Thursday, 2020-03-19

ianwmordred: if you're around want to just double check to remove the builder specific config00:10
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Make Advisory Board a proper noun
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Fix URLs after OpenDev rename
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Update redirects
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Update git.starlingx/git.airship redirects
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: nodepool config: remove builder template, fix base template
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: nodepool-builder container: give nodepool group acess to config
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: zookeeper: open firewall port to nb04
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove Fedora 29 mirroring
mordredianw: oh hah!02:14
mordredianw: nice02:14
ianwsorry i wanted to watch this as it's currently offline02:16
ianwpenstack.exceptions.ConflictException: ConflictException: 409: Client Error for url:, Image c10176f9-56a3-4749-a5dc-44ab56ec3771 could not be deleted because it is in use:02:26
ianwit's still trying to delete images :/02:26
clarkbianw thats "ok"02:28
clarkbas long as they arevexxhostimages and due to the image is in use error02:28
clarkbany builder can try to d elete those oncethe original builder has tried andfailed02:29
ianwoh ok.  i'm running a fedora build on the new host now, see if we get the pause issue02:29
ianwno sudo/host errors; mounts/permissions of necessary volumes all looks good though02:32
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ianwsigh, it's stuck on some sort of lvm op again03:10
ianwseems to have paused for a minute or two; but not for hours as it did before.  so it's either "that's what it does" and we never noticed ... or maybe that pause gets longer and longer each build if something isn't right03:30
ianwhave to keep an eye on it03:30
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [wip] Add Fedora 31 support and test jobs
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [wip] Add Fedora 31 support and test jobs
AJaegerconfig-core, please review
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [wip] Add Fedora 31 support and test jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add publish-to-pypi template for ovn-octavia-provider
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update ansible-lint exception
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar (raukadah) proposed openstack/project-config master: Added new project openstack-tempest-skiplist
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AJaegerinfra-root, we lost a few specs directories, for example and . For api-sig, we're merging a change and republish. We also have 404s for . Do we have openstack-specs and blazar-specs still around to copy over or do we need to republish?10:09
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Fix cloudkitty-specs on specs.o.o
AJaegerand one easy fix for a 404 ^10:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Fix cloudkitty-specs on specs.o.o
openstackgerritChandan Kumar (raukadah) proposed openstack/project-config master: Added new project openstack-tempest-skiplist
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AJaegerSo, openstack-specs is fixed with new change merged...13:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Use /detail in check-release-approval queries
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Run openstacksdk functional jobs on ansible 2.8 and 2.9
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Run openstacksdk functional jobs on ansible 2.8 and 2.9
AJaegermordred: let's merge first ;)14:04
mordredAJaeger: yes!14:04
AJaegerinfra-root, there was a discussion on #openstack-infra about fedora-30 images not having /opt/cache/files - if any of you have time, please see backscroll there14:14
clarkbthat is because we removed that element on as it didnt work on fedora14:17
AJaegerbcafarel: ^14:17
clarkbthe update to go to a fixed list should fix that and I think the new builder is using that element again14:17
clarkband that shouldve uploaded an image semi recently14:17
AJaegerclarkb: AFAIU it's still failing. bcafarel, do you have failures from *today*?14:18
AJaegerthanks, clarkb14:18
rm_workanyone have any suggestions about the MarkupSafe issue14:18
rm_workmaybe you already know the one i'm talking about? 1.0 is broken, need 1.1, for rocky gate testing <_< but u-c caps us at 1.014:18
rm_workis there a solution besides updating it to 1.1?14:19
clarkbprobably a question for the requirements team? K'm not even aaare of the issue14:20
rm_workhmm, well it had to do with an updated setuptools14:21
rm_workwhich is part of like... infra? maybe? i don't know how that's classified exactly, it comes from ... virtualenv I think?14:22
rm_workbasically the newest setuptools release REMOVED some code that had been deprecated, and older libs were using14:22
clarkbah that issue, ya either fix the deps or usenew ones (or stop hsing that functionality entirely14:22
