Tuesday, 2021-04-27

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clarkbis anyone else here for the meeting? sorry I got distracted trying to eat lunch and doing zookeeper things19:04
clarkbI knew I was forgetting something19:04
clarkb#startmeeting infra19:04
openstackMeeting started Tue Apr 27 19:04:42 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:04
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:04
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:04
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clarkb#link http://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2021-April/000227.html Our Agenda19:05
clarkb#topic Announcements19:05
*** openstack changes topic to "Announcements (Meeting topic: infra)"19:05
clarkbAirship and openstack have largely finished up their releases so I think we can stopping holding off on things for that (like the zk cluster upgrade)19:06
clarkb#topic Actions from last meeting19:06
*** openstack changes topic to "Actions from last meeting (Meeting topic: infra)"19:06
clarkb#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2021/infra.2021-04-13-19.01.txt minutes from last meeting19:06
clarkbianw had an action to push changes up to retire pbx.o.o and fungi had an action to push changes to retire survey.o.o19:06
clarkbianw: fungi: any updates on those items?19:07
fungiyeah, i haven't gotten to it yet19:07
clarkb#action fungi push changes to retire survey.o.o19:07
fungimaybe sometime this week, though i'm trying to not be around the computer mych19:07
ianwi totally forgot about pbx, sorry19:07
ianwon todo list now19:07
clarkb#action ianw push changes to retire pbx.o.o19:07
clarkb#topic Priority Efforts19:07
*** openstack changes topic to "Priority Efforts (Meeting topic: infra)"19:08
clarkb#topic OpenDev19:08
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenDev (Meeting topic: infra)"19:08
clarkbI've done more account cleanups. We are down to ~250 iirc with conflicts now19:08
clarkbI also put together a list that is probably a bit more "dangerous" btu if we start by disabling the accoutns and waiting a week or two we can probably rule out issues that way19:08
clarkb~clarkb/gerrit_user_cleanups/notes/proposed-cleanups.20210416 has that list if you want to look it over19:09
fungisounds reasonable19:09
clarkb~clarkb/gerrit_user_cleanups/notes/audit-results.yaml.20210415 is the info that was used to produce that list19:09
fungihow many for that batch?19:09
fungiis that the remaining 250 or a subset?19:09
clarkb~180, it is a subset19:09
clarkbthere are some folks like donnyd and stackalytics who show up and I do want to reach out to them by email once we get the list down to a manageable set19:10
clarkba good chunk of this group are accounst that haven't been used in many years19:11
clarkbI think I used ~2018 as a rough cut off19:11
fungiso ~70 which will need an even higher level of care, got it19:12
clarkbbut ya if ya'll can skim it and see if anything stands out as a bad idea I can go through it again if that happens19:13
clarkbotehrwise will try to proceed with it19:13
clarkbIn other gerrit news we upgraded to 3.2.8 and incorporated fungi's jeepyb improvements on our iamge19:13
clarkbianw noticed that gerrit lost the account lock again :/ it seems to do that after we update then we restart and it doesn't seem to happen much after19:13
clarkbanyway we'll continue to keep an eye on it. Earlier today when I checked lslocks showed gerrit still had the lock19:14
clarkbAny other OpenDev related discussion?19:14
clarkb#topic Update Config Management19:15
*** openstack changes topic to "Update Config Management (Meeting topic: infra)"19:15
clarkbBetween ptg and adding inmotion cloud and now zookeeper I've been pretty busy doing other things. Anyone have config management updates to call out?19:15
funginone i can recall19:16
ianwnot really, other things popping up19:17
clarkbI have been meaning to followup with the gerrit sql stuff but we can do that out of the meeting19:17
clarkb#topic General Topics19:17
*** openstack changes topic to "General Topics (Meeting topic: infra)"19:17
clarkb#topic Server Upgrades19:17
*** openstack changes topic to "Server Upgrades (Meeting topic: infra)"19:17
clarkbThe zk cluster upgrade is happening as we speak. One of three hosts has been swapped out so far. Waiting on some changes to apply on bridge before starting on the second19:18
clarkb#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-zookeeper-upgrade-2021 tracking progress there19:18
clarkbhad one small issue that needed fixing, but otherwise seems to be working about how I expected it to19:18
