Friday, 2024-05-03

Clark[m]Ack sorry I got roped into dinner prep myself00:27
Clark[m]tonyb: it's based on the build time of the image not when we update the image on the host so it is imperfect 00:27
tonybahhh okay that makes sense.00:54
*** mmalchuk_ is now known as mmalchuk08:40
*** lucasagomes_ is now known as lucasagomes12:08
AlbinVass[m]if you don't me asking. What are the hardware specs for the machine opendevs gerrit instance is running on?12:30
fungiAlbinVass[m]: virtual machine running in vexxhost's ca-ymq-1/yul (montreal) region: 32 CPUs (AMD EPYC-Rome 3GHz), 128GB RAM12:35
AlbinVass[m]fungi: thanks!12:36
fungioverpowered at this point probably, but there was a time when we were coping with memory leaks and inconsiderate crawlers overloading it with resource-intensive queries12:37
fungiso the extra capacity was helpful12:37
AlbinVass[m]fungi: iirc you don't use gerrit mirrors right?13:29
tonybAlbinVass[m]: correct single Gerrit no HA or mirroring 13:59
Clark[m]But we do replicate to a fleet of gitea servers where we try to push the bulk of git traffic. The Gerrit is primarily dealing with people pushing code and CI systems fetching.14:42
elodilleshi infra, note that i'm about to do a branch clean up (deleting stable/zed branches that got tagged with *zed-eom*), as far as i see things are in a good shape for that15:24
Clark[m]elodilles: I haven't quite woken up yet today but ya I don't see or know of any reason not to do that15:25
tonybelodilles: go for it.   I'm around if you need anything 15:25
elodillesClark[m] tonyb : ACK, thanks o/ starting the script then15:30
elodillesand these branches were deleted this time:
elodillestonyb: fyi, requirements, devstack*, grande were left out intentionally from this run, too15:50
tonybelodilles: Okay cool.16:28
tonybbut requirements:stable/zed has been tagged eom so if anything lands in that review queue I should just abandon it, correct?16:29
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM Forced fail on Gerrit to test the 3.9 upgrade
clarkbI rebased that on the docs build chnage because I'd really like to have 3.8 and 3.9 built that way if possible. I'll be able to check the docs more directly this way to see if building without webfonts presents issues (potential format problems maybe?)16:40
clarkbthen can use the same node to test upgrade stuff since the changes are largely superficial and shouldn't impact the upgrade process16:41
tonybclarkb: cool.  Are you still thinking you'll propose the patch upstream?16:42
clarkbtonyb: yes. My hope is that we don't have to carry a downstream patch at all16:43
clarkbthis is me abusing the CI system to avoid setting up bazelisk locally. It helps that our CI jobs populte the server with useful thinsg too (though in this case the update being docs related means that isn't really necessary)16:44
tonybelodilles: FWIW, I ran a sync after your deletes and it all looks good locally.16:46
tonybelodilles: I did some spot checking in zuul and the branches seem to have gone there too so no missed events16:46
tonybclarkb: I don't see it as abuse, I see it as efficient 16:47
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove some old CentOS compatibility and address FIXMEs
tonybclarkb: diablo_rojo and I did some testing on the rebased meetpad changes and apart from certificate issues it looks good.16:49
tonybclarkb: there's a held node if you're interested in checking16:49
clarkbsure. Do I have to edit /etc/hosts?16:52
tonybYup let me grab the entries16:53
tonyb# Temp hosts for OpenDev testing16:53
tonyb104.130.4.30    meetpad99.opendev.org16:53
clarkbI'm in
clarkbit seems to be working16:55
clarkbgerrit 3.8 webfont free: vs our current docs: there is a difference for me but its small and I think workable17:50
clarkband firefox web tools confirm we're no longer loading webfonts so it actually is doing what we want there17:52
clarkbso ya I guess the next step is pushing this code upsteram17:52
tonybThey looks the same to be in both chrome and firefox17:53
clarkbtonyb: you may have more fonts than I do or different font settings so you don't have to fallback to defaults? In my case the webfont free text is slightly larger17:54
clarkband I think the bolds are more bold in the developer docs page for example 17:54
clarkbbut all of that is super minor and I think worth the benefit of not needing webfronts17:54