rm_workthose libs had already updated to fix this, but we are capped below those versions in some cases14:22
clarkbnot really anything we can help with14:23
rm_workright but we can't "use new ones" in rocky14:23
rm_workand we can't fix the deps in rocky14:23
clarkbthats a question for the requirements team14:23
rm_workso I was hoping maybe there was an infra fix? like, downgrading/pinning setuptools somehow14:23
clarkbthereis no sane way to do that generally14:24
rm_workbleh ok14:24
clarkbif you switched to pyproject.toml you could set those pre install deps14:24
clarkbbut in tge generaly case setuptools is typivally already there and yku dont get to choose the version14:24
rm_workthis is going to be a tough one, i already proposed a fix to requirements but was told "not going to happen"14:25
rm_workwe can't bump U-C in such an old release14:25
rm_worksince it will affect all kinds of things14:25
clarkbkill the branch and move on?14:25
rm_workwhich leaves me with hacking around the setuptools version maybe14:25
rm_worklol are we allowed to just... kill rocky?14:26
rm_workI thought it was mandated as a LTS or something14:26
clarkbif it doesnt work and no one is willing to fix it14:26
clarkbthats my suggestion14:26
rm_workheh k, noted14:26
rm_workwell I am totally there with you...14:26
rm_workI just don't know if that's... allowed :D will ask around14:26
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add support for installing python with pyenv
fungirm_work: the extended maintenance description in the stable branch chapter of openstack's project teams guide says you can switch the branch to unmaintained whenever you like, especially if you can no longer effectively run ci jobs15:06
rm_workcool :)15:07
openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Consolidate meeting channels
fungirm_work: but also that dropping a bunch of ci jobs during extended maintenance is acceptable if you prefer15:07
rm_workmay just ... turn off queens/rocky due to CI being essentially unfixable15:07
fungithat was in fact predicted when the extended maintenance model was designed15:08
openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Update chairs list
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rm_workso what was the thing about pyproject.toml?15:27
rm_workclarkb: that would somehow let us pin setuptools?15:27
rm_workIE, pre-install downgrade it?15:27
rm_workdo you have any examples of that handy, or even know some project I can glance at?15:28
mordredno - it's a whole thing that we haven't even begun to investigate15:28
mordredso far there is zero work in figuring out how it fits into the openstack ecosystem15:28
bcafarelAJaeger: clarkb: nice to hear, no periodic run today yet, I just fired a devstack DNM to confirm :)15:28
mordredand I expect it to be non-trivial15:28
* bcafarel likes bugs already fixed at report time15:29
mordredbcafarel: the best type of bug15:29
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Update instructions to match 2020
rm_workoh. k15:32
rm_workI thought that was advice for a specific thing15:32
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clarkbbcafarel: let us know when you get your results back16:00
clarkbinfra-root (mordred corvus fungi) has anyone started writing down the tasks for tomorrows downtime? We probably want a change in opendev/project-config to record the renames as well as an etherpad with the walkthrough?16:01
corvusclarkb: i'm unaware of that, but i agree that would be good.  well, i mean, a change to p-c for the renames is required, right? :)16:05
corvushere's the current steps:
corvusi assume we would do that first, then do the gerrit containerization upgrade16:06
clarkbthat sounds like a good way to order it16:06
corvusthe rename playbook starts gerrit and does a bunch of stuff16:07
corvusrenames groups and re-indexes....16:07
corvusmaybe we should do this in the other order?16:08
clarkbwe'd have to update the playbook to restart gerrit in the other new way but that is doable16:08
clarkb(or possibly just cut the playbook down to the spiderweb bits and do the start stops manually?)16:09
mordredactually - should we even have our gerrit playbooks run docker-compose up ?16:09
mordredwe don't normally let puppet try to start gerrit for us do we?16:09
corvusmordred: this is for the project rename playbook16:09
corvusoh i see, unrelated question16:10
corvusjust prompted by this discussion16:10
mordredyeah - more just thought about it from a "if we do the container patch then the rename patch"16:10
corvusmaybe we need to cut loose on that, and just plan on using emergency file more in those cases16:11
corvusbecause if we keep trying to do the analog of that with containers, we'll end up having our automation do less and less16:11
corvusthe rename playbook also does database changes at the start16:12
corvusmordred: is the current plan to continue using the same trove db?16:13
mordredcorvus: yes16:13
mordredit should be a mostly no-op change just to how the war is started - config files and dbs and whatnot should all be the same16:14
corvusmordred: have the change link handy?16:14
mordredcorvus: making it right now16:15