clarkbOnce zk is done I'll be looking at the zuul scheduler. I think the rough idea there is have ansible configure a new zuul02.opendev.org host, get everything LE'd and in place, copy the keys from old to new, prime repos, then schedule a cutover19:19
clarkbMy raed of the ansible is that this should work ebcause we don't start zuul automatically19:19
clarkbbut I don't want to get too ahead of myself while in the middle of the zk upgrade19:20
clarkb#topic survey.openstack.org19:20
*** openstack changes topic to "survey.openstack.org (Meeting topic: infra)"19:20
fungiprobably don't need this on the agenda with the action item19:20
clarkbI added this to the agenda beacuse we're getting the your cert will expire warnings from it. fungi is on the case but no progress19:20
clarkbya it was on the agenda so just quickly covering it, but agreed we can move on19:20
fungiyeah, well i mean, if it stops serving a valid cert, it's as good as down ;)19:21
clarkb#topic Debian Bullseye Images19:21
*** openstack changes topic to "Debian Bullseye Images (Meeting topic: infra)"19:21
clarkbI just wanted to call out the odd situation these are in. Bullseye has not released yet, but we're under some pressure to provide images for bullseye because openstack (specifically nova) dropped support for buster19:21
clarkbWe've run into at least one issue related to "bullseye hasn't been released yet" causing problems with ansible facts that ianw has a workaround in dib for19:22
fungithat hasn't been approved yet though19:22
clarkbthe problem with that is we've had some persistent nova 500 errors when doing end to end functional testing of the dib changes19:22
ianwyeah it looks like that got a +1 from zuul, but it took a few rounds19:23
clarkbI've got a change up to nodepool to collect openstack logs to help us debug these problems but you have to depends-on that change from dib to get the logs. I don't think nodepool is interested in collecting all of those devstack logs19:23
fungiyep, that's also been hampering another buster-related fix in dib19:23
clarkbif we want we can split the depends-on for the nodepool change in dib out to another change and then try and land the dib stuff as is19:23
fungi(the one to correct the security mirror path)19:23
clarkbonce zk things settle down I can look into that again, but I'm happy if others want to try and work past it for now19:24
fungier, bullseye-related i meant19:24
clarkbthat was all I had on this, wanted to record why bullseye is important before it even releases19:25
clarkbanything else to add ?19:25
ianwnot really, we can keep rechecking, but hopefully we can just get the logs thing in to help debug19:25
fungiwhich change was that again?19:26
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/nodepool/+/78802819:26
fungiaha, thanks19:26
clarkbbut I think corvus and others have expressed an opinion that they don't want those logs in there because we aren't testing devstack/openstack19:26
clarkb(if it were me having the debug info there makes sensesince it does seem to cause a nonzero number of failures)19:27
clarkbmaybe bring it up for discussion in #zuul19:27
clarkb#topic Minor git-review release to support --no-thin19:28
*** openstack changes topic to "Minor git-review release to support --no-thin (Meeting topic: infra)"19:28
clarkbI put this on the agenda because this is a new feature we added to git-review that users aren't likely to know they want until they ask us for help19:29
clarkbif individuals come to us with problems pushing to gerrit related to missing trees/objects in packfiles you can ask them to update git-review (if necessary) then do git review --no-thin19:29
clarkbthat should work around the problem19:29
fungi2.1.0 is the minimum version needed to get that option19:30
fungi(noted for posterity)19:31
clarkb#topic openEuler patches19:31
*** openstack changes topic to "openEuler patches (Meeting topic: infra)"19:31
clarkblinaro is asking us to get openEuler test instances running. They discussed this with us at the PTG. I don't have any major concerns other than ensuring we don't become a defacto official mirror because we're pulling from the root with some magic rsync key19:32
clarkbianw: I don't think we need to get the TC involved. We can provide testing platforms in opendev that go beyond what openstack wants to test on19:33
ianwok, the first such change was19:33
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/78487419:33
clarkbya thats the one at the PTG that I mentioned we should pull anonymously and from another mirror (not the root) if necessary19:33
clarkbso that we aren't any more special than anyone else pulling the packages19:33
