Wednesday, 2024-02-14

ykarelfrickler, seeing Disk quota exceeded (122) again09:02
opendevreviewBernhard Berg proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: Add ability to define synced pojects
apevechow big is the quota?09:23
tkajinamI wonder if there is a quick way to check when the last sync between upstream repos and CI mirorrs was executed11:10
tkajinamI can check the packages in CI mirrors but there may be some job results (in zuul) I can check alternatively, I guess11:10
ykareltkajinam, can check
fungii can increase the quota on it some more shortly, just not quite yet. trying to catch up on triage before we start our meetings13:35
ykarelthx fungi 13:39
tkajinamykarel, ah. I didn't know that. thanks for the pointer !13:47
fungiwe also have a grafana dashboard for all the volumes13:47
fungithat shows both quota utilization and how recently updates have occurred in the case of mirrors13:48
fungisays the mirror.centos-stream volume last updated 20 hours ago13:48
Clark[m]I might be a minute old two late. Just got the tea steeping13:56
clarkbmade it just in time14:00
clarkb is where we'll be14:00
*** amoralej_ is now known as amoralej14:02
ykarelthanks fungi , so centos stream using all allocated 320 GB14:49
ykarelapevec, ^14:49
apevecamoralej_:  ^14:50
apevecwe need to expand list of excludes then, I saw some new content like automotive SIG14:51
*** d34dh0r5- is now known as d34dh0r5315:02
fungi#status log Increased mirror.centos-stream AFS volume from 320GB to 350GB while we work out how to trim down the subset of packages we rsync15:08
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging15:08
fungii've got a manual rerun of the rsync underway now15:08
fungiapevec: and yes, it's pulling a bunch of stuff from the autosd tree15:11
fungiokay, it's in sync. reran it just to make sure the second time was a noop15:15
fungiif we manage to free up a bunch of space there we can easily reduce the quota again, of course15:16
fungithe graphite dashboard lags behind so isn't reflecting it just yet15:20
fungi`fs listquota /afs/` now reports:15:21
fungiVolume Name                    Quota       Used %Used   Partition15:21  350000000  321845167   92%<<       47%    <<WARNING15:21
fungiso we have some breathing room15:21
clarkbapevec: one thing I noticed is that many packages have many versions of the package in the mirror15:52
clarkband some are not small15:52
clarkbdidn't mean to end so abruptly but I think we can all use a break and food and we are at the allotted time for the first session16:02
clarkbwe're back againat 22:00 UTC today same location16:02
clarkbapevec: anyway I mention that beacuse I'm not sure if that is intentional from the centos side (it seemsweird to have like 5 versions of thunderbird available, latest and previous seems sufficient to me) and it is difficult to filter those things out though I guess theoretically possible on our end16:03
fungii wonder if it's due to having a shared package pool for all the minor releases of centos?16:11
fungiso you have the thunderbird package for centos stream 9.0, 9.1, 9.2...16:12
fungidebian does that, but we're able to untangle it by using tools that can filter package versions based on which indices they are listed in16:14
Clark[m]I didn't think centos stream did releases like that. I thought it was a rolling release without checkpoints but I may be wrong16:14
fungioh, maybe so. i'm not super familiar with the release model for that distro16:14
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Document adding Zuul WebUI admins
fungicorvus: ^ i tried to incorporate your additional settings and steps there16:55
fungii also fixed my change for zuul's howto so that the missing scope addition is now covered17:06
fungiokay, heading up the island for a late lunch/early dinner and a bit of shopping, but should be back well before our next pre-ptg block at 22z17:21
fungiprobably no more than 2 hours really, so should be around again by 19:3017:22
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Override DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION for skopeo when installing docker
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove command.warn usage
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Override DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION for skopeo when installing docker
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Override DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION for skopeo when installing docker
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove command.warn usage
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Override DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION for skopeo when installing docker
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove command.warn usage
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove openshift + zuul registry testing
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove openshift + zuul registry testing
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Override DOCKER_MIN_API_VERSION for skopeo when installing docker
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove command.warn usage
*** dhill is now known as Guest279318:51
clarkbinfra-root heads up the zuul circular deps upgrade required a zk db clearing for zuul. This cleared out our autoholds in zuul but didn't remove them in nodepool18:56
clarkbthis means we'll need to clean those up directly in nodepool. I've already done so for my etherpad 1.9.6 hold (keeping the 1.9.7 hold until we upgrade). fungi frickler jrosser and corvus all have holds otherwise (though I think corvus' has a valid authold as it was made after the db changes)18:57
clarkbif you don't need those anymore I'm happy to clean them up. fungi yours is related to keycloak stuff. Maybe we don't need them anymore?18:58
jrosserclarkb: mine is done with now - you can delete it19:02
clarkbjrosser: thanks for confirming I'll get that done19:02
jrosserfor interest the outcome was that using one of the vexxhost nodes with nested virt acelleration that works was the only way i could make my magnum job run in a reasonable time19:04
corvusfungi: btw, firefox containers is a godsend for dealing with keycloak; one container for admin, one for user19:23
corvusfungi: both doc changes lgtm!19:25
clarkboh good reminder for me to rereview those19:27
clarkbfirefox containers are useful for other thinsg too. I try to keep all the google stuff isolated into one19:27
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Document adding Zuul WebUI admins
fungiclarkb: thanks for the autohold reminder, i remember thinking yesterday that our list of autoholds looked remarkably empty for a change20:02
fungiand yeah, i was thinking about using the held keycloak test to dry-run repeat some config steps for the docs, but i ended up not needing to so i'll clean it up now20:03
fungicorvus: yes, absolutely, i was using multiple ff account containers for it. very convenient20:04
fungiclarkb: i actually have three different google account containers. for someone who hates google i have to juggle three different accounts (one is my youtube account from before they were acquired, a second for being on openinfra staff, third is used for spi board of directors business)20:05
fungipretty insane, now that i think about it20:06
errcsoolTrivial question for setting up devstack and tempest. Where is the tempest config file? According to the docs, the `/opt/stack/tempest` directory is created, and the `.../etc/` directory should contain the config files. I see four files called `.../etc/<something>.yaml|conf.sample`, but no `tempest.conf`. What is the recommended move here, should I write the file myself?20:35
fungierrcsool: you probably want to ask in the #openstack-qa channel where the devstack and tempest maintainers hang out20:37
errcsoolthank you20:38
errcsoolIs that channel still active? I can't load it or find it on oftc20:40
fungierrcsool: they just wrapped up their weekly meeting in there about 3 hours ago, and it has 70 people joined from what i can see20:42
clarkbI don't think the channel is publicly listed due to spam. but it is there if you attempt to join it20:43
fungiyes, if you're using the matrix oftc bridge, you have to enter the channel name directly and can't rely on channel listings20:43
fungispammers like to scrape all listed channels on the network for targeting, so most (all?) of our projects' channels are "hidden" from the public network list as a resuly20:44
fungias is often said, "this is why we can't have nice things"20:44
errcsoolgot it, im in20:55
fungiof course!20:56
fungimtreinish: have you ever seen `stestr init` return "stestr: 'init' is not a stestr command."21:22
fungithinking there's something pathologically broken with the environment/installation where that happened21:23
tonybI may be a few mins late to the preptg as I'm dropping the kids at school 21:25
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove command.warn usage
tonyband of course in a time crunch pulseaudio and pipewire are arguing about who owns the sound subsystem 22:12
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fix old stestr test
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove command.warn usage

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