Friday, 2024-06-14

fungilooks like uploading is in progress now00:17
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh05:38
fungia few images seem to have uploaded successfully, the rest are retrying with very short timers. i haven't looked closely yet but wonder if we gave glance enough room to store them all?13:01
fricklerI hope glance is using ceph, which should have plenty of room, but I didn't check that13:01
frickleralso maybe check temporary storage on the controllers13:02
fungido our sysadmin ssh accounts not exist on the cloud servers i guess? ip addresses for them are in the passwords list but no mention of how to ssh into them there15:38
fungifor the physical servers i mean15:38
fungiaha, our keys are authorized for the root user15:40
funginodepool.exceptions.BuilderInvalidCommandError: Unable to find image file of type raw for id 3c968fce6bb94ea68f720d6b6c368a8f to upload15:43
fungimaybe this is an unforeseen result of our image pruning!15:43
fungiin which case we just need to wait a day or two for the older image builds to age out15:44
fungibut that would explain why it took so long to finally get a few images uploaded, those are the ones which were auto-rebuilt since the config for the cloud got added15:45
fungisince some of our images don't get rebuilt more often than weekly, those may take a while to update and upload15:46
fungiinfra-root: ^ not urgent, but an observation worth some mulling over to figure out how/if we want to address15:47
fungiworst case, we do nothing and accept that adding new clouds takes a week or so to settle out15:48
fungior we restore the raw versions manually with qemu-img convert from the qcow2 copies15:48
fungisince this is an eventually-consistent scenario and our more commonly-used images will be available there by the end of the weekend, i'm inclined to just wait15:50
fungiwe could also force new image builds to occur ahead of schedule, if anyone thinks that's worth the additional effort15:51
fungistill not very immediate, but might get some of them uploaded sooner15:52
fricklerfungi: you can manually trigger builds15:55
fricklerbut maybe if you can start testing with jammy or so that will be good enough, too?15:56
fungiyeah, i mentioned manually triggering new image builds as a middle-ground16:01
fungiif we're in more of a hurry16:02
fungiwe don't have jammy uploaded yet, the only ubuntu there so far is bionic16:03
fungialso rocky 8 and openeuler16:03
fungii'll trigger a jammy image build for now if one's not already in progress16:04
fungiran `nodepool image-build ubuntu-jammy` on nb0116:07
fungiubuntu-jammy-91dd602703d747e6ae7d6d07702d3aa8 on nb02 is the build to watch16:08
fungibuilding | 00:02:12:3818:20
fungihoping it's done soon18:20
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed opendev/git-review master: Suggest --no-thin based on error output
fungithat image build completed a little over an hour ago, but i don't see it uploading to openmetal-iad3 yet. i'll check the logs19:43
fricklerfyi ansible-core 2.17 is ooming for both osa and k-a it seem, though the issue is to be fixed already in the latest stable-2.17 branch, not sure when zuul is meant to include ansible 10 support?
fungipossible the jammy upload is queued behind others due to serialization, so i'll give it a little longer19:49
fungiin theory /opt/nodepool_dib/ubuntu-jammy-91dd602703d747e6ae7d6d07702d3aa8.raw is what it should eventually try to upload19:50

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