AJaegerclarkb: will we publish the infra-manual afterwards still to My rename changes moves it over to docs.opendev.org16:16
corvusmordred: so there's not really anything we need to do on the gerrit host for the container move; just stop the service, then start the container?16:16
mordredcorvus: yeah16:16
corvusmordred: we'll keep the same ssl certs?16:16
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
clarkbAJaeger: we should move it and add a redirect16:17
mordredcorvus: no, it'll shift to the LE certs16:17
AJaegerclarkb: Ok, then my change is good - and let me add a redirect...16:17
mordredoh wait - we're already using LE16:17
mordredyeah - it'll be the same certs16:17
corvusmordred: like, the same file locations?16:18
corvusmordred, clarkb:
mordredclarkb already switched review.o.o to use LE16:18
clarkbya weuse LE now becayseI didnt want to pay for new certs with switch so close :)16:19
clarkbAJaeger: tha ks!16:19
clarkbcorvus: I'll look after breakfast16:19
corvusmordred: getting the docker stuff installed and ready for docker-compose up without actually running it is going to be tricky16:20
mordredcorvus: hrm. yeah. I think I have an idea16:21
corvus(combining these two outages: rename + containerization seems to be the thing making this difficult; what's the rename again? i didn't see anything about it in clarkb's announcement)16:23
corvusi guess it's these 2:
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add flag to allow skipping docker-compose up
mordredcorvus: what if we do that ^^16:23
clarkbcorvus: yesthe two on the wiki16:24
mordredthen we can land both - nothing should change with the running gerrit - but we could go doublecheck files on disk and whatnot16:24
corvusclarkb: the second one, 712149 isn't a valid zuul config currently; does that need to be fixed?16:24
corvusmordred: yeah, that should work16:25
mordredand I think it's more in keeping with how we like to do gerrit things anyway atm16:25
mordredwe don't _really_ want an auto up with a new image if we land a point release image patch :)16:26
clarkbcorvus: AJaeger that needs a zuul tenant config change to have Zuul notice16:27
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update infra-manual links
clarkbAJaeger: can you double check 712149? it needs to be renamed in zuul/main.yaml too?16:31
corvusokay, i think that's the broad outline in the etherpad; if that looks good, we can expand it a bit to include more detail for the rename playbook step16:32
AJaegerclarkb: indeed, will fix16:33
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add ensure-python element
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/infra-manual master: Follow infra-manual move to opendev
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Move openstack/infra-manuals to opendev
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update infra-manual links
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update infra-manual links
AJaegerclarkb: updated and pushed additional changes to complete it ^16:39
clarkbthanks. corvus ^ fyi16:39
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add flag to allow skipping docker-compose up
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
mordredcorvus, clarkb: ^^16:40
corvusmordred: nice16:42
openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Update instructions to match 2020
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add containerfile element
clarkbmordred: a question by ttx elsewhere made me wonder, our images still build our fork of gerrit right?17:04
clarkbbecause we need that for the mysql fixes and the user cache lokkup bugfix17:04
corvusclarkb:   && wget -O /var/gerrit/bin/gerrit.war17:06
corvusis from the dockerfile17:06
corvusclarkb: modules/openstack_project/manifests/review.pp:        '',17:06
corvusclarkb: and that's from the puppet17:07
corvusso i think the answer is that the gerrit container uses the exact same war that puppet is currently using17:07
mordredyes, that's right17:11
mordredonce we update to 2.15 we will no longer be using a fork17:11
clarkbmordred: see comment on I think that is what the linter is angry about (but double check that I guess)17:17
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clarkbI've also left a couple questions on the etherpad that mordred and corvus may want to look at17:19
clarkbotherwise I think this is looking good17:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add flag to allow skipping docker-compose up
mordredclarkb: replied - and pushed that ^^ how's that look now?17:22
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clarkbmordred: needs a rebase now, but I think 924 should work17:25
clarkbwe only need to run init when we upgrade major versions right?17:25
mordredthat's right17:25
clarkbso this could be optimized further but its fine to run it as is17:25
mordredwhich is why it's really an opt-in action17:25
mordredthe biggest issue is that we need that volume list - so it's messy - but yeah17:26
clarkbmordred: is there any way to encode the tag filter in without needing to supply it on the command line?17:26
mordredclarkb: not that I know of?17:28
