Thursday, 2020-04-30

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clarkblooks like mnaser is trying to work up a fix overin #zuul00:04
clarkb(it was broken in zuul-jobs looks like)00:04
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix incorrect variable name for promote-docker-image
mordredclarkb: yes - i do think we should also cache the static resources00:05
mnaserand also on that note ^00:05
mordredclarkb: they're all designed to be aggressively cached - new updates to the bundles will cause a new sha in the filename00:05
* mnaser goes to nom00:06
clarkbmordred: ok let me work up that change now00:06
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Cache static zuul resources in apache
clarkbmordred: ^00:13
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix incorrect variable name for promote-docker-image
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kevinzfungi:clarkb:hrw: ianw: As discussed, I've enlarged the Cinder Quota to 2000gb now for os-control.01:05
ianwkevinz: thanks!  i can add a volume for afs cache, unless fungi wants too01:06
kevinziaw: :-) Please let me know if it is fine to use.01:07
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: infra-package-needs: drop ntp for Focal
ianwkevinz: how's the devstack arm64 work going?  last run i saw i thought may have been related to mirror errors01:18
kevinzianw: let me check01:32
kevinzianw: this time the devstack cluster has setup and it is running the tempest01:34
kevinzianw: Thanks!01:34
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: [wip] boot test of project-config elements
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: [wip] boot test of project-config elements
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: [wip] boot test of project-config elements
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: [wip] boot test of project-config elements
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: [wip] boot test of project-config elements
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Boot test of project-config elements
ianwxecuting: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.amtrfMiWFc/ --keyserver --recv 2B5DE24F0EC9F98BD2F85CA315B6CE7C018D05F502:57
ianw^ this is a pretty common cause of image build timeouts02:57
ianwi wonder if there's a better way to cache that02:57
ianwkevinz: it looks like the cirros boot failed?
clarkbianw: I thinj we can just copy the public key and tben addit to the trust chain for apt03:08
ianwerror: you need to load the kernel first. Press any key to continue... Failed to boot both default and fallback entries.03:09
ianwhrw: ^ long shot but maybe that triggers a "i know what that is" moment? :)03:10
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AJaegerconfig-core, please review and
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire airship-in-a-bottle
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/project-config master: Add mirroring for SIG and other misc repos
hrwianw: looks like broken image08:28
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/project-config master: Add mirroring for SIG and other misc repos
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zbrianw: can you please abandon
zbri wanted to do some cleanup, but i have no power to abandon them08:41
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/project-config master: Add mirroring for SIG and other misc repos
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed opendev/bindep master: Add OracleLinux support
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Only push required projects
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea zbr proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-docker: workaround for centos-8 conflicts
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Only push required projects
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kevinzianw: sorry for late reply. I manually run the tempest and it passed. It looks the test is not very stable10:34
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ttxHi everyone, we have a problem with tarball publication to The uploaded tarballs no longer show up. Worked until 2020-04-28 14:50, failed since 2020-04-29 12:1911:47
ttxJobs report success, like for example ironic-15.0.0.tar.gz being uploaded to AFS at:
ttxAnd yet, it does not show up at
ttxcc: fungi, corvus11:50
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fricklerinfra-root: ^^ the files are in /afs/ , but not in /afs/ , not sure why the release is failing or not happening12:36
fricklerinfra-root: also two of our hourly jobs seem broken:
* frickler is about to head into a long weekend, can't dig further12:43
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/project-config master: Create ansible-role-boto3 project
mordredfrickler: have a good long weekend!12:50
AJaegermordred: could you review, please? That should finish the openstack git mirroring...12:52
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Test zuul-executor on focal
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: infra-package-needs: drop ntp for Focal
fungifrickler: ttx: thanks, so sounds like the periodic vos release of the tarballs volume has stopped running? i'll check logs in a moment13:12
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AJaegerfungi, mordred: could you review, please? That should finish the openstack git mirroring...13:32
AJaegerthx, fungi13:35
fungiyou bet13:36
fungistill unwinding what the current state of batch vos release is, and why it stopped happening two days ago13:36
AJaegeryeah, that's strange13:37
fungialso, zuul-web is already back to being the highest memory-using process on zuul.o.o13:37
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/ansible-role-puppet master: Add flag to control logging the rsyncs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add mirroring for SIG and other misc repos
fungiokay, so it appears /opt/afs-release/ runs every 5 minutes via cron on to batch release volumes like the one for the tarballs site, and its log is perpetually complaining "Unable to get lockfile!" since 2020-04-28 20:0013:50
fungiaccording to lsof, /var/run/release-volumes.lock has an open file handle for a process running since the 28th13:53
fungips says it has a child process running `vos examine docs`13:55
fungiand strace of that child pid shows it's perpetually waiting on a private futex13:55
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fungi says afs01.dfw was rebooted around that time due to hypervisor host problems13:56
fungiso i'll wager this is related to that event13:56
fungii'll try killing the vox examine and see if that unsticks it13:57
fungisending it a hup seems to have done the trick13:57
fungino remaining hold on the lockfile now13:58
fungiit dumped a traceback into the release-volumes log, next run should be in ~1 minute so i'm tailing the log to make sure it completes normally this time13:58
fungiit started at 14:00 but is still running. it starts with the docs volume, and since there's two days of churn to push out this will probably take some time14:05
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pabelangerhi! do you think I could get a +A on a new project for windmill?
