Tuesday, 2022-08-09

clarkbJust about meeting time18:59
clarkb#startmeeting infra19:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Aug  9 19:01:30 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:01
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:01
clarkb#link https://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2022-August/000351.html19:01
clarkb#topic Announcements19:02
clarkbFirst up we are currently in the middle of the opendev service coordinator nomination period. It will run through August 16, 202219:02
clarkb#link https://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2022-July/000347.html for details.19:02
clarkbIf you are interested please go for it :)19:02
clarkbThe other thing to announce (which should've gone on the meeting agenda) is that the PTG is a virtual event now19:03
clarkbThat doesn't change a whole lot for us19:04
clarkbBut we should probably expect more people trying to use meetpad during that week (and ptgbot was going to be used either way)19:04
clarkbMore details on that change will be coming out as things get sorted out19:04
clarkb#topic Updating Grafana Management Tooling19:06
clarkbianw: I see some but not all of the changes have merged?19:06
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:grafana-json19:06
clarkbI think there were problems with newer grafana image updates (they release beta's under the :latest tag?)19:06
clarkbAny chance you and/or frickler can catch us up on this item?19:07
ianwyes, unclear if that is a bug or a feature19:07
ianwthe release of betas19:07
ianwanyway, i dug into that and it got fixed 19:08
ianw#link https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/5327519:08
ianwthe last thing is cleaning up the jobs19:08
clarkbAnd that appears to be two chagnes that just need reviews19:09
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/+/85195119:09
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/85195419:09
ianwi just went and switched their topics to grafana-json, sorry, to keep them together19:10
ianwbut yeah, a couple of eyes on that and i think this is done19:10
clarkbhttps://grafana.opendev.org/d/f3089338b3/nodepool-dib-status?orgId=1 that does show different colors for build status now. Which is sort of what kicked this all off again19:10
clarkbThank you for getting this done19:10
ianwheh, yeah, i had it before that but trying to fix that was what pushed me to get it in :)19:10
fricklerdid we switch to running grafana:latest again? do we want that?19:11
ianwfrickler: i think we probably do want that, otherwise we fall behind and it's just more painful19:11
fricklerI'd actually prefer to avoid beta versions if possible19:11
fricklerbut it's a thin line, I admit19:12
fungiseems like they need not only a grafana:latest but also a grafana:greatest19:12
ianwi feel like it gives us generally one problem to sort out at a time, instead of updating every X months/years and having many problems all together19:12
clarkbLooks like they don't have a 8 series tag or similar that we can just hang out on? But ya I think chances are we'll just end up super out of date if we aren't on latest19:12
ianwthere was an issue opened about them releasing the beta ...19:12
ianw#link https://github.com/grafana/grafana/discussions/4717719:13
clarkbcool sounds like there are some people asking for a stable tag which would probably also work for us19:14
ianwi guess ideal for us would be production on a stable, and we can run a -devel job19:14
ianwi mean, it might be said we have better CI than upstream, since we found and bisected it before any of its testing noticed :)19:15
clarkbheh, but ya seems like that discussion is headed the right direction for our needs. Hopefully they enact the requested changes19:15
ianw(let they who have not released something buggy cast the first stone ... but we can certainly help :)19:15
fungigiven their business model, making it easier to run up-to-date stable systems may not be aligned with their agenda anyway19:16
clarkbAnything else on this subject?19:16
ianwnot from me, thanks19:16
clarkb#topic Bastion Host Updates19:16
clarkbI haven't seen any movement on this (which is fine), but I've also been focused on mailman3 stuff so wanted to double check I didn't miss anything important19:17
clarkbanything new to add to this?19:17
ianwyeah i've started looking at getting ansible into a venv, to isolate things better19:17
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:bridge-ansible-venv19:18
ianwso far it's cleanups19:18
clarkbBut they are ready for review?19:18
ianwthose bits can be reviewed, they're independent19:19
clarkbgreat. I'll put them on my list19:19
ianwit is tangential, but related19:20
ianw#link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:gra1-bump-timeouts19:20
ianw(because these changes are all running jobs that sometimes fail)19:20
clarkboh I completely missed there was a parent change to review there19:20
clarkbThats what I get for doing code review first thing in the morning19:20
ianwthat became a bit of a yak shaving exercise because updating the borg job ran it, which made me see it was failing19:20
ianwi also now have borg 1.2 updates on my todo list.  however the first item in the upstream upgrade check-list is "do you really want to run borg 1.2, the 1.1 branch is still getting fixes" ... so that didn't exactly scream "do this now" :)19:22
clarkbI guess that is good of them to call out :)19:22
fungii missed the parent change as well19:23
ianwi think we've seen that before, that old pip doesn't know to not try and install later packages?19:23
fungiyeah, it's the abi3 stuff19:24
funginewer wheels can declare they support abi3 rather than specific interpreter versions19:24
fungibut older pip knows nothing about abi319:24
clarkbthere is also the thing where old pip doesn't know to check the required python version metadata on pypi19:24
fungiyeah, if it's too old, there's that as well19:24
ianwyeah i think its metadata here19:24
fungithough usually not checking requires_python metadata means you end up trying to install too-new packages which lack support for the interpreter version you have19:25
clarkbya then that fails19:25
clarkber the software itself fails to run19:25