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/project-config master: March 20, 2020 project renames
clarkbthere is the rename script input file (and historical recording)17:32
clarkbI've put it on the etherpad17:32
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add flag to allow skipping docker-compose up
openstackgerritDonald Talton proposed opendev/meetbot master: Update meetbot to work under python3
mordredinfra-root: TIL about "tasks_from" argument to include_role. see usage in 71392417:38
mnaserwhere is the opendev python base and opendev python build images defined?17:38
mordredmnaser: system-config17:38
mnaserim wondering if there's a way to install an extra python package without adding it to requirements17:38
mnaserim thinking maybe add it to extras might be worth while17:39
mordredmnaser: so far we've just been adding them to the Dockefile in RUN steps17:39
mnaser(which btw, i found a bug in, you cant have comments on the same line as a dependency in extras)17:39
mordredmnaser: but - I bet something could be done? you got a concrete example?17:39
mnasermordred: adding uwsgi to the image without using system packages but without updating the dependencies of the entire project17:40
mnaser(in this case)17:40
mordredmnaser: ah. interesting17:40
mnasermordred: also, this breaks
mnaserwith "# is not a valid dependency"17:42
mordredmnaser: two thoughts ... a) we could add an env parameter something that defaults to empty that gets passed to assemble  b) or maybe define an extra that we always look for - but then youv'e got to add that extra everywhere ... c) might be worth making openstack downstream versions that just plop uwsgi into the mix17:42
clarkbcomments in ini files are after ; right?17:45
clarkbmnaser: ^ double check that # is valid in the file format17:45
mnaserclarkb: that's in setup.cfg17:46
clarkbright thats a python ini file17:46
mnaserim not familiar with the format, but that might be a thing17:46
clarkb # is valid too but maybe only on a line of its own?17:47
clarkbmnaser: I would try that, move the comment onto their own line and see if it is still mad17:48
mordredclarkb, corvus, mnaser: I'm gonna go ahead and land so it's there before mnaser gets too far down his current path17:55
clarkbmordred: ok17:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
clarkbmordred: cloudnull says you need to add the excention on the include tasks magic17:57
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mordredclarkb: yeah - I'm waiting to see test results - the docs say we don't18:05
mordredbut since we do run that in tests, we'll find out :)18:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mnaserUnable to freeze job graph: Job system-config-build-image-uwsgi-base depends on system-config-build-image-python-base which was not run.18:12
mnaserfunny bug18:12
mnaserwell, probably not funny18:12
mnasermordred: i think you need to add the uwsgi image to files:18:13
mnaserfor the base18:13
mordredmnaser: oh. right. that does need to be soft18:15
mordredone sec18:15
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mordredmnaser: that should be better18:16
mnasermordred: cool, i wonder if there's a way i can pull this locally and try it here18:20
mnaseri guess i can build locally and then tag it locally and keep iterating18:21
clarkbmordred: corvus fungi based on the etherpad I think things are coming together. Other than reviews of linked changes is there anything else we should be doing?18:22
fungithis morning has been a meeting scramble for me. i saw it in scrollback and have pulled it up but not gone over it carefully yet18:23
fungibut i trust your assessment of it18:24
clarkbthanks. I think it is coming together, just want to make sure I'm not neglecting things I can help wtih18:24
clarkbI'm about to enter my lunch and bike ride no/less computer time18:24
mordredmnaser: yeah - that's the shortest path for local iteration18:27
mordredclarkb: and no, I don't think so18:27
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mordredclarkb: this afternoon when you're back from bike ride - maybe let's land the gerrit ansible changes while watching them so we can verify that the files it's laying down on disk are all correct18:28
mnasermordred: just thought about it too i think having CMD ["/usr/bin/uwsgi"] might be a good idea too18:35
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add python-stow-versions element
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add python-stow-versions element
mordredmnaser: that's a good point18:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mordredthen the image just works with the appropriate env var and all is peachy18:39
mnasermordred: using your image, im cleaning it up more, but using port 80 means that when i drop privs so i dont run as root, i cant listen on port 80 with uwsgi19:04
bcafarelclarkb: AJaeger good news fedora job passed properly on indeed! I will check the periodic jobs tomorrow and close the LP then (for double checking)19:06
mordredmnaser: ah - good point19:07
mordredmnaser: maybe we should just pick a non-priv internal port - since it's going to be an external port mapping anyway19:07