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AJaegerpabelanger: do you have any content to import or want to start from scratch?14:14
pabelangerAJaeger: from scratch for this one14:15
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fungiit's gotten to the tarballs volume now14:17
AJaegerpabelanger: +2A14:20
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fungittx: the tarballs volume was released successully as of 14:18:0514:22
fungiplease double-check that things look the way you expect now14:22
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pabelangerAJaeger: thank you14:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Create ansible-role-boto3 project
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ttxfungi: looks good to me14:41
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ttxfungi: it's a bit hard to detect that failure, since the upload completes successfully... hopefully it won;t happen again14:42
corvusi'm going to re-enqueue 723855 into promote to get a new set of zuul images14:44
corvusthen i'll restart zuul-web with that14:46
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fungittx: yes, the summary is that there was some underlying problem in rackspace which hung one of our afs servers, creating a pathological condition for some afs clients. apparently one was the script performing our batch releases of content updates for the public read-only volumes backing sites like tarballs.o.o14:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Run cloud_launcher from zuul
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop logging the rsync of puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use zuul checkouts of ansible roles from other repos
fungittx: so uploads to the read-write volume/filesystem were successful, they just weren't being reflected by the website itself14:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix another incorrect variable name for promote-docker-image
openstackgerritPaul Albertella proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add Bazel build and ensure roles
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Run cloud_launcher from zuul
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use zuul checkouts of ansible roles from other repos
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop logging the rsync of puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop removing cloud-launcher cron
mordredcorvus: yesterday's "let's not log the rsyncs for puppet" task led me down the rabbit hole of "let's make sure we're running our ansible roles from zuul checkouts so that depends-on works"15:11
clarkbfungi: re zuul-web see corvus message at 14:44. We never ended up with a newer image promotion yesterday due to job bugs15:17
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix another incorrect variable name for promote-docker-image
fungiclarkb: yep15:17
clarkbinfra-root have a moment for it is epxected to fix a job failure preventing the system-config zuul.d change from merging15:18
clarkbfungi: no lists oom this morning either15:18
openstackgerritPaul Albertella proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add Bazel build and ensure roles
clarkbmaybe semrush bot is also making zuul-web unhappy?15:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Test zuul-executor on focal
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Run cloud_launcher from zuul
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use zuul checkouts of ansible roles from other repos
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop logging the rsync of puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop removing cloud-launcher cron
mordredclarkb: don't hate me ... but I've got another change that touches a non-zero amount of .zuul.yaml - have you updated your split-zuul-yaml patch yet?15:48
clarkbmordred: not yet but we need job fixes anyway so I plan to redo it once job things should be happy15:51
mordredclarkb: cool. I thnik the thing I've got in flight should be reasonable enough to land pretty quickly15:51
mordredclarkb: 724682 - use ansible roles from zuul intead of direct clones15:52
mordredit came from a "I made a change in the ansible-role-puppet repo and I want to depends-on it in system-config to see it work but that's not a thing" moment this morning :)15:53
clarkbmordred: k will try to digest it shortly16:03
mordredclarkb: no rush16:04
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clarkbmordred: left a couple notes on it. I don't think either thing is critical16:22
mordredk. I've also got a path thing to fix :)16:24
clarkbfwiw there are SemrushBot entries in zuul web's access logs, but a tiny number of them compared to lists16:27
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use zuul checkouts of ansible roles from other repos
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop logging the rsync of puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop removing cloud-launcher cron
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Test zuul-executor on focal
mordredstab stab stab16:31
mordredclarkb, donnyd: the attempt to get zuul-jobs-test-registry-docker-multiarch to run on an ipv6-only node is failing - I'm using nested-virt-ubuntu-bionic but that seems to have vexxhost and ovh in it16:34
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donnydmordred: I don't think I have that label in OE16:34
