Tuesday, 2025-02-11

*** clarkb is now known as Guest870902:38
*** Guest8709 is now known as clarkb15:23
clarkbit is just about meeting time18:59
clarkbI know there is some spirited discussion in the tc meeting right now but I'll start on time here and peopel can catch up as they are able19:00
clarkb#startmeeting infra19:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Feb 11 19:00:11 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:00
clarkb#link https://lists.opendev.org/archives/list/service-discuss@lists.opendev.org/thread/2PCH5D4ULKXRVIFVGKMOVZ2L2MAXHPBB/ Our Agenda19:00
clarkb#topic Announcements19:01
clarkbI'm trying to find the archive link for the openinfra foundation stuff19:02
clarkband lists is being slow19:02
clarkb#link https://lists.openinfra.org/archives/list/foundation@lists.openinfra.org/thread/3B7OWPRXB4KD2DVX7SYYSHYYRNCKVV46/19:02
fungiyou beat me to it19:02
clarkbif you haven't seen it yet the foundation has an important announcement asking for feedback on shaping the foundation's futuer19:02
clarkbif you haven't seen it yet that is probably worth a read then fungi or myself are happy to proxy questions or you can reach out directly to jbryce as inidicated in the email19:02
clarkbin general I would probably encourage people to reach out on the mailing list there if they are comfortable just to keep the feedback in one place as much as possible19:03
clarkbanything elset o announce?19:03
clarkb#topic Zuul-launcher image builds19:05
clarkblast week corvus  added ubuntu jammy and noble images to zuul-launcher config so that zuul projects can start to dogfood the new launcher system19:05
clarkbthose images came with new 4gb, 8gb, and 16gb flavors/labels19:05
clarkbat least two bugs were discovered. The first had to do wtih handling of jobs without nodesets (including noop jobs) I believe this was fixed19:05
clarkbthe other is in decompressing zlib compressed images before uplodaing them to clouds19:06
clarkbI don't know if that got fixed in time for a weekly reboot last friday/saturday19:06
clarkbcorvus: any news on that bugfix and progress with dogfooding?19:06
clarkbI'll give it another minute or so but we can probably move on. I don't know that there is much to do on the opendev side19:08
clarkbbut good progress is being made (yes finding bugs is progress!)19:08
clarkb#topic Unpinning our Grafana deployment19:09
clarkblast week we moved our grafana deployment to a new noble host and in the process also updating the grafana version to the latest 10.x release19:09
clarkbdoing so now produces deprecation warnings on some graphs that they use angular and angular is deprecated19:09
clarkbI pushed up a change to test and see what beraks with grafana 11 (expecting breakage due to the deprecated angular stuff) but everything actually seems to just work and the deprecation warnings are gone too19:10
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/940997 Update to Grafana 1119:10
corvussorry i'm late19:10
clarkbI updated that change's testinfra testing to grab the json definitions for each dashboard to compare against current production and they don't really differ in meaningful ways19:10
clarkbcorvus: thats ok we can switch back if you have any more to add on zuul-launcer after this topic19:11
clarkbso I'm a bit stumped on whether or not it is a problem for us to updated to grafana 11. I suspect taht that automatic conversion of old deprecated stuff to new stuff is what makes this all work happily but it isn't clear to me if we need to change anything to keep working in the future19:11
clarkbwe could just send it and upgrade to grafana 11 and figure it out later or we can hold a test node now and try to understand it better before taking that step. Curious if there was any input on those options19:12
fungiif the held server seems to be working as-is with our current data sources, i'm fine just upgrading19:12
clarkbnote there isn't a current held server, just log collection of our system-config-run job19:13
clarkbbut yes the screenshots look ok and the json doesn't meaningfully change in those logs19:13
clarkbdon't need an answer now. Maybe drop your thoughts on the linked change19:14
clarkb#topic Zuul-launcher image builds19:14
clarkbcorvus: ok back to this for your updates19:14
corvusthe bugfixes are all in and things are working better now19:14
corvuswe're running into quota errors (!) and those aren't handled well in the new system yet19:14
corvusso we may need to implement that before doing much more dogfooding19:15
clarkbthat makes sense considering we effectively have nodepool and zuul launcher fighting for resources19:15
clarkbyou might be able to get a sense of how things work otherwise during the weekend when overall demand is lower. But addressing quota seems like a good thing19:15
corvusya.  i'll recheck some time to see if we can sneak in some runs19:16
corvusbut otherwise, we'll probably need that before doing more regularly scheduled dogfooding19:16
corvusi think that's about it.19:16
clarkbthanks! and again this is great progress19:16
clarkb#topic Upgrading old servers19:17
clarkbI discovered a new podman issue yesterday replacing zuul-lb01 with a new noble node19:17
clarkbtl;dr is that apparmor rules on noble don't allow docker compose or podman to send signals like hup to containers. Our haproxy config management uses sighup to request graceful config reloading19:17
clarkb#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpod/+bug/208966419:18
clarkb#link https://github.com/containers/common/issues/232119:18
