Thursday, 2024-03-14

fungiReverbverbverb: the timing on that can also be relevant. was it slow or a long delay before that error, or was it fairly immediate? also over ipv4 or ipv6?00:11
fungii've tested cloning ironic directly from all 6 backends and haven't gotten any error, which suggests the problem is farther out on the internet00:20
JayFI similarly tested this when Reverbverbverb reported it to me and I couldn't find it on my connection.01:10
Clark[m]I wonder if the phone tether is trying to traffic shape/filter01:10
JayFThat's essentially what I was suspecting, but I was hoping y'all knew some magical flag to pass to get which makes it okay with everything 🤣01:11
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
*** jroll05 is now known as jroll005:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
fricklerseems apache2 just got unattended-upgraded on a lot of our ubuntu hosts. no that I expect any issues, but something to keep in mind in case something pops up07:11
noonedeadpunkfungi: so, let's wait for couple of days just in case? and then.... can you reach OFTC folks to help us?08:11
opendevreviewJoel Capitao proposed openstack/project-config master: Implement periodic job to update Packstack constraints
opendevreviewJoel Capitao proposed openstack/project-config master: Implement periodic job to update Packstack constraints
opendevreviewJoel Capitao proposed openstack/project-config master: Implement periodic job to update Packstack constraints
funginoonedeadpunk: sounds like a plan. let me know how the evacuation attempt goes11:37
fungimy appointment this morning is running longer than expected, and will still need to grab something to eat after, but i should be around again by 15:00 utc13:36
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: [release-tool] Fix branch creation exceptions
fungiokay, around again now14:47
fricklerfungi: clarkb: please check when you have a moment, see also the discussion in #-release14:55
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: [release-tool] Fix branch creation exceptions
fungiof course!15:09
Reverbverbverb@fungi No speed problems, no delay. Just quits with the RPC failure message. 15:12
fungiReverbverbverb: noted. i can try cloning on my phone too, but odds are it'll be very provider-specific behavior15:12
ReverbverbverbI'll have more data today -- they're supposed to install my new internet service, which is the reason I'm using tethering in the first place15:15
fungimakes sense, i'd do the same15:16
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: yaql: Notify gerrit patches in heat channel
clarkbReverbverbverb: fungi indicates that this is likely a connectivity issue and people haev had some success doing shallow clones then unshallowing afterwards16:07
clarkbalso apparently ssh helps. Which really makes me think that firewalls or traffic manipulation is at play16:08
clarkbbit of a slow start for me this morning. My brother cancelled the fishing trip on me so I'm stuck in limbo deciding how much I actually want to work today :)16:11
fungiyeah, i was about to ask why you're not fishing (or why you're irc'ing from the boat)16:12
fungialso, i was able to successfully git clone over my phone carrier16:14
funginot that i expected to be able to reproduce the problem, as every carrier's networks are probably implemented a little differently16:14
clarkbfungi: for the centos-7 removals you merged stuff and then abandoned the reverts. Does that mean we're relatively clear for more final removal tomorrow?16:18
fungiclarkb: i believe so, yes16:19
fungiat least for master and stable/2024.1 branches of openstack projects, which were my main concern (the possible impact on the impending coordinated release)16:19
clarkbgreat! thank you for getting that over the virtual finish line. Honestly, that bit was probably going to be the most difficult part as long as openafs doesn't explode again when we stop mirroring :)16:19
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: yaql: Notify gerrit patches in heat channel
clarkbapparently there is some gerrit issue that causes full offline reindexes to clobber the change index
clarkb3.8.3 is reported to not have this problem but I'm not sure about 3.8.4 yet. This may affect our project renaming and gerrit 3.9 upgrade plans though neither should need offline reindexes16:22
clarkbaccording to the included in pop up only stable-3.9 should be affected. Master has had the broken change reverted (I don't think that revert is in stable-3.9 yet)16:25