clarkbmordred: re is the dest value there correct?16:35
donnydoh I was looking in the wrong section16:35
clarkbmordred: donnyd ya this si what I was trying to point out. We don't really have a good cross section for ipv6 only labels16:36
mordredclarkb: nope!16:36
donnydgive that one a whirl instead16:36
donnydI think that is OE only16:36
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mordreddonnyd: ++ thanks!16:36
clarkbya the numa might be the only OE unique labels16:36
donnydIt is a good point - clarkb do you think we should have something that calls out ipv6 specifically ?16:37
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM Run builder tests on expanded node
clarkbdonnyd: if we get more of these things popping up then adding a limestone + OE label for ipv6 might be a good idea16:37
clarkbfor now I think we can get by with overloading numa, but if we see this occuring more often then a specific label will make it easier16:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use zuul checkouts of ansible roles from other repos
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop logging the rsync of puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop removing cloud-launcher cron
donnydthere are 10 available slots and I can always bump that number if its being used more16:38
mordredwell - in this case I think as long as we can get one run there we should be ok16:38
mordredI don't think we need to run there on every patch - it's more just a verificaiton that a specific ipv6 thing worked16:39
clarkbI think for this case that is definitely good enough16:41
openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-mailman master: Create /srv/mailman
openstackgerritPaul Albertella proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add Bazel build and ensure roles
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM Run builder tests on multi-numa-ubuntu-bionic node
clarkb\o/ system-config-run-lists succeeds now17:30
clarkbmordred: where are we on nodepool ansible docker things? That is the last outstanding issue for the system config job split17:31
mordredclarkb: it's ready - as soon as we're ready to roll it out, watch it - and then chown / restart things17:32
mordredclarkb: the other pre-split patch - amusingly enough - failed on run-lists :)17:33
mordredclarkb: rebasing/rechecking should clear that now I'd imagine, right?17:33
clarkbmordred: just a recheck (the fix was in puppet-mailman)17:33
mordredclarkb: cool - recheck done17:34
mordredotherwise the patch is green: and
clarkbmordred: one thing I'm semi worried about as a general thing is we landed a change to puppet-mailman but nothing is running infra-prod-lists as a result17:34
mordredclarkb: although I'm betting it's going to conflict on the nodepool patch17:34
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: use-buildset-registry: add Fedora certifacts vars
mordredso maybe I should stack it on top of nodepool, we can land/roll out nodepool, then land it - then do the split?17:34
clarkbmordred: in this case we are ensuring a preexisting dir is a dir in puppet so it should noop and be totally be fine, but in general we may want to more aggreveiyl run things so they don't break hours later17:34
clarkbmordred: the split will conflict I'm almost sure of it. I was just going to redo it again once you landed the nodepool things17:35
mordredclarkb: yes - as a followup to the "run ansible roles from zuul" change I want to make a similar one for running puppet modules from zuul git - and then we can start adding the system-config run jobs to the puppet modules17:35
clarkbmordred: my concern with rebasing it on top is if other things land too17:35
mordredclarkb: yeah - I'm saying I think I want to rebase my "run ansible roles" patch on top of the nodepool patch - since I know they have a conflict - then let's land both of them, then you an re-do the split patch17:36
clarkbmordred: basically rebasing on the nodepool change isn't necessarily enough if the nodepool change ends up behind master too17:36
clarkboh I see17:36
clarkbgot change streams crossed17:36
mordredbecause I think we're pretty much ready to land nodepool17:36
clarkbmordred: it also looks like we haven't run puppet on lists in days17:37
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Run nodepool launchers with ansible and containers
clarkbis that expected? I thought at the very least we were running things daily17:37
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clarkbinfra-prod-remote-puppet-else that is the job that should hit lists I think17:38
clarkband we run that hourly17:39
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Run cloud_launcher from zuul
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use zuul checkouts of ansible roles from other repos
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop logging the rsync of puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop removing cloud-launcher cron
mordredclarkb: I agree- I think we recently fixed an issue with remote-puppet-else - maybe there's another one?17:40
mordredclarkb: oh - no - infra-prod-run-lists is the lists puppet job17:40
mordrednope. I take that back - you were right17:41
mordredI don't know why puppet hasn't run on lists -we should be running it hourly17:41
clarkbmordred: I think I know17:42
clarkbmordred: we stopped logging to syslog :)17:42
clarkband I've become so accustomed to check that that I assumed no syslog means no runs :)17:42
