" comments?19:37
fungirather than leaving a recheck comment19:37
corvusi think we can with github checks19:37
ianwgithub definitely issues a rerun hook, and we handle it19:38
clarkbdo we need to change anything then?19:38
ianw#link https://developer.github.com/webhooks/event-payloads/#webhook-payload-object19:38
clarkbI guess update the trigger config to fire on the rerun call?19:39
ianw#link https://developer.github.com/v3/checks/runs/#check-runs-and-requested-actions19:39
ianwi'm not sure if *maybe* we need to define the custom button?19:39
ianwTo create a button that can request additional actions from your app, use the actions object when you Create a check run. For example, the actions object below displays a button in a pull request with the label "Fix this." The button appears after the check run completes.19:39
clarkb"use the actions object" <- I guess zuul may need to learn about github actions?19:40
fungioh, hah, so we *can* do it for pyca/cryptography, but projects who want to gate with zuul can't because of the whole apps can't have control over a repo with actions problem?19:40
fungior has that been solved in recent months?19:40
clarkbpabelanger would probably know19:41
ianwi guess i should probably write a story19:41
ianwand then the *other* thing that was brought up was re-running a single job19:41
corvusthere is existing support in zuul for re-running checks19:41
ianwi know we've had that discussion over and over in various ways.  i couldn't find something canonical to point to19:42
clarkbianw: that came up elsewhere recently. I think its the wrong thing for openstack/opendev but can see that being something zuul grows for other use cases19:42
clarkbbut I also expect that requires significantly more updates to zuul to support19:43
corvusianw: this is the canonical thing to point to: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/discussion/github-checks-api.html19:43
corvusthat page also talks about re-run19:43
corvusi'd like clarification on clarkb's question -- do we need to change anything?19:44
corvus(ie, is re-run not working as expected?)19:44
clarkbcorvus: looking at that doc maybe our pipeline config to handle the rerun requests?19:44
clarkbbut it seems like github automatically sets up the desired buttons19:45
ianwcomment recheck does, but specifically i think they wanted that "re-run" button to appear to be consistent with other ci19:45
corvusi'm waiting on a clear statement of "the comment button does not appear as expected"19:45
clarkbianw: "Github provides a set of default actions for check suites and check runs. Those actions are available as buttons in the Github UI. Clicking on those buttons will emit webhook events which will be handled by Zuul." is what the zuul doc says19:45
corvuser the 'rerun' button19:45
corvusbecause right now, i expect it to appear19:45
corvusso i need to understand if there even is a problem19:46
ianwwell, maybe you want to try and catch reaperhulk into #crytography-dev -- i don't think it appears for non-admin users19:46
corvusi think if it appears for admin users, then this is not our problem :)19:46
fungipresumably github only shows the re-run widget to users who have permission to trigger it (via whatever acls github enforces on those)?19:46
ianwcorvus: no i mean he's admin and not seeing it, and i'm not so i think i can't see it in any case19:47
corvusnote that the docs say it only appears for failing runs19:47
corvus(which is, imho, a bad choice on github's part)19:47
fungiwow, really?19:48
fungithat's an odd decision indeed19:48
ianwi think this was in the context of the failing runs from the ffi fallout, but i may be wrong19:48
corvus(we recheck successful runs all the time, in fact, i'd argue that's the more legitimate case for rechecking but i'd be arguing with the wind)19:48
fungithat really just reinforces the whole "recheck until it passes" mindset too19:48
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corvusfungi: that19:48
clarkbas a time check we have 2 more items to talk about. Maybe we can continue this conversation in #zuul?19:49
corvusi don't think i can commit to working with the pyca folks to improve their github experience19:49
corvusbut atm, i don't think there's anything lacking from zuul in order for it to do what they want19:50
fungibut possible some of the github users in #zuul know what the misconfiguration might be there19:50
corvusif there even is one19:50
corvuslet's start with a clear problem statement :)19:50
clarkb#topic Making ask.openstack.org read only19:51
*** openstack changes topic to "Making ask.openstack.org read only (Meeting topic: infra)"19:51
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/746497/ set ask.openstack.org to read only19:51
clarkbwe've talked about sunsetting this service for a long time and ttx has written a change to start that process19:51
clarkbThere is also a openstack-discuss thread on the subject19:52
clarkbI don't expect this will get any objections from this group, but wanted to call it out in case there were any concerns19:52
clarkbwhat that chagne should do is make the running service read only and give people a message about it and alternative locations for questions19:52
clarkbianw: ^ you did the last ask deployment so may be able to offer some of the flavor text behind this if people ask19:53
fungiit's like the author designed a sunsetting feature right in19:53
clarkb#topic PTG Planning19:54
*** openstack changes topic to "PTG Planning (Meeting topic: infra)"19:54
ianwclarkb: ^ sure19:54
fungithe other concern worth raising is that we likely won't/can't leave it up indefinitely even in a read-only state, as it's complex and unmaintained software and the distro release we're able to deploy it on now is reaching eol in a few months19:54
openstackRemoving item from minutes: #topic PTG Planning19:54
clarkbfungi: ya maybe we should make that clearer on the thread19:55
clarkbbasically call out that this is the first step in eventually turning it off completely19:55
fungii can reply on that thread19:55
clarkb#topic PTG Planning19:55
*** openstack changes topic to "PTG Planning (Meeting topic: infra)"19:55
clarkbThere will be a virtual PTG at the end of October. I think our three blocks of 2 hours across timezone boundaries seemed to work well last time19:55
corvusmaybe we can point the internet archive crawler at ask after we make it read-only to make sure it gets a complete copy19:56
clarkbcorvus: ++19:56
fungigood idea19:56
clarkb#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/opendev-ptg-planning-oct-2020 October PTG planning starts here19:56
clarkbI've yet to populate that etherpad with ideas, but will do so there when I get some time19:56
clarkbfeel free to add your own items too19:56
fungiclarkb: yeah, i think the vptg worked well, same schedule this time is fine by me19:57
clarkb#link https://www.openstack.org/ptg/ Registration is open too19:57
clarkbya I think my biggest question right now is if people think we want more (or less) time?19:57
fungii keep meaning to do that, thanks for the reminder19:57
clarkbI'll assume three blocks of 2 hours unless I hear otherwise. I personally think that worked well for us19:57
clarkb#topic Open Disucssion19:58
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clarkbwe have about an minute and a half for anything else you'd like to bring uop19:58
clarkbI guess that was it. Thank you everyone!20:00
*** openstack changes topic to "Incident management and meetings for the OpenDev sysadmins; normal discussions are in #opendev"20:00
openstackMeeting ended Tue Aug 18 20:00:08 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-08-18-19.01.html20:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-08-18-19.01.txt20:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-08-18-19.01.log.html20:00
fungithanks clarkb!20:00

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