Thursday, 2020-06-11

ianw... ok, nobody (mirror-update, an executor, afs01.dfw) sees any of the mirror volumes in vldb.  i think that means we're back to consistency at least00:07
ianw ...00:10
ianwThis avoids writing a loopback address into the CellServDB on systems00:11
ianw    such as Debian, which map the address to the hostname in the00:11
ianw    /etc/hosts file.00:11
ianwafs01 runs 1.16.1500:11
fungiseems like that would have been worth debian/ubuntu backporting00:16
fungidid you get rid of the centos-7 x86 volume too?00:17
ianwfungi ... <insert expletive>00:18
ianwso, "vos create" on afs01 gets it *wrong* ...
fungijust did an ls and only saw the xenial/bionic x86 volumes so thought you might have00:18
clarkbianw: that is without a netrestrict though right?00:19
ianwthat is without netrestrict, just "as is"00:19
ianwso, at least that's the root cause here i guess00:19
ianwi feel like doing it on mirror-update say, it would work00:19
fungiand that's without altering /etc/hosts on afs01.dfw i guess00:20
clarkbwell fungi's got it wrong which wsa 1.8.x00:20
clarkbthe first time around00:20
ianwcreating it on mirror-update seems to work ...
ianwlet me add the r/o mirrors00:21
ianwfungi: do you see the centos 7 x86-64 volume back?00:25
fungiresponse is taking a while for me00:27
fungithe rw volume is back, yeah00:27
fungino ro replica yet00:27
ianwfungi: i see
fungiif i `ls /afs/` from my workstation i only see the xenial and bionic replicas00:30
ianwfungi: can you run "fs checkvolumes" ?00:31
fungithat probably did it, taking a while to ls now00:31
ianwauristor explained it once here
clarkbso when you recreated it it had all of the old data again?00:35
clarkbrm_work: we've been asked if you can share the email addr you used00:36
ianwclarkb: no, i've managed to wipe that :(00:36
rm_worksure will PM00:37
clarkbianw: ah ok that is what I thought but wanted to confirm00:37
ianwi think we've established that creating the volumes on mirror-update works00:37
fungimy ls is still... waiting00:37
fungibut i expect it to complete eventually00:37
ianweventually consistent might be the best term for this.  like a week later it might be consistent :)00:38
fungils: cannot access '/afs/': Input/output error00:39
fungitrying again now00:39
ianwhuh, that's the top level (rather than saying centos-7-x86_64 was inaccessible)00:40
fungils: cannot access '/afs/': Connection timed out00:42
fungieventually inconsistent? ;)00:42
fungii wonder if i still have some old entries cached00:42
fungitrying fs checkservers00:43
ianwfungi: what does examine say on mirror.wheel.cent7x86?00:43
ianwsorry mirror.wheel.cent7x6400:43
fungi`fs checkservers` says "These servers unavailable due to network or server problems:"00:45
fungithat first one is my workstation itself where i ran the command, it shouldn't be a server00:45
ianwyeah, that looks like the same issue coming back ...00:46
fungibut it's what resolves to locally (since it's a debian machine and that's a default /etc/hosts entry)00:46
clarkbI've got to figure out dinner now00:46
ianwbut your examine on the new volume looks correct (no 127 entries)00:46
ianwfungi, if you do listvoldb do you see any old entries?00:47
fungilistvldb i assume00:47
ianwah yeah00:47
fungiit only shows me the rw volume for centos7x64:
ianwoh, i think that's a red-herring and an old volume00:52
ianwCreation    Wed Mar 23 15:07:15 201600:52
ianwyep, that's i think from when we first tried this.  i'll remove that volume to avoid confusion00:52
ianwit's the wheel.mirror. prefixed ones00:53
fungiahh, yeah00:53
fungiyeah, that looks normal, i think:
ianwthat seems right.  i'm going to recreate the other volumes in the same way00:56
fungimy inability to ls the ro fs could be some local problem01:00
fungihey! it just now worked01:00
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ianw looks like it's working01:08
ianwacls and quotas are setup01:09
ianwi think i can trigger the periodic builds to try it01:09
aannuusshhkkaaIt's working! I was able to register my account.. Thanks guys!01:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Don't release centos7 aarch64 volume
ianwok some builds are running, i don't think automated release will work due to ^ but it's a start ...01:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Don't release centos7 aarch64 volume
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openstackgerritPrakash Ramchandran proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: updating irc channel to openstack-interop
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed opendev/puppet-openstackid master: Upgraded memory limit to 64mb
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ianwfungi: centos7 build finished so i did a manual release and it's back
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ianwso i doubt the arm builds are going to get there03:53
ianw102:1591838794.000  1469.000035999400build_env/bin/pip --verbose --exists-action=i wheel -c /tmp/upper-constraints.txt -w /opt/wheel/workspace 'scipy===1.4.1'03:53
