Thursday, 2021-09-09

opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: yum-minimal: use DNF tools on host
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix doc typo
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch07:52
*** sshnaidm is now known as sshnaidm|off08:04
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opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk09:48
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM
*** dmellado_ is now known as dmellado10:46
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep11:28
*** jpena is now known as jpena|lunch11:32
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM
*** jpena|lunch is now known as jpena12:25
*** lukas is now known as Guest678012:34
*** Guest6780 is now known as luk4s12:59
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire puppet-freezer - Step 1: End project Gating
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Make  zuul-jobs-test-ensure-pip-ubuntu-xenial non-voting
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Make  zuul-jobs-test-ensure-pip-ubuntu-xenial non-voting
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Make  zuul-jobs-test-ensure-pip-ubuntu-xenial non-voting
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|mtg15:04
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM
opendevreviewSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix historical ansible-lint errors
clarkbmentioning it here as half a reminder for myself, but we should double check the zuul secrets dump cron job is working properly after the zuul restart15:25
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clarkbinfra-root ^ spot checking that backup file looks correct to me16:21
clarkbI basically did a head -c against it since its one very long line :)16:21
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clarkbinfra-root: I started looking at the audit results for the remaining gerrit users with external id conflicts and wrote comments in the yaml file for ideas on how to appraoch each on. Those notes can be found in review02:~clarkb/gerrit_user_cleanups/audit-results-annotated.yaml17:18
clarkbif you get a chance to look that over today and tomorrow that would be helpful just to amke sure I'm not missing anything important before I start emailing people next week17:18
clarkbOne thing to note is that towards the end there I realized taht we can probably merge accounts one direction or the other. So the proposals I've written down are based on what I think usage patterns imply is best, but ultimately for each of those cases we can defer to the user to see which they prefer I guess17:19
clarkbI'd start sending emails tomorrow but it is friday and I think friday emails have a higher tendency to be ignored17:19
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fungiyes, friday (and monday) communications are the most likely to get ignored (aside from weekends and major holidays)17:21
corvusalso days that end with y17:36
fungii'll try to take a look through the list shortly17:36
fungicorvus: well, that's my general rule for when i ignore messages, yes17:36
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Preinstall PBR in ensure-pip test playbook
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Preinstall PBR in ensure-pip test playbook
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*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk20:00
fungiclarkb: just to confirm, that's 33 addresses in the last audit list, right?20:10
clarkbfungi: yup20:16
clarkbwe've received an email telling us to reset our jenkins password for upstream jenkins services. I don't think we use that account at all at this point and I think we can ignore this?22:26
mordredclarkb, fungi : is it cryptography where we occasionally have the issue with them publishing src before wheels?22:31
clarkbmordred: yes22:33
clarkband it requires rust to build now too so doing an install from sdist is quite involved22:33
mordredcool. thanks. I just discoverde I'm on a call with one of the maintainers22:33
clarkbmordred: note we (opendev) are the hosting provider that enables them to build arm64 wheels for linux22:34
clarkbs/hosting provider/CI system/22:34
clarkbI guess linaro and osuosl are the hosting providers in this case22:34
mordredah - nod22:35
fungivery cool22:35
fungiby "on the call with them" i assume you mean "them" the former openstack contributors?22:35
clarkbI want to say the last time we brought this up with them tehy said something like "you should use a lock file or constraints" to solve this problem22:36
fungiright, basically don't try to consume our latest releases until you confirm you can consume our latest releases22:36
opendevreviewLuciano Lo Giudice proposed openstack/project-config master: Add the cinder-lvm charm to Openstack charms
clarkbcorvus: I suppose we'll want to restart our nodepool launchers with the new user data stuff?22:57
clarkbAny reason to not go ahead and do that now?22:57
corvusclarkb: no reason i can see23:01
clarkbalright proceeding to do that now23:01
corvusclarkb: make sure you pull images first23:01
corvusand lemme know if you want any help23:01
corvus(they probably updated, it was a few hours ago, but just in case)23:02
clarkbyup I pulled and it was a noop23:02
clarkbI'ev done nl02 and will make sure it can build, use, delete then do the other three23:04
clarkband it can.23:05
clarkb#status log Restarted on 5dc0aed2e6d2375de93c38f1389d19512c563b99 to pick up Node.user_data support. This will be required by Zuul shortly.23:07
opendevstatusclarkb: finished logging23:07

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