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update query for bug 1840159
openstackbug 1840159 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova-grenade-live-migration intermittently fails with "Error monitoring migration: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock (held by remoteDispatchDomainMigratePerform3Params)"" [Low,Confirmed]
clarkbmordred: I've found it in the most recent infra-prod-remote-puppet-else job so I think it is actually being puppeted hourly17:43
clarkbmordred: what I notice in ^ is we don't have timestamp logs like we did with syslog17:43
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Update query for bug 1840159
clarkbNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 3.49 seconds <- probably is I don't know when it did that17:43
clarkbit was near Thursday 30 April 2020  17:39:47 +0000 I think17:44
mordredclarkb: yeah - also - we seem to only have old saved log files17:44
mordredclarkb: is our clean-old-logs logic backwards?17:44
mordredthe most recent one we have is remote-puppet-else.yaml.log.2020-04-20T15:21:24Z - and then the most current17:45
clarkbmordred: remote_puppet_else.yaml.log.2020-04-30T16:26:02Z that exists too17:45
clarkbI think you are just sorted in reverse?17:45
clarkbanyway I think this is all workign largely as expected and I just need to stop looking at syslog first17:46
clarkbif we can work timestamps into those puppet logs in ansible that would be extra good17:46
mordredclarkb: root@bridge:/var/log/ansible# ls -ltra remote-puppet-else.yaml.log*17:46
mordredclarkb: I'm not seeing ... OH17:46
mordredclarkb: got it :)17:47
clarkbunderscores vs -'s17:47
clarkb(I guess the playbook changed its name?)17:48
mordredclarkb:   : ok=24   changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=17   rescued=0    ignored=017:48
mordredwe failed on logstash in the one I opened up17:48
mordredclarkb:     : ok=24   changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=17   rescued=0    ignored=017:49
mordredin the one before that17:49
clarkbmordred: is there a way to make the puppte logs more useful in ansible?17:49
clarkb(I don't want to suggest it but honestly syslog was way more useful for debugging why and how puppet didn't work)17:49
clarkbmordred: Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/git fetch origin' returned 128: fatal: unable to access '': GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.17:50
clarkbthats the logstash error17:50
mordredclarkb: I'm sure there is - or we can go back to the other thing17:50
mordredI found the syslog thing horrific - but I seem to be the only one who did :)17:51
clarkbthat git repo still exists, was just a github blip I guess17:51
clarkbmordred: in particular I don't want split stdout and stderr especially without timestamps because the order of those lines is important to udnerstanding where puppet went wrong17:51
clarkbwith timestamps we'd at least be able to compare them17:51
mordredclarkb: I don't think the puppet role is running17:51
mordredand I thnik it's not running silently17:51
mordredclarkb: look at remote_puppet_else.yaml.log.2020-04-30T15\:32\:32Z17:52
clarkbmordred: puppet is running the logs for logsatsh are from puppet17:52
clarkbit failed in puppet trying to fetch from github17:52
mordredclarkb: there is nothing after disable puppet agent in the log17:52
mordredhrm - really?17:52
clarkbmordred: ya look in the most recent file without a timestamp17:52
mordredoh - I guess so17:52
mordredI'm with you17:53
clarkbfor me I think the ~3 things I would try and address with logging are timestamps with puppet output, combining stderr and stdout if possible (in order they are emitted), and better identifying what tasks the stdout and stderr belong to17:53
clarkbI don't think figuring that out is an emergency but something to keep in mind as we ansible more17:54
mordredclarkb: yeah - unfortunately combining stdout/stderr would require running hte zuul callback plugin :)17:54
mordredor - writing our own17:54
clarkbmordred: we could also have the command combine them17:54
clarkbpuppet-apply 2>&1 for whatever17:55
mordredthat's true - maybe we should do that in the short term17:55
clarkb(that might also be the way we add timestamps is via wrappign the command with something like what devstack does/did)17:55
mordredassuming the puppet output is incremental and not batched17:55
fungizbr: you were saying in #zuul you have a google analytics cookie which was set by if so, i'd like to figure out how and where it came from17:55
clarkbmordred: I want to say it is when run interactively, I distinctly remember getting christmas tree output in scrolly fashion17:56
mordredclarkb: I believe you are correct17:59
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clarkbfungi: zbr as a sanity check neither nor have a ga cookie in firefox for me. However, I block so much stuff its possible that I'm filtering that at a higher level. However, I am not aware of anywhere we set up ga for so would be very surprised to see that we do18:00
clarkbI agree more details would be useful if they can be shared18:01
zbrinteresting because i seen one in by browser, but i have no idea where it came from.18:01
mordredclarkb: sigh:     rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd) ... it's going to be slightly harder to combine than just adding 2>&118:01
clarkbzbr: can you double check it is for
clarkbzbr: see fungi's note18:01