mordredmnaser: or - honestly - feel free to push up changes as you hack on it :)19:07
mnasermordred: im kinda tempted to just not include the port and have services define the port in there19:08
mordredmnaser: wfm19:08
mordredmnaser: that would actually be nicer - because it would allow the normal port spread to happen and let people run with network: host19:09
mnasermordred: yep, i think that would be nice too if someone wants to do that19:09
mordredor not - really whatever the deployer wants to do should work in that context19:09
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mordredmnaser: want me to update the patch?19:10
mordredor you wanna push up things?19:10
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mnasermordred: ^ i had a few more things in there too19:10
AJaegerbcafarel: great!19:12
mordredmnaser: is that preferable to adding a USER line?19:13
mnasermordred: interesting, i didnt think about doing that, i think the benefit that this has is that we let uwsgi drop privs instead of doing it in the container19:13
mnaseri guess i will try that alternative19:14
mordredmnaser: but if it's opening ports after the drop - is that any better? mostly just talking out loud here19:14
mnasermordred: not really in this case honestly19:14
mnaserok let me revise locally19:14
mnaserran into another issue with the python3 plugin not being loaded for uwsgi19:15
mordredmnaser: ok - this is a bit more complex19:15
mnaserdoes that mean this becomes uwsgi-python-base19:16
mordredand we might want to go back to installing this a little different19:16
mnaseror we just assume people are using uwsgi for python only because they are sane19:16
mordredsince the python in these images is not distro python19:16
mnaseryeah but that's fine19:16
mnaserwe just need to install uwsgi-plugin-python319:16
mordredright - but that doesn't do what we want19:16
mordredbecause it wants to install a bunch of distro python because of deps19:17
* mordred is poking19:17
mnaseroh i see19:17
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add python-stow-versions element
mordredmnaser: update coming19:19
mnasermordred: maybe add "USER nobody:nogroup" in there too19:20
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add python-stow-versions element
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mordredmnaser: enjoy19:30
mnaseropenstackgerrit: oh interesting19:31
mnasermordred: poop19:33
mnaserpython: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory19:33
mnaserupon running + python sdist bdist_wheel -d /output/wheels19:33
mordredsorry - missed a git add19:33
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mnaseri love how that file forever remains (c) 2013 hp19:34
mnasergood times19:34
mnasermordred: poop x219:38
mnaserE: List directory /var/lib/apt/lists/partial is missing. - Acquire (13: Permission denied)19:38
mnaseruwsgi-base drops perms19:38
mnaserso we cant run apt install19:38
mnaserso either defer to letting consumers do USER nobody:nogroup *or* go back to using uwsgi_uid uwsgi_gid19:39
mordredmnaser: I think that's a good reason why to do the other thing19:39
mnaserok ill do that19:39
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/system-config master: Add a uwsgi-base container image
mnasergreat, i can use that to build keystone successfully19:46
mnasergranted i have "/etc/keystone/fernet-keys/ does not exist" but hey19:46
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mordredmnaser: yeah- but whatever - that's something youd' want to mount in anyway19:52
mnasermordred: yep, im trying a small docker-compose now to test it out19:53
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corvusmordred, clarkb, ianw: the test for the containerfile element in dib has passed:
corvusthere are 2 things i think we need to address there: 1) how we want to test that since it uses podman which requires installing a ppa on ubuntu20:05
corvus2) how to test that it actually produces a bootable image20:05
corvusbut we have at least achieved the milestone of having theoretically built a vm image from an arbitrary dockerfile20:06
mordredcorvus: woot!20:08
mordredcorvus: so we need podman ppa installed on the test node that dib is running on right/20:08
mordredcorvus: for 2 - we do have nodepool tests that run a nodepool, build an image and boot it - maybe we build on that?20:09
corvusmordred: yeah; i just stuck the 'install-podman' role in the job for that change in order to demo it; i need more feedback from folks to know the right way to test that.20:09
corvusmordred: yeah re 2 that sounds like it might be the way to go20:10
corvus(re 1, i think i would advocate extending the install-podman role to work on as many dib test platforms as possible, and using it there, and then skipping the test on non-conforming platforms)20:11
corvus(though right now, i think install-podman errors if you run it on an unsupported platform, so we'd have to soften that i think?)20:11
corvus(or otherwise make the inclusion of install-podman conditional)20:11
mordredyes to all of that20:17
