Monday, 2021-11-29

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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/lodgeit master: [DNM] Update to Python 3.9
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/lodgeit master: [DNM] Update new paste message
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: [DNM] Test updated lodgeit container
ianw^ i'm just running this through to get examples for how CI/CD hangs together for a talk; none of it is for review07:13
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opendevreviewArx Cruz proposed opendev/elastic-recheck rdo: Fix ER bot to report back to gerrit with bug/error report
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opendevreviewArx Cruz proposed opendev/elastic-recheck rdo: Fix ER bot to report back to gerrit with bug/error report
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opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update etherpad to 1.18.16
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM force etherpad testinfra to fail
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opendevreviewAde Lee proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM enable_fips role for zuul jobs
ianwclarkb: hi, if you're back would you mind a quick look at which should resolve our boot failures on fedora19:11
clarkbianw: ya I'm around. I can take a look at that after lunch probably19:12
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: [DNM] Test updated lodgeit container
ianwwe should probably update the little tag at the top of to not be OpenStack Infrastructure19:28
clarkbianw: I believe that if you update the projects.yaml file description we'll autmoatically reflect that in gitea and gerrit19:29
clarkbmaybe gerrit doesn't use that but it should update gitea now19:30
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Update the opendev/system-config tag
fungiianw: thanks! i also merged some changes over the weekend to update the old infra docs index to make it more clear there is no infra team any longer, and that it's the tact sig responsible for things listed there19:39
fungithough we should probably still move the docs for some stuff, like git-restack19:39
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Refactor infra-prod jobs for parallel running
timburkehuh. i just noticed there are a *lot* of broken image links on ...19:58
fungiyeah, gitea wants avatars to be supplied for those i think. not sure why it doesn't just generate them like it does for users20:00
fungiseems likely to be a bug20:00
fungii remember we discussed it... last year? but i don't recall the outcome20:01
clarkbit came up when we did the last round of gitea upgrades but it was already broken before so we didn't dive in too much since the upgrade was more important20:05
clarkbI think its fine when we deploy new gitea on our test machines so likely some database migration breakage or similar20:05
clarkbalright lunch now then reviewing the dib stuff after20:09
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eanderssonIs it just for me that parts of the site does not load? e.g.
clarkbthat loads for me20:37
clarkbI'm not sure if that site is using launchpad to track bugs. let me ask as you'll probably be best off talking to the site admins directly20:37
clarkb(they are not us)20:37
clarkboh wait as I got to ask I see a note from them that they fixed and deployed the bug causing that20:38
clarkbmaybe try a hard refresh20:38
eanderssonAh I see - if I log out things work again20:40
eanderssonI assume that the admins does not have an irc channel? :D20:41
clarkbnot that I am aware of. I've asked them for best contact method anyway20:42
fungieandersson: some of them like JpMaxMan do hang out in here from time to time20:43
clarkbianw: the dib change seems fine. It should only affect cetnos and fedora right?20:46
clarkband if CI works it is unlikely to be a further regression from where we are now20:47
clarkbeandersson: sounds like is currently the best place to reach out20:53
eanderssonThanks clarkb20:59
clarkbI've just registered for the gerrit user summit which happens thursday and friday morning pacific time this week21:03
clarkbit is free to sign up if anyone else is interested21:03
ianwclarkb: i think so.  hopefully /etc/default/grub continues to be a "standard" interface21:05
clarkbianw: is there an update on the opendev CD chagnes? I'm trying to udpate the meeting ageand and see a number of those changes you wrote have landed21:06
ianwi've just been moving through them slowly as i have time to watch them21:07
clarkbI think and then appear to be next21:07
ianwbasically by the time of the meeting tomorrow i think we're at the point we can think about actually running them in parallel21:07
ianwall the dependencies will be correct, etc. and it's just a matter of thinking through the semaphores21:08
clarkbgot it21:09
clarkbI've updated our meeting agenda on the wiki. Anything else to add before I send it out?21:21
clarkbin other news I had to update git review to address the git reabse flag thing after updating git locally21:21
fungii added everything i'd been sitting on from last week21:21
fungioh, though that reminds me we should probably mention there's a new git-review release, maybe in announcements21:22
fungidoesn't probably need to be a discussion topic21:22
fungii sort of rushed it through while a lot of people were on holiday21:22
clarkbmeeting agenda has been sent21:52
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fungii'll try to remember to mention the git-review release during announcements22:01
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update etherpad to 1.18.16
fungii'll probably be stuffing my face when that deploys22:02
fungibut can double-check it after i'm done with dinner22:02
clarkbit'll be behind the hourly run so towards the end of this hour22:02
fungii might be done by then22:02
corvusfrickler: thanks for the pointer; i have identified the problem and made a patch:
clarkbeandersson: now has a report a bug link in the footer with an email address (apparently the previous contact form was less than ideal for this purpose and after further discussion this was added)22:38
clarkbetherpad upgrade seems to have completed. Checking git status on the image shows we have the new version and spot checking an etherpad I've got it seems to be up22:42
fungietherpad deploy just finished a moment ago22:42
fungiit's working for me22:42
clarkbcool I guess say something if you notice anything weird but this seems happen22:44
clarkber happy22:44
fungiyep, thanks!22:50
join_sublinethnxs for all the hard work on the etherpad and meetpad y'all.22:52
clarkbyou're welcome23:03
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