ianw561:1591839516.000  1941.0000145841200build_env/bin/pip --verbose --exists-action=i wheel -c /tmp/upper-constraints.txt -w /opt/wheel/workspace 'scikit-learn===0.23.103:53
ianwthe third column is build time(s)03:54
ianwan hour or so on these two ...03:54
ianwthey're not building in parallel (from pip wheel i mean) ... it's uncear if their setup supports a "-j" type thing03:55
ianwhrw/fungi: ^03:56
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed opendev/bindep master: Tolerate missing bindep.txt when using --profiles
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add openstack/magnum and openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin in required-projects
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: gerritbot: more notifications in the oslo channel
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: gerritbot: more notifications in the cinder channel
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ianwhrw: one to keep an eye on -- wheel-build-cache: skip scipy / scikit-learn on arm64 for now06:07
ianwsome thoughts; i *think* these files might support '-j' but again i think we'd need to hack the builder script to understand what wheels understand that argument and what don't06:08
ianwalthough we run in parallel, each branch runs sequentially; so we do have to add the longest build for each branch together to get the total runtime.06:09
ianwit may well be possible to rewrite the script to also work on things across branches in parallel.  when it timed out, it was sitting there with one cpu pegged and otherwise doing nothing06:09
ianwmake had this all sorted 40 years ago ... but ... yay python packaging evironment i guess06:10
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: openafs-client: Use PPA for all Ubuntu
ianwi've just run a manual release, so happily *all* the x86_64 wheel caches are now populated (
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: AFS: add note on volume creation servers
AJaegerhrw: ^06:44
AJaegerhrw: sorry, ianw pinged you already earlier, ignore my ping, please06:45
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove virtualenv activation
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xiaolinfrickler: mordred: fungi: I review the chat log, thanks.  As we  are not already cloud operators, we  prefer to donate compute resources.07:55
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add jobs for testing ensure-ansible
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: updating irc channel to openstack-interop
ianwAJaeger/hrw : still times out :(  going to try some other things with [wip] reduce arm64 builds, collect logs after09:51
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add jobs for testing ensure-ansible
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fungixiaolin: makes sense. we're also not cloud operators, so we'd have to find a cloud operator willing to run those donated resources for us, unless you already have a relationship with one11:52
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fungiianw: as discussed before, the arm wheel jobs are going to have to build a *lot* more wheels, because our equivalent x86 builds take advantage of the fact that there are a lot of prebuilt manylinux1 wheels for that architecture already served from pypi11:54
mordredmnaser: ^^ do you think vexxhost would have any interest in working with xiaolin?12:14
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mnasermordred: yeah — xiaolin feel free to ping me or email at mnaser@vexxhost.com13:06
xiaolinthanks, I will ping you tomorrow13:08
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install yum-utils on Red Hat family hosts
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed opendev/bindep master: Allow underscores in profile names
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed opendev/bindep master: Allow underscores in profile names
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed opendev/bindep master: Allow uppercase letters in profiles
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add jobs for testing ensure-ansible
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add linting rule to enforce no-same-owner policy
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add linting rule to enforce no-same-owner policy
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add jobs for testing ensure-ansible
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed opendev/system-config master: OpenstackId v3.0.12
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install yum and yum-utils on Red Hat family hosts
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed opendev/bindep master: Allow underscores in profile names
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed opendev/bindep master: Allow uppercase letters in profiles
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed opendev/bindep master: Ensure virtualenv is installed for all hosts
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Terraform roles and jobs.
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Terraform roles and jobs.