mordredI think making it work on as many test platforms as possible seems like a great step - but then it's probably better to conditionally install it? or just not test building container-image dib images on non-podman supporting platforms?20:18
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corvusyeah, i think we'll have to skip the test on platforms that don't have podman available; and conditionally running the role is best, but just seems weird having to duplicate the platform logic.  but it's probably most correct.20:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add constraints support to python-builder
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add constraints support to python-builder
mordredmnaser: ^^ that should allow a pre-playbook to drop upper-constraints in place20:25
mnasermordred: oh neat.  that really just makes it natively happen20:25
openstackgerritBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/project-config master: Revise gerrit ACLs for devstack-plugin-open-cas
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add flag to allow skipping docker-compose up
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
mordredclarkb: ansible-lint actually caught a real error20:52
clarkbmordred: ya it does seem to catch real issues which is why I worry about dropping it. It just also complains about things that don't matter much :)20:53
mordredyup :)20:57
mordredcorvus: I got the JWT error again:
corvusmordred: 2 out of 2?21:07
mordredhappily uploaded in gate and failed in promote21:07
corvusmordred: hrm.  that's really hard to debug21:07
mordredyeah. I feel like maybe I just did something dumb somewhere?21:07
corvusmordred: i'm in a rabbit hole right now, but i can try to help out later21:08
mordredcorvus: k. no rush21:08
corvusmordred: (at this point, my debug strategy would probably be to try to run the role locally with the actual secret data and full debug)21:08
mordredyeah. I'm going to try cargo-culting something first - then that's next on my list21:10
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Create a download script
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Add a unicode file
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use rpm -e instead of dnf for cleaning old kernels
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Create a download script
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Add a unicode file
openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use rpm -e instead of dnf for cleaning old kernels
mordredinfra-root: could I get some reviews on and ?21:40
clarkbmordred: minor -1 on the second change21:44
clarkbI think its actually ok to land as is but the suggestion should reduce any potential for confusion21:45
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fungii have a minor question on the first one, but still +221:45
fungiahh, and my question is basically answered by the second change21:46
mordredclarkb: good call21:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
mordredfungi: yeah - normally we don't have cfg-mgmt start or stop gerrit - but we need it to start/stop automatically in the gate21:49
mordredthus the flag and stuff21:49
mordredclarkb, fungi: actually - let me add one more thing for clarity21:51
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
mordredclarkb, fungi: I think that's nicer now21:53
clarkboh and you added the second false flag21:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Rename remote_puppet_git to service-git
mordredyeah. just to be explicit21:55
mordredit defaults to false21:55
fungiit's like he's running an entire false flag campaign21:55
mordredbut we really dont' want it there21:55
* fungi sees what's really going on21:55
fungiper note in the etherpad, i approved those so if we *don't* want them merged today, lmk quickly or -2 the first one22:02
fungior wip or whatever22:03
mordredno - I think that's good22:03
mordredalthough terrifying still :)22:03
fungii trust zuul implicitly22:04
fungi(but really i trust our ability to fix things if they're terribly wrong)22:04
fungiand i'm around to scramble if they are22:05
mordredyeah. same here22:05
mordredI made a copy of review_site/etc to review_site/etc.bak - largely so we can easily check the results of the ansible run22:06
fungioh, that's smart22:06
clarkbI'm semi around, but not fully22:07
mordredI think that's most likely the place where we'll go "oh, crap - look we forgot to ..."22:07
fungisomebody clearly ate their wheaties[tm] this morning22:07
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Create a download script
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Add a unicode file
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: test-upload-logs-swift: add download script as an artifact
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Add flag to allow skipping docker-compose up
ianwinfra-root: ^^ could i get some reviews on 713998 there for the *test* of the log download script.  if there isn't enough interest to merge, i'll revert the whole thing, but it would be good for reviews to see an actual result22:13
fungiand if anyone needs a humor break, this was a fun blast from the past:
