Monday, 2024-06-10

opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Remove get_md5 parameter from stat module.
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel07:01
clarkblooks like the cloud launcher playbook fix was landed. Has anyone checked if that has allowed things to run successfully? I'll be checking shortly myself15:08
clarkbI'm also starting to put an openmetal bootstrap todo list together here: as I'm slightly worreid with everything else going on and then me popping out for almost a week in a few days I may not get through it all myself15:09
fricklerclarkb: looks like it is still failing, seems we need to mark /home/zuul/src/ as safe instead15:12
clarkbI wondered about that. I found evidence elsewhere that marking the top level dir was fine btu maybe it depends on the action (clone vs other commands?)15:13
clarkbfrickler: thanks for checking I can update shortly15:13
fricklerclarkb: I also created a test account on openmetal last week to test some basic functionality, that looked good to me15:16
fricklerI'm wondering whether we'd also (or primarily?) want to use that cloud for nested-virt labels, given that we have more control over it than for other clouds and we seem to have more than enough RAM available15:17
clarkbyes I think that is an option availbale to us as we spin things up15:17
frickleror in the other direction discuss how much CPU overbooking we could/want to do15:18
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Mark .git dirs safe when marking ansible roles safe for git
clarkbfrickler: ^ something like that?15:18
frickleralso do we want to use local storage or boot from volume? didn't check yet how it is set up by default15:18
clarkbI think the way it worked previously was that it was "local" but all backed by ceph? rather than explicit boot from volume15:20
clarkbya I know the cloud storage is aggregated by ceph and I can't find any evidence in our nodepool configs that we were doing explicit boot from volume so instead I think it was transparent to us that ceph was backing the nodes15:21
clarkbfwiw I really don't like boot from volume for a number of reasons. Primary one for nodepool use cases is that when nodes fail to delete we can't delete the image tied to its volume. But other reasons include rescuing may or may not work and if it does work you have to know the magic incantation to set the appropriate microversion15:22
clarkbI think boot from volume is a really nice idea on paper, but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired15:22
fricklerwell I actually meant root volume on ceph vs. root volume on local storage. seems the cloud is now set up to do the former, which all 7 hosts running a ceph OSD, so some kind of converged setup, which may have performance issues. we can start with that anyway, but may want to reconsider if we see issues15:28
clarkbgot it. I think that was how it was configured previously. We've definitely seen iops issues in some clouds but I don't think the previous inmotion one was one. ++ to keeping an eye on it though15:33
fricklerI'm also not sure whether running nodepool instances on the controllers is something we'd want to do at all. running the mirror node there should be fine, though15:40
clarkbany opinion on whether or not we should use the default ubuntu qcow2 (converted to raw) image or the kvm optimized one?15:41
clarkbfrickler: ya I think we can just add more nodes to the host aggregate if we make that decision. But again we did that before and it was mostly ok expcet for where it conflicted with the mirror node15:41
clarkbIt looks like they preseed the cloud with ubuntu images now but I like the idea of uploading a more current one ourselves while we get started15:42
clarkbcuriously noble doesn't have a kvm optimized kernel image option15:45
clarkbI went with the kvm opitmized option for jammy though15:45
fungii wonder if that was a kernel backport for jammy and noble's just doesn't need optimizing for kvm due to being newer15:51
clarkbthe horizon create an image wizard doesn't explain the difference between private, shared, community, and public... Also there is no progress meter16:10
clarkbI would've had to look all that up anyway if using the cli so not a huge deal but a missed opportunity maybe16:10
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Mark .git dirs safe when marking ansible roles safe for git
tonybNow we wait ~10.5 hours and see if it ^^ worked16:13
clarkbya or if I end up being fast (I doubt I will be) landing an update to the bastion vars to configure the new cloud may also trigger it sooner16:14
clarkbbut I have a meeting this morning then need to get some exercise before it is too hot and also have to prep for tomorrows meetings... so maybe unlikely I'll move that quickly. We'll see16:14
clarkbgood reminder to update the meeting agenda with anything you'd like to add. I can add the openmetal stuff when I get around to it later today16:15
tonybI can work through the bootstrap list while I wait for runs of the mediawiki stuff16:15
clarkbtonyb: cool I'm currently working on the image uploads myself16:16
clarkbjammy is uploading and then I'll do noble next16:16
tonybOkay cool.16:16
clarkbcreating the new accounts and updating secrets files and all that is probably the next thing. I was going to cross check against what we have already in place for inmotion and do something similar16:17
tonybOkay I can look at that.16:17
fricklerI'm also concerned at bit about data for our cloud being sent to datadog, at least I received an invite from them but don't intend to pick that up. did openmetal do that or did we opt into it? (I did see openmetal does offer that as an option in their dashboard)16:20
clarkbfrickler: I think that was done for us16:21
clarkbwe can definitely followup and ask if disabling that is an option. I agree that it seems unlikely we'll use it16:21
fungii also doubt we'll use it, on the other hand i don't think we do anything secret in there so other than the risk of exposing things like admin credentials for that specific cloud or introducing unexpected backdoors, it's probably not actively harmful16:47
fungion balance, i agree disabling it if possible is the safer option, but if it's very important to the donors that it stay enabled i don't strongly object16:48
clarkbI'm beginning to wonderif this image upload is going to fail. Its been almost an hour. We shall see17:02
tonybclarkb: That does seem to be excessive :/17:03
fricklerI mostly upload images from somewhere local to the target cloud to avoid slow uplinks17:05
clarkbit just finished so I was worried unnecessarily17:05
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM Testing did docker/moby break something?
