Wednesday, 2020-06-24

* clarkb looks at grafana docs to see if they differ00:00
ianwi think in this case it may be "poke at grafana source"00:01
clarkbianw: doesn't show a definition (but does query). I think you may be right about rtfsing00:01
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/project-config master: gerrit: change retired.config acls
ianwi feel like this was the last thing that touched it ->
ianwShowing with 8,298 additions and 232 deletions.00:14
ianwi.e. good luck00:14
clarkbianw: wow is that not a merge commit?00:17
ianwit definitely feels like definition is the thing here ... why i'm not sure00:19
clarkband no documentation update00:21
clarkbianw: that is interesting because it seems to say I prefer definition but I fall back to query00:24
clarkbianw: maybe its a half baked transition of terms that ended up breaking the old thing00:25
ianwit seems we should write both ... i can maybe test this00:27
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ianwclarkb: i think it's the "refresh" actually00:43
ianwyeah it is, it shouldn't be a bool; it doesn't update.  it's still ... odd in the UI00:53
ianw(the variable update UI000:53
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana: don't use bool for refresh
clarkbianw: doesthat have more than two value options?00:58
ianwit's got 0=never 1=on load 2=on time range change00:58
ianwi mean, grafyaml kind of falls down here because htf is anyone supposed to know that00:59
fungii take it the config specification for grafana is "whatever the webui produces"01:00
ianwfungi: well insert react/angular/typescript/blah layers somewhere in there and, yeah, i think so01:01
openstackgerritHirotaka Wakabayashi proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fixes to use the latest centos-8 release image
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ianwi get the feeling they keep the json compatible so you can import old dashboards01:01
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/grafyaml master: Remove query variable refresh deprecation
ianwclarkb / fungi : ^ that's my suggestion to avoid future confusion01:13
ianwsystem-config-run-grafanaSUCCESS in 16m 05s01:14
ianwso that's good ... just need to beat up documentation into shape and it will be gtg01:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: grafana: don't use bool for refresh
fungiianw: 737664 seems to have some job failures01:26
fungii didn't dig into them, but likely bitrot01:26
ianwyeah, requirements stuff and pep failures ... i will yak shave :)01:28
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ianwAJaeger / clarkb: I think I like option 2 in if i've understood.  basically don't put pep8/publish jobs lumped in with tox jobs?01:48
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafyaml: drop python2 jobs
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/grafyaml master: Drop Python 2 support
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: wheel-cache: convert release to a loop
ianwAJaeger: ^ rather unsatisfying, but I can not replicate this05:00
AJaegerianw: should have fixed it already05:19
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ianwAJaeger: arrrggghhhh!!!! i should have looked!05:54
ianwno wonder it looked right, it was :)05:55
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
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openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Upadting horizon nodejs job name
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openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Upadting horizon nodejs job name
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/project-config master: Refresh openstack-ansible grafana dashboards
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openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Upadting horizon nodejs job name
openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Upadting horizon nodejs job name
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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/project-config master: Refresh openstack-ansible grafana dashboards
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-git-mirror: check after mirror operation
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-git-mirror: check after mirror operation
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-git-mirror: check after mirror operation
fungiinfra-root: we may want to consider scaling down the number of builds we're accepting on executors, and maybe increase the number of executors. they're consistently hovering around 2gb swap in use13:11
fungiwhen under load13:11
fricklerfungi: I'm assuming this is related to the failures mentioned over in #-infra?13:20
fungifrickler: i don't think it's related at all, just something i noticed while trying to debug them13:21
fricklerfungi: ah o.k., things permanently swapped out wouldn't seem so bad, but it looks like there's some non-significant amount of swapping going on and cpu usage is permanently around 70% at least on ze01 where I just looked13:27
fricklerso yes, planning for more executors seems reasonable13:28
fungifrickler: yeah, the "swapping activity" graphs indicate this isn't just unused pages which have been shuffled to swap13:28
corvustrue, though it's not new behavior:
fungiright, i didn't mean to imply it was13:37
fungiin fact, first i thought maybe the switch to ansible 2.9 was the cause, but seems the behavior long predates that13:37
corvusyeah, i was wondering the same13:38
fricklerinfra-root: we seem to have almost 300 nodes in deleting for like 18 hours, maybe also ovh related? can someone dig deeper?13:43
