Friday, 2024-06-07

opendevreviewMerged opendev/ master: Add record
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed opendev/ master: Remove old meetpad and jvb servers
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed opendev/ master: Drop records for inmotion mirror
opendevreviewMerged opendev/ master: Remove old meetpad and jvb servers
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Drop outdated testing platforms
frickler^^ should hopefully fix the gate failures on zuul-jobs. I opted to drop bionic jobs at the same time, but feel free to amend if you'd rather split that. I also noticed that is still open, had to delete the podman jobs by hand09:50
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Auto-generate ensure-podman jobs
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update ansible versions used in unittesting
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add nox and tox py312 jobs
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add an opendev specific build of mediawiki
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Drop outdated testing platforms
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update ansible versions used in unittesting
opendevreviewMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add nox and tox py312 jobs
clarkbtoday should still be godo for me to do a quick gerrit restart if anyone else wants to review and child15:06
fungiyep, looking now15:08
fungiclarkb: all those (including 920938 you approved yesterday), look fine to me but don't appear to alter what we're putting in the image. is the restart just to be hygienic and make sure that the refreshed image that gets built still works normally? i guess some plugins we're pulling in from branches might get new commits etc?15:20
clarkbfungi: yes exactly. We will build and promote a new 3.9 image alongside the new 3.10 stuff. That new 3.9 image will include whatever commits have landed in things we pull from stable branches since the last image build15:21
clarkbfungi: rather than be surprised at some point in the future when we are forced to do a restart if anything goes sideways I prefer to plan to do gerrit restarts when we know the image updates so that we can keep on top of unexpected behaviors15:21
fungicool, makes sense. i'll single-core approve 921060 too since the prior +2 was lost in a rebase15:22
clarkbwe could change over to using tags only, but then we will end up doing more churn for every tag update. Its a tradeoff I guess. Also I think this gets us bugfixes from stable more quickly which can be nice if upstream is slow making a release15:23
fungiyeah, seems fine15:24
clarkbfrickler: re no AAAA record for the openmetal cloud they did confirm they don't have ipv6 support yet15:27
fricklersad. I could possibly sell them consulting to implement that, though ;-)15:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add wandertracks repos
fungii approved a post through moderation for openstack-discuss just now and the message seems to have been submitted to exim almost immediately, so i think the extra threads have helped15:52
fricklerfrom what I read in the thread that was cited in the review, the main effect should be seen when multiple messages are received in parallel?16:03
fungiyeah, i guess the next time i simultaneously approve several messages i'll check that too16:04
clarkbyes and I think that these runners are shared by all the vhosts. So previously we had one doing it for all lists and now we have 4 which means there should be less conetntion assuming that was part of the problem before16:06
fungirandom data point: current subscriber count for openstack-discuss is 1991 addresses, 535 of which end in, and 207 end in redhat.com16:10
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add Gerrit 3.10 image builds and testing
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add Gerrit 3.10 upgrade testing
clarkbonce the deploy jobs for ^ are done (they will rpomote images) we should check the wandertracks repos were created properly then we can proceed to restart16:15
clarkbfungi: one thing that came up last friday during the upgrade was we should give people some warning so they can save review comments and finish up thoughts. So maybe we do a #status notice with a 15 minute warning16:16
clarkbthe deploy jobs ran were all successful.16:29
clarkbI see wandertracks repos in gitea with .gitreview files implying the gerrit project creation was successful:
clarkbshould we do a #status notice now and then restart in about 15 minutes?16:30
fungiclarkb: i'm about to step out to run some quick errands. maybe we give a one-hour warning?16:40
fungii'll be back in plenty of time for that16:40
clarkbsure something like #status notice Gerrit will be restarted at aroung 17:45 UTC to pick up some small image updates16:43
clarkbfungi: ^ that sound good to you?16:43
clarkbI'll fix the "aroung" type16:43
* fungi will bbiab16:43
clarkb#status notice Gerrit will be restarted at around 17:45 UTC to pick up some small image updates16:44
opendevstatusclarkb: sending notice16:44
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be restarted at around 17:45 UTC to pick up some small image updates16:44
opendevstatusclarkb: finished sending notice16:46
Guest8493clarkb: if you get bored (haha) feel like adding me to wandertracks-core and waterwanders-core?16:59
clarkbya give me a minute to load keys17:02
clarkbGuest8493: should be done now17:05
Guest8493thank you sir!!!17:05
clarkbopendevorg/gerrit   3.9       afd543ba48a1 <- this is the image we are currently running17:23
clarkbI've started a root screen on review0217:24
clarkb is the image we expect to update to whcih we'll check after doing the pull17:25
clarkbnew image is pulled and matches ^17:38
fungiokay, i'm back17:38
clarkbthe process at this point should be a docker-compose down, mv the waiting queue dir aside, docker-compose up -d17:39
clarkbI'm ready to run through that in ~5 minutes17:40
clarkbit is 1745 now. I'm proceeding as planned17:45
clarkbweb ui is up, but slow (thats normal)17:46
clarkbstill waiting on diffs to be available (also normal)17:46