clarkbmordred: I think we'll just get an empty stderr in that case?18:01
clarkbmordred: we might have to switch to shell over command though18:01
zbrit is for to be precise.18:02
clarkbzbr: and it is present on
zbrobviously, that is the meaning of using "."18:02
clarkbno its not obvious neither fungi nor I can reprdouce that and nowhere do we configure google analytics in our config management18:03
fungizbr: using the web inspector storage tab in ff to look at cookies for, i don't see a _ga one18:03
fungithere's a gitea cookie, a csrf cookie and a lang cookie18:03
mordredclarkb: we are not using shell or command18:04
clarkband on is a zuul_filter_string18:04
clarkbmordred: oh right its python module, got it18:04
mordredclarkb: we have a custom python module that runs puppet18:04
mordredclarkb: you know ...18:04
fungizbr: if i go to as you mentioned, i see no cookies set at all18:04
mordredclarkb: we COULD have the python module just return the constructed command string18:04
mordredand then run it with shell18:04
mordredoh - but then we'd have to manage return codes in ansible18:05
fungizbr: wow, i'd love to know what set that. i don't think anything we're running would have18:05
clarkbfungi: is it possible something from set that?18:05
mordredclarkb: Imma try it anyway18:05
clarkbmordred: or set up the subprocess to combine sterr and stdout18:05
zbri am not sure who, maybe is a browser extension.18:05
mordredclarkb: we do not have control over the subprocess18:05
mordredclarkb: that's done in the python in module.run_command18:06
fungiclarkb: i hope not or we're going to have to find some way to filter cookies from the docs site18:06
clarkbzbr: what re teh contents of the cookie? ( can that generally be shared?)18:06
mordredwe could copy module.run_command in to the puppet module and modify it - but it's not small18:06
clarkbmordred: hrm ya I've not got better ideas then18:06
clarkb(I'm hoping the contents might better hint at its origin)18:07
zbris already visible in the screenshot, afaik is an unique identifier used by google, so now you could track my ff visits :)18:08
fungii have a sinking feeling google would rather you not know who's setting that cookie18:08
fungibut yeah, the "content" of that cookie is just what's in the value column there in the screenshot18:08
fungiwhatever you've happened across which set that cookie, i have not managed to wind up with the same18:09
fungibut it's possible it was blocked by my strict no-track browser settings or one of the tracker-blocking extensions i have loaded (eff privacy badger, ddg privacy essentials...)18:09
clarkb has no results18:10
AJaegerzbr: which URL are you visiting?18:10
fungiAJaeger: zuul.opendev.org18:10
clarkbfungi: ya I go a step further and block things in my firewall and dns too18:11
fungifwiw, the extensions i've got loaded show that they see 0 trackers on that site, so they don't seem to be blocking anything there18:11
AJaegerI can't reproduce that and I'm puzzled18:11
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/ansible-role-puppet master: Run puppet in shell and combine stderr/stdout
mordredclarkb: ^^18:11
* AJaeger has only "zuul_filter_string" on, no other cookie18:12
AJaegerand I just disabled extensions etc18:12
mordredclarkb: I think if we like that- we should just copy the puppet role into system-config, retire ansible-role-puppet and remove a bunch of the configurability - because I thnk we're potentially well past "this is a general purpose role for running puppet"18:12
fungizbr: you will definitely find a domain-wide _ga cookie being set for though and that's the osf's doing (and one of the reasons we would like to relocate opendev services to a domain where we control everything running there)18:12
clarkbthinking about where it could be coming from: could one of zuul web's js libs be setting it?18:14
clarkbor something in docs?18:14
AJaegeropenstackdocstheme sets a cookie - but your search should have found that one18:14
clarkbAJaeger: well lets double check18:15
fungii suppose it's possible anything published to with openstackdocstheme could have dynamically added a cookie, i suppose18:15
mordredclarkb, fungi, AJaeger: I see ga( being called in a few places:18:16
AJaegeropenstackdocstheme does not enable the cookie anymore18:16
AJaegersee I156151c3f458931f13716b4a32087afe5748379418:16
AJaegerand I don't see us setting the code - nice ;)18:16
mordredmaybe this is an old cookie that got set for zbr before it was disabled?18:17
AJaegerclarkb: see
AJaegerand we do not define the var18:17
mordredI agree18:18
fungientirely possible that was set by something which no longer sets it, yeah18:18
zbri am not worried much about the _ga subject18:18
fungiinfra-root: should i restart zuul-web's container again? we're down to ~5gb ram remaining on the server18:19
clarkbfungi: I think corvus was waiting for new image to be available (I'm not sure where that is in the promotion pipeline)18:19
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fungiahh, that'll probably be fine18:20
fungirate of growth is not entirely linear, but looks like we'll survive at least a few more hours18:20
sangeetI am trying to find the lable for 32gb node for ubuntu for zuul .. please help18:20
mordredclarkb, fungi I just pinged you in #zuul by mistake18:21
AJaegerso, docs.o.o index pages do have the analytics code, but not the project content below that18:21