clarkbI suspect that our 3.8 isntallation will be fine for renaming but before we upgrade to 3.9 we should ensure that this is addressed16:25
clarkbReverbverbverb: fungi: you could clone from gerrit for now and use ssh there to see if it changes anything. Or try the shallow clone then unshallow16:27
fungialso there is a continuously updated mirror of the ironic repo at (though cloning it from there may suffer from the same problem)16:32
Reverbverbverbfungi: clarkb: jayf: Just tried it again and this time it worked. Chalking it up to some temporary network issue. Shrug.17:38
fungiinternet gonna internet17:41
fricklerhow does zuul vote both v-1 and v+1 at the same time on and do we want to do the same force-merge test + possible revert on it as earlier?18:38
fungifrickler: good catch. that's coming from two different tenants, looks like18:51
fungii wonder why the openstack tenant includes a vote when reporting18:51
fungii don't think we'll have to bypass gating since it should only be gated by the opendev tenant, but maybe there's a bug around that or we have something not quite configured right in zuul18:53
frickleroh, the +1 is from the opendev tenant, right. maybe the V-1 is only due to the config error and wouldn't show up otherwise?18:53
fungithat's my suspicion, since other tenants relying on opendev/base-jobs didn't appear to vote or run any jobs19:05
hasharfungi: seems like you can tag a new version of git-review :-]19:26
hasharthough it is never ending, I found out the test suite targets Gerrit 3.4.4 which is kind of eol19:27
hasharwell it is eol for sure19:27
fungiyep, we do also test on newer gerrit19:31
fungiwe have jobs testing on 3.7.119:32
fungihashar: you can override WAR_URL in the calling environment to point to newer versions19:34
fungibut i agree we can likely raise the default version to something newer now19:34
hasharawesome :)19:34
fungii think 3.4.x was the oldest i could get it reliably testing on with other updates we had to make to the testsuite to support newer warfiles19:35
fungialso we could probably cut some of the matrix expansion there. i doubt testing python 3.6 and 3.11 with both gerrit 3.4.4 and 3.7.1 is going to turn up any bugs that we wouldn't catch by just doing python 3.6 with gerrit 3.3.4 and python 3.11 with gerrit 3.7.1, or whatever19:37
hasharI doubt as well yeah19:38
fungipost-release i'll refresh some of the versions there19:38
hashar has the list of supported version19:39
fungiwe were also talking about dropping python 3.6 support in the following release, so that will probably be a good time to revisit what versions of stuff we're testing too19:39
hashardoes Zuul support axis of parameters to define jobs / different envs?19:39
funginot really. we just use a config generator script if we need to define lots of similar jobs with slight variations19:40
hasharyeah I got confused with good old jjb :)19:40
fungithe crux of the problem there is that zuul relies on yaml, and there's not really a matrix solution in the yaml language19:41
fungiand zuul doesn't have an internal job definition generator that could operate on a data structure like that either19:41
hasharthat is why you need yet another layer of abstraction on top of yaml19:42
hasharthe config generator you mentionned19:42
fungiright, basically we have an externalized abstraction layer when we need it (which isn't often). if somebody wanted to work on an internal solution, it might be possible but would require a spec and a lot of discussion/review19:43
fungiand consensus fro the zuul maintainers that it's even somethig we'd want to support19:44
hasharanyway, thanks for the release notes and eventually taking care of the release19:46
fungihashar: sure, i've been sidetracked by a few other problems of critical urgency or we probably would have done it last week, but now it's probably going to be early next week if we want to avoid friday/weekend releases19:47
hasharfeel free to poke me next week if needed :)19:48
hasharI am more than happy to offer a little bit of help on git-review since we make heavy use of it19:48
fungihashar: that's good to know, glad it's still proving useful! thanks, i'll take you up on it19:49
hasharawesome thanks!19:49
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Replace 2024.1/Caracal key with 2024.2/Dalmatian

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