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: OpenstackId v3.0.12
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clarkbI've sorted out the etherpad problem17:11
clarkb104.239.168.111 as is running a local build (to that test node) of etherpad 1.8.4 with the headings plugin and my fix. I need to do  PR to github now17:11
fungi looks right to me now17:14
fungiwith "" in my /etc/hosts17:14
clarkbwow ok so develop has already changed that section of css17:15
clarkbso my fix is no longer valid, but maybe they fixed this some other way17:15
clarkbnow I'm trying to figureo ut if they publish pre release images17:16
clarkblooks like they do so I'll deploy that now17:16
clarkbok its running etherpad/etherpad:latest now and that does seem to fix it differently17:19
clarkbI'll update the bug with all of that and note that the next release will probably be fine17:19
clarkb has been updated17:23
clarkbI think we can update the span css on 1.8.4 if we want to while waiting for 1.8.517:23
clarkbI'll go ahead and push that update as it gives us the ability to deploy. I also asked upstream if they think that will cause any problems as an interim solution for us17:24
* mordred will now eat sandwich17:26
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Test etherpad with testinfra
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Upgrade Etherpad to 1.8.4
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clarkbfungi: I'm going to transition to renaming prep shortly. I never ended up doing breakfast so will do that first. You don't happen to know where the plan ehterpad is from last time? I think we've simplified the process even further now with the github replication removal too17:42
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fungii don't, no... i can likely find it though, just a sec17:44
fungithe last one we did was on 2020-03-2017:45
fungiaccording to the status log anyway17:46
fungiand the irc logs from that day mention
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fungii guess we mashed the renames and containerization cut-over into one window17:47
fungiso that may be a terrible example17:47
fungithough i suppose we can just ignore most of what's in there17:47
auristorafter yesterday's afs adventures with fileserver address the VLDB was left with a damaged fileserver entry that OpenAFS tooling (vos listaddr) won't display.  I see it with the AuriStorFS tooling (vos listfs).   Someone should try "vos changeaddr -remove -localauth" and see if it can be safely deleted.17:48
fungiauristor: Removed server from the VLDB17:49
fungithanks for the heads up!17:49
auristorremoval confirmed17:49
fungi#status log cleaned up dangling fileserver entry with `vos changeaddr -remove -localauth` as suggested by auristor17:49
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging17:49
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openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/project-config master: Add missing project to Airship doc job
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Debug openSUSE mirror loop
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Debug openSUSE mirror loop
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/project-config master: Record 20200612 project renames
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Debug openSUSE mirror loop
clarkb starting to build notes there for the renames18:47
clarkbI'm looking at the rename playbook now and it appears to be complete and updated for the new docker setup18:49
clarkbone thing that stands out to me is that we don't do anything other than move secret keys for zuul. I take it that once gerrit is done we can land the rename changes that update teh zuul config and everything will be happy after that?18:49
clarkbmordred: corvus ^18:49
corvusclarkb: theoretically i think18:51
mordredclarkb: yes, I think that's right18:52
mordredinfra-root: I'm booting a VM called to start testing gerrit upgrades18:53
clarkbcool I think may have all the bits it needs now if people can take a look at that and the linked changes18:54
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
corvusi'm going to re-enqueue the latest zuul release to check on the new dockerhub job18:57
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
jrosserhi, question about the arm64 nodes... would you expect that they would be setup the same as the equivalent x86 nodes in terms of which pip/setuptools/... are installed?19:14
jrosseri'm seeing some odd stuff and thought i'd ask first before digging19:15
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
clarkbjrosser: they've already been converted to the "cleaner" install19:17
clarkbjrosser: we should be converting the x86 nodes over any day now19:17
AJaegerjrosser: is the change to make them the same ;)19:17
jrosseroh interesting, that would explain it19:17
jrosserit's our little bit of pre-run cleanup that fails so yes i understand now19:18
AJaegerjrosser: 734428 has a link to the mail with more details19:18
clarkband we said we'd merge it like ~3 days ago so I'm hoping that it really does land real soon now :)19:18
AJaegerclarkb: it has two +2s, what are we waiting for?19:19
