Wednesday, 2024-05-15

opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/project-config master: Add editHashtags permissions to some governance repositories
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add devstack-gate back to central config for retirement prep
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire Sahara: remove project from infra
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire ec2-api: remove project from infra
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove networking-ovn completely
fungiclarkb: good catch, i guess i should add that first, wait for the change to deploy, then replace the a/aaaa records with a cname13:13
fungii'll do that shortly13:13
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/project-config master: Add more permissions for 'glance-ptl' group
fungiinfra-root: our cloud-launcher deploy to update keypairs failed because of, looks like, finding multiple security groups in osuosl13:53
fungithe error returned from ansible is challenging to parse, unfortunately:13:54
fungi"Found more a single matching security group rule which match the given parameters."13:54
fungithat was for TASK [cloud-launcher : Processing security_group_rule for opendevci-osuosl RegionOne]13:55
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed opendev/yaml2ical master: Remove unused extras
fricklernice how that error has been copypasted across that module ;)
fricklerI wonder if that's a regression in openstacksdk maybe. the rules look like this: , rules #5+6 seem redundant with #4 in place, still that error shouldn't happen IMO14:39
fungiyeah, i think rules #1-4 are the only ones we care about, #5-6 might have been already present as a default?14:41
frickleralso that failure seems to be happening for a longer time already14:44
frickleractually latest success was "2022-12-06 03:14:18" ... :-/14:45
fricklermakes it difficult to find logs14:45
fungiprobably went away when we replaced the bridge server14:46
fungithe logs did, i mean14:46
fricklerwe seem to delete logs after 1 month, at least for this task14:47
fungioh, so wouldn't have mattered anyway14:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add more permissions for 'glance-ptl' group
fricklerso on 2022-12-07 this was merged and likely resulted in reqs updates on bridge14:53
fungithe timing is certainly suspicious14:54
fricklerside note: I'm still seeing long response times (estimated around 30s) for searches like
fungiso, yeah, maybe something changed in ansible a while before then and we weren't updating14:55
frickleralso all the security group rules themselves are much older, updated_at 2021-04-something14:58
fricklerso my idea now would be to manually delete #5+#6 and then wait to see what the next periodic run does14:58
frickleror maybe first crosscheck with another cloud14:59
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clarkb++ to crosscheck with another cloud. #5 and #6 in this case are on lines 9 and 10? if so I agree they are redundant and we can remove them to see if that addresses the problem15:09
clarkbfrickler: I think we can manually edit the rules since we should only need to do it the one time15:17
fricklerso vexxhost only has the first 4 rules, which matches what is defined at
frickler(copying over from #-infra)15:18
fricklerdo we want to add the others with "state: absent" there for automated cleanup or should I just do it manually now?15:18
clarkbmy message above was in response to the "automated or manually" qusetion and I think manually is fine15:18
fricklerah, o.k., so I'll do that now and then check logs again tomorrow15:19
fungi$ host _acme-challenge.api.openstack.org16:14 is an alias for
fungiclarkb: ^ that look right?16:14
clarkbfungi: ya that seems to match for example16:15
fungicool, i'll approve the redirect change in that case16:22
gthiemongehey Folks, how to report spam in launchpad?16:28
clarkbgthiemonge: other people have reported via asking questions against launchpad itself here: and upstream says that works for them16:30
gthiemongeclarkb: cool, thanks! i'll report there16:31
fungiclarkb: going back through the dns record deletions i proposed in the meeting yesterday, i see i included the a/aaaa records for which point to the current production server, i'm guessing i should *not* delete those after all16:43
funginot sure why i included them16:43
clarkbfungi: oh right we didn't give that server records because its really an openstack specific service16:44
fungicool, thanks, just making certain16:44
fungi#status log Deleted 41 obsolete/unused DNS records from the domain:
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging16:48
clarkbinfra-root I've just gone through and retested the upgrade from gerrit 3.8 to 3.9 then a downgrade back to 3.8 again. Took notes in The process is straightforward. Then I redid the upgrade with a focus on testing the topic limit stuff and behavior is consistent with the old 3.9 image that I tested so no new concerns there16:48
