Friday, 2024-05-17

*** liuxie is now known as liushy02:56
frickler2024-05-17 05:03:49  | reprepro completed successfully, running vos release.06:07
fricklermirror.ubuntu using 969G out of the 1200G, so seems like an easy fit.06:08
fricklerhmm, seems we bumped the openeuler quota from 300G to 350G beginning of march and it did hit that limit 3 weeks later again06:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire Senlin: remove project from infra
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire ec2-api: remove project from infra
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire Sahara: remove project from infra
*** mordred1 is now known as Guest680210:59
fungiyeah, i'm rerunning the ubuntu reprepro just to make sure it completes normally again before i release the flock11:43
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: enforce BackportCandidate voting for kolla
fungithe re-run also completed cleanly, so i've dropped the flock now and closed out that screen session14:36
fungiguess we can work on noble arm64 next14:37
tonybfungi: nice.15:33
tonybI'm looking at mediawiki  I'm a bit confused about the interactions between EXPOOSE (in Dockerfile) and 'network_mode: host' in the docker-compose file.15:37
tonybIt may be that the official container image isn't workable for us.   The official container runs apache-foreground and EXPOSEs 80/tcp.  I think that means that external clients will be able to connect directly into the apache in that container.  what I think we want is for client sockets to terminate  on the actual host so we can manage redirects and ultimately SSL. and then ProxyPass into the container15:40
fungitonyb: yeah, i guess they need something running the php scripts in the container, so are relying on apache mod_php instead of something like fastcgi?15:42
fungiwe could probably leave the container apache listening on plain http on the loopback and then run our own outer apache proxying to it15:42
tonybfungi: Do we have an example of docker/docker-compose forcing the EXPOSE/bind to localhost rather than all interfaces15:46
fungii have no idea, i'd just end up git grepping for it in system-config15:46
tonybfungi: I can do that .... if I had any idea what to grep for ;P15:47
tonybHmm perhaps expose defaults to localhost15:50
fungisounds like a reasonable guess. also you can just guess, throw spaghetti at the wall^W^Wzuul, and see what sticks15:50
fungipip 24.1b1 is out for evaluation. notably, it drops python 3.7 support, and also support for non-compliant version numbers/dependency specifiers. seems like either of these could impact some of our projects when 2.1 final lands so might be worth looking into if anyone has time16:07
fungier, when 24.1 final lands, i mean16:11
tonybI figured ;P16:11
tonybI hope to have something ready for zuul etc later today.16:12
fungioh cool!16:12
tonybI have a "reaonsably neat" local testing setup16:12
tonybwhere I create a VM (in libvirt with usermode networking) and then configure ansible to use system-config roles/plays etc 16:13
tonybNope, EXPOSE bound to :::80 16:15
fungipretty sure that will be listening on [::1]:80 as well then, so we could just make sure it's blocked by iptables if it's too hard to change the listening address16:18
tonybMore research needed16:36
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Add ubuntu noble arm64 to our package mirrors
fungiinfra-root: ^ i can babysit that today/tomorrow if we're ready to move forward with it16:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Adjust max Code-Review possible on governance repo
tonybWell I have a container running in a vm which looks *somewhat* like mediawiki.  It currently fails trying to access the database21:59
tonybI need to figure out the best way to fake a database with some data.21:59
tonybI do have a mariadb container running in the same VM so I s'pose I could try setting up a fresh install22:01
fungiany way to force it to use host networking? usually our struggles are when containers make up their own separate networks that need to be routed by docker23:14
tonybit seems to be somewhat working now.   Still plenty to faff with.  We may need to build custom container as the number of hacks is getting large.23:25
tonybstuff for next week23:25
apeveclooks like wiki.o.o is not much used, mostly for meeting agendas
apevecmaybe at one point we could just create R/O archive like CentOS project did

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