clarkbAJaeger: I think mostly for ianw to have some ability to help people debug once the images update?19:19
clarkbAJaeger: maybe we alnd that today as soon as ianw's day starts adn take it from there19:19
AJaegerwould be ok for me - let's see what ianw thinks when he shows up19:20
fungii'm around tomorrow and over the weekend to help with broken jobs too19:23
clarkbya I don't mean ianw has to do it all, more that having someone with the knowledge around would be good :)19:24
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update openSUSE Mirrors for configure-os-mirrors
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mnaseri hate that i'm asking this20:01
mnaserbut is there a way to get around port 29418 being blocked to submit patches to gerrit20:02
fungimnaser: you can push via https with your "web password"20:03
fungi(generate one in your preferences in the webui if you don't have one already)20:04
fungii want to say we have this documented in the opendev manual too, looking now20:04
fungimnaser: see
fungiand if that doesn't work, let us know so we can troubleshoot/fix/update docs20:06
mnaserfungi: ah perfect, i will try it now20:07
mnaserseems straightforward20:08
fungii hope so. and if it's not, let's make it straightforward20:09
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update guideline docs for os specific tasks
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update guideline docs for os specific tasks
clarkbthinking about the renaming more. Is it sufficient to put review in the emergency file? Seems like we also want to avoid running things on gitea and storyboard to avoid recreating things that have been renamed?20:44
clarkbshould we install disable things entirely touching that file in zuul's homedir?20:44
fungiyeah, i think that's what we did last time20:46
fungiit used to be that cgit stuff was dependent on the gerrit puppet completing20:47
fungibut not so with gitea20:47
clarkbk /me updates etherpad20:47
fungiand also in the beforetime we simply stopped our puppet apply wheel entirely20:48
fungiso this would be similar20:48
clarkbhrm there is actually another issue with that20:50
clarkbnow that we use the actual commits we land in the zuul run ansible pausing isn't sufficient in all cases as we can just pick up the old content after unpausing20:51
clarkbor did we switch to always using latest project-config? that was a thing right?20:51
clarkbmordred: ^20:51
fungii believe we did that20:52
clarkbah ok pausing may be sufficient then thanks20:52
mordredyeah - I think we do use latest project-config always now20:53
mordredalthough I think we also fixed zuul so that it's possible to go back to patchset p-c20:53
mordredbut we have not yet done that20:53
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add bit more info on disabling ansible runs
clarkbmordred: I don't think we want each p-c change due to the race I described aboe20:55
clarkbmordred: basically if we do each p-c change in sequence we have to ensure that we've compltely flused the queue, set DISABLE-ANSIBLE, not merge anything else until the behind the scenes updates are complete20:56
clarkbthen merge the matching content first20:56
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clarkbI mean its something we can work with, but not needing to worry about it is nice too :)20:57
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mordredoh - yeah - good point20:59
mordredI think maybe p-c always using latest is right even with the fixed zuul thing20:59
mordredbecause p-c describes a point in time - not a sequence of software steps20:59
mordredit's kind of like the service-types for openstack - an old copy is NEVER correct in ANY case21:00
mordredbecause tip describes the whole pictures21:00
mordred(or the timezone database)21:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add test-build-container-image-release job
mordredfungi: <-- if you look at that, you'll note gitea doesn't know about corvus' key21:13
mordredI wonder if there is a way we can add a keyring to what gitea knows about21:13
corvusi wonder too, but if i had to guess, i'd guess it's keys attached to individual users21:13
corvusie, gitea users21:13
mordredyeah- I imagine that's true21:13
corvuseven if it is true, we could collect keys and add them to some fake user via our automation....21:14
mordredstill - it seems like a $something that $something should be able to $something with to display a message other than "crap unknown!"21:14
clarkbI think I saw changes around that in 1.12 too21:14
clarkb(they added gpg to the container images for example)21:14
clarkbnot sure if any of that makes it easier for us to use21:15
fungiyes, that's my expectation as well. their pgp key rendering is likely connected with local gitea user accounts who have uploaded public keys. but maybe there's a keyring which can be updated independently?21:15
mordredit would be neat to be able to verify that a key used to sign something is part of a known trust-chain for the service21:15
mordredor something21:16
mordredrather than simply "this has been signed by a key that a user uploaded"21:16
fungithough since it's not the source of truth, that would only be advisory, not enforced21:16
clarkbkeybase or is it zoom now?21:16