mordredfrickler: I will look right now13:43
fungii can take a look in an hour or so13:43
fungiaha, thanks mordred!13:43
fungii need to disappear for my grocery pickup appointment, but will be back as soon as i can13:44
mordredI betcha anything it is ovh related13:44
mordredyup. too old sdk on launchers13:47
* mordred checking ot make sure latest image has latest code13:47
mordredyes. they do13:48
corvusmordred: so we just need a launcher restart?13:48
mordredinfra-root: I'm going to restart the launcher containers to pick up latest13:48
mordredcorvus: I guess I should really restart all of nodepool - builders will also have issues with old sdk13:51
openstackgerritAurelien Lourot proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Neutron Arista plugin charm to OpenStack charms
mordred#status log restarted nodepool to pick up latest openstacksdk13:54
openstackstatusmordred: finished logging13:54
mordredk. hopefully we should be able to delete nodes now and get quota back13:55
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/project-config master: gerrit: change retired.config acls
fricklergrafana nodepool looks good, seems that had blocked like 30% of our capacity, so things might go smoother now14:03
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corvusfrickler, mordred: \o/15:06
clarkbsee I really thought we had done that switch months ago15:08
clarkbdid we not apply it in the correct places or were the updates incomplete?15:08
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clarkbhrm double checking the clouds.yaml files we never set domain info there? Maybe we tested it and then didn't switch or this got lost in the puppet to ansible transition?15:10
clarkbmordred: frickler: do we need to update any of the templates in system-config/playbooks/templates/clouds/ ?15:14
clarkbfungi: not sure if you saw but to do the mailing list owner change for starlingx hit a merge conflict15:16
mordredclarkb: no, we should not need to15:18
mordredclarkb: the ovh profile in latest sdk sets default values for those15:19
mordredinfra-root: I'm going to land the zuul-executor-to-docker change, ze* is in the emergency file already15:20
mordredonce it lands I'll start rolling that out15:20
clarkbmordred: the afs on ze image change did land yesterday so there are no other concerns with that I know of15:21
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/project-config master: Make tox global for update proposal jobs
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-git-mirror: check after mirror operation
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Run zuul-executor using docker
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Make tox global for update proposal jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire dragonflow project
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Revert "Reject messages to starlingx-discuss-owner"
fungiclarkb: yeah, so i'm thinking maybe jgit can't follow git mv17:17
fungithough locally a rebase was able to automatically shift the diff to the new file17:18
fungiyet one more place jgit is inferior (or maybe just more conservative)17:18
fungihere's some opendevification of jeepyb i pushed a while back, if anyone's interested:
fungiin particular it updates the url for our manual from the old openstack docs site to ours, reducing the openstackiness of new contributor welcome messages17:24
fungiand rewords the message to be generally more project-neutral17:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: gerrit: change retired.config acls
fungier, i guess i did the rewording in an earlier patch, before we moved the manual17:26
mordredAJaeger: do you know the source for is?17:35
mordredoh - I guess that's an one17:35
fungimordred: seems to be
mordredfungi: thanks! I nudged diablo_rojo_phon about it and she said she's going to ping someone17:43
fungimordred: related to the question from fitzgerald1337 in #openstack i suppose17:45
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mordredfungi: yeah17:50
mordredfungi: because a) the link should work and then b) it should not be a link to a guide about libcloud17:50
mordredalthough c) I really should get around to making an openstacksdk-based drier for libcloud17:50
clarkbI'm going to pop out for a bike ride nowish. back in a bit.17:57
clarkbHappy to help wtih executor restarts when I'm back but don't feel like you have to wait for me17:57
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Revert "Reject messages to starlingx-discuss-owner"
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openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM: Debug py3 on dib 7
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clarkbmordred: looks like buildx has distracted, are we going yo do a single executor first or all at once or?19:36
openstackgerritRafael Folco proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM: Debug py3 on dib 7
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/infra-specs master: Central Authentication Service
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Test multiarch release builds
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: grafyaml: drop python2 jobs
mordredclarkb: one at a time20:35
mordredclarkb: or, at least a single one first20:35
mordredclarkb: but I'm fighting a different fire currently20:35
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/grafyaml master: Remove query variable refresh deprecation
clarkbmordred: ok let me know if I can help. I'm just poking at reviews currently20:36
mordredclarkb: kk. thanks!20:38