fungi`man ed` on my systems does still cite "Ed is the standard text editor"22:16
ianwfungi: s/When I log into my Xenix system with my 110 baud teletype, both vi*and* Emacs are just too damn slow./container/ and it's 2020 ready?22:18
clarkbfungi: "Ed is the 'standard' text editor in the sense that it is the original editor for Unix" is what mine says22:18
mordredianw: ++22:18
fungiclarkb: yup, i omitted the rest ;)22:18
mordredI have fixed a down system when ed was the only tool available before22:18
mordredWHAT NOW LINTERS22:20
fungithose are the "uphill both ways in the snow barefoot" stories we tell millennial sysadmins22:20
mordredoh. hahahahaha22:20
JayFfungi: I always thought that was
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: test-upload-logs-swift: add download script as an artifact
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Revert "upload-logs-swift: test bulk download script change"
fungior as i saw someone else say once, (paraphrasing) "ed's primary use is taunting sysadmins with too much hue in their beards"22:21
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
mordredfungi, clarkb: ^^22:22
mordredforgot to, you know, remove gerrit also from the test fixture for puppet22:22
clarkbdid it break again?22:22
mordredclarkb: didn't update a test22:22
mordredclarkb: I thnik you'll enjoy the thing22:22
clarkbgroup tests22:22
fungiianw: 592341 seems to depend on an old patchset of 71399822:26
mordredfungi: mind giving another +A?22:26
corvusmordred: how are we looking for tomorrow?22:26
corvusi lost my etherpad link22:27
mordredcorvus: and pretty good - wanna look at ?22:27
mordred(we had to iterate on it a couple of times)22:28
corvusmordred: lgtm!22:28
mordredcorvus: I copied review_site/etc to review_site/etc.bak - so we can double-check what ansible is splatting out22:29
corvusi'm about to head out for a shopping trip (?!?!?!) so i'm not going to approve right now, but i support you approving it if you're ready22:29
mordredcorvus: enjoy your shopping trip!22:29
ianwfungi: umm there is only one revision of 713998 so there couldn't be an old one?22:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Rename remote_puppet_git to service-git
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove unused gerrit puppet things
corvusmordred: i will perform only the following essential activity: obtaining essential supplies from essential buisenesses!22:30
fungiianw: hum, i see two?22:30
ianwfungi: ohh, it rebased22:31
fungisecond is a rebase22:31
fungibut gerrit's going to claim that 592341 can't merge22:31
fungidue to the git parent no longer having any chance of appearing in the branch history22:32
clarkbcorvus: good luck with the hsopping22:32
clarkbmy brothre tried to find tp yesterday22:32
clarkbwas not successful so we've had to take local inventory and may start rationing it out22:33
mordredhave you considered ordering from amazon?22:33
clarkbyou can't right now22:33
clarkbthey are completely out of stock22:33
clarkb(we tried)22:33
clarkbthankfully for us amazon did eventually deliver our normal monthly supply via subscribe and save22:34
clarkbso we are set here and can manage with rationing to siblings22:34
mordredI continue to be sad that we haven't ordered japanese toilet seats yet22:35
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Create a download script
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Add a unicode file
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ianwfungi: thanks, that should have sorted it.  short story is add 713998 to test it, vote on 592341 and either merge that or merge 714000 to get rid of it all22:39
ianw(i think the numbers give away that i let that sit for too long)22:40
fungiianw: yup, makes sense. i'm good with 713998, still looking at the rest22:41
ianwfungi: i know you're on record as thinking curl | bash is an anti-pattern.  i'm not sure if the generation coming from a protected job sways you that the convenience for casual users makes it useful.22:43
fungiit's really not so much a case-by-case basis for me, more that any time you tell users it's okay they're likely to be desensitized to the risks of doing it for unrelated cases22:46
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Revert "upload-logs-swift: test bulk download script change"
fungibut hey, at least it's not curl | sudo bash22:48
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fungiapropos of the debian community is using peertube now:
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Switch to running gerrit via ansible+containers
corvusclarkb: at the local supermarket: still no tp, clorox, flour, sugar.  and they're rationing eggs now.23:34
clarkbcorvus: rice and beans at least?23:34
clarkbI did my part and picked up sardines because I actually like them :)23:35
corvusclarkb: very little rice and beans; but they did actually have a few bags of generic "long grain" rice23:35
corvusand a few boutique grains23:36
corvus(our local produce market had no bulk grains/beans except split peas.  fully stocked on split peas)23:36
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