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mordredfor the record here:18:21
mordredclarkb: I'm still getting a puppet error on lists in the gate:
clarkbAJaeger: .o.o is or ? or maybe both?18:21
mordredclarkb: and it's because you fixed listpassword in a different change:
mordredfungi: ^^ would you mind reviewing that?18:22
mordredfungi: yay! thank you18:22
AJaegerclarkb: docs.openstack.org18:22
fungimordred: yeah, sorry, i approved it after you pinged me in #zuul18:22
AJaegerclarkb: on we have no indices ;)18:23
mordredfungi: that's great! - no apology needed18:23
mordredalso - booyah - - focal tests passing18:23
mordredclarkb, fungi, corvus: is green, should be safe to land - but it updates us to work on focal so we can start rolling out zuul-executor replacement servers using focal18:24
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/project-config master: Add semaphore to publish-tox-docs-releases job
clarkbAJaeger: is it a different value or the same value?18:25
AJaegerclarkb: the docs.o.o _ga is a different value than the one zbr showed18:27
zbrAJaeger: to be clear, _ga value is unique to each user!18:27
zbrits value will not help you identify who created in any way18:28
clarkbit must be hashed with the site identifer then18:28
zbrit could as well be a randomnumber18:28
clarkbzbr: if you delete it does it come back?18:28
clarkb(that might be the easiest way to try and track it down?)18:28
zbri removed it, it is gone18:30
clarkbwe can probably grep over our afs content to double check things there. It will be potentially slow18:31
clarkbthe other place it could be is zuul-preview?18:31
fungithat's possible, yep18:32
clarkbthe logs themselves aren't served via so couldn't set an cookie18:32
clarkbI'm going to pop out for an early lunch now, back in a bit.18:33
clarkbmordred: do I need to rereview nodepool things?18:33
fungiclarkb: also a very remote possibility, any of the site content we proxy could set cookies for our domain if a browser views them18:38
clarkbfungi: oh like pypi?18:38
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fungi(e.g., through our ci "mirror" proxies)18:38
fungii think they'd have to know they were being proxied and set the right domain in them though18:38
fungiapache isn't going to rewrite the domains in them on the fly18:39
clarkbit does in headers but not content18:39
corvusi'll look at restarting zuul-web now18:41
fungiclarkb: from what i'm reading you need to use mod_headers to get that behavior18:41
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Set up robots.txt on lists servers
corvuszbr: i just restarted zuul-web, and it should have included your wrap change but i don't see it in effect here:
corvusi have confirmed that pip freeze say we're running CherryPy==18.3.018:45
corvus#status log restarted zuul-web with image built from equivalent of zuul commit d17b8e7f7f5b68c93c6d2bdba1b94df87f8ee93d  (cherrypy pin 18.3.0)18:46
openstackstatuscorvus: finished logging18:46
corvusit looks like we probably have enough of a history of memory growth with clarkb's change in place we can compare the memory growth over the next little bit with that18:48
mordredclarkb: yes please - a re-review of nodepool would be great18:55
mordredclarkb: I'm rechecking now that your lists fix is landed18:55
donnydcould someone point me to the repo where we build our cloud images19:02
donnydpretty please19:02
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop logging the rsync of puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop removing cloud-launcher cron
clarkbdonnyd: openstack/project-config/nodepool19:03
mordredcorvus, clarkb: the nodepool patch, - is a rebase from the previous patch to deal with a merge conflict19:03
clarkbthats the configs and elements that produce the images if that is ehat you mean19:03
fungidonnyd: maybe you're looking for
fungithat's basically nodepool's entry point for definining what goes into images (which dib elements to include, what variables to set...)19:06
donnydthanks clarkb and fungi19:06
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/project-config master: Add semaphore to publish-tox-docs-releases job
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: use-buildset-registry: remove unused test library from remarshal
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add semaphore to publish-tox-docs-releases job
mordredclarkb: woot - is green. it's stacked on top of nodepool19:38
mordredso when you get to the nodepool change - if you can review it too I think that's the last big .zuul.yaml change before re-doing the split19:38
mordredcorvus: ^^ same to you19:39
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Control log archive and user preservation with vars
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Control log archive and user preservation with vars
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Control log archive and user preservation with vars
openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Change Meeting Room for StoryBoard Meeting
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add configure-podman-registry role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM Check to see if images from intermediate work
clarkbmordred: I've +2'd the nodepool change: but not approved it because I don't think I'm in a great spot to clsoely monitor that right now20:32
* clarkb needs to write emails and stuff20:32
mordredclarkb: ++20:33
mordredclarkb: let's +A it when we're appropriately ready20:33