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fungiso... starting early utc on 2020-06-19 the infra-prod-manage-projects job began failing. because something doesn't seem to be maintaniing log retention for this correctly on bridge.o.o i don't know for sure that the latest errors are consistent with the earlier ones, but currently we're seeing org creation failing on all gitea servers with21:48
fungi"409 Client Error: Conflict for url: https://localhost:3000/api/v1/org/x/repos fatal: []: FAILED!21:48
clarkbfungi: what is the problem with log retention?21:49
clarkbwe should be doing a 30 day rotation21:50
fungithe earliest entry in /var/log/ansible/manage-projects.yaml.log has a timestamp of 2020-06-24T18:41:45Z21:50
clarkbya we only have 3 files there for some reason. We should do a log file per job and then keep 30 days of those files21:51
fungithe only other files matching /var/log/ansible/manage-projects.yaml.log* are /var/log/ansible/manage-projects.yaml.log.2020-04-08T19:29:57Z and /var/log/ansible/manage-projects.yaml.log.2020-04-09T15:13:08Z21:51
fungiso we seem to have started rotating them in early april, but then switched to just overwriting the file i guess?21:51
clarkbfungi: we log that job to zuul apparnetly21:54
clarkbthat is why the files on disk are stale21:55
fungiinteresting, the task details in the zuul console beg to differ21:55
clarkb for example21:55
clarkbthe failures on the 19th were different21:55
fungino stdout or stderr, but just "non-zero return code"21:56
clarkbfungi: ya the way it works is we run ansible and write it out to a log file on bridge. Then for some jobs we copy that log file to swift21:57
clarkbbut only those jobs we've audited to be clean21:57
clarkbthey are not echo'd into the console log because we don't run a zuul console logger21:57
fungiand the _raw_params say we ran ansible-playbook for manage-projects.yaml with redirection to /var/log/ansible/manage-projects.yaml.log21:57
clarkbanyway I think that means this could be a gitea upgrade problem21:57
clarkbfungi: yup thats the file we copy into swift21:57
fungiohh, okay, so the file is removed after each build completes21:58
fungiso it failed against review-test?21:59
clarkblooks like it (we maybe don't want to run it there? I dunno21:59
clarkbbut also the failure with gitea is newer which makes me think maybe it is gitea upgrade related. I'm trying to see if I can find a log where just gitea01 fails21:59
clarkbsince we upgraded it first21:59
clarkbbut I don't think we have such a thing22:00
fungifatal: []: FAILED! => { "changed": false, "cmd": "docker pull", "rc": 2 }22:00
fungiyeah, so the failures starting on the 19th may be a red herring22:01
clarkbfungi: there are two places we use that gitea api path the first is to list repos and the second is the create a repo22:05
clarkbI'm assuming that a listing isn't going to 409 but a create will22:05
clarkbwhich makes me believe that we are trying to create repos that already exist and gitea is sad22:05
clarkband that first call feeds itno the second for determining if we need to create a project22:07
clarkbso now i guess we need to see what that first call produces22:08
* clarkb tries to figure this out22:08
fungior are we trying to create orgs?22:09
clarkbI don't think we are trying to recreate orgs based on the path22:11
clarkbits a different path for that22:11
clarkbI've managed to do the json listing and it looks like what we expect22:13
clarkboh except maybe its not a complete listing now?22:14
fungiso maybe repo creation has ceased to be idempotent in newer gitea22:14
fungiahh, pagination?22:14
clarkbI only get 30 repos back from the listing22:15
clarkbI think we have more x/ repos than that22:15
fungiso perhaps they started paginating the results22:15
fungiwe query for existing repos to decide what to create, get back only the first page, and then proceed to try to create repos which actually exist on later pages22:15
clarkbya I think that is what is happening22:15
clarkbyup I see it in the haeders22:17
clarkbthere is a Link header with a next page and a last page22:17
clarkbI wonder if we can request a page size22:17
mnaserclarkb: ?22:17
fungiworst case we loop until next page == current22:17
fungior something along those lines22:18
clarkbmax page size is 5022:18
clarkbso I think we'll need to do loops22:18
fungiyep, loops it is22:18
clarkband we can test this by running manage projects twice in gate22:18
clarkband I've confirmed the limit works :)22:19
clarkbif you go above 50 you get back 50 results22:19
fungirather than an error?22:20
clarkbalso if you go above the valid page count you get an empty list22:20
clarkbI'm working on a patch now22:20
clarkbfungi: maybe you can work on a change that runs the playbook twice to test it and I'll rebase on that?22:21
clarkbit should fail on the chagne you push up and pass o nthe one I push up?22:21
fungido we have a working test for it?22:21
fungithat playbook normally runs against the production servers22:22
* fungi hunts22:22
clarkbyes we test it pre merge against a fake gitea22:22
clarkbbut we only do one pass not two so this problem sneaks by22:22
fungiahh, okay, but i guess we don't see this because we run once, got it22:22
fungiso it would be a modification to the system-config-run-gitea job i guess, or maybe the playbooks/manage-projects.yaml playbook, to duplicate what we run there22:25
clarkbya one of those I think the gitea job actually22:26
fungidoes including a playbook twice cause it to get run twice?22:26
clarkbnot sure :)22:27
clarkbfungi: yes ti should22:30
clarkbso I think that is what we want manage-projects listed twice in the gitea job22:30
clarkbits doing a proper ansible loop over those contents. No funny zuul stuff there22:31
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Test manage-projects idempotency