clarkbfirst link is an ubuntu issue and the second is the issue I filed upstream. They both contain a link to a proposed fix from november that hasn't gone anywhere yet19:18
clarkbI'm hoping that reviving the discussion a bit might get things to move along19:19
clarkb#link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/941256 workaround podman signal problems19:19
clarkbin the meantime I've rewritten our ansible to issue a sighup with kill(1)19:19
clarkbthis seem to work with manual testing on zuul-lb0219:19
clarkbthat change has a -1 due to docker quota limits but in #opendev I linked to the ara report showing it working for the zuul load balancer at least19:20
clarkbI'll recheck that change after the meeting to see if we can get it to pass (later in the day my local time seems to be better for docker quota limits)19:20
clarkbreviews welcome as well as any concerns with the general plan for moving to podman on noble. I think that we continue to be able to find reasonable workarounds for limitations though so I personally think we can keep going with our plan19:21
clarkbtonyb: any updates from your end?19:22
tonybNothing from me.19:24
clarkb#topic Sprinting to Upgrade Servers to Noble19:25
clarkbI forgot to edit the agenda and fix the typo in this topic but I fixed it here19:25
clarkb#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-server-replacement-sprint19:25
clarkbThis etherpad captures a list of servers that should be upgraded in the nearish future. I then tried to categorize them by ease of upgrade with the idea being more servers on noble finds more problems before we eventually upgrade review19:25
clarkband "good" news the podman signal problem is a direct result of that19:26
clarkbI've been working to replace zuul-lb and codesearch servers. The zuul-lb02 server is deployed and we can technically switch dns to point at it at this time if we like but we have to land that fix for signals if we want graceful config updates19:26
clarkbcodesarch is running more test jobs (that may not be necesasry I guess) and has hit docker rate limits pretty consistently until my last recheck yesterday evening19:27
clarkbI think those changes are all ready for reviwe and I'm happy to approve them and watch them go in19:27
clarkbthe etherpad has links to the changes. I'm trying to keep the info there as that should enable others to jump in and do upgrades too and add their notes in one central location19:27
tonybSounds good.19:28
clarkbI'm hoping I can get these two done today or ealry tomorrow then grab another couple or so off the list19:28
clarkbanyway help is welcome both in reviews and in more upgrades.19:29
clarkb#topic Running certcheck on bridge19:29
clarkbfungi: any movement on this one?19:29
fungiah, nope19:30
fungisorry, been distracted by other matters still19:30
clarkbit has been a busy week19:30
clarkb#topic Service Coordinator Election19:30
clarkbA reminder that nominations for OpenDev Service Coordinator are open until EOD February 18, 2025 UTC time19:31
clarkbthat gives you about one week remaining to nominate yourself if interested19:31
clarkbif we have more than one candiate we'll haev an election from the 19th to 26th. Again all UTC time based19:31
clarkb#link https://lists.opendev.org/archives/list/service-discuss@lists.opendev.org/thread/NGS2APEFQB45OCJCQ645P5N6XCH52BXW/19:32
clarkbthat thread has all the details in it if you need to refer back to them later19:32
clarkbI'm happy to answer any question you have have about the position either publicly or privately. Feel free to reach out over irc, matrix or email if that works best for you19:33
clarkb#topic Working through our TODO list19:33
clarkb#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-january-2025-meetup19:33
clarkband this is just another friendly reminder of the todo list that came out of our meetup last month. If you find yourself needing to find something new to do this is a good place to start. It can also be a good place for a new contributor to dig in though maybe reach out and let us know so we can provide guidance19:34
clarkb#topic Open Discussion19:35
clarkbanything else?19:35
tonybNothing from me19:38
clarkbwe're expecting to get $snoworice storm thursday through friday19:38
clarkbit doesn't look too bad though so I don't expect it to have an impact. But there is always the risk of power outage etc19:38
clarkband then I may need someone else to chair next week's meeting. Trying to do passports for kids and they don't have school tuesday and it isn't a holiday so we can try a walk in location rather than an appointment next month19:39
clarkbI'll know more when we get closer to that19:39
clarkbI'll give it until 19:45 for anything else but  Isuspect we can end 15 minute early today19:41
clarkbthanks everyone!19:41
fungiwe just had sleet here a few minutes ago19:43
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Feb 11 19:45:08 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:45
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2025/infra.2025-02-11-19.00.html19:45
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2025/infra.2025-02-11-19.00.txt19:45
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2025/infra.2025-02-11-19.00.log.html19:45
clarkbfungi: we're supposed to expect snow that transitions to freezing rain. The worst kind of winter precipitation19:45
clarkbbut the forecast is for less than a quarter inch of freezing rain so I'm hoping it isn't too bad19:45

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