clarkbthe reported version in the error log and in the web ui is what I expected based on the test job logs17:46
fungiPowered by Gerrit Code Review (3.9.5-13-gb4c6cb91d9-dirty)17:47
clarkbdiffs are working on at least one chagne for me now too. All of my initial checks are good. I think the only other major thing would be to check that changes can be pushed up17:47
clarkbgmann just pushed a governance change so that checks out17:48
fungiyeah, so far everything looks fine to me17:48
fungigerritbot also reported it17:48
clarkbthe other thing on my backlog is frickler how strongly did you feel about the suggested different approach? I'm msotly wanting to do the least friction fix possible but your suggestion might make a good followup?17:49
gmanndid I help something in testing :P17:51
clarkbgmann: yes you helped confirm that we can still push files to gerrit after doing a container image update17:52
*** Guest8598 is now known as dhill18:07
*** dhill is now known as Guest890918:07
clarkbmy recent email to openstack-discuss still took 8 minutes so we haven't fixed that issue I don't think. Time to look at the verp stuff18:09
clarkbI'm going to shutdown the screen on review02 now18:11
fungiclarkb: looking at headers, exim got it from mailman within 10 seconds of mailman receiving your post, but exim didn't hand it off to my mta for a further 7m50s, so any tuning we need to do to speed things up is presumably on the exim side18:13
fungilooking at the exim mainlog for that message id:18:16
fungi2024-06-07 18:01:37 1sFduD-00FttR-Vv no immediate delivery: more than 10 messages received in one connection18:16
fungithe next mention of that message id in /var/log/exim4/mainlog is at 18:09:2418:16
fungier, queue id not message id18:17
fungibut yeah, grepping the log for the queue id, it first arrives to the mta for handoff to mailman at 18:01:2718:18
clarkbwhich goes to what corvus said about increasing the number of deliveries per connection18:18
fungithough as far as mailman splitting up what it hands back to exim, looks like message id ended up with 164 different corresponding outbound queue ids18:28
fungiimplying mailman may have split it up into that many copies with different recipient sets, i guess?18:29
clarkbrather than one connection to send 10 then another connection to do 10 and so on?18:30
fungii guess the exim log message is misleading and triggers at >=10 rather than strictly >1018:45
fungiMailman will send as many MAIL FROM/RCPT TO as it needs. It may result in more than 10 or 100 messages sent in one connection, which will exceed the default value of Exim's smtp_accept_queue_per_connection This is bad because it will cause Exim to switch into queue mode and severely delay delivery of your list messages. The way to fix this is to set mailman's SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION18:52
fungi(in ~mailman/Mailman/ to a smaller value than Exim's smtp_accept_queue_per_connection18:52
fungilooks like something is causing mailman's max-recipients default of 10 to trigger exim's SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION limit of 10, perhaps by accident (seems like the value in mailman was chosen intentionally to avoid this problem in exim)18:53
fungiso we could increase one or decrease the other, or increase them both but one more than the other...18:54
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Mark source repos as safe in install-ansible-role
Clark[m]We could set exim to say 150 and mailman to 125 and satisfy the rules? Or maybe just bump exim to 11 and see if that fixes things?19:03
fungi"these go to eleven"19:09
fungii'm open to opinions on what a good batch size should be, but also finding it odd that when mailman is configured to send in batches of 10 exim complains that it got "more than 10" as opposed to "10 or more"19:10
fungigrepping queue id 1sFduD-00FttR-Vv from /var/log/exim4/mainlog seems to indicate there were only 10 recipients, which implies the counting error is on exim's end19:13
Clark[m]Could just be an off by one problem. But maybe we set exim to something clearly bigger than mailman and avoid it by some margin19:17
fungilooks like overriding smtp_accept_queue_per_connection to 0 disables that behavior too19:22
fungibut yeah, seems like there may be an undocumented (unknown? bug?) discrepancy, since the config documentation at claims:19:23
fungiThis option limits the number of delivery processes that Exim starts automatically when receiving messages via SMTP, whether via the daemon or by the use of -bs or -bS. If the value of the option is greater than zero, and the number of messages received in a single SMTP session exceeds this number, subsequent messages are placed in the queue, but no delivery processes are started. This helps to19:23
fungilimit the number of Exim processes when a server restarts after downtime and there is a lot of mail waiting for it on other systems. On large systems, the default should probably be increased, and on dial-in client systems it should probably be set to zero (that is, disabled).19:23
fungithe documentation does indicate it has a default value of 1019:24
clarkbthe main reason to not just let it grow unbound is due to potential for being flagged as a spammer?19:46
clarkbif so then ya maybe we bump it up to some reasonable number like 50 and see if mailman is happier then bump mailman up to 45?19:46
fungiyeah, seems like an okay value to me20:20
clarkbJust got email (looks like only I was included) indicating the openmetal cloud is ready for us21:00
clarkbthey gave a link to the location with some credentials but that seems to be behind an auth wall (good!) and i'm nto sure how to login properly there. I'll email and ask21:01
clarkblooks like they sent invites out to the email addrs we provided (mine ended up in the spam folder so check yours). We should be able to get started via that process and then that will give us access to the cloud via the management system21:10
fungithere was a completion e-mail sent to the root alias yesterday, i found it in the spam folder a few hours ago and moved it to the normal inbox21:58
clarkbthat was separate and I think part of the deplyoment process22:15

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