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Urlencode git url in prepare-workspace-git
fricklerfyi you can do ". /opt/omi-cli/bin/activate" and ". /etc/kolla/" and then use osc locally on the .213 server17:12
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add an opendev specific build of mediawiki
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
tonybfrickler, fungi:  If either of you have time can you have a look at: 920760: Add golang based docker compose tool. |
tonybWith the mediawiki install I'm working on I have 2 apache processes "outer" on the host, and "inner" inside the container.  I did this as I thought it'd give us a place to add additional filters incase of bad actors.  I'm starting to wonder if this isn't adding complexity for little to no value.  Can we just expose the apache running in the container to the world?17:32
clarkbwe could. I think we do similar with at least one other service (meetpad with nginx)17:32
clarkband since it is php you basiclly have to have an apache in the container right?17:33
fungior use something like fastcgi17:33
tonybI believe so.  I *think* in theory there is a setup that'd let FPM or other accelerators work with apache on the host and PHP/mediawiki in a container17:34
clarkbI think we can keep it simple and just go with we know works. Even if that means two apaches17:35
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add an opendev specific build of mediawiki
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
bbezakHi. I've got a question how ansible is installed on zuul nodes. ansible-galaxy is not installed? Or maybe it is in different location. (on the current node it is ansible 2.15.12 and it should have ansible-galaxy):18:10
bbezak[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'ansible-galaxy'18:10
bbezakI'd like to use newer community.docker collection due too
bbezakand I don't want to invoke another ansible inside current ansible executor (however that is also an option)18:10
clarkbbbezak: managing collections and roles via galaxy is not possible in the root zuul ansible env. You can expose thigns through the repos involved in the job, but thats it. Otherwise you need to use a nested ansible18:13
bbezakthat's what I thought, thx clarkb18:14
clarkbwe use nested ansible with quite a bit of success doing testing of the deployment configuration management for services like zuul and gerrit and so on.18:14
bbezakyeah, us too in Kolla world18:14
bbezakhowever here it is simple playbook that was running in periodics job to push kolla images to registry, so it wasn't need to be nested18:15
clarkbbbezak: if the newer version is available in ansible 9 you could opt into using that for the jobs18:18
clarkbthe default is still 8 but 9 is now available.18:18
opendevreviewAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: mirror-workspace-git: urlencode src_dir
bbezakit looks like it is in ansible 10 clarkb -
clarkbya the issue mentioend it might be going into a 9 release too18:40
clarkbzuul doesn't have 10 yet18:40
fungibbezak: also, to be absolutely clear, zuul doesn't install ansible onto job nodes (your job could install a copy of ansible on them, but that would be a nested ansible like clarkb described)18:40
fungithe ansible which interprets your job playbooks is in a venv on the zuul executor servers, invoked from an isolated sandbox container18:41
clarkbinfra-root the noble image appears to have uploaded but then it also auto logged my session out. The file size looks right though so I'm going to assume it succeeded then logged me out.18:41
clarkbif we discover the image isn't functional later we can always do it again from a local location for higher bw18:42
clarkbwith that stuff done I'm going to pop out now for a bike ride. I'll be back to work on the infra meeting agenda and contineu with openmetal stuff18:44
opendevreviewAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: mirror-workspace-git: urlencode src_dir
bbezakthx for clarification fungi19:14
bbezakindeed clarkb - community.docker could be bumped in next minor ansible 9 too, but not yet though -
opendevreviewAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: mirror-workspace-git: urlencode src_dir
opendevreviewAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: mirror-workspace-git: urlencode src_dir
opendevreviewAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: urlencode src_dir
clarkbas a heads up I have a dentist appointment 2 hours before our meeting tomorrow. I should make it back home with plenty of time to spare judging on previous dentist visit timing.20:54
tonyb  This just `openstack user create ... ` x 2 right?20:55
fungijust as long as you haven't grown any extra teeth recently20:55
tonybWe don't need the accounts in a seperate project etc20:55
fungitonyb: we normally use two projects so that they can have separate quotas and other resources20:55
clarkbtonyb: yes in separate projects please20:55
clarkband for chosen passwords we tend to use long alnum strings because specail chars and config management don't always play nice20:56
fungie.g. deleting all server instances nodepool can see won't break the mirror server20:56
clarkbI do pwgen -s 32 1 or similar iirc20:56
clarkbI've done a first pass editing the meeting agenda. fungi I almost certainly used the wrong terminology for the verp stuff. Happy to amend that if you point me at the correct terms21:04
fungiclarkb: looks good enough to me21:05
clarkbcool I'll take it21:05
fungithe actual names for the config options are sort of all over the place anyway21:05
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
clarkbmeeting agenda has been sent23:01

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