fungithat ought to do it at least22:31
fungii couldn't find where we were including the playbook in a test-specific scenario22:33
fungiinstead we just seem to add job nodes named like production and point our production playbooks at them22:33
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Deal with gitea pagination of repo lists
clarkbfungi: but I think your version will work too22:34
fungioh, right in the vars list22:35
clarkbwe won't want to merge your version but if this shows things are working we can flip the change order and update the list at the link I gave to test this going forward22:36
fungiit wasn't clear to me that list wasn't deduplicated, but i can also try that if preferred22:36
clarkbfungi: I don't think it is beacuse its a normal ansible list that is iterated through22:36
clarkbfungi: only zuul level stuff gets modified22:36
fungigot it. i can give that a shot too, for an actually mergeable alternative, in case we decide we want it22:37
clarkbmaybe we'll just wait for results as we need to rebase my fix off of your change before we can merge it anyway22:37
clarkb(since we don't want manage projects to run twice in prod)22:37
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Make sure manage-projects is idempotent
fungithe alternative ^22:39
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fungiwe can at least see if either or both ways yield the same failure22:40
clarkbI wonder if anything else got paginated22:44
clarkbI guess wecan try ti check22:44
clarkbwe also get orgs and org teams22:47
clarkbI'm not having luck getting orgs through my browser like I did my repos22:47
clarkbmordred: corvus ^ any idea why that acts differently?22:48
clarkbwhat I did was login to gitea01 through the web ui then my reuqests for the org repo listing works. but /api/v1/user/orgs is 401'd22:49
clarkboh I can just check the swagger instead22:50
mordredclarkb: nope - no clue - but yes swagger22:51
clarkbalso there is a 1.12.1 forwhen all this settles down22:51
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clarkbyup the others appear to be paginated too22:53
corvusclarkb: sorry, i've been fightining a private fire -- how can i help?22:55
mordredcorvus: fun with paginated queries!22:55
corvus1st tldr question: is there corrupt data in production?22:56
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corvusor is the script just harmlessly failing22:56
clarkbit is harmlessly failing22:57
clarkbI don't think this is an emergency22:57
clarkbthe inconvenience is we aren't running manage projects to update gerrit acls22:57
clarkbbut the existing state is stable22:57
corvuscool.  so we're just wanting to find the right api sequence to fix this.22:57
clarkbyup and I think I've got it for the most immediate issue and am trying to figure it out for the other place we do this but don't hit it because all the iterables have less than 30 items22:58
clarkbI'll do the fixes for the additional items in a followup so can more carefully check those once we figure out how to manually exercise the api22:58
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corvusi'm glad that's in python :)23:04
corvusclarkb: you based your change on fungi's dnm change23:05
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Paginate all the gitea get requests
fungii also have a second non-dnm change as an alternative which we could probably keep if we want to run m-p twice in the job23:05
clarkbcorvus: yup we want to confirm that this fixes the problem23:05
clarkbcorvus: the dnm change is running manage projects twice which is sort of how it looks like in production when we run manage project periodically23:06
mordredI kind of think we should merge fungi's dnm change... yeah - I thin running twice in the gate is a good idea23:06
clarkbmordred: ++ but we want to do it for the alternative not the one I'm based on right now23:06
clarkbsince the one I'm based on right now would run manage projects twice in production too23:06
corvuswhy not base on the alternative?23:06
funginon-dnm change hopefully? 73788323:06
clarkbcorvus: the alternative came later23:06
corvusok.  i understand the plan now.  :)23:06
clarkbcorvus: we can rebase once we get first pass of results23:06
fungiyeah, it was an afterthought because i wasn't sure those don't get deduped23:07
clarkbbasically concurrent optimizations happening23:07
corvus(we're avoiding wasting the sunk testing cost with a rebase)23:07
clarkb is a followon to do pagination of all the things I can find that do it according to gitea swagger. Not yet verified in production liek I did for the repos listing23:07
clarkb should run manage-projects twice with my fix23:09
clarkbonce that completes I'll rebase and incorporate any necessary fixes23:09
clarkbI'm going to step out for a few while we wait on that23:13
clarkbhrm fungi's run manage projects twice change passed23:30
clarkboh I see why23:30
clarkbthe bit that runs the gitea stuff happens at the beginning of the file so we aren't testing it properly there23:30
clarkbthe other change should test it properly though23:30
clarkbI'll rebase now23:30
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Deal with gitea pagination of repo lists
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Paginate all the gitea get requests
clarkbI expect ^ will be more reliable testing23:32
fungiyeah, 737881 succeeded (unfortunately), while 737883 failed like we wanted23:46
fungii'll abandon the former23:46
clarkb yup here is our reproduction23:46
clarkband I've already rebased so we should be good to see if these follow up changes help23:46
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