clarkb(they don't seem to have any mirrors outside of china currently so I want to avoid giving the impression that our mirrors are official)19:34
clarkbianw: at the PTG they agreed they would look for a differetn mirror to pull from that allows anonymous access (they thought at least one of the other mirrors may do that)19:34
ianwok; i just received a couple of personal pings, so while i'm happy for this to go ahead i just didn't want to be the defacto owner of this19:35
clarkbianw: definitely push them to the channel (#opendev) and the mailing list so that it doesnt' become something you alone are negotiating19:35
ianw++, thanks19:36
clarkbianw: I also suggested that we ensure the functional end to end testing for the dib changes is working before we try to land those19:36
fungiat a minimum, we need people with a vested interest in the platform hanging out in irc or reading our mailing lists in case we need something fixed19:37
clarkbI think they are currently non voting so the chagnes get +1 but the tests for openeuler don't actually work19:37
clarkbthey thought this was due to the lack of a mirror (I haven't looked at the failures yet myself)19:37
clarkbfungi: ya I also meant to check if it is even localized into english?19:37
clarkbI assume it is as a fork of centos/rhel but who knows :)19:37
ianwyeah, i think the other issue is that we haven't figured out a way to really do boot tests of arm6419:37
clarkbbut that didn't occur to me until later19:37
ianwqemu binary translation, at least in linaro, is just too slow19:38
fungiit was supposedly a fork of centos, i couldn't find any information on what they're doing wrt stream though19:38
ianwit can get a cirros instance up in devstack but trying to boot a dib image like we do in the devstack+nodepool tests i could barely do after leaving it for literally hours19:39
fungiwhy would we need qemu binary translation in linaro? figured we'd have to use it only when the architecture differs19:39
clarkbfungi: no nested virt on arm6419:40
fungior is the problem that we want to test booting amd64 cirros images on arm64 devstack?19:40
ianwthis is for the nested case.  so we build the arm64 image on the native host, then try to boot it19:40
ianwi mean, in theory, we could make a multi-node devstack, have a compute node separate and boot our image on that19:40
fungiand qemu needs binary translation to boot arm64 on arm64?19:40
ianwwhich is probably the solution, but also a lot of work19:41
ianwfungi: there's no nested virt, at least on linaro, so yeah it's going old-school.  i haven't checked on osu19:42
clarkbianw: I think linaro said there isn't any nested virt support in kvm yet for arm6419:42
clarkbfungi: basically if you don't have nested virt then its always binary translation regardless of the targets19:43
fungiinteresting, i thought that was the point if paravirtualization vs not19:44
clarkbfungi: there are optimizations depending on the whether or not you have a common arch but in general you're still hitting expensive paths19:45
ianwi think there is, there is some flag it says during boot, but as for end-to-end plumbing of everything from kvm/qemu -> nova -> userspace, i don't know19:45
clarkbianw: ah interesting19:45
clarkbanything else on the openeuler topic?19:47
ianwnope, thanks19:48
clarkb#topic Open Discussion19:49
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: infra)"19:49
clarkbThat was everything on the agenda. I'm currently working through the zk upgrade as zk05 was added to the cluster a few minutes earlier than I expected (its fine)19:49
clarkbwas there anything else to cover? Otherwise I'm going to dig into zk again19:50
fungias mentioned i'm not really around this week if i can help it, but will still make time if there's something urgent19:50
clarkbenjoy the break19:52
fungioh, one thing not yet resolved... ansible fact gathering crashes the python interpreter for centos 8 on our arm64 nodes, i have one held, going to try to wrestle a core dump out of it but not sure how much that's going to tell us19:52
clarkbsounds like that may be it so I'll stop the meeting here.19:52
clarkbThank you everyone19:52
*** openstack changes topic to "Incident management and meetings for the OpenDev sysadmins; normal discussions are in #opendev"19:52
openstackMeeting ended Tue Apr 27 19:52:26 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:52
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2021/infra.2021-04-27-19.04.html19:52
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2021/infra.2021-04-27-19.04.txt19:52
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2021/infra.2021-04-27-19.04.log.html19:52
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