clarkbin any case I'll need to review the chagnes to page in the context here19:26
ianwit did make me think that ensure-pip in zuul-jobs exports the command to get a virtualenv19:26
clarkbI'll try to do that soon19:26
ianwwhich we could make "bash -c 'python -m venv <path>; ./venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools;" ... maybe19:27
ianwi don't know if we could template in the path 19:27
ianwanyway, no need to discuss here, but something to keep an eye on i guess19:27
ianwit's probably actually only bionic that has this issue with old versions, so impact is limited19:28
clarkb#topic Upgrading Bionic Servers to Focal/Jammy19:28
ianw(just hitting us because our bridge is that ... so back to the topic :)19:29
clarkb#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-bionic-server-upgrades Notes on the work that needs to be done.19:29
clarkbThe changes I had made to support mailman3 on jammy which would generally support jammy updates have landed19:29
clarkbianw: that borg work is also related ?19:29
ianwyeah, there's a follow-on that adds borg testing on a jammy node.  no reason it wouldn't work, but good to cover it19:29
clarkbgot it and ++ to having test coverage there19:30
clarkbI think if we can avoid updating to focal from bionic and jump to jammy we'll save ourselves future work so getting the jammy bootstrapping done is worthwhile19:30
clarkbAs mentioned I've been somewhat focused on mailman3 stuff but I think that is starting to solidify so I'm hoping to have time for an actual upgrade or two in the near future19:31
clarkbBut I didn't have anything else on this topic19:32
clarkb#topic Mailman 319:32
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/851248 WIP change to deploy a mailman 3 instance19:32
clarkbI think the deployment aspects of this change are largely done at this point. (though I may have discovered a new bug I'll push a silly workaround for shortly).19:32
clarkbThere is still a fair bit of work to do around figuring out how we want to configure mailman3 and what our list settings should look like. But I've got a skeleton framework for addressing that in ansible in the change as well19:33
clarkbThere is a held node which we'll use to try and answer some of those questions. I'm enlisting fungi's help because it involves email and things that I just don't undersatnd as well as others19:33
clarkbIf you are interested I think reviewing the change at this point and/or checking out the server would be helpful19:34
fungiyeah, i have a basic test scenario from my earlier mm3 poc i want to run through, creating test lists on multiple domains19:35
fungimanual testing, that is19:35
clarkbalso don't worry about breaking things. Holding a new node isn't difficult19:35
clarkbdefinitely poke at it and see what we can improve. Ideally when we get around to doing the migration people will for the most part not notice other than that the UI and user database has changed19:36
clarkbI am slightly concerned that the mailman service is going from simple and straightforward to giant django monolith. But the new thing shoudl support our use cases better and it has a future so I'm rolling with it19:37
clarkbdjango in particular is not the easiest thing to automate around whcih the ansible illustrates19:38
ianwyeah they love a big old turing complete configuration file19:39
fungiyou could say the same of exim19:40
* fungi won't speak ill of exim though19:40
clarkbI think that is all on mailman3 msotly just it is ready for your feedback and help :)19:41
clarkb#topic Gitea 1.1719:41
clarkbGitea 1.17 has been out for about a week now19:41
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/84720419:42
clarkbWe have a change to upgrade to it if we like.19:42
clarkbHowever it looks like 1.17.1 is in the works and will include a number of bugfixes19:42
clarkb#link https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/milestone/122 1.17.1 Milestone is in progress19:42
clarkbWe're probably better off just waiting for that since there isn't a pressing need to upgrade right now. The change for 1.17.0 shouldn't be much different than the one for 1.17.1 though. The only difference I expect is the tag version in the docker file19:43
clarkbthat means if you want to review that now it won't be wasted effort19:43
clarkb#topic Open Discussion19:43
clarkbThat was everything I had. Anything else before we find $meal?19:44
fungii didn't have anything19:46
ianwnope.  i still need to finish up the ansible-lint upgrades, but thanks for reviews on that one last week19:46
ianw#link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/7842319:46
ianwif you're interested in the python/ansible versions interaction19:47
clarkbwow ansible 5 will still talk to python2.6 on the target nodes19:48
clarkbSounds like that is it. Thank you everyone!19:50
clarkbWe'll be back here next week same time and location19:50
fungithanks clarkb!19:50
corvusi don't think we ever had py26 support in zuul-jobs?19:50
clarkbcorvus: we didn't. Mostly just surprised that upstream does it19:50
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Aug  9 19:50:46 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:50
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2022/infra.2022-08-09-19.01.html19:50
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2022/infra.2022-08-09-19.01.txt19:50
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2022/infra.2022-08-09-19.01.log.html19:50
corvusso that means that zuul-jobs might be holding onto py27 for a while19:50
clarkbya py27 definitely still valid for ansible 5 on the target node according to that table19:51
corvuswhich might (i haven't checked) mean we might end up asking to keep older distros around for that?19:51
clarkbcorvus: jammy still has python2.7 https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jammy/python2.719:51
corvusoh interesting19:52
clarkbI think we may be able to get away with jammy test nodes in zuul19:52
corvusianw: thats good info, thanks for digging :)19:52
ianwyep; sorting out the py27 testing env to something more sustainable was on my todo to finalise that series now :)19:53
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