Tuesday, 2022-04-19

clarkbas mentioned we're skipping today's meeting as a number of us are either for holdiays or running errands19:04
clarkbI did want to mention really quickly that there are new git-review and bindep releases. Pleasekeep an eye out for any unexpected behaviors from those tools19:05
clarkbAlso I've got a bunch of python docker image cleanups at https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:opendev-image-cleanup+status:open which once complete will reduce the problem set enabling us to add python3.10 images without too much trouble19:05
clarkbAnd various projects are still finding git permissions problems due to fallout from the git cve fix. At this point its mostly about helping them identify why it is happenign in specific cases more than anything else on our end19:06
clarkbWe also have changes up to start turning off our ELK stack. Those are WIP as the openstack tc finalizes the transition on the openstack side of things. Thank you to dpawlik for getting the replacement ready for openstack19:09
clarkband with that I too have to go run an errand :)19:09

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