clarkbbut ya having something a bit stronger than I created a mordred account and uploaded a key and said I'm mordred would be good21:17
mordredwait - what? keybase got bought by zoom?21:17
mordredclarkb: ++21:17
fungiat least it shows "GPG Key ID: FE65468ED7FB3137"21:17
fungia full fingerprint would be better, but ui folks hate long hex strings21:18
mordredincidentally - I have so-far failed at making a new gerrit test server21:19
mordredbecause right after I said that I experiences some REALLY weird network issues here that I only receently resolved21:19
mordrednotably - a speficic laptop+SSID+access-point decided to stop doing dhcp right. unfortunately it was my laptop on my main SSID21:19
mordredfortunately it's the secondary AP - but I got lost down a hole of wat21:20
mordredbecause seriously - wat?21:20
corvusmordred: yeah, the keybase thing is i think basically viewed as an aquihire: zoom: "people say our security sucks, we need security people"  keybase: "we don't have a business model"  zoom: "perfect, we'll hire you by buying your company"21:21
mordredcorvus: neat! now - if zoom actually lets the keybase people fix their security, that'll be nice21:21
* mordred imagines the "wait, you want us to change what? no, we can't do that, because it's not how we work" conversation looming21:22
mordred"can't you fix our security without changing anything?"21:22
corvusmordred: it would, though the cynic in me says that as soon as the deal was done and they could tell the new york times they hired smart security people then it was mission accomplished21:22
mordredcorvus: yeah. and the keybase people are likely fine not actually working on zoom security as long as they can continue to fund keybase21:23
corvusmordred: i don't know details, but i wouldn't count on keybase existing21:24
clarkbsemi related, zoom's web client uses webassembly to ship all the codec and related stuff for the audio and video and doesn't use webrtc21:24
corvusthe pr that came out was not "we like keybase and keybase is important to us"21:24
clarkb(its an interesting we do things the zoom way item)21:24
corvusclarkb: we what?21:25
clarkbcorvus: no we as in us, but we as in zoom21:26
corvusoh gotcha21:26
clarkbresponding to mrodred comment about them doing things their way21:26
fungithough the upshot is similar performance with my systems vs jitsi-meet21:44
ianwfungi: that's a good point on having a lot more wheels for arm.  it looks like just latest two branches completes in ~ 1.5 hours, so i think that's where to start21:48
fungisounds reasonable21:50
ianwAJaeger / clarkb: i figured i'd merge the pip-and-virtualenv on my monday morning, do builds and basic sanity while it's quiet21:51
clarkbianw: wfm21:52
ianwclarkb /fungi : was the note i got to with the afs localhost stuff.  it's not hugely satisfying, i don't know how much time we want to invest in it, i think that time would be better spent getting a 1.8 migration plan21:54
ianwoh nice now i see auristor's comment too.  perhaps we should just write things to say "specify IP address rather than hostname"21:56
clarkbianw: the note there from auristor about NAT is worth incorporating too along with specifying an ip addr21:57
clarkbya that ++21:57
ianwok i'll rewrite to that21:58
ianwwe should still do a 1.8 migration plan :)  on my todo :)21:58
clarkb++ to that too21:58
clarkbI think the awrning about NAT would be good to include as well as the /etc/hosts thing since we end up in a lot of clouds with nat21:59
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add test-build-container-image-release job
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mordredclarkb: ooh. I just got an error booting review-test that we don't get in testing :)22:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Fix launch-node to work with the new inventory reorg
mordredclarkb: aha! it's because we reference inventory22:22
mordredclarkb: ^^22:22
clarkbfrom launch?22:22
mordredclarkb: yup22:22
mordredwe didnt' update the paths in launch.py22:22
clarkbk we've got remote doctoring today and in person tomorrow. will look when remote veraion is done22:23
mordredand thus aren't getting the shared group vars22:23
clarkbone thing that hasnt changed is the sit and wait aspect of this :)22:24
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mordredcorvus, fungi, ianw: mind +A on ?22:53
mordredianw: thanks!22:58
mordred(turns out it's important for launch-node :) )22:58
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: openafs-client: Use PPA for all Ubuntu
mordredianw: ^^ neat22:59
ianwyeah it makes things a bit more consistent22:59
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Fix launch-node to work with the new inventory reorg
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Add puppet3 tests to xenial arm64
openstackgerritPrakash Ramchandran proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Updated the irc channel
clarkbianw: mordred: if you've got a quick moment for reviews is an easy one that came up from doing the etherpad upgrade testing. and came up doing the python2 audit stuff23:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Install git-review under python3 for proposed updates
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