Wednesday, 2024-06-12

opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add OpenMetal to cloud-launcher
fungiBuild succeeded (deploy pipeline).00:48
fungioh, that was the other change, this hasn00:49
fungi't deployed yet00:49
fungideployment reported 5 minutes ago01:10
Clark[m]Looks like it succeeded so in theory we're good to start using the cloud now01:38
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Disabling CentOS Stream 8 jobs
rpittaummm probably need to disable the functional tests too07:14
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Disabling CentOS Stream 8 jobs
corvusdoes anyone else's "modify attention set" field in the gerrit reply dialog (if you expand it) look like this?
fungicorvus: i'm not super familiar with the gerrit webui myself, but if i use the global reply button on a change and then edit the attention set, that's what it looks like to me too14:45
fungiprobably missing an icon there?14:45
fungior some sort of rendering problem anyway, like a label bleeding into the content14:46
fungilooks like clicking it still does what it should, so just a cosmetic problem i guess14:46
fungii'm guessing that the barred double-headed vertical arrow icon is all that's supposed to be shown, _*_UP is an internal identifier maybe, and COLLAPSE is supposed to be a hover tooltip?14:47
corvusyeah... i wonder if it's something with the fonts in our build?14:51
fungioh, could it be related to the change to disable loading remote webfonts?14:52
corvusi think "Collapse" is supposed to be there as text, but _*_UP is supposed to be an icon "expand_circle_up" which... well, that is what is displayed now that i look at it14:57
corvus is what it is on gerrit's gerrit14:59
corvusthe html looks the same, so i'm guessing something is missing or incorrect in the js bundle or font or something14:59
clarkbwe didn't land any changes to modify fonts15:04
clarkbI decided to defer that as it wasn't a regression15:04
clarkbit could be a bug in 3.9 builds that is not present in master builds15:04
corvus++ might just be worth keeping an eye out for the next time we build something15:05
fungiheading out to grab a quick lunch since the weather's nice enough that the tourists will be on the beach rather than mobbing the restaurants. bbiab15:31
clarkbha thats a fun strategy15:34
fricklertonyb: my understanding of the status in is that it is waiting for someone to verify that the bug is actually fixed on noble. so if you could actually test that on some node by installing the pkgs from -proposed that would be great to help make progress15:43
tonybfrickler: Okay that's good to know.  I'll look at that.16:01
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: [DNM] Switch mailman role to use docker compose v2
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/git-review master: Stop setting a default topic on new changes
fungii want to say someone (maybe me?) already has a change up for that16:53
corvushah, i did look!16:53
fungino, i guess i never did push one16:53
corvusi would be happy to abandon and review if there is16:53
fungii think we just talked about it a lot a few years ago and it seemed like people weren't thrilled about breaking that feature16:53
fungibut i'm definitely in favor16:54
corvusanyway, i figure we should think about getting that in the pipeline, cause i think we might be sort of behind the times in terms of what gerrit expects now (now that they've changed the meaning of topic)16:54
fungiagreed. i guess the last time we discussed it heavily was around
fungiand then brought us a little closer still16:57
fungiyeah, i commented on that one that it gave us a clearer path toward deprecating autotopic, but i guess we never followed up to do that16:58
corvusyeah, this feels like the last step in a series :)16:58
fungi shows a lot of the struggle around that feature, tbh17:00
clarkbI'm not sure if anyone else has this problem, but despite buying it by the case back when fry's still existed (and honestly long before they closed) its always a scavenger hunt to find a can of compressed air/co2/whatever goes into those cans17:00
corvusthe only thing i didn't do in that change is let people turn autotopic back on.  but at this point, if people are really attached to that, i think we should have a conversation about learning to love life without topics because of the way gerrit has changed their meaning.  :)17:01
fungisome years back i bought a handheld "gun" that blows co2 through a fine nozzle, takes standard co2 cartridges17:01
corvusclarkb: i just went to costco for the first time in like 3 years and was very disappointed they had no compressed air!17:01
corvuswhat is even the point of costco without compressed air?17:02
fungia box full of those cartridges takes a lot less room on the shelf than aerosol cans of "compressed air"17:02
clarkbfungi: neat, I have been keeping those little co2 cartridges around for emergency bike tire inflation. Maybe I should double up their utility17:02
corvusbut yes, i too am on my last can. i guess i should look for fungi's thing.17:02
fungii have no idea what it was called, but i'm sure with the right keywords a search will turn up lots of options17:03
corvusalso i live in a small house with small closets, and the space taken up by the cans of compressed air is already in use by something else, so i guess i really only have space for the small co2 cartridges now.  :)17:03
clarkbthe naive google results return bb guns that operate on those catridges17:03
corvusfungi: yes, i will go google for air guns, wcpgw17:03
fungiit's super compact, barely larger than a co2 cartridge plus a trigger/valve and a stem for directing the blast where you want17:03
fungias you can probably imagine, it doesn't need to be any more complicated than that17:04
fungithe only downside to the one i have is that it's a bit leaky, so if you leave it sitting around for 6mos with a full cartridge, it will depressurize and you'll need to refill17:04
corvussomething like ?