clarkbThere are still a few open todos on that etherpad. Would be great if yall could look it over at this point and leave any notes about concerns or extra testing that you would like to see16:49
fungithanks for testing that16:49
clarkbone of the todos has to do with handling of emails and I hate to say it but the easiest way to deal with that may be to upgrade and if we have problems with them then downgrade :/16:49
clarkbbecause I don't think we can easily replicate that state in our test envirnment as current gerrit is much more strict about those entries getting in in the first place16:50
clarkbbut otherwise we can probably start thinking about when we want to upgrade. And honestly having the ability to revert is a really nice escape hatch here16:50
clarkbmaybe may 31?16:55
fungiwfm, i don't appear to have anything that day16:56
fungiand it's definitely not my 10-year wedding anniversary this time either16:56
clarkbdo you need to double check :)17:07
fungioh, i did ;)17:12
fungii no longer trust my ability to remember such things17:12
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Host a redirect for
fungidns has been updated for ^ now that it's deployed to the server17:51
fungidns queries confirm it's a cname to static now, and putting in my browser still redirects to developer.o.o as intended17:52
fungiconsidering this done17:52
clarkbya seems to work for me as well (I checked I was using new dns records too)17:53
fungirunning some quick errands, bbiab18:22
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clarkbanyone know where ubuntu stashes their pub keys for signing packages? I'm poking at noble mirroring change and suspect there may be a new key given the age of the existing keys we 've got20:39
fungiclarkb: best source i could find for key ids is
clarkbwow ubuntu's tutorial for verifying signatures basically invalidates any signature verification20:46
clarkbit says you try to verify and if that fails just blindly fetch the keys that would verify the sigs20:46
fungithey *should* be publishing those keys to the ubuntu keyserver too20:46
fungiso you could use gpg to fetch them by id/fingerprint from the keyserver, then export them from your local keyring20:47
clarkbyes but anyone can publish keys right? because they are part of the larger network?:20:47
clarkbyou need a step that verifies the key is more likely than not to be one from ubuntu themselves20:47
clarkbanyway we have the keys listed in that wiki page trusted so maybe there are no new keys20:48
fungii suppose it depends on whether you trust the key id listed on the wiki, yeah20:48
fungi"The Ubuntu Archive Master key" seems to not get rotated, like ever, they just issue new signing subkeys from it20:48
clarkbwell and the key that gpg wants to use to verify signatures shouldn't simply be blindly trusted as that tutorial says to do20:49
clarkbideally there would be a non wiki https hosted page on that says "these are our keys"20:49
clarkbanyway I think we can proceed under the assumption the keys haven't changed based on the wiki page you found20:50
fungiin theory you could get it from the archive-keyring package assuming you already have a trusted install of ubuntu to do that on20:51
clarkbya bouncing through a container image may be the easiest thing20:52
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add ubuntu noble to our package mirrors
fungipopping back out to grab dinner, back in an hour-ish20:52
clarkbI think the change to mirror noble is as simple as ^ but we'll need to increase quotas and babysit that change20:52
clarkbmaybe plan to do that tomorrow so we have all day to fight afs fires should they occur?20:53
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fungiclarkb: sounds good to me22:26
tonybalso sounds good to me.22:36
tonyband may 31 for a 3.9 upgrade also works for me.22:37
clarkbtonyb: not sure what that looks like timeznoe wise for you22:38
clarkbbut I dont' think you need to work on a weekend for that if you don't want to22:38
fungiwhen you track down an annoying bug only to discover that the last comment on it was made by you long enough ago that you've forgotten you already went through this at least once before22:47
clarkbfungi: I hate when I google a problem and my bug is the only thing that pops up22:48
fungialso when i perform a web search for an error message and the only results are one of our irc channels where we discussed finding this confusing error...22:50
fungii'm starting to think that running the openafs kernel module on a bleeding-edge distro is just a lost cause, because the module being out-of-tree seems to result in new kernel support being very much reactive rather than proactive, so there are long spans of time where openafs-modules-dkms just fails to build on debian sid22:52
fungito the point where it got autoremoved from testing months ago now22:53
tonybclarkb: I'm still in MN until mid June so for me is earlier the fungi but later than you22:59

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