Monday, 2021-11-01

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caiquemello[m]hi folks! I need a hand. I'm running some tests using zuul and an external gerrit. I've set zuul-jobs as well as all the requirements projects in my zuul. When I submit a cinder patch to review, zuul starts to run simple tests like (tox-pep8 and tox-py38) inherited from zuul-jobs. But I'm facing an error regarding a test that uses pbr version to catch cinder version. For some reason, pbr_version.VersionInfo('cinder') returns "1.0.0"12:06
caiquemello[m]instead of the current cinder version.12:06
caiquemello[m]Do you guys have some ideas how to face it?12:06
fungicaiquemello[m]: probably start by looking at the log from pip when it's installing cinder to see how it installed and from where13:33
mordredcaiquemello: also - check to see that the tags are in your external gerrit13:33
mordredif the cinder you are talking about is in your external gerrit, and it was put there by someone doing a clone then a push - then you'll be missing the tags which is what the pbr versions are based on13:35
fungithough in that case i would expect to see pbr report a dev release with a very large number, like 0.0.1.dev5432113:36
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mordredyeah - I agree13:45
caiquemello[m]Thx guys! I'm gonna look into it.13:53
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opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Test another MINA update
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fungiBackup volume "/opt/backups-202010 (90%)" on backup02 at Sun Oct 31 00:00:01 UTC 202118:03
clarkbwe're due for a pruning. It is all scripted now but we have to run it manually iirc. We can double check with ianw tomorrow when his holiday ends and then probably good if someone other than ianw runs it this time?18:06
fungiit doesn't look urgent, so yes doing it when he is available to advise seems wise18:10
clarkbcompletely unrelated to anything else I have a gutter joint that I need to seal beacuse it leaks. It leaks outside my office and when it rains just enough to leak but not too much that the actual rain makes noise I hear a constant drip drip drip drip18:54
clarkbI need a bigger ladder and a dry day to get up there and fix it18:55
fungilast year i got one of those fancy self-levelling folding extension ladders which goes up to 22'19:09
fungiquite handy19:09
fungiit's a *heavy* sucker, though thankfully it has wheels19:09
clarkbya I have one of those and worry I'll take out a window trying to get it up there19:12
clarkbI think I got the smaller one too which is also a problem19:13
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Rebuild gerrit images
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|out21:57
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Rebuild gerrit images
fungistatus notice The Gerrit service on is being restarted quickly for some security updates, but should return to service momentarily22:07
fungiclarkb: ^ that lgty?22:07
clarkbyup lgtm22:07
clarkbwe should probably pull first as that might take some time22:08
clarkbthen send the announcement and do the stop  then up -d?22:08
clarkber down then up -d22:08
fungii've got the pull running already22:08
fungiopendevorg/gerrit   3.3       9f9a987d7123   34 minutes ago   795MB22:09
fungi#status notice The Gerrit service on is being restarted quickly for some security updates, but should return to service momentarily22:09
opendevstatusfungi: sending notice22:09
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted quickly for some security updates, but should return to service momentarily22:09
fungii'll give that a minute and then down and up -d it22:09
clarkbopendevorg/gerrit   <none>    33d6300c73ad   2 weeks ago      795MB is the current image22:10
fungidowning now22:10
fungifully stopped22:10
fungistarting again22:10
fungi[2021-11-01T22:11:06.947Z] [main] INFO : Gerrit Code Review 3.3.7-9-gfcc5e569f8-dirty ready22:12
clarkbI can get a change22:12
clarkbI'm just about ready to send out the infra meeting agenda. If you've got something to add now is the time :)22:26
fungii got nuthin'22:33
clarkbok agenda sent22:43

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