fungiclarkb: was supposed to actually include the logo file? did you forget to git add, or is there a followup change?20:34
fungi is a 404 for me20:35
clarkbfungi: I think I failed to git add20:35
clarkbhrm working dir is clean too20:36
fungii wanted to reuse that for a new project, which is how i discovered the file is not actually present20:36
openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Change Meeting Room for StoryBoard Meeting
clarkbfungi: it is present in infra-manual20:36
clarkbfungi: let me fix system-config real quick20:36
fungicool, i'll snag it from there. thanks!!!20:36
fungiand happy to review20:36
donnyddoes anyone know if there is an element in DIB to tell it how large you want an image to be?20:37
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add logo file to docs
fungidonnyd: the rootfs size should be determined by the instance flavor in nova20:38
clarkbdonnyd: there is a var you can set, by default it does some headroom over the size of things it built. Then you can add growroot element to fill available disk when booted20:39
clarkbseparately you can set up a partition table but that is under documented and may be a fun journey :)20:39
donnydfungi: I dont' really have that option for this case20:39
fungiyeah, so clarkb's suggestion then20:39
clarkbdonnyd: what are you trying to do with the sizing?20:39
clarkbdonnyd: DIB_IMAGE_SIZE is the var20:39
donnydI need to create a image that is a specific size that is large than the defaults20:40
donnydwhere did you find that clarkb20:40
fungihopefully it's in the diskimage-builder docs20:40
clarkbdonnyd: doc/source/user_guide/building_an_image.rst20:40
clarkbfungi: yup20:40
clarkbdonnyd: looks like --image-size is the comamnd line flag that maps to that env var so can set it both ways20:41
donnydthank you - that is exactly what I am looking for20:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Write a buildkitd config file pointing to buildset registry
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clarkbmordred: cloud launcher change lgtm too. I did leave a couple notes on the change but meh I'm overthinking it probably20:58
clarkbmordred: bug on
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mordredclarkb: thanks - how does that look? now?21:12
clarkbmordred: +2 looks great21:13
clarkbfungi (and others)
clarkbthat came up on Tuesday's meeting and I promised I'd send and explicit volunteer post to the list before the deadline21:17
fungiyou've got my vote! ;)21:19
melwitthm, looks like the openstackgerritbot left all channels21:27
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fungiit does look that way. checking on it now21:31
smcginnisPoor little bot.21:31
fungideparted at 20:53 with no clear explanation21:31
fungioh, <-- openstackgerrit ( has quit (*.net .split)21:32
fungia few other users fell off at the same time21:32
fungiand then returned moments later21:32
fungibut not so much the bot21:33
fungi#status log restarted gerritbot after it failed to rejoin channels following a freenode netsplit21:34
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging21:34
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Write a buildkitd config file pointing to buildset registry
fungimelwitt: thanks for the heads up!21:35
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Boot test of project-config elements
ianw^ now i think about, even with the job it's not going to speculatively test changes to the project-config elements anyway, is it?22:04
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clarkbianw: correct, project-config is a trusted repo so its all post review appliaction of updates there22:07
ianwyeah, i wonder if we should move the elements out of there22:08
clarkbinfra-root: in checking on zuul-web memory use I've noticed that / on zuul01 is slowly filling up. I've found /var/log/zuul/debug.log.ianw is a big consumer of disk. ianw can I delete that? it is from last september22:13
clarkbthat should give us plenty of headroom22:13
ianwclarkb: oh, yes, sorry22:14
clarkbthat one file is about 1/3 of /var/log/zuul consumption22:14
ianwplease delete22:14
clarkbianw: thanks will do22:14
clarkboh wait22:15
clarkb/var/log/zuul is its own device so that doesn't help /22:15
fungiclarkb: oh, that reminds me, by chance today i spotted that our filesystems on review.o.o are getting *very* full but didn't get a chance to investigate yet22:15
clarkbI've deleted the file anyway but still looking for where the big consumption is22:15
clarkbfungi: those git repos don't get any smaller22:15
fungiindeed, but the rootfs is nearly full too22:15
clarkbfungi: for rootfs is probably /home/gerrit2/review_site things I said I'd cleanup around december but then there weren't a lot of people around to help double check that so I got scared and left it be22:16
clarkbfungi: I made up a paste of the things to delete on gerrit I think. I expect if we clean that up we'll get plenty of new space22:16
clarkbof course finding that paste now might be difficult22:17
fungii expect we'll need to do something before we can upgrade anyway22:17
clarkbya we should find that paste, look it over, then delete things22:17
clarkbI'm looking on eavesdrop now for when I talked about it22:18
fungidoesn't sound familiar, so i was likely out to sea by then22:19
clarkbfungi: (and infra-root) is what I have found for gerrit cleanup22:20
