Monday, 2024-05-13

*** dmellado0334 is now known as dmellado10:59
jrosser_i am seeing some NODE_FAILURE in vexxhost - grafana suggests there are a bunch of nodes stuck deleting11:44
fricklerhmm, a "server show" from bridge times out with a 500 error. mnaser guilhermesp something up?11:59
fricklersame error in launcher logs on nl03. seems to have started at 7:00 UTC after some earlier 504s (not sure whether those were normal or related)12:03
fricklerseems that matches what grafana says12:05
clarkbI was able to clear a few things off the meeting agenda for this week. That always feels nice. Now is the time to add anything you'd like to see discussed. I'll get that sent out later today16:57
fricklerthe issue with vexxhost seems to persist, although there is a bit more movement in grafana since about 13:00. not sure it is worth an agenda item since likely we can't do much except pinging people anyway17:10
clarkbya I think once we know more we can decide what if anything we should do17:11
clarkbfwiw the server show is what I would've done too, but if that is failing as well then it is hard to debug17:11
frickleroh, repeating what I did earlier, I get a "server not found" now. another server from zuul's deleting list shows a server booted at 05:53 and in state deleting. so it looks like massive slowness, but not completely stuck currently17:15
clarkbtonyb: following up on the meetpad upgrades I checked jvb02 and the xmpp server seems to be the correct value even after the daily jobs ran (this is what we wanted)17:45
tonybAwesome.  Thanks for checking.  That's was on my to-do list for today17:54
tonybI hope to start testing some mediawiki setup this week.17:54
clarkbexciting. I should look at the gerrit upgrade testing with the new images but I keep getting distracted.17:55
clarkbI've written a lot of meails this morning. I hard back from storpool about their third party ci cc frickler.17:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: End gate and update acl for retiring solum projects
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: End gate and update acl for retiring senlin projects
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: End gate and update acl for retiring murano projects
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire Sahara: end gate and update acl
opendevreviewTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: generate ansi log for benchmark purpose
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire Sahara: end gate and update acl
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire ec2-api: end gate and update acl

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