tonyband yup I can confirm that I'm not downloading the fonts from the held node17:54
clarkbI'm figuring out how to push to upstream gerrit again so I can push this patch up to them and see what they say about the approach17:55
tonybYeah okay I can see that the bold is more bold on vs
elodillestonyb: yepp, just abandon it. i really hope that we don't need to do any further final stable zed releases (mostly inactive projects' stable/zed branch remained open, but i hope we can close them ~next week)18:00
elodillestonyb: + thanks for checking the deletions18:01
tonybelodilles: all good18:01
tonybclarkb: keycloak01 is made obselete by keycloak03 correct?  We just haven't removed it because paranoid?18:03
clarkbtonyb: ya I think cleanup of that server is on fungi's todo list18:07
tonybIt showed up in my distro audit18:08
funginot around at the moment (just checked into a hotel for the night), but yes, i wanted to check the previous server's openinfraid integration before i delete it18:09
tonybfungi: All good.  No rush / pressure 18:09
clarkbremote: Add release war target without webfonts18:10
clarkbI claerly haev a bias in that I push changes to our gerrit almost every day and help maintain git-review, but I have to say it is much much easier to push to our gerrit than upstream's gerrit18:14
clarkbfor upstream you have to click scary buttons saying you're giving write access to all your git repos then they spit out a script to write cookies into a git cookie file (whcih I didn't run but instead manually wrote out because paranoia) then you also have to manually get the commit hook script installed somehow18:14
tonybWow, that's kinda gross18:15
clarkband it isn't entirely clear if you push to the gerrit server url or the git server url (I pushed to the git server url and that worked, not sure if the alternative works). Anyway long story short there is a lot more to figure out and "solve" to push upstream18:15
clarkbanother interesting thing with that change is upstream gerrit has a submit requirement requiring no unresolved comments to merge18:25
clarkbI don't think we should enforce that in our gerrit as that is quite rigid and trivial to overcome (anyone can resolve a thread iirc)18:25
tonybYeah I don't think that's fair. either18:28
tonybHow much of the awkward could be helped by adding some support to git review?18:29
tonybHere's the very very first pass at the list of Focal -> {Jammy, Noble} updates.18:35
clarkbits possible that git review would already alleviate some of the weirdness, but you'd have to know the proper way to configure it for their server and https specific cookie stuff18:45
clarkbespecially now that git review vendors the commit message hook the httpness of their server isn't as big a problem for that18:45
tonyb... and this time I'll actually post the etherpad:
tonybclarkb: Yeah I guess something to add to the "if there was time" list :)18:51
clarkbtonyb: for the classification do you want me to move things or should I just label them?19:45
clarkbI went ahead and put some labels on things as that is least destructive (you can alwyas just remove the labels)19:48
fungii saw the zuul-discuss post about options to respect the "no unresolved comments" rule in gerrit, i agree that seems... rigid20:08
JayFclarkb: I'll keep that in mind. I wonder if some of the negative feelings I've experienced around are you some Geritt might be bad experiences from other places21:08
clarkbJayF: ya I mean I semi regularly push to github and our gerrit and I think even gitlab once or twice. I don't think ours is mechanically much different. You put a pubkey in your account and run a tool to push. Upstream's gerrit is just very googley and has extra bits that are painful21:18
JayFAh so when you say upstream, you literally mean the server to contribute to the gerrit project not the default out of box configuration22:03
JayFOkay that was the entire root of my misunderstanding.22:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add new repository for NebulOuS testing data
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/project-config master: Adjust max Code-Review possible on governance repo
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove driverfixes branch acls from manila

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