fungiyep, that's just as i was getting myself lost in the bermuda triangle22:21
ianwclarkb: yeah, i feel like those backups were from project rename steps?22:21
clarkbianw: ya and being many yaers old don't have much value anymore22:21
ianwanything in /home/gerrit2/ianw can go22:22
clarkbnote /home/gerrit2 in its entirety is a separate device on that host22:22
clarkbso like zuul the cost is somewhere outside of expected22:22
clarkb(we should still cleanup the unnecessary stuff in /home/gerrit2 though)22:22
ianwi agree typing "rm" on that server is scary though :)22:23
clarkbok on zuul we've got a 21GB /root/.bup22:24
clarkbits 13GB on review.openstack.org22:24
fungi12gb in /home, 23gb in /opt, 15gb in /root...22:25
fungithough /opt is also a separate fs22:25
clarkb/opt is the ephemeral drive22:26
fungiso the nearly-full rootfs on review.o.o will be best addressed by cleaning up homedirs for root and anyone else who isn't gerrit222:26
clarkbfungi: yes though I'm not sure how safe it is to clean out /root/.bup22:26
clarkbis that used as a spool?22:27
funginot sure, will require some research22:27
clarkbcorvus: ^ is by far the biggest homedir other than roots on that host22:27
clarkblooks like it may have 11GB of repo copies.22:28
clarkbStarting with cleanup there might be quick and easy win though22:28
clarkbon zuul01 the .bup dir cost is largely in the index caches dir22:30
clarkband those files were modified as recently as today22:30
corvusclarkb: i can't think of any reason we need old repos on gerrit, i'll clean them up22:42
corvusthat looks pretty old22:42
clarkbcorvus: thanks!22:43
clarkbI started putting notes at
corvusi also cleaned up ~gerrit2/jeblair22:44
clarkbcorvus: in that etherpad I've noted that the zuul times db isn't tiny and I think a lot of it is stale?22:44
clarkbcorvus: its also not huge so probably not the most urgent thing but we might be able to clean that up?22:44
clarkbreally /root/.bup is so huge compared to everything else that figuring out if it can be trimmed might be a good next step22:45
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Meetpad: redirect 80 to 443
corvusclarkb: i agree we should be able to delete that part of the time db; should be safe to do while running.22:46
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clarkbthe /var/lib/docker dirs aren't tiny but I'm pretty sure thats all our new shiny container image FS's and we are pruning them22:48
clarkbmeaning thats just a new cost we have to accept22:48
clarkbmordred: ^ maybe you can double check that on zuul01?22:48
clarkbbut I'm fairly certain we've done our due diligence with docker there22:49
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clarkbreading about bup backups I think the way to handle tbe /root/.bup size would be to rotate that directory on the source host when we rotate the archives on the backup host22:55
clarkbbasically its growing in concert with the archive to keep track of all the files it has backed up over time22:56
clarkbI bet review and zuul are hit by that more than other hosts beacuse they have lots of files that chagne name/location over time23:01
clarkbinfra-root if you can review what I'ev got at already thatwould be great. I'll try to pick that up again tomorrow when we've got more eyeballs.23:03
clarkbzuul01 is really close with its semi regular size jumps23:04
clarkbbut I think we'll be ok for another day23:04
clarkb(and I'm running out of day today hence the pick it up tomorrow)23:04
clarkbcorvus: can I cleanup all times dirs?23:05
corvusclarkb: yeah, those should all be now23:06
clarkbcorvus: that is what I thought. thanks23:07
corvusclarkb: note that it's in a few different tenants23:07
corvusclarkb: so you can also delete times/zuul/ and times/kata-containers/git.openstack.org23:07
clarkbcorvus: yup should I go ahead and do that now?23:07
clarkbthat seems reasonably safe and quick23:07
clarkbk doing so now23:08
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ianwclarkb: not related, but i did switch that nodepool ppa key import to come from the fs with
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: [wip] add plain nodes
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: [wip] suse python2 pip support
clarkbianw: modred did similar there but uses apt-key23:16
clarkbfor some reason I thought using apt-key was required but your change apsses testing too23:16
ianwyeah the apt-key manual says "put it there to avoid having to have gpg2" :)23:20
ianwthe trick is you have to name it ".asc", if it's .gpg it assumes it's a binary keyring ... i added a comment on that change23:24
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Configure htcacheclean for zuul-web
clarkbianw: oh I remember this is a realtively new feature of apt, but since we are using containers that fine!23:26
clarkbianw: maybe you can suggest mordred simplify his change?23:26
clarkboh you did thats what you meant by "that change"23:26
clarkbits clearly EOD for me23:26
clarkbinfra-root is related to my spring fs cleaning23:27
clarkbI think that will help keep disk use on / down for zuul0123:27
clarkbas a reminder my ISP changes ownership tomorrow. I don't expect any weirdness but seems like possibility for that is higher than usual23:32
clarkbI'll be able to tether if necessary but might be less useful23:32
clarkband with that I think its tome to call it a day as I'm only just being confused about gpg and apt now23:32
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