fungii also use the same cartridges in "humane" insta-kill rat traps17:05
fungithat looks fancier than the one i have, but yes basically17:05
fungiyou might want something with a finer nozzle (or you might not, depends on your application)17:06
clarkbac condenstate lines beware17:06
fungithe one i have has a thistle tube about the diameter of the ones you get with a can of wd-40, which is great for getting down inside keyboards17:07
clarkbwhen we had out heat pump installed I had them redo how our condensate line works and even though we had the coldest temps in a decade this last winter it didn't freeze over. I was very happy17:07
corvusthere we go17:08
fungiyep, that looks almost identical to what i'm using17:09
corvuscan also stock up on reel-to-reel leader and splicing tape17:09
fungihow's that drive-in theater restoration project coming along? ;)17:10
corvusooh also this has less poison than canned air17:10
fungioh, never mind, that's magtape r2r splicing17:10
fungiso classic recording studio restoration project17:11
fungicorvus: yes, and the co2 cartridges should be more easily recyclable, in theory17:11
corvusi, um, did just repair my turntable with some ebay parts... so... i guess you got me there.  :)17:11
fungibut the fact that there's no propellant is great17:11
fungiunless you like to huff aerosol propellant as a way to forget your troubles17:12
fungibut you can always switch to magic markers and rubber cement17:12
corvusi picked a bad week to stop sniffing canned air17:13
fungiroger, roger17:13
clarkbthat site has some neat stuff in their catalog17:14
clarkbneed random thread adaptors? they have you covered. Want to fill your car with nitrogen/argon for track day? covered. Want to set up a theater sounds system? covered17:15
fungiindustrial supply catalogs are a weakness for me17:15
clarkbI wonder if I just found an apt-get bug. It either attempts to connect to ipv6 and then falls back to ipv4 on a host without global ipv6 addrs or its logging the ipv6 addr instead of the ipv4 addr when it connects to the mirror. I would have to strace it or similar to be more sure of what is happening there. But its definitely logging that it is connectiong to an ipv6 address on a17:21
clarkbhost with no global inet6 address to route out via17:21
clarkbthis is on my jammy home fileserver17:21
tonybYesterday I built a new CentOS-9-stream image after verifying that we have the newest kernel in our mirrors but it still got the older kernel17:25
tonybtony@thor:~$ (cd /afs/ ; ls -l */x86_64/os/Packages/kernel-{,headers-}5.14.0-45*)17:25
tonyb-rw-r--r--. 1 10022 root 2681821 May 23 01:26 AppStream/x86_64/os/Packages/kernel-headers-5.14.0-452.el9.x86_64.rpm17:25
tonyb-rw-r--r--. 1 10022 root 2778445 Jun  4 19:23 AppStream/x86_64/os/Packages/kernel-headers-5.14.0-457.el9.x86_64.rpm17:25
tonyb-rw-r--r--. 1 10022 root  914741 May 23 01:25 BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/kernel-5.14.0-452.el9.x86_64.rpm17:25
tonyb-rw-r--r--. 1 10022 root 1012537 Jun  4 19:23 BaseOS/x86_64/os/Packages/kernel-5.14.0-457.el9.x86_64.rpm17:25
tonyb(also yay for kAFS on my laptop)17:26
tonybthe I guess I could verify the repodata17:27
clarkbya could it be an index issue not pointing to the new file?17:29
fungialso possible dib isn't actually using our mirror17:29
clarkbfungi: oh it isn't?17:29
fungii don't know, just thinking of possibilities17:29
tonybOkay I'll poke more17:29
clarkboh sorry you said its possible and I skipped right over that somehow17:30
fungiyeah, make sure it's actually hitting the mirror, and that the index it's pulling actually refers to the kernel package version we expect17:30
jrosserclarkb: I think I saw that same apt-get ipv6 behaviour also today17:55
clarkbjrosser: neat17:56
fungiit's somewhat sad to think about having actually worked on ipv6 routing for networks over two decades ago and still not being able to assume you'll have it on a new network18:06
clarkbmy isp finally started offering it but only to people on their 10gbe plans so far. Sounds like it should roll out globally for the rest of their customers eventually though18:07
clarkband I'm too lazy to run a tunnel when that means coming up with routing rules for netflix et al as they don't like tunnels18:08
fungiyeah, i had a v6 tunnel from my firewall to hurricane electric for ages, and i maintained custom routing carve-outs for things that started balking at tunnel endpoints. but finally my broadband provider added it (and dhcp6 with prefix delegation!), so i'm pretty happy now. it's even reasonably stable these days18:19
fungimy firewall can request additional global network assignments and then dynamically assign them to internal interfaces18:19
fungiso i get network separation and global routing for things on different vlans in my home network18:20
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Block broken version of filelock from installing
tonybAny objection to me running: # sudo /usr/launcher-venv/bin/launch-node --cloud opendevzuul-openmetal --region IAD3 --az reserved --flavor opendev-mirror --image 'Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)' mirror01.iad3.openmetal.opendev.org21:04
tonybto make us a mirror node in the new cloud?21:04
clarkbtonyb: none from me. I was going to try and track down how to use the host aggregate and I guess we just schedule to the reserved az for that? that is easy. Note I uploaded a very recent ubuntu jammy image that you may want to use instead (it has opendev in the image name)21:05
fungicommand lgtm, though i also don't know the extent to which availability zones influence host aggregate scheduling decisions21:07
fungimakes sense though21:07
tonybclarkb: That's me guess WRT to the reserved AZ21:07
clarkbya I think it is a correct guess21:08
clarkbI was just worried we would need to do something more complicated than that21:08
tonybthat az is limited to a single host BUT that host is also listed in the unnamed default az21:08
tonybso I think we may want to keep an eye on the placement of nodes "just in case".21:09
fungiindeed, it was a problem on the previous iteration of that cloud21:09
tonybclarkb: how much difference is the in the OpenDev vs Ubuntu Jammy images?21:09
clarkbtonyb: the image I uploaded is from liek a week ago and is using the kvm optimized kernels. I haven't booted the cloud supplied image to know if theirs is also kvm optimized. But I expect it to be a bit older (we'll update either way as part of the luanch node process)21:10
tonybOkay Booting that one21:14
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/ master: Add new openmetal mirror
tonybGah I should have added the LE stuff for those records21:35
tonybI confused myself with the LE for the openmetal VIP21:36
tonybI'll finish that off tomorrow21:36
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/ master: Add new openmetal mirror
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add openmetal mirror node to the inventory
corvusthat virtualenv lock thing is (unsurprisingly) having some wider fallout.  here's a zuul image build job that failed due to it:
Clark[m]They pulled the broken release so rerunning stuff should resolve it.23:43
corvuscool, i will